Keep the mind busy.
Never do nothing.
Boredom effects the mind.
Boredom makes you feel sad.
There's never any reason to do nothing.
Despite of the country going down money wise not everything costs in life, even though we don't enough to pay for what the country costs.
We must be thankful for what we have got.
I know some of us have less than others but that's life.
One way or another we are all in the same boat.
Money help but it's not all there is to life.
Life would be boring if it was all the same.
We would be too spoil and greedy if we all had our way.
There would be nothing left in the world then we'd be even more sad.
People who want everything all the time are boring and sad people.
People who want something for nothing need to get a life when there are people who loved to work but have good reasons not to.
Be happy for the good things accept the bad things.
Life is what you make it, only you can make bad into good.
If you wait you will get more. 26.4.2012 - 18.6.2012
Guilt and regret.
I just prepared myself for the worst.
What I regret is you having to see and hear my row with him.
I didn't want to creative a row, I know it wasn't nice but I felt I had to speak my mind, I had no other way of telling him.
As weeks would have went on I would have felt even more tense been in his company, this wouldn't have been fare on you and anyone else so I thought I say what I was going to say and not come again.
As much as you and I may miss one another, I though it was far better I stopped going there rather than things getting worse because of me not liking him.
Some people I can accept, if I don't like them depending on what I don't like about them.
He one of the very few people I can't stand sitting in the same room with, otherwise I wouldn't have said anything to him.
To me he has such a dry sense of humor but sorry may be it's just me.
I understand that it's cause us to see even less of one another but I haven't given up on you and me.
I'm so glad that you haven't given up on you and me either.
I will look forward to our time together whenever it will be.
Even if I just see you around for a chat, however short or long amount of time is good enough for me.
It's not just all about me it's about how you feel too.
Missing you may be painful but thinking about you is happiness.
No matter what happens I'm hear to stay, no matter how life is or will be or and may be.
Even though I don't see a lot of you, loving feelings and thoughts inside me won't go away.
Thank you for been there for me whenever you can.
I hope you feel the same way about me too.
To prove how much I loved you, I will carry on accepting whatever life is.
If I had stopped coming without telling you a reason, you may have thought I have gone off with another man.
I love you far too much to love anyone else. 16.5.2012 - 18.6.2012
You give me happiness.
You give me happiness.
You give me light.
You brighten up my day and night when you turn on the light.
Time seemed like forever until I see you again.18.5.2012 - 18.6.2012
No greater feeling than love.
When your happy in love you forget sadness.
Too much love can be so happy that it can turn into sadness.
To know I have you the sun always sun shine.
When I don't see you the sun isn't bright enough.
It always rains without you. 18.5.2012 - 18.6.2012
I thought you'd gone for good.
I was so surprised to see you that night.
You made my light.
How wrong was I to think your feelings had changed towards me because of him.
Please forgive for worrying too much it's part of my disabilities and health problems.
I am glad to know that you still feel the same as I do.
I never thought you'd speak to me again let alone love me again.
I miss you so much but hopefully I will see you next time. 2.6.2012 - 18.6.2012
Looking in the mirror, what do I see?
When times are hard you seem to think they won't get easy but if you give it time some things will others won't.
Not everything can be the same.
You mustn't feel alone because you are not others go through not much different if not the same.
No one can tell you other than you how you think and feel.
They are so right you are so wrong but that's not always the case, there's a slim chance you could be right they could be wrong.
They know it all because they have all been there before.
The truth is unknown, the whole world is blind.
The truth hurts when that's how you don't want to see your life but if you accept something else will turn out better than what you had in the first place.
Feelings and thoughts are hard to control when you want something or someone.
No matter how wrong it may be you can't move until those feelings and thought have, the only way is to let go if you start see it that it isn't right, which the hardest.
It won't get better if it's not working.
I never knew Keats was a poet.
I had never heard of Keats before.
I never knew his heart was broken just like mine but in a different time.
I never knew he'd inspire me to be a poet. I was stronger than I thought. I coped with exams, stress, studying and depression.
As a twenty - seven year old English student I walked along the college library.
What did I see? All I I saw was Keats on a cover of a book looking how I felt at the time.
I read his poetry of broken love, which inspired me because he faced near enough the same as me.
I never knew he wrote about his feelings at that time.
When I look at the picture of him it was as if I saw myself in the mirror.
Until I read his work I had no idea that we had a poetry talent between us.
I was totally unaware what book I was picking up and what to except inside it.
Both of us lived in different times.
I never knew he shared the same subject as me, romance and broken romance.
That's when I knew I wasn't alone. He died of a broken heart,
I didn't but I once thought I was going to. If he hadn't of inspired me,
I believe my talent would have been unknown.
Ode To A Nightingale' is my best poem by John Keats. 21.5.2012
It was a dark time.
Back in October 1996 - August 1997 I drank heavy.
Every time I drank I thought my problems would go away.
Problems were still there the next day.
I thought my loneliness would be there day after day for the rest of my life. I felt as if life wasn't worth living. I couldn't see the wood through the trees.
Near enough twelve months of sadness seemed like a life time for me.
One bright side of John Keats he inspired me to write. John Keats work was the first poetry I came across in 1997 at the age of 27. 21.5.2012
Wake up.
Wake up, life would be boring there was happiest every morning.
Good and bad things can happen without a warning.
Do not dream, wish and hear things that don't happen.
You can't have your own way everyday.
The truth is how it is whether you want to hear it or not. 13.8.2012 - 17.8.2012
I could never do up my buttons.
I could never do up my laces.
I could never clean my teeth how they should be cleaned.
My moth is too small with too many teeth, food just get's everywhere it always has but I love it.
Exercise is hard to access when you have Dyspraxia.
I can't catch or throw a ball.
I couldn't even open a tin with a tin opener but then I discovered how to use the old fashioned tin openers after.
I love going to the pub, I'm useless with money then I over spend.
I have never been very good at maths.
I am more could with English and words but I even get confused there because of my Dyslexicia.
In a poem I can express my disabilities in a poem better than I can to people.
I am more skills with my writing and raising learning disability awareness than everyday living skills. 13.8.2012 - 17.8.2012
Wolverhampton City.
Either dead as a door nail or full of crime.
This city was once a lovely town.
I still see it as town, it's too small to be a town in my eyes.
Beggars picking nub ends off the streets and begging people for money.
This shows how Britain is getting weak.
Britain is too over crowded, we are spending money we can't affront.
What has happened to Great Britain that's just Britain?
The council has wasted money on a bus station that doesn't get used because not all the buses go there.
Most of the buses are messed around around the town or should I say city?
It's hard to say what will the future of Britain will be.
Today's children don't know what's right from wrong, which causes crime, how will their children learn right from wrong?
Too many prisons full up and too many people committing crime.
Life should be the time for crime.
There are computers, internet, iPod s, mobile phones and the world is not enough or is it too much?
May be there's too much greed in the world.
There were more smiles on faces when we were just playing snakes and ladders. 13.8.2012 - 17.8.2012
Moon Under Water.
Cheapest pub in Wolverhampton for food and drink.
More people yet very dead.
May be not having any music takes away the atmosphere.
I guess we get what we pay for.
Friday and Saturday nights busiest nights of all.
Young people talking loud, screaming and knocking the shots back, may be I am showing my age.13.8.2012 - 17.8.2012
No central heating.
Cold in classrooms wear our coats in lessons.
Play outside build a snowman and throw snow balls.
Games of Snakes and Ladders, Tidley winks and Frustration.
Get detention and lines if you were naughty.
The slap off the rulers didn't do us any harm.
Coal and gas fire.
Telephone boxes if no landlines.
Long walks in the snow to make phone calls.
Kids walking to school for miles whatever the weather.
Less traffic on the roads.
Prices were cheaper when look back compared with today. 13.8.2012 - 17.8.2012
Time to keep strong.
It's not just about my feelings, it's about your feelings too.
If enough is enough just let me know, even though I think so much of you I will leave you alone.
You don't have to give reasons why when I can work them out for myself, no one is in the wrong.
Sorry for what I have done.
I speak my mind and I speak the truth.
However you feel I need to know so if your feelings don't match with mine I can get on with my life.
If only I knew what is going through your mind.
Don't be scared to tell me it's not as if I haven't been there before.
Sorry if things didn't work out if they haven't at least we tried.
May be things didn't work out to what we hoped.
As hard as it is I had to be honest to you, I couldn't have lied to you.
All I know is that I miss you so much. 12.10.12
You turn on and off like a light.
I can take no more of your pain, your mind turns on and off like a light.
One minute your mind is rain then it shines.
I never know how long your mine,
If I take anymore of your change of mind, I will blew the fuse and go out of my mind.
You change like the weather winter, summer and spring.
If the water catches wires it will pull out the fire.
If I let you carry on, I will blow a storm that will rise to fire, 30.10.2012
Winter is coming.
The winter is coming; the cold is coming without you.
Dark mornings and dark nights as the cold frost bites into the morning light.
The days are shorter and the nights are longer without you.
Six mouth of winter go on forever after the clocks go back.
Time seems late than what it is because winter is so dark.
The cold is longer without you. 30.10.2012
Moving forward.
The door has closed but it's too cold yet for other doors to open.
It doesn't seem as if there are anymore doors to open as I have walked through them all.
If there' anymore doors to open they will open in the spring ready for the summer.
Walk into Autumn doors will close for winter.
The future is an unknown world. 30.10.2012
The stormy sea.
The boats are sinking as the tide goes in and out as people shout floating about.
Most people dream of living near the sea you see.
The sea can be a nightmare as well as a dream you sea.
It's not all it cuts out to be you see.
Furniture damage, power cuts and electrically going on and off.
As the sea stops rushing it will calm down in time.
The boats will peacefully float.
The sun set will rise as it shines surfing, slipping and sliding. 30.10.2012
Washing machine.
It seems as if the world is a big wash out.
The washing machine seemed to be going on forever.
The timer was only set for 30 minutes, as it went on longer.
It stooped just just before I went to the shops.
The door took ages to open as the water came out like a shower onto the floor.
I gabled anything I could to soak up the water quick as I could.
Strangely when I saw the news the same day, the Americans were up to their necks of Super Storm Sandy.
The stormy sea cussing damage to homes, power cuts, electrically going on and off.
Anything, everything and everyone in sight the storm will fright to fight. 30.10.2012
Halloween and Bonfire night.
Halloween and Bonfire night so near together as Halloween gets ready for Bonfire night.
It all happened on two very dark stormy nights not a very nice sight nothing very bright.
The creatures were stirred into the witches' pots for soup on Halloween night ready for Bonfire night.
Both nights were wet, rainy and windy not a pretty sight.
Halloween night is when the witches bite as they fly on their broom and kite.
Witches don't give up without a fright to fight.
