Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 21 August 2023

The writing Journal

It was the hot part of the day 11th July 2018, sunbathing on the patio in New York. Sweat was pumping out of me as if I had a 100 mile run. Yet I hadn’t done a thing.I should have been happiest girl alive and goodness knows why I was at one of my lowest. To this day I don’t know myself why but still I don’t think that feeling lasted that long, but how short now I cannot remember. Since 2018, a lot of time has passed. Here I was thinking thinking to myself where my mind was talking to me like my head someone else that doesn’t stop or I can’t think anything at all. Yet I can’t seem too write things down in a way that makes sense to the world, I just enjoy writing, even though I will be honest I am a rubbish writer but I am not that I not excepting anyone to say I am a good writer, like I just enjoy writing. Everything seems clear in the mind but struggle to say clear paper. However’ whether I get published or not nothing stops me writing. Thank you very much everyone for your patience and support reading my blog whether you comment on what I write or not. As well as a writing journey, it has been a learning journey as well. I guess why I am still there is because I have had spells I have written and stopped, maybe because I times my work is, then it goes rubbish, I lose confidence. I should keep writing despite of my ups and downs to improve and I must promise myself now. There are times I need support and time I don’t get a lot of support and I don’t except to but areas I need support on, it is not there but I keep bouncing back. Many people say that a writer’s life can be a mixture of easy and hard but those who have interest it can be enjoyable. Not sure what makes me give in and up in myself, I write my poetry and drop them again. I am no expert but there seems to be far too much technology in the world where it over powers life and over loads our brains. Forgetting one’s mobile phone or any other IT device, seems to be the end of the world and one time we didn’t have so many IT devices. Why do we have different time zones round the world? Where does time from and why does it fly too fast? Even the weather has changed to what it was, why? In Britain I remember a time on the whole when we had six months of sunshine and six months of snow, rain and more into seasons spring, summer, autumn and winter. Now it is mostly on the whole anything goes as far as the weather is concerned. Some say it is gobble warning or the jet stream etc, who knows? With winds, fires, storms, earthquakes and more. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/world-of-change/global-temperatures As a for time zone, as a child I am not why this is but I had a bond with clocks to a point I used to take them to bed with me. What a very strange child I was. Whether it has anything to do with my Autism or not I have no idea. This happened for a fair few years in my early childhood. If we think about it, as a lot of us know the shape of the earth is round, like it is with most clocks and watches as the time ticked round the clock per second, as rotates, it takes 24 hours to rotate on its axis.https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/why-do-we-have-different-time-zones Greenwich Meridian The globe runs from the North Pole crossing to the Pole crossing line of latitude. ‘Example; East country times of the Prime Meridian are always in-front of the UK and West of Prime Meridian is behind. https://www.timeanddate.com/time/time-zones-history.html https://www.seikowatches.com/instructions/html/SEIKO_7B62_7B72_EN/BONDSYmfdsbfps https://www.calendar.com/history-of-the-calendar/ https://www.timeanddate.com/time/uk/time-zone-background.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_time_in_the_United_States https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/date-time-and-time-zone-enhancements-in-net-6/ https://www.joe.co.uk/life/scientists-reveal-the-reason-why-it-feels-like-time-goes-faster-as-you-age-391326 There are enough hours in the day to do what you need and want to do, which is why time flies so fast. I’m not about you but I found time flow fast once I pasted twenty - one before then the future felt a million miles away. Time travels fast the older we get, mind you I find if I do less things or nothing time takes forever. On the whole though as Freddie Mercury used to say. Time waits for no man. https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/think-well/202011/why-time-goes-faster-we-age Lorem Ipsum

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