Saturday 23 July 2016

About Copyright.

I am sorry I didn't understand a long time ago and I don't now if I am but those of us who may not understand this like I don't. I would advice when you add post if you have anything to write, write it in the comment box, which I will from now on, not on top of the post here's the reason why.

About Copyright
In most countries, copyright is a legal right that protects original works of authorship (ex: books, music, art). Generally, copyright doesn’t protect facts and ideas, but it may protect the original words or images that express an idea.
To learn more about the scope of copyright protection, visit the World Intellectual Property Organization's website. For a list of country-specific copyright websites, please visit the WIPO's directory.
Learn more about copyright issues below.
Reporting Copyright Infringements
If you believe someone is using your copyrighted work without your permission, you may wish to fill out this form. You can also contact our designated agent. In that case, please be sure to include a complete copyright claim in your report. Keep in mind that you don’t need a Facebook account to submit a report.
Before you report a claim of copyright infringement, you may want to send a message to the person who posted the content. You may be able to resolve the issue without contacting Facebook.
To report a claim of copyright infringement, fill out this form.
Frequently Asked Questions about Copyright
I want to post something on Facebook, but I'm not sure if it would infringe someone's copyright. What should I do?
Do I own the copyright to something that I filmed from television or a live concert or sporting event on my own camcorder or phone?
How do I know whether my copyright is being infringed by content that someone shared on Facebook?

According to the Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, people on Facebook may not post copyrighted content to Facebook unless they own or are allowed to post the copyrighted content. If someone has posted your original work (ex: photo you took, poem you wrote) without your permission, you may want to seek legal guidance to find out if your rights have been infringed.
Please keep in mind that you don’t own the copyright to a photo just because you appear in it. For example, if someone else takes a photo of you that you don't like and posts it to Facebook, that isn’t a violation of your copyright under most circumstances.

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