Bonfire night is the night when the witches get burned alive on on the bonfire. 1.11.2012
I know the truth hurts.
I know the truth hurts yet there's no one one to blame, which is a good thing.
Never the less the truth hurts to lose your love.
Through non blamed reasons the feelings are hard to go away.
Just because I'm calm with you when I see you it doesn't mean I don't hurt.
May be I'm wrong but all the same I still have a lot of trust in you.
I still want to be your friend even though I can't be your love anymore.
How are you feeling, are you happy or sad to lose me?
I may not have cried or showed any signs of heartache but believe me it's all there.
I'm still strong but my emotions are there whether anyone can see them or not,
I'm coping alone because I've had so many heartaches before now.
All good things come to the end of our love.
To me you were the best better than all the rest and you still are.
If only I knew what was going through your mind,
I wonder how long it's been since you have gone off me. 5.11.2012
My lover has gone forever, my history fellow.
It is time to make up your mind so know whether to move on in my life or not.
It's time to make up my mind.
It's time to live my life to make up my time.
It's time to empty my mind.
I am yours and you are mine.
Now let's have a great time.
Time to go away; I will be back in a few days. 1997 - 2000
To love each other for one another.
We need to take things slowly.
To look at each other and know it's right. 25.4.2002
Our love is far long and too strong to let go of one another.
I have got to know you far too well.
When you broke my heart the pain hurt too hard to talk about.
I treasured the happy memories of having spent happy times together.
Now you are making me happier than you did before.
I used to put on a brave face to show the world I was strong enough to be without you.26.4.2002
Although our love is ended can we please be very close friends?
Even thought we have caused one another so much pain, why can't we be close friends.
The tears I have cried are very hard to explain but it's time to move on to be with the people we really love and be happy.
One must bare the pain the best way because things will never be the same again.
Why make ourselves unhappy by bringing things back how were because we won't win?
We have tried so hard to love one another as lovers it just has not worked the way we wanted it to.
My ring will be on my finger until the day I die.
Heaven will be the place I love again.
Close friends is how you and I will stay forever more. Written September 1997.
No matter what we have put each other through when we were lovers, why can't we be best of friends?
I still love you but as a best male friend.
I can never forget the pain we put one another through.
Life is too short to full out and carry on feeling sad, I am willing to look you in the eye and forget the past.
No matter what happened I find it hard to hate you.
Even if we broke each others' hearts, there’s no hard feeling on my part.
All I want us to be is best of friends, is that far too much to ask?
Through all the time I've known you I have always loved you in anyway you wanted me to.
I was once your lover now we know that it did not work, may be we will be better off as best of friends. 27.2.1999
I needed real friends.
The mistakes I have made are real through my break down when I was 27.
For nearly twelve mouths I was a very heavy drinker.
I drank like a fish seven days and nights a week, shame on me.
I mixed with the wrong people who got me into bother with my drinking but I cut it down when I was ready to.
I caused rows with my family, drank heavy behind and got into rows with other people round me.
I spend all the time worrying about everything.
As soon as I started writing poetry that when I cut down drink I feel more anger about us been apart.15.9.99
Please make my day by coming back to me.
You have pleased me in a lot of ways before.
I hope I have pleased you before: whether you have or not I am pleased to be your girl.
You pleased for the kind of gentleman you were but what's happened to you now?
You will please me even more if you give me a surprise knocking at door.
I wish you will love me forever more.
Please write me a letter!
Please give me a call?
Please at least ask how I am?
This is too much for a woman to ask a man.
Why have you destroyed my heart and leave me so sad and blue?
You played into me because you knew I loved you and you know I still do.
It's so hard to believe what life would be without you, mainly when I am alone and you are with her.
He is just a poor confused man who does not know what he wants in life.
He is a gentle, loving and caring gentleman.
He gave and took the best he could.
I am more grateful with what he had done for me in two and a half years.
He used to be a romantic wild red rose so now that's the best he goes.
Flowers on every birthday card he send me he chose.
He used to make me feel like the lady of his life.
I loved his smile that made my love for him worth while.
He used to be a very wise man.
He gave me so much love that I can't believe that anyone else could replace.
The love I had for him I treasure by my lonely heart.
I know life is life but I wish we were sharing love together in our hearts.
Now those days are over, my heart has to cope with happiness, laughter, joy sadness and tears.
Happy history is not forgotten to me, it's worth being alone until I can move on to love someone better, new and get rid of all the pain I am going through. Written 1997.
I think I am having a breakdown.
I think I am having a nervous break down.
I feel like cracking up, I don't know what to do or where to turn.
I can't see what a head of me is.
Something or someone is pushing me over the edge.
What or and who could it be? 1997 – 2000
Forget the rain and the clouds.
Forget the frost, fog, sleet and snow.
What about the green grass covered in daffodils?
What about a few green leaves on the trees?
What about being warm instead of cold?
What about the bright yellow sun in the deep blue sky?
If that was the case, may are we will be less depressed.
When Christmas is here life is a mess and come January, many people are in debt.
That's when life is not at its best. December 2006
When I am walking outside I wish there were some magic powers to make me disappear up in heaven if there is any such name and place.
Please take me away from this depressing earth?
I would have wings on my arms and flippers on my feet, then up and away I would go.
What will be there for me? Who knows?
I want to run away and hide from the world
I want to say goodbye to earth.
I want to run away from the same old things everyday.
Find a place to hide and die.
If I carry on living in this world I won't be happy because it is depressing towards everyone. December 2006.
When I feel down, I can't be bothered with anything at all.
I can feel down whether I have a reason to or not but not all the time.
I just want to get away from the four walls.
The end of my life seems so far away, how much longer do I have to stay?
I want to live to be old but only when I feel happy again. December 2006
Look at the cold, dull and gray sky that depresses us more!
In the winter the day turns to night far too early. Light turns to dark.
When I go out it's a long way to walk through those block of flats to the bus stop.
Those flats seem a long way when it's dark when I come back home at night.
There are very few street lights as you walk through the dark alleys where you turn right. December 2006
It feels as if it's there for life.
Everyone has good and bad days.
We all can feel down in the dumps at anytime.
We can feel happy anytime but at the moment I am feeling up and down through the day like most people with depression.
A lot of people would say it's all in people's head but you only have to have kind of tragedy and we are out of our minds.
I don't think people are surprised by that because stress kills more than thousands in the world. December 2006
You just don't show love towards me anymore.
Never mind I get paid tomorrow as you seem to want to rid of me.
I may have enough money to buy myself a beer tomorrow night.
I hope to get a job next year and may be a bit of cash one day. December 2006.
If I end my time.
I don't like heights.
I don't like knives.
I like water but not tablets or pill but less painful way to die.
I don't mind what happens to my body as long as I am in peace not pain. December 2006.
It's so easy to take it out on other people.
Never do nothing.
Boredom effects the mind.
Boredom makes you feel sad.
There's never any reason to do nothing.
Despite of the country going down money wise not everything costs in life, even though we don't enough to pay for what the country costs.
We must be thankful for what we have got.
I know some of us have less than others but that's life.
One way or another we are all in the same boat.
Money help but it's not all there is to life.
Life would be boring if it was all the same.
We would be too spoil and greedy if we all had our way.
There would be nothing left in the world then we'd be even more sad.
People who want everything all the time are boring and sad people.
People who want something for nothing need to get a life when there are people who loved to work but have good reasons not to.
Be happy for the good things accept the bad things.
Life is what you make it, only you can make bad into good.
If you wait you will get more. 26.4.2012 - 18.6.2012
Guilt and regret.
I just prepared myself for the worst.
What I regret is you having to see and hear my row with him.
I didn't want to creative a row, I know it wasn't nice but I felt I had to speak my mind, I had no other way of telling him.
As weeks would have went on I would have felt even more tense been in his company, this wouldn't have been fare on you and anyone else so I thought I say what I was going to say and not come again.
As much as you and I may miss one another, I though it was far better I stopped going there rather than things getting worse because of me not liking him.
Some people I can accept, if I don't like them depending on what I don't like about them.
He one of the very few people I can't stand sitting in the same room with, otherwise I wouldn't have said anything to him.
To me he has such a dry sense of humor but sorry may be it's just me.
I understand that it's cause us to see even less of one another but I haven't given up on you and me.
I'm so glad that you haven't given up on you and me either.
I will look forward to our time together whenever it will be.
Even if I just see you around for a chat, however short or long amount of time is good enough for me.
It's not just all about me it's about how you feel too.
Missing you may be painful but thinking about you is happiness.
No matter what happens I'm hear to stay, no matter how life is or will be or and may be.
Even though I don't see a lot of you, loving feelings and thoughts inside me won't go away.
Thank you for been there for me whenever you can.
I hope you feel the same way about me too.
To prove how much I loved you, I will carry on accepting whatever life is.
If I had stopped coming without telling you a reason, you may have thought I have gone off with another man.
I love you far too much to love anyone else. 16.5.2012 - 18.6.2012
You give me happiness.
You give me happiness.
You give me light.
You brighten up my day and night when you turn on the light.
Time seemed like forever until I see you again.18.5.2012 - 18.6.2012
No greater feeling than love.
When your happy in love you forget sadness.
Too much love can be so happy that it can turn into sadness.
To know I have you the sun always sun shine.
When I don't see you the sun isn't bright enough.
It always rains without you. 18.5.2012 - 18.6.2012
I thought you'd gone for good.
I was so surprised to see you that night.
You made my light.
How wrong was I to think your feelings had changed towards me because of him.
Please forgive for worrying too much it's part of my disabilities and health problems.
I am glad to know that you still feel the same as I do.
I never thought you'd speak to me again let alone love me again.
I miss you so much but hopefully I will see you next time. 2.6.2012 - 18.6.2012
Looking in the mirror, what do I see?
When times are hard you seem to think they won't get easy but if you give it time some things will others won't.
Not everything can be the same.
You mustn't feel alone because you are not others go through not much different if not the same.
No one can tell you other than you how you think and feel.
They are so right you are so wrong but that's not always the case, there's a slim chance you could be right they could be wrong.
They know it all because they have all been there before.
The truth is unknown, the whole world is blind.
The truth hurts when that's how you don't want to see your life but if you accept something else will turn out better than what you had in the first place.
Feelings and thoughts are hard to control when you want something or someone.
No matter how wrong it may be you can't move until those feelings and thought have, the only way is to let go if you start see it that it isn't right, which the hardest.
It won't get better if it's not working.
I never knew Keats was a poet.
I had never heard of Keats before.
I never knew his heart was broken just like mine but in a different time.
I never knew he'd inspire me to be a poet. I was stronger than I thought. I coped with exams, stress, studying and depression.
As a twenty - seven year old English student I walked along the college library.
What did I see? All I I saw was Keats on a cover of a book looking how I felt at the time.
