Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 31 August 2023

Railway ticket change

My name is Sara Jane Gorman, I am special needs and I face Anixety and Depression. I am learning disability and mental health awareness trainer. Like most of us, I woke up to find on the news, if I havent misunderstood about all if not most railway ticket offices are closing. The change will be if I am right ordering our tickets online, where not everyone knows how, mainly vunable people such as the disabled and eldely people. It's understandable that there cannot be IT courses in everything no one knows completely everything IT, however' I understand there maybe some positves as well negative the change where most people face postives and negatives, other may say one or the other, feel free to tell your views, experince etc, which may you or and someone you support, care for etc. However'if you are commenting on be half of someone, make sure have their permission, if they say no or say one or the other dont comment on their behalf. In the west Midlands, the disabled people have three disabled bus passes and we can travel by rail, bus and tram around the West Midland but no further. I am sure how pension bus passes work. In the week we can travel three from half past night, Saturday all day, not sure about other parts of the UK though. It is not possible to suit everyone's needs but accessabity needs to improve, the only way to learn that is find out from those who face the difficulties. This is example other things too such as most shops that self service, cash machines etc most people may stuggle as much as they have their positives too for most people.

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