I read his poetry of broken love, which inspired me because he faced near enough the same as me.
I never knew he wrote about his feelings at that time.
When I look at the picture of him it was as if I saw myself in the mirror.
Until I read his work I had no idea that we had a poetry talent between us.
I was totally unaware what book I was picking up and what to except inside it.
Both of us lived in different times.
I never knew he shared the same subject as me, romance and broken romance.
That's when I knew I wasn't alone. He died of a broken heart,
I didn't but I once thought I was going to. If he hadn't of inspired me,
I believe my talent would have been unknown.
Ode To A Nightingale' is my best poem by John Keats. 21.5.2012
It was a dark time.
Back in October 1996 - August 1997 I drank heavy.
Every time I drank I thought my problems would go away.
Problems were still there the next day.
I thought my loneliness would be there day after day for the rest of my life. I felt as if life wasn't worth living. I couldn't see the wood through the trees.
Near enough twelve months of sadness seemed like a life time for me.
One bright side of John Keats he inspired me to write. John Keats work was the first poetry I came across in 1997 at the age of 27. 21.5.2012
Wake up.
Wake up, life would be boring there was happiest every morning.
Good and bad things can happen without a warning.
Do not dream, wish and hear things that don't happen.
You can't have your own way everyday.
The truth is how it is whether you want to hear it or not. 13.8.2012 - 17.8.2012
I could never do up my buttons.
I could never do up my laces.
I could never clean my teeth how they should be cleaned.
My moth is too small with too many teeth, food just get's everywhere it always has but I love it.
Exercise is hard to access when you have Dyspraxia.
I can't catch or throw a ball.
I couldn't even open a tin with a tin opener but then I discovered how to use the old fashioned tin openers after.
I love going to the pub, I'm useless with money then I over spend.
I have never been very good at maths.
I am more could with English and words but I even get confused there because of my Dyslexicia.
In a poem I can express my disabilities in a poem better than I can to people.
I am more skills with my writing and raising learning disability awareness than everyday living skills. 13.8.2012 - 17.8.2012
Wolverhampton City.
Either dead as a door nail or full of crime.
This city was once a lovely town.
I still see it as town, it's too small to be a town in my eyes.
Beggars picking nub ends off the streets and begging people for money.
This shows how Britain is getting weak.
Britain is too over crowded, we are spending money we can't affront.
What has happened to Great Britain that's just Britain?
The council has wasted money on a bus station that doesn't get used because not all the buses go there.
Most of the buses are messed around around the town or should I say city?
It's hard to say what will the future of Britain will be.
Today's children don't know what's right from wrong, which causes crime, how will their children learn right from wrong?
Too many prisons full up and too many people committing crime.
Life should be the time for crime.
There are computers, internet, iPod s, mobile phones and the world is not enough or is it too much?
May be there's too much greed in the world.
There were more smiles on faces when we were just playing snakes and ladders. 13.8.2012 - 17.8.2012
Moon Under Water.
Cheapest pub in Wolverhampton for food and drink.
More people yet very dead.
May be not having any music takes away the atmosphere.
I guess we get what we pay for.
Friday and Saturday nights busiest nights of all.
Young people talking loud, screaming and knocking the shots back, may be I am showing my age.13.8.2012 - 17.8.2012
No central heating.
Cold in classrooms wear our coats in lessons.
Play outside build a snowman and throw snow balls.
Games of Snakes and Ladders, Tidley winks and Frustration.
Get detention and lines if you were naughty.
The slap off the rulers didn't do us any harm.
Coal and gas fire.
Telephone boxes if no landlines.
Long walks in the snow to make phone calls.
Kids walking to school for miles whatever the weather.
Less traffic on the roads.
Prices were cheaper when look back compared with today. 13.8.2012 - 17.8.2012
Time to keep strong.
It's not just about my feelings, it's about your feelings too.
If enough is enough just let me know, even though I think so much of you I will leave you alone.
You don't have to give reasons why when I can work them out for myself, no one is in the wrong.
Sorry for what I have done.
I speak my mind and I speak the truth.
However you feel I need to know so if your feelings don't match with mine I can get on with my life.
If only I knew what is going through your mind.
Don't be scared to tell me it's not as if I haven't been there before.
Sorry if things didn't work out if they haven't at least we tried.
May be things didn't work out to what we hoped.
As hard as it is I had to be honest to you, I couldn't have lied to you.
All I know is that I miss you so much. 12.10.12
You turn on and off like a light.
I can take no more of your pain, your mind turns on and off like a light.
One minute your mind is rain then it shines.
I never know how long your mine,
If I take anymore of your change of mind, I will blew the fuse and go out of my mind.
You change like the weather winter, summer and spring.
If the water catches wires it will pull out the fire.
If I let you carry on, I will blow a storm that will rise to fire, 30.10.2012
Winter is coming.
The winter is coming; the cold is coming without you.
Dark mornings and dark nights as the cold frost bites into the morning light.
The days are shorter and the nights are longer without you.
Six mouth of winter go on forever after the clocks go back.
Time seems late than what it is because winter is so dark.
The cold is longer without you. 30.10.2012
Moving forward.
The door has closed but it's too cold yet for other doors to open.
It doesn't seem as if there are anymore doors to open as I have walked through them all.
If there' anymore doors to open they will open in the spring ready for the summer.
Walk into Autumn doors will close for winter.
The future is an unknown world. 30.10.2012
The stormy sea.
The boats are sinking as the tide goes in and out as people shout floating about.
Most people dream of living near the sea you see.
The sea can be a nightmare as well as a dream you sea.
It's not all it cuts out to be you see.
Furniture damage, power cuts and electrically going on and off.
As the sea stops rushing it will calm down in time.
The boats will peacefully float.
The sun set will rise as it shines surfing, slipping and sliding. 30.10.2012
Washing machine.
It seems as if the world is a big wash out.
The washing machine seemed to be going on forever.
The timer was only set for 30 minutes, as it went on longer.
It stooped just just before I went to the shops.
The door took ages to open as the water came out like a shower onto the floor.
I gabled anything I could to soak up the water quick as I could.
Strangely when I saw the news the same day, the Americans were up to their necks of Super Storm Sandy.
The stormy sea cussing damage to homes, power cuts, electrically going on and off.
Anything, everything and everyone in sight the storm will fright to fight. 30.10.2012
Halloween and Bonfire night.
Halloween and Bonfire night so near together as Halloween gets ready for Bonfire night.
It all happened on two very dark stormy nights not a very nice sight nothing very bright.
The creatures were stirred into the witches' pots for soup on Halloween night ready for Bonfire night.
Both nights were wet, rainy and windy not a pretty sight.
Halloween night is when the witches bite as they fly on their broom and kite.
Witches don't give up without a fright to fight.
Bonfire night is the night when the witches get burned alive on on the bonfire. 1.11.2012
I know the truth hurts.
I know the truth hurts yet there's no one one to blame, which is a good thing.
Never the less the truth hurts to lose your love.
Through non blamed reasons the feelings are hard to go away.
Just because I'm calm with you when I see you it doesn't mean I don't hurt.
May be I'm wrong but all the same I still have a lot of trust in you.
I still want to be your friend even though I can't be your love anymore.
How are you feeling, are you happy or sad to lose me?
I may not have cried or showed any signs of heartache but believe me it's all there.
I'm still strong but my emotions are there whether anyone can see them or not,
I'm coping alone because I've had so many heartaches before now.
All good things come to the end of our love.
To me you were the best better than all the rest and you still are.
If only I knew what was going through your mind,
I wonder how long it's been since you have gone off me. 5.11.2012
When we were lovers.
What a kind sweet gentleman he used to be.
Whatever has happened to us?
He was full of love, happiness and joy to be.
He used to be a lovely gentleman and boy.
He still has lovely brown eyes.
People think he has lost his mind.
People think he's gone blind.
Now that I have lost him, I am very weary who I find.
What if they don't replace the love I lost?
Where's the man's voice that made me laugh?
Where's his handsome face that made me smile?
Where's the touch of his arms?
Where's the touch of his charm?
Where's the man who walked me home in the dark and the rain.
Where's the man I'd dreamt about in my sleep without a doubt.
Where's the man who beauty me every time he looked at me. written 1997
My lover has gone forever.
I feel lonely without Tony Romany.
Is everything going very slowly?
Sadly enough I won't be able to love Tony Romany ever again.
Isn't he a dear fellow, feeling under the weather? written 1997.
I love the sea.
The beach and the sea is a romantic place to be.
I love the sun shining and rising over the deep blue sea with a lovely yellow sun set.
I think it's the place to be.
I love the yellow sand; it's lovely to lovely
love the yellow sand; it's lovely to lovely make sand castles with children by the sea.
I love the sun shining and rising over the deep blue sea with a lovely yellow sun set.
I think it's the place to be.
I love the yellow sand; it's lovely to lovely make sand castles with children by the sea. 1997 - 2000
I try to be romantic.
I try to be romantic, that's the way I want to be.
If it's not right for women to be romantic I won't be, I will only show my feelings out in poetry.
My feelings towards someone who means a lot to me yet I don't mean a lot to him anymore, he loves another woman.
He hurt me very badly.
I can't help the way I am I was born to be soft and romantic yet I can't help who I fall for either.
He may well rip my heart into a thousand pieces yet I love him like there's no other man on this earth.
Now I find it hard to stop writing poetry as my feelings are uncontrolled.
Believe me that man was not as special as I made him out to be in this poem, I only thought he was. How blind was he not to understand how much I loved him but how blind was I to not understand that he did not really love me?
Then we may have just loved one another as much as we could. We were both blind in our ways in our minds. written 1997.
If only I knew if you are right or wrong for me.
From the day I first met you I thought you were the right person for me.
You left me sad, lonely and blue.
You know it's true that even now I still love you but you don't feel the same way anymore.
I don't understand why I still love someone who has not got the time a day for me.
Sometimes I feel like locking myself away in my bedroom and never coming out but other times I feel lonely.
Live in the bedroom with a kettle, food, toilet but I need to cut down on myheavy drinking.
Not seeing the world again to get away from pain is how I feel.
I don't feel very strong at all, there doe not see to be an end to all this but there must be an end to pain somewhere and somehow.
Surly I can't keep on feeling depressed like this, there's got to be light at the end of the tunnel somewhere.
All I do is write romantic poetry about you; it shows how mad and crazy I am about you which make me mad and crazy when you don't feel the same about me.
How strange is that?
I feel ashamed to love someone who does not love me but my feelings have so much control over me.
There must be someone better out who loves me for me but I find it hard to believe that I will love him because foolishly my feelings are still with you.
Not seeing the world again to get away from pain is how I feel.
I must love the wrong man, what is it about love it just blinds you?
Now you have gone, I must move on I must carry on without you.
It's hard to do because I miss you so true.
Everywhere I stand I see lovers kissing and hugging everyday.
They must think I have lost my way. Written 1997.
I wrote this poem to say I love you.
I wrote this poem to say I love you whatever you have put you have put me through.
I must be mad to have you back but I still love you, don't you dare hurt me again because you won't get another chance.
I thought I stopped loving at one point but that's too hard to do.
One day we looked into one another eyes but we have known one another too long to say no.
There's only so much I can take, if hurt me again I will break.
If you hurt me again you will be full of regrets because I can't keep giving chances when it suits you to love me again.
Think this through carefully because one day I could be with someone who sticks to his word, who does not mess around like you do.
If I meet this person it will be too late for you to change your mind.
I'd be sure about your feelings if I were you and stick to my word. written 2001
Tell me why you left me?
Tell me why you made me cry?
Tell me why you left me?
Did you just make one silly mistake?
I must be mad to take you back.
You must have known you hurt me really bad.
It will take me a while to get my trust back you again but my love is still there for you.
I wish I did not love you then I would worry in case you hurt me again but my love for you is far too strong to let go of you. written 2001
I love you but you hurt me so.
Every day for four years, it all seemed dull and dark.
I found it so hard to move on.
I cried my eyes out when you left me.
I remember the day you met me.
I hope you won't leave me anyone, if you do I am out the door.
I won't ever come back anymore.
So don't give me a call.
I'll miss you again but I will have to stop myself from getting hurt.
I hope one day I will meet someone who loves me for me and doesn't hurt me. 2001 onwards.
Please remain that old flame.
Please don't give me the main blame.
Now the cards have been laid on the table, our love has failed.2000
Every day for four years, it all seemed dull and dark.
I found it so hard to move on.
I cried my eyes out when you left me.
I remember the day you met me.
I hope you won't leave me anyone, if you do I am out the door.
I won't ever come back anymore.
So don't give me a call.
I'll miss you again but I will have to stop myself from getting hurt.
I hope one day I will meet someone who loves me for me and doesn't hurt me. 2001 onwards.
Please remain that old flame.
Please don't give me the main blame.
Now the cards have been laid on the table, our love has failed.2000
It is time to make up your mind so know whether to move on in my life or not.
It's time to make up my mind.
It's time to live my life to make up my time.
It's time to empty my mind.
I am yours and you are mine.
Now let's have a great time.
Time to go away; I will be back in a few days. 1997 - 2000
You will always find.
I think about you all the time.
You are always on my mind.
Every single time.
This a long song
bong bong.
Our love is with us here forever my dear. 1997 -2000 onwards.
I think about you all the time.
You are always on my mind.
Every single time.
This a long song
bong bong.
Our love is with us here forever my dear. 1997 -2000 onwards.
You were there; you'd gone; now you have come back.
We were far too young; we fell in love far too young.
We looked at each other and we knew it was love.
Two and years were long for me to feel as if I belonged to you.
Four years of sadness and falling love with someone who I did not even love.
We need to act like adults instead of children.
The door was closed for so long; we never thought the door would open again.
We never thought we'd let one another in again.
We suddenly knew that we had loved one another too long to let go of one another. 26.5.2002
We were far too young; we fell in love far too young.
We looked at each other and we knew it was love.
Two and years were long for me to feel as if I belonged to you.
Four years of sadness and falling love with someone who I did not even love.
We need to act like adults instead of children.
The door was closed for so long; we never thought the door would open again.
We never thought we'd let one another in again.
We suddenly knew that we had loved one another too long to let go of one another. 26.5.2002
never felt the same without you.
Walking around the town alone I’m so bored out my head.
I used to think to go to pubs getting drunk out my head, I could not even stand on my own two feet I was that drunk, and you broke my heart so much.
I told your Mum that I would have stop coming down, it was hard facing you in the same room knowing that you did not love me anymore and that you were with her.
Your Mum told me to take no notice of you even though you were biting my head off. I could not stand anymore but.
If it had not been for your Mum telling me not to stop coming you won't have seen me again let a lone get back together.
As much as I like your Mum, has her advice made me a stronger person or not?
I know she likes me but I know we are always going be on and off until things go bang!
Walking around the town alone I’m so bored out my head.
I used to think to go to pubs getting drunk out my head, I could not even stand on my own two feet I was that drunk, and you broke my heart so much.
I told your Mum that I would have stop coming down, it was hard facing you in the same room knowing that you did not love me anymore and that you were with her.
Your Mum told me to take no notice of you even though you were biting my head off. I could not stand anymore but.
If it had not been for your Mum telling me not to stop coming you won't have seen me again let a lone get back together.
As much as I like your Mum, has her advice made me a stronger person or not?
I know she likes me but I know we are always going be on and off until things go bang!
When you saw me, you had no interest in me what so ever.
When I walked out of your Mum's door I felt so small.
Now you love me again, I hope the pain has gone forever and for good.
Keep hold of me, there may come a day I may not love you anymore, I may not feel the same towards you as I do now, and it’s only love that has bought me back to you!
What goes around comes around; I treat you like you treat me. 26.5.2002
Now you love me again, I hope the pain has gone forever and for good.
Keep hold of me, there may come a day I may not love you anymore, I may not feel the same towards you as I do now, and it’s only love that has bought me back to you!
What goes around comes around; I treat you like you treat me. 26.5.2002
Stronger love.
I can trust that you won't hurt me again.
Our love is stronger whatever goes on.
I don't enjoy having epilepsy, it makes it hard for me to lead my life but I will manage somehow.
I don't let my condition put a hold on my life.
My condition may have bought us close together but then I hope it does not slit us apart.
I don't want to lose you again.
At the end of the day we always get on great.
You’re my best friend as well as my lover.
My darling let's work hard at this after we have both been through already.
We will get through the good and bad together.26.5.2002
I can trust that you won't hurt me again.
Our love is stronger whatever goes on.
I don't enjoy having epilepsy, it makes it hard for me to lead my life but I will manage somehow.
I don't let my condition put a hold on my life.
My condition may have bought us close together but then I hope it does not slit us apart.
I don't want to lose you again.
At the end of the day we always get on great.
You’re my best friend as well as my lover.
My darling let's work hard at this after we have both been through already.
We will get through the good and bad together.26.5.2002
I thought you had gone for good.
I thought about you all the time as tears came down my eyes.
I missed the man who made me laugh with his brown eyes and cheeky face.
You have got such lovely ways.
The pain you gave me cut me into like a knife going through me when you were not with me.
In time I had to get on with my life, I would have stopped alone not excepting you to come back.
I was not going to come back or wait for you otherwise I could have been waiting forever or never.
When I looked at you again, I knew I knew you too well.
I looked at that cheeky face.
I could not help but love you.
No matter how much you hurt me, I found it hard to hate you.
It seemed so long I thought you would come back.
I was more than surprised that you did. 26.5.2002
I thought about you all the time as tears came down my eyes.
I missed the man who made me laugh with his brown eyes and cheeky face.
You have got such lovely ways.
The pain you gave me cut me into like a knife going through me when you were not with me.
In time I had to get on with my life, I would have stopped alone not excepting you to come back.
I was not going to come back or wait for you otherwise I could have been waiting forever or never.
When I looked at you again, I knew I knew you too well.
I looked at that cheeky face.
I could not help but love you.
No matter how much you hurt me, I found it hard to hate you.
It seemed so long I thought you would come back.
I was more than surprised that you did. 26.5.2002
True love.
After all these years my love for you is far too strong to let go.
It's too hard getting use to being apart from you.
Now I have to get use to living without your love. 25.4.2002
After all these years my love for you is far too strong to let go.
It's too hard getting use to being apart from you.
Now I have to get use to living without your love. 25.4.2002
To my lover and my best friend.
To love each other for one another.
We need to take things slowly.
To look at each other and know it's right. 25.4.2002
Love verse.
If only we could be happy together.
You keep blowing hot and cold on me.
To know that love is not a bed of roses.
If only we could find it easy to talk one another these days, we always used to. What has gone wrong?
To keep things private bet ween one another.
Talk about it if or and when you are ready to.
We always used to have very special bond together but we don't anymore.
Not to care what people say?
No one can take it away from you other than yourselves.
Not to let people's points of views get in your way. 25.4.2002
If only we could be happy together.
You keep blowing hot and cold on me.
To know that love is not a bed of roses.
If only we could find it easy to talk one another these days, we always used to. What has gone wrong?
To keep things private bet ween one another.
Talk about it if or and when you are ready to.
We always used to have very special bond together but we don't anymore.
Not to care what people say?
No one can take it away from you other than yourselves.
Not to let people's points of views get in your way. 25.4.2002
Losing you.
When I lost you, it was hard to accept.
It took so long to get over you.
In time I accepted that there was not anymore me and you.
It took time to forget what happened.
To dwell and be alone thinking that you'd be the last man I'd have in my life.
In time you were history so I did move on.
I just took you how I saw and heard you.
Now you have become mine all over again, happy for how long? 25.4.2002
When I lost you, it was hard to accept.
It took so long to get over you.
In time I accepted that there was not anymore me and you.
It took time to forget what happened.
To dwell and be alone thinking that you'd be the last man I'd have in my life.
In time you were history so I did move on.
I just took you how I saw and heard you.
Now you have become mine all over again, happy for how long? 25.4.2002
I loved you for far too long.
Our love is far long and too strong to let go of one another.
I have got to know you far too well.
When you broke my heart the pain hurt too hard to talk about.
I treasured the happy memories of having spent happy times together.
Now you are making me happier than you did before.
I used to put on a brave face to show the world I was strong enough to be without you.26.4.2002
Life without you.
After so long together it's been so hard been apart.
I missed you so much and I have known you far too long to carry on being apart from you.
When I look at you very close, I know that I had been hiding my love for you so long. 26.4.2002
After so long together it's been so hard been apart.
I missed you so much and I have known you far too long to carry on being apart from you.
When I look at you very close, I know that I had been hiding my love for you so long. 26.4.2002
Close friends.
Although our love is ended can we please be very close friends?
Even thought we have caused one another so much pain, why can't we be close friends.
The tears I have cried are very hard to explain but it's time to move on to be with the people we really love and be happy.
One must bare the pain the best way because things will never be the same again.
Why make ourselves unhappy by bringing things back how were because we won't win?
We have tried so hard to love one another as lovers it just has not worked the way we wanted it to.
My ring will be on my finger until the day I die.
Heaven will be the place I love again.
Close friends is how you and I will stay forever more. Written September 1997.
How I remember you.
You used to have a heart.
I had your heart.
Now you don't have a heart anymore.
Now you don't love me anymore.
I don't think you ever will love me now. Written September 1997.
You used to have a heart.
I had your heart.
Now you don't have a heart anymore.
Now you don't love me anymore.
I don't think you ever will love me now. Written September 1997.
Can you and I be good friends?
No matter what we have put each other through when we were lovers, why can't we be best of friends?
I still love you but as a best male friend.
I can never forget the pain we put one another through.
Life is too short to full out and carry on feeling sad, I am willing to look you in the eye and forget the past.
No matter what happened I find it hard to hate you.
Even if we broke each others' hearts, there’s no hard feeling on my part.
All I want us to be is best of friends, is that far too much to ask?
Through all the time I've known you I have always loved you in anyway you wanted me to.
I was once your lover now we know that it did not work, may be we will be better off as best of friends. 27.2.1999
Time without you.
During the time we have parted my feelings for you kept changing all the while.
My emotions have been all over the place for a while now.
I have been so mixed up with what I wanted and not wanted. I don't know how to feel anymore.
I don't know what to say, all I can say is that I want your friendship.
I have missed you just the same as I did when we were lovers.
I started to write romantic poetry about you to come to terms with us having parted to try and clear all the emotions out of my head.
I wrote about anger.
I wrote about me pain.
In my romantic for you I also felt love.
During the time we have parted my feelings for you kept changing all the while.
My emotions have been all over the place for a while now.
I have been so mixed up with what I wanted and not wanted. I don't know how to feel anymore.
I don't know what to say, all I can say is that I want your friendship.
I have missed you just the same as I did when we were lovers.
I started to write romantic poetry about you to come to terms with us having parted to try and clear all the emotions out of my head.
I wrote about anger.
I wrote about me pain.
In my romantic for you I also felt love.
I have written this poem to say I love you whether you want to be friends or lovers.
Whatever we both say will go our way, I will be happy to say.
Whatever happens I will be happy as long as you are too.
If you need a friend I will promise you I will be there.
You must trust the fact that I accept that we will never be lovers again.
I missed the days that we were lovers but all good things come to an end.
No matter how hard I try my love for you never seem to go away but I want to see you with a life that makes you happy, even though your life will be never anymore with me.
If you want more than what you say you want please let me know, I am willing to accept whichever way it is.
If I am honest without the love my life has not been the same but I can live with what you want. 27.2.1999
Whatever we both say will go our way, I will be happy to say.
Whatever happens I will be happy as long as you are too.
If you need a friend I will promise you I will be there.
You must trust the fact that I accept that we will never be lovers again.
I missed the days that we were lovers but all good things come to an end.
No matter how hard I try my love for you never seem to go away but I want to see you with a life that makes you happy, even though your life will be never anymore with me.
If you want more than what you say you want please let me know, I am willing to accept whichever way it is.
If I am honest without the love my life has not been the same but I can live with what you want. 27.2.1999
The mistakes I have made are real through my break down when I was 27.
For nearly twelve mouths I was a very heavy drinker.
I drank like a fish seven days and nights a week, shame on me.
I mixed with the wrong people who got me into bother with my drinking but I cut it down when I was ready to.
I caused rows with my family, drank heavy behind and got into rows with other people round me.
I spend all the time worrying about everything.
As soon as I started writing poetry that when I cut down drink I feel more anger about us been apart.15.9.99
We would be willing to keep private information quiet.
To us you protect us.
To the people who you knew you always protect them and even now you have the strong power of god in you.
To us you took your own life and gave us ours.
We all love you for the person we know of you so far.
We do and always will miss your friendship and love.
You can see us but we can't see you.
You can hear us but we can't hear you.
To think you were going to be twenty - one the second mouth of the first year of the 21st century. 10.2.2000
We would be willing to keep private information quiet.
To us you protect us.
To the people who you knew you always protect them and even now you have the strong power of god in you.
To us you took your own life and gave us ours.
We all love you for the person we know of you so far.
We do and always will miss your friendship and love.
You can see us but we can't see you.
You can hear us but we can't hear you.
To think you were going to be twenty - one the second mouth of the first year of the 21st century. 10.2.2000
Men and love.
What has been missing out of my life?
May be I don't need it, may be I can do without love of a man.
Not just in a partner but in my own Father.
Where were you when I needed you?
That was a silly question, was it?
All my life, I have felt anger asking myself why I did not see you as child.
My entire Mother's family managed very well with me.
I don't feel like your daughter at all.
For whatever reason you could not see me for you could have seen me for a little while.
You are my Father it seems wrong that you were not around when I was a child. Written 5.7.2000
What has been missing out of my life?
May be I don't need it, may be I can do without love of a man.
Not just in a partner but in my own Father.
Where were you when I needed you?
That was a silly question, was it?
All my life, I have felt anger asking myself why I did not see you as child.
My entire Mother's family managed very well with me.
I don't feel like your daughter at all.
For whatever reason you could not see me for you could have seen me for a little while.
You are my Father it seems wrong that you were not around when I was a child. Written 5.7.2000
Please make my day.
Please make my day by coming back to me.
You have pleased me in a lot of ways before.
I hope I have pleased you before: whether you have or not I am pleased to be your girl.
You pleased for the kind of gentleman you were but what's happened to you now?
You will please me even more if you give me a surprise knocking at door.
I wish you will love me forever more.
Please write me a letter!
Please give me a call?
Please at least ask how I am?
This is too much for a woman to ask a man.
Why have you destroyed my heart and leave me so sad and blue?
You played into me because you knew I loved you and you know I still do.
It's so hard to believe what life would be without you, mainly when I am alone and you are with her.
If you don't want me, why can't you see sense and see someone better than her, it does not have to be me.
Why don't you try again my boy, your not good at picking women are you?
What have done wrong, other than finding it hard to fight the problems from my last lover before you?
Why do old relationships spoil it for new relationships?
Pain just takes ages to go.
OK I had one affair, you know he got me drank and got me where he wanted me.
Sorry that was a big mistake now you are making a bigger one.
Why do we keep on hurting one another more than loving one another?
Sorry I did not mean hurt I understand why you are getting your own back on me.
I did not mean to make you so sad and blue. Written 1997.
I never want to love again.
I never want to love again.
I just know if I love again I will get hurt again; it will make me worse again.
Who knows what I will do next, I don't know myself.
I don't want to live on this planet with loneliness; I have had enough of this life I do not want to live anymore.
This is the end of love and life; I have had too much pain to bear.
If I get hurt it will get worse I will go round the bend.
It's no good me living for someone I love who does not love me.
I don't know how to love more.
May be I should know I did not know how to love, I thought I knew how to love.
May be I will never ever know how to love, without falling in love too easy.
My heart does not feel and fear love, my heart feels and fears pain.
When I was a younger girl, my heart used to feel love, because I never knew or understood that love can end.
I am just frightened of feeling pain myself, I do not want to hurt another man and I don't want to get hurt myself. Written winter 1996 - 1997.
treasure only one history love I had.
He is just a poor confused man who does not know what he wants in life.
He is a gentle, loving and caring gentleman.
He gave and took the best he could.
I am more grateful with what he had done for me in two and a half years.
He used to be a romantic wild red rose so now that's the best he goes.
Flowers on every birthday card he send me he chose.
He used to make me feel like the lady of his life.
I loved his smile that made my love for him worth while.
He used to be a very wise man.
He gave me so much love that I can't believe that anyone else could replace.
The love I had for him I treasure by my lonely heart.
I know life is life but I wish we were sharing love together in our hearts.
Now those days are over, my heart has to cope with happiness, laughter, joy sadness and tears.
Happy history is not forgotten to me, it's worth being alone until I can move on to love someone better, new and get rid of all the pain I am going through. Written 1997.
I think I am having a breakdown.
I think I am having a nervous break down.
I feel like cracking up, I don't know what to do or where to turn.
I can't see what a head of me is.
Something or someone is pushing me over the edge.
What or and who could it be? 1997 – 2000
At times I feel a breaking down point.
Never take too much on that you can't cope with.
Never have anything to do so your life won't be full filled.
There's no such word as psychology when the human brain is hard to understand.
There are no real answers to why we think like we do.
Its worse when the mind is confused and when the person does not know what to do.
If there are no heads, there are no brains.
Brain is not a word: it's just inside the mind of one's head.
It just gives one a message to tell them what to say.
As human beings, we are not clever; we just say what our brains tell us to say which normally a load of rubbish anyway. 12.6.2005
Never take too much on that you can't cope with.
Never have anything to do so your life won't be full filled.
There's no such word as psychology when the human brain is hard to understand.
There are no real answers to why we think like we do.
Its worse when the mind is confused and when the person does not know what to do.
If there are no heads, there are no brains.
Brain is not a word: it's just inside the mind of one's head.
It just gives one a message to tell them what to say.
As human beings, we are not clever; we just say what our brains tell us to say which normally a load of rubbish anyway. 12.6.2005
On my own.
I am in my flat.
The clock is clicking slowly.
I can't wait to walk out the door.
I will soon be with my boyfriend or and my best friend.
Come home at night, I am back looking at the four walls.
I stop up listening to my music and I put my computer on then time for bed.
The same stars again tomorrow. December 2006
I am in my flat.
The clock is clicking slowly.
I can't wait to walk out the door.
I will soon be with my boyfriend or and my best friend.
Come home at night, I am back looking at the four walls.
I stop up listening to my music and I put my computer on then time for bed.
The same stars again tomorrow. December 2006
What is love all about?
Look for it you can't find it.
Don't look for it, its right there.
Once you feel love for someone and they do for you, it's hard to control.
It can go wrong and end in tears but still hard to control.
It can take long time to move on and love someone else.
You have to dust yourself up and start all over again.
It can become a risk loving, it can be very much being about trust.
You just take chances if it does not work keep moving on what will be will be.
What is love all about?
Look for it you can't find it.
Don't look for it, its right there.
Once you feel love for someone and they do for you, it's hard to control.
It can go wrong and end in tears but still hard to control.
It can take long time to move on and love someone else.
You have to dust yourself up and start all over again.
It can become a risk loving, it can be very much being about trust.
You just take chances if it does not work keep moving on what will be will be.
Whatever good chance you get take it, those good chances don't have often. December 2006
Life doesn't seem worth living.
Forget the rain and the clouds.
Forget the frost, fog, sleet and snow.
What about the green grass covered in daffodils?
What about a few green leaves on the trees?
What about being warm instead of cold?
What about the bright yellow sun in the deep blue sky?
If that was the case, may are we will be less depressed.
When Christmas is here life is a mess and come January, many people are in debt.
That's when life is not at its best. December 2006
Say goodbye to life.
I say good bye to the bad things in life.
Take the easy way out, go to heaven.
I say hello to the good things in life, leave earth.
What here for us all?
Nothing but bad news.
Too much crime and the list go on.
Too many companies closing down, there's nothing for young people anymore.
I find it hard to see the good life.
Other than my boyfriend's friends, family and education that's my life.
Society is depressing but may be there is a way forward one day. December 2006
I say good bye to the bad things in life.
Take the easy way out, go to heaven.
I say hello to the good things in life, leave earth.
What here for us all?
Nothing but bad news.
Too much crime and the list go on.
Too many companies closing down, there's nothing for young people anymore.
I find it hard to see the good life.
Other than my boyfriend's friends, family and education that's my life.
Society is depressing but may be there is a way forward one day. December 2006
I don't think I have anything to get upset about.
Some how I feel low but I wish I knew the reason why.
I also feel very upset and angry.
I feel as if I don't want to live anymore.
I might be just depressed.
Whatever it is I will find a way to get over it but I am not sure how to other than writing poetry.
I feel as if I want to disappear into another world.
I just want to die and never come back.
I don't want help.
I just want to cope on my own.
I wish I could be happy again.
It's hard to see what will happen next. December 2006
Some how I feel low but I wish I knew the reason why.
I also feel very upset and angry.
I feel as if I don't want to live anymore.
I might be just depressed.
Whatever it is I will find a way to get over it but I am not sure how to other than writing poetry.
I feel as if I want to disappear into another world.
I just want to die and never come back.
I don't want help.
I just want to cope on my own.
I wish I could be happy again.
It's hard to see what will happen next. December 2006
How do we explain?
People say it's all in our minds.
We should snap out of it.
We would if we were not being feeling like we do.
Yes I have a reason to give, the world, government and society.
There have many times I felt low for no reason, that's the same for other people too.
I have cried not knowing I have been crying for.
In the end I have felt foolish and guilty but then when tears catch your eye that’s what you can't control. December 2006
Why do I feel?
Why do I feel I don't want to eat a lot?
Why do I feel as if I don't want to go to bed?
Why do I wake up just any time when I do sleep?
I have no job and not much money and no where to go other to see the man I love.
If I can just about get some kind of work and a little pay, I'd be ok.
I am still on earth; I don't think I will be happy until the day I die.
I want die young and in peace. December 2006
People say it's all in our minds.
We should snap out of it.
We would if we were not being feeling like we do.
Yes I have a reason to give, the world, government and society.
There have many times I felt low for no reason, that's the same for other people too.
I have cried not knowing I have been crying for.
In the end I have felt foolish and guilty but then when tears catch your eye that’s what you can't control. December 2006
Why do I feel?
Why do I feel I don't want to eat a lot?
Why do I feel as if I don't want to go to bed?
Why do I wake up just any time when I do sleep?
I have no job and not much money and no where to go other to see the man I love.
If I can just about get some kind of work and a little pay, I'd be ok.
I am still on earth; I don't think I will be happy until the day I die.
I want die young and in peace. December 2006
What's the matter with me?
I feel ashamed that I feel sad.
I think I have got more in life than I know about.
I have a boyfriend, family and friends.
I have a good education; I am not bullied like I was in school.
I know life does not live around me but most teenagers and people in their twenties don't have respect these days.
Manners have gone through the window.
People are getting off buses pushing into people.
No one seems to be polite anymore.
The government has given us far too many rules to cope with.
The only thing with my life is being disabled and wanting a job. December 2006
I feel ashamed that I feel sad.
I think I have got more in life than I know about.
I have a boyfriend, family and friends.
I have a good education; I am not bullied like I was in school.
I know life does not live around me but most teenagers and people in their twenties don't have respect these days.
Manners have gone through the window.
People are getting off buses pushing into people.
No one seems to be polite anymore.
The government has given us far too many rules to cope with.
The only thing with my life is being disabled and wanting a job. December 2006
I wish there was a way to disappear.
When I am walking outside I wish there were some magic powers to make me disappear up in heaven if there is any such name and place.
Please take me away from this depressing earth?
I would have wings on my arms and flippers on my feet, then up and away I would go.
What will be there for me? Who knows?
I want to run away and hide from the world
I want to say goodbye to earth.
I want to run away from the same old things everyday.
Find a place to hide and die.
If I carry on living in this world I won't be happy because it is depressing towards everyone. December 2006.
It drives me mad.
I look at the tall block of flats; I picture myself flying in the air.
If I am inside a high rise flat, the ground seems a long way down.
If I am waiting up stairs on the bus as the bus moves, I keep think I am going to fall down.
I don't know why I think I am falling down as I am going up.
The end of my life seems so far away, how much longer do I have to stay, I can't stand the pain as longer?
When I am going down, I know if I fall, I won't fall up, I will fall down. December 2006
I look at the tall block of flats; I picture myself flying in the air.
If I am inside a high rise flat, the ground seems a long way down.
If I am waiting up stairs on the bus as the bus moves, I keep think I am going to fall down.
I don't know why I think I am falling down as I am going up.
The end of my life seems so far away, how much longer do I have to stay, I can't stand the pain as longer?
When I am going down, I know if I fall, I won't fall up, I will fall down. December 2006
When I feel down.
When I feel down, I can't be bothered with anything at all.
I can feel down whether I have a reason to or not but not all the time.
I just want to get away from the four walls.
The end of my life seems so far away, how much longer do I have to stay?
I want to live to be old but only when I feel happy again. December 2006
Winter time.
Look at the cold, dull and gray sky that depresses us more!
In the winter the day turns to night far too early. Light turns to dark.
When I go out it's a long way to walk through those block of flats to the bus stop.
Those flats seem a long way when it's dark when I come back home at night.
There are very few street lights as you walk through the dark alleys where you turn right. December 2006
Everyone has good and bad days.
We all can feel down in the dumps at anytime.
We can feel happy anytime but at the moment I am feeling up and down through the day like most people with depression.
A lot of people would say it's all in people's head but you only have to have kind of tragedy and we are out of our minds.
I don't think people are surprised by that because stress kills more than thousands in the world. December 2006
Where do I go next?
The shy is blue and the sun is yellow.
Sand is yellow and the sea is blue too.
I will feel the air coming down to feet as the tide pushes me in the sea.
I will see angels under my feet as I fly like a bird.
I will haunt earth as an angel, I will keep earth safe. December 2006.
The shy is blue and the sun is yellow.
Sand is yellow and the sea is blue too.
I will feel the air coming down to feet as the tide pushes me in the sea.
I will see angels under my feet as I fly like a bird.
I will haunt earth as an angel, I will keep earth safe. December 2006.
It won't be: it will be.
It won't be fires.
It won't be knives.
It will be tablets, pills and water.
When I get up there, I will be a fairy with lots of frills. December 2006.
It won't be fires.
It won't be knives.
It will be tablets, pills and water.
When I get up there, I will be a fairy with lots of frills. December 2006.
I would love.
You just don't show love towards me anymore.
Never mind I get paid tomorrow as you seem to want to rid of me.
I may have enough money to buy myself a beer tomorrow night.
I hope to get a job next year and may be a bit of cash one day. December 2006.
If I end my time.
I don't like heights.
I don't like knives.
I like water but not tablets or pill but less painful way to die.
I don't mind what happens to my body as long as I am in peace not pain. December 2006.
Something without ever knowing, you snap and hurt someone's feelings.
You know afterward you feel bad about what you have said and done.
You just want to break down and cry.
You don't want to live you want to die.
The guilt cuts you up like a knife.
I am just going out of my mind. December 2006
You know afterward you feel bad about what you have said and done.
You just want to break down and cry.
You don't want to live you want to die.
The guilt cuts you up like a knife.
I am just going out of my mind. December 2006
it’s too much.
There is nowhere to run and hide from my feelings of love.
Life is hard work for us all at times.
Don't ask me why that is because I don't know.
Sometimes I feel down for silly reasons.
There was a time people thought you were mad if you were down for no reason, I have lived in those times.
Even on happy days I can hide the sadness yet on sad days I can't.
You want to put things behind yourself but in most of us it's hard to do.
I mainly get depressed when I worry about thing which could be silly things.
I know what a lot of people would say is worrying gives you an early grave, may be that's what is happening to me because I can't help the way I am.
When that happens I act as if it's the end of the world, I have always been like its part of my disability I was told. December 2006
There is nowhere to run and hide from my feelings of love.
Life is hard work for us all at times.
Don't ask me why that is because I don't know.
Sometimes I feel down for silly reasons.
There was a time people thought you were mad if you were down for no reason, I have lived in those times.
Even on happy days I can hide the sadness yet on sad days I can't.
You want to put things behind yourself but in most of us it's hard to do.
I mainly get depressed when I worry about thing which could be silly things.
I know what a lot of people would say is worrying gives you an early grave, may be that's what is happening to me because I can't help the way I am.
When that happens I act as if it's the end of the world, I have always been like its part of my disability I was told. December 2006
I want to leave earth before I am 40.
I hate the thought of having curly gray hair, walking stick and frame.
I don't want to line up for my pension money; I want to be gone long before I get to that age.
I don't want to end up in an old people's home I sooner be gone well before then.
I want to leave the world as young as possible.
The thought of going through the change scars me. December 2006
I hate the thought of having curly gray hair, walking stick and frame.
I don't want to line up for my pension money; I want to be gone long before I get to that age.
I don't want to end up in an old people's home I sooner be gone well before then.
I want to leave the world as young as possible.
The thought of going through the change scars me. December 2006
Why, if life can't be that bad why does it feel that way?
When you feel down, it does not always happen with a reason.
I want to close myself up so I don't depress people even though I am but I find it hard to control.
Writing poetry is the only thing that's keeping me going so doesn’t take what I say too much to heart, take it like a pinch of salt.
I can understand that I not get or any of you reading this work but I need to get these things off my chest which is hard to do without putting on people.
I am sorry; I will just say nothing one day so people don't know.I don't feel the same person as I was before. December 2006.
Why, if life can't be that bad why does it feel that way?
When you feel down, it does not always happen with a reason.
I want to close myself up so I don't depress people even though I am but I find it hard to control.
Writing poetry is the only thing that's keeping me going so doesn’t take what I say too much to heart, take it like a pinch of salt.
I can understand that I not get or any of you reading this work but I need to get these things off my chest which is hard to do without putting on people.
I am sorry; I will just say nothing one day so people don't know.I don't feel the same person as I was before. December 2006.
Crying and tears.
What has causes a lot of us to cry for no reason?
Who know why?
I don't know myself so no one has to know the answer to that question.
Why do a lot of us get down for no reason?
That's no one's guess.
Why do we feel it's the end of the world?
Why cry over silly things?
What is life really about?
Goodness knows.
How can some people just sail through life yet others just crack up?
I think if you believe you’re a strong person then you take life as it comes.
I think I am stronger than I think but I think I am strong enough to think I am strong.
Yet for some reason I am one of the worse worriers.
Whether something is on my mind or not, if I feel tears it comes out.
I just feel silly.
Should I feel silly or not?
That's another question hard to answer. December 2006
What has causes a lot of us to cry for no reason?
Who know why?
I don't know myself so no one has to know the answer to that question.
Why do a lot of us get down for no reason?
That's no one's guess.
Why do we feel it's the end of the world?
Why cry over silly things?
What is life really about?
Goodness knows.
How can some people just sail through life yet others just crack up?
I think if you believe you’re a strong person then you take life as it comes.
I think I am stronger than I think but I think I am strong enough to think I am strong.
Yet for some reason I am one of the worse worriers.
Whether something is on my mind or not, if I feel tears it comes out.
I just feel silly.
Should I feel silly or not?
That's another question hard to answer. December 2006
I want to get out of here.
May be no one knows how I feel.
I feel like walking away from Wolverhampton before my life ends.
I feel moody and depressed.
I feel I can't wait to get out of here.
I don't want to travel the world; I want to get out of it.
I don't know how to feel good anymore; I don't think I ever did.
I don't want help, I just want to leave the earth, I will never be happy until I do.
I don't know the first thing to do to change my mind about how I feel.
I only wish I did not feel this way.
I just feel so confused as if the world is too much for me. December 2006
May be no one knows how I feel.
I feel like walking away from Wolverhampton before my life ends.
I feel moody and depressed.
I feel I can't wait to get out of here.
I don't want to travel the world; I want to get out of it.
I don't know how to feel good anymore; I don't think I ever did.
I don't want help, I just want to leave the earth, I will never be happy until I do.
I don't know the first thing to do to change my mind about how I feel.
I only wish I did not feel this way.
I just feel so confused as if the world is too much for me. December 2006
One day everything will come to an end.
We all hate sadness but we all like the truth.
There are times that sad things are the truth and it hurts.
Humans and animals live and die.
Flowers and plants die.
Nothing lasts forever so why are we here in the first place?
We all go through happiness as well as sadness.
How confusing the reasons are for us being on earth in the first place.
It can't be anymore confusing than it already is but how boring it would be if it just worked one way.
You just can't have it well all the time.
You just can't have it bad all the time.
It all ends in the end.
All good things come to an end. December 2006
We all hate sadness but we all like the truth.
There are times that sad things are the truth and it hurts.
Humans and animals live and die.
Flowers and plants die.
Nothing lasts forever so why are we here in the first place?
We all go through happiness as well as sadness.
How confusing the reasons are for us being on earth in the first place.
It can't be anymore confusing than it already is but how boring it would be if it just worked one way.
You just can't have it well all the time.
You just can't have it bad all the time.
It all ends in the end.
All good things come to an end. December 2006
Drink can cause people to break down relationships.
Drink can cause family break downs.
Death can drive people to drink.
Drunk drivers are danger to themselves and other people.
Drink can drive people to death whether they drink heavy or not.
My world was empty without you so I wanted to leave the world without you.
I couldn't stand anymore; I tried to leave the world before.
I did not feel strong enough to cope with the pain so here I go again.
I almost drank myself to death.
I ate less and less and I became light headed.
I still forgive you but I don't forget what happened, that's only because I love you.
I understand the past is the past but I can't but talk about every now and then because you hurt me very badly.
I am willing to put behind now but you will have no more chances if you hurt me again. December 2006
Drink can cause people to break down relationships.
Drink can cause family break downs.
Death can drive people to drink.
Drunk drivers are danger to themselves and other people.
Drink can drive people to death whether they drink heavy or not.
My world was empty without you so I wanted to leave the world without you.
I couldn't stand anymore; I tried to leave the world before.
I did not feel strong enough to cope with the pain so here I go again.
I almost drank myself to death.
I ate less and less and I became light headed.
I still forgive you but I don't forget what happened, that's only because I love you.
I understand the past is the past but I can't but talk about every now and then because you hurt me very badly.
I am willing to put behind now but you will have no more chances if you hurt me again. December 2006
What is life like now?
I am sitting in my living room looking through my window; the sky is half blue and half white.
It's an early Monday afternoon but it is a Bank holiday that does not feel like a Bank holiday.
There's hardy anyone about outside.
How strange is that?
You may say why don't you get out?
I will tonight.
I have hardy any money to spend.
I am not asking for the world but it would be nice to have a little bit more money in my pocket.
Jobs are not easy to find these days.
There are far too many people unemployed, which cause people to go through depression.
No spaces, not enough exams, too many exams, not enough training, too much training, age, disability, place closing down and many more reasons. December 2006
I am sitting in my living room looking through my window; the sky is half blue and half white.
It's an early Monday afternoon but it is a Bank holiday that does not feel like a Bank holiday.
There's hardy anyone about outside.
How strange is that?
You may say why don't you get out?
I will tonight.
I have hardy any money to spend.
I am not asking for the world but it would be nice to have a little bit more money in my pocket.
Jobs are not easy to find these days.
There are far too many people unemployed, which cause people to go through depression.
No spaces, not enough exams, too many exams, not enough training, too much training, age, disability, place closing down and many more reasons. December 2006
I can't see.
I can't see any further than my nose.
I think it's a big long road.
I can't take that big long road; it's far too far for me to walk to see what is there.
I am just scared what will happen when I get there.
I want to get of here before I get there, I can't see myself getting to the end of the road.
So high, when I look up I feel as if I want to fly.
Yet I would be too scared to fly going up high.
I don't know if I would feel strong enough to come back down again.
I don't like the thought of going up high unless I am in a plane.
I don't like seeing thought.
I don't know what I will see when I get there.
Will I go left, right or straight on?
I don't know where to turn.
I am too scared to try so I want to cruel into a hole to die
I can't see any further than my nose.
I think it's a big long road.
I can't take that big long road; it's far too far for me to walk to see what is there.
I am just scared what will happen when I get there.
I want to get of here before I get there, I can't see myself getting to the end of the road.
So high, when I look up I feel as if I want to fly.
Yet I would be too scared to fly going up high.
I don't know if I would feel strong enough to come back down again.
I don't like the thought of going up high unless I am in a plane.
I don't like seeing thought.
I don't know what I will see when I get there.
Will I go left, right or straight on?
I don't know where to turn.
I am too scared to try so I want to cruel into a hole to die
The sky seems high rise flats by where I live.
I keep thinking that someone is going to fall out of them.
I keep thinking that they are all going to fall down. December 2006
I keep thinking that someone is going to fall out of them.
I keep thinking that they are all going to fall down. December 2006
There are good times and bad.
You are our loving friends.
Take your time don't rush!
Take your time don't rush!
You can’t mend what has been broken.
Try not to think about it, just get on with it with a smile to show to them so they don't think they are bothering you.
May be it's easy to smile but hard to stop thinking about you.
May it's hard to smile and to stop thinking about it but try cause they will play on your mind if you let them.
I'm finding it hard to trust you again.
I shouldn't have trusted you from the start.
I'm so glad I didn't marry you.
Even now I'm not sure whether or not you were cheating on me.
Even now it's hard to say whether or not you were unfaithful.
What makes me think this is that you were texting a lot in front of me and getting texts back.
You made me feel very stressed and very uncomfortable that's why I won't have you back.
I kept on thinking this was a bad dream.
I may be wrong in what I did thought but the texts you sent and the texts you had back went on far too long because I loved you so much. 13.12.12
I don't want to leave you.
You are not the problem, it's me.
I only feel better when I am with you.
You might be the only one keeping me going but I don't feel I can.
The world seems big and larger than life to me, it all seems so far away.
I still have so long to live it scars me.
I don't like it this way, the fear of having walking sticks and frames. December 2006
You are not the problem, it's me.
I only feel better when I am with you.
You might be the only one keeping me going but I don't feel I can.
The world seems big and larger than life to me, it all seems so far away.
I still have so long to live it scars me.
I don't like it this way, the fear of having walking sticks and frames. December 2006
There are good times and bad.
Today I don't feel too bad.
Tomorrow I may feel down.
Sorry, I must say I will never know.
The good thing is that I am eating a meal; I can smell cottage pie and veg.
When I am low, I don't eat that much.
It makes a big difference when I see people.
I saw my best friend today that's good.
I just wish I would not take my stress out on my lover; he is also my best friend.
May be when I get work one day, I can save up for getting my work published and new clothes.
I will still enjoy my social life all the same.
I can't have everything.
We want difference things but can't have everything as we haven't got it. December 2006
You are our loving friends.
You are our loving friends.
You are our loving friends.
We can't borrow you.
We can't buy or sell you.
We can't fire you.
We can't do much without you.
We can have fun with you.
We can fool around with you.
We can talk to you.
We can do a lot with you.
We will always be around you.
We hope you will be around us.
Whenever you want us we will be there.
When you don't want us, we won't bother you anywhere.
You may think sometimes that you don't have friends but we and other friends are around you are place some where. Written 1998 - 1999.
We can't borrow you.
We can't buy or sell you.
We can't fire you.
We can't do much without you.
We can have fun with you.
We can fool around with you.
We can talk to you.
We can do a lot with you.
We will always be around you.
We hope you will be around us.
Whenever you want us we will be there.
When you don't want us, we won't bother you anywhere.
You may think sometimes that you don't have friends but we and other friends are around you are place some where. Written 1998 - 1999.
Every girls dream and nightmare.
It's every girl's dream and nightmare to become a bride.
Not every girl is lucky to meet a man of her kind.
Not every girl meets her prince charming the love of her life.
When becoming a man's wife it can be a story of a woman's life.
The amount of years good girls have to wait to be a gentleman's wife.
Having been a gentleman's wife it is not what we think might.
Some days can be a rather unhappy site to be a man's wife.
A wife might end up blowing into her kite.
Girls would you agree that a lot of men can be such mites. Written 1997 - 2000
It's every girl's dream and nightmare to become a bride.
Not every girl is lucky to meet a man of her kind.
Not every girl meets her prince charming the love of her life.
When becoming a man's wife it can be a story of a woman's life.
The amount of years good girls have to wait to be a gentleman's wife.
Having been a gentleman's wife it is not what we think might.
Some days can be a rather unhappy site to be a man's wife.
A wife might end up blowing into her kite.
Girls would you agree that a lot of men can be such mites. Written 1997 - 2000
I love you Antonio my longest lasted laddie.
I love you Antonio my longest lasted laddie.
Why did you go off with another lassie?
You know I love you so madly and sadly.
Now I will never ever have another laddie.
You broken my heart you mean Romano.
I fell in love with you so madly, gladly and sadly Antonio.
You are such a baddie but I love you.
I must be blind not to know that you'd treat me unkind.
Don't you have any love, care understanding on your mind?
I so very much wanted to be your bride so I must get that out of my mind. Written 1996 to 1997.
I love you Antonio my longest lasted laddie.
Why did you go off with another lassie?
You know I love you so madly and sadly.
Now I will never ever have another laddie.
You broken my heart you mean Romano.
I fell in love with you so madly, gladly and sadly Antonio.
You are such a baddie but I love you.
I must be blind not to know that you'd treat me unkind.
Don't you have any love, care understanding on your mind?
I so very much wanted to be your bride so I must get that out of my mind. Written 1996 to 1997.
When you are frightened to love but frightened of being lonely without.
You are frightened of being alone but frightened to love the days and nights seem dull.
The future never seems to come because it's hard to believe that things will get better.
You are worried about getting hurt all over again which brings sadness and pain more and more.
You can feel shame, anger, guilt and happiness can be the only word that you aren't feeling at that moment.
You know that you’re not getting any younger and the future seems dull because the present is.
Trying to think about when you were happy is hard.
I can see myself just being an old maid because I can't seem to have trust in men.
Lynn you have taken all my happiness away I hope you will be happier with Antonio than I was.
Antonio you never told me your reason for going off with Lynn, I guess I was never good enough for you.
You are frightened of being alone but frightened to love the days and nights seem dull.
The future never seems to come because it's hard to believe that things will get better.
You are worried about getting hurt all over again which brings sadness and pain more and more.
You can feel shame, anger, guilt and happiness can be the only word that you aren't feeling at that moment.
You know that you’re not getting any younger and the future seems dull because the present is.
Trying to think about when you were happy is hard.
I can see myself just being an old maid because I can't seem to have trust in men.
Lynn you have taken all my happiness away I hope you will be happier with Antonio than I was.
Antonio you never told me your reason for going off with Lynn, I guess I was never good enough for you.
I just need to learn how to get you out of my head and get on with my life; I should not have hung around where I was not wanted.
When a relationship has ended after such a long time it becomes a big shock.
Finding the best happiness is hard to find, it could take never or a long time.
Could you be wondering
what could become in the end. Written 1997.
When a relationship has ended after such a long time it becomes a big shock.
Finding the best happiness is hard to find, it could take never or a long time.
Could you be wondering
what could become in the end. Written 1997.
Thank you my loving caring friends.
Thank you for having trust in me.
Thank you for been trusting friends to me.
Thank you for listening to me what I have to say to you all.
Thank you for advising me and talking to me.
Thank you for giving the life that I really want.
I'd like to think I can do the same for you.
Without you I will crack up.
I hope my dream will come true to love again.
Thank you for cheering me up when I am feeling down.
Thank you been there when I need you.
Thank you for been honest with me; I will try my best to be honest with you.
Thank you for helping me through disappointments in life.
I will be more than happy to help you in every way and all the way.
Most of all thank you all for been very good friends and thank you for been you. 1997 - 2000
Thank you for having trust in me.
Thank you for been trusting friends to me.
Thank you for listening to me what I have to say to you all.
Thank you for advising me and talking to me.
Thank you for giving the life that I really want.
I'd like to think I can do the same for you.
Without you I will crack up.
I hope my dream will come true to love again.
Thank you for cheering me up when I am feeling down.
Thank you been there when I need you.
Thank you for been honest with me; I will try my best to be honest with you.
Thank you for helping me through disappointments in life.
I will be more than happy to help you in every way and all the way.
Most of all thank you all for been very good friends and thank you for been you. 1997 - 2000
One always wonders why we are all ever born.
Our parents fall in love and bring us to the world.
Most parents break and then that cause anger, hurt and pain to us all.
We fall in love and the pain of ended love hurts even more.
Love is like a story, love is like a book; please turn over a lot more than a thousand pages your welcome to have a look.
I have got to the stage of thinking either forever love or no love at all the pain is too much to cope with.
I hope I am wrong in thinking I could be so weak, I hope I become strong.
Will I ever meet my forever love?
I have fallen in and out of love so many times every love I have had has a fairly tale dream story and nightmare in them.
Our dreams will more than likely come true but life is one big dream for you and me. 1996
One always wonders why we are all ever born.
Our parents fall in love and bring us to the world.
Most parents break and then that cause anger, hurt and pain to us all.
We fall in love and the pain of ended love hurts even more.
Love is like a story, love is like a book; please turn over a lot more than a thousand pages your welcome to have a look.
I have got to the stage of thinking either forever love or no love at all the pain is too much to cope with.
I hope I am wrong in thinking I could be so weak, I hope I become strong.
Will I ever meet my forever love?
I have fallen in and out of love so many times every love I have had has a fairly tale dream story and nightmare in them.
Our dreams will more than likely come true but life is one big dream for you and me. 1996
The character
What do you see god when you look at me?
Why did you make me?
Would you agree there's a character in me?
Why did you bring this disabled world to me?
Thank you god for making me.
Am I the human being you wanted me to be?
What are you seeing and thinking when you look down from heaven to earth at me?
You see a human being who is not very wise.
How can you see me god with those far away eyes?
As a human being I am sitting here still.
I'm human baby, child and teenager inside an adult who used to dribble her food and make no reply.
You look down from heaven to earth in a loud voice saying I wish she'd try.
Did you ever you used to notice the things I used to do like loosing a sock and shoe?
Did you notice the things my family used to do like feeding and bathing me all the days through?
Do you still see the baby in me?
Why did you make me?
Would you agree there's a character in me?
Why did you bring this disabled world to me?
Thank you god for making me.
Am I the human being you wanted me to be?
What are you seeing and thinking when you look down from heaven to earth at me?
You see a human being who is not very wise.
How can you see me god with those far away eyes?
As a human being I am sitting here still.
I'm human baby, child and teenager inside an adult who used to dribble her food and make no reply.
You look down from heaven to earth in a loud voice saying I wish she'd try.
Did you ever you used to notice the things I used to do like loosing a sock and shoe?
Did you notice the things my family used to do like feeding and bathing me all the days through?
Do you still see the baby in me?
If you open your eyes god I'm a disabled person who has or should the rights to live my life the same as other people and that's the same for other disabled people too.
I will tell you as the human being sitting here all through my childhood I could not see a brother and sister with me.
It was the beginning of my teenage years when my baby sister came to me.
No sign of my Father until I was twenty - one all my family were there for me from birth.
I will tell you as the human being sitting here all through my childhood I could not see a brother and sister with me.
It was the beginning of my teenage years when my baby sister came to me.
No sign of my Father until I was twenty - one all my family were there for me from birth.
When I was a young girl of sixteen I used to dream of wings underneath my feet dreaming of the man I'd marry, how wrong was I to think such a thing. I was just too blind to see but what will be. Never say never there's still time for me but I have also learned not to build my hopes up you see.
When I was twenty - eight I thought my life was over I thought it was too late, even though I was in love with a man who wasn't right for me.
I may go through pain in my life like everyone else but I pick myself up and move on.
I believe there's always someone for someone.
Only you god can tell me what my future is to be.
When I was a young woman of thirty I thought I'd live a normal life to be.
I though by the age of thirty I'd be rearing young of my own but now I have seen the world today it's not a safe world for children to be.
Being disabled is stopping rearing children like everyone else I just needed the support that was all.
I may go through pain in my life like everyone else but I pick myself up and move on.
I believe there's always someone for someone.
Only you god can tell me what my future is to be.
When I was a young woman of thirty I thought I'd live a normal life to be.
I though by the age of thirty I'd be rearing young of my own but now I have seen the world today it's not a safe world for children to be.
Being disabled is stopping rearing children like everyone else I just needed the support that was all.
Not everyone is lucky to have their dream home and lover to be which has taught me not to live in fairly tale land to be.
I must say it would be nice to be with a gentleman who will bond with me to love forever endlessly.
I must say it would be nice to be with a gentleman who will bond with me to love forever endlessly.
Now I am nearly forty the years are rolling fast.
I have walked out on one man who was not meant to last with me but now I have learned to see what happens when tomorrow's door opens.
I have walked out on one man who was not meant to last with me but now I have learned to see what happens when tomorrow's door opens.
Who knows where I will be when I am fifty, will there be the man for me?
My dark future will be upon me so I will now try to live my life without regret.
Loneliness and old age will give me so much to dread.
While I'm still young enough I will enjoy the life I have yet.
Old age will not make a fool out of me, if that was so what a sad character I would be.
I don't expect people to feel sorry for me, old or young I must enjoy life while I am here.
My dark future will be upon me so I will now try to live my life without regret.
Loneliness and old age will give me so much to dread.
While I'm still young enough I will enjoy the life I have yet.
Old age will not make a fool out of me, if that was so what a sad character I would be.
I don't expect people to feel sorry for me, old or young I must enjoy life while I am here.
I want my peaceful body crumbled away with happiness and grace but no pain.
Now and again I will look down from heaven to earth to see the people I leave behind who I remember well.
You must accept the fact that we can't live forever.
So open your eyes god open and see, under that disabled person is an able human being and she is a real character in me.
I will still write short stories, novel, play and romantic poetry. Late 20th century to early 21st century.
Now and again I will look down from heaven to earth to see the people I leave behind who I remember well.
You must accept the fact that we can't live forever.
So open your eyes god open and see, under that disabled person is an able human being and she is a real character in me.
I will still write short stories, novel, play and romantic poetry. Late 20th century to early 21st century.
Just a poem.
How do you write a poem?
In a poem you can write the words that you love.
You write the poem on paper then type it out to put in book.
What subject can you write poetry about?
You can write about friendship.
You can write about love.
You can write about the stars up, high, down and above.
You can write about anything you want and anything that comes to your mind.
Poetry is a shorter way to show your and people's feelings about life without writing a story.
A story book is lovely to read and look. 1997 – 2000
How do you write a poem?
In a poem you can write the words that you love.
You write the poem on paper then type it out to put in book.
What subject can you write poetry about?
You can write about friendship.
You can write about love.
You can write about the stars up, high, down and above.
You can write about anything you want and anything that comes to your mind.
Poetry is a shorter way to show your and people's feelings about life without writing a story.
A story book is lovely to read and look. 1997 – 2000
I'm your secret valentine.Please be my secret valentine.
Wherever you are valentine please come to my mind.
I want someone to love me for me one day at the right time.
I have never met anyone who truly wants to be mine.
I am always told that there's someone out there for someone at sometime.
I don't know if you are hard to find valentine.
Who is the valentine girl for you and who is the valentine boy for me?
Just you wait and see.
Come on valentine guess that I could be? Late 1996 - early 1997
Wherever you are valentine please come to my mind.
I want someone to love me for me one day at the right time.
I have never met anyone who truly wants to be mine.
I am always told that there's someone out there for someone at sometime.
I don't know if you are hard to find valentine.
Who is the valentine girl for you and who is the valentine boy for me?
Just you wait and see.
Come on valentine guess that I could be? Late 1996 - early 1997
My mind is all over the place.
There must be men out there as true as Mark .
Where are these men to be?
Why can't I find a love who wants me for me?
Why can't I love who I want to be with?
Why who I want be with will he be with me?
Why can't his feelings match mine?
Still life is not all about me. Written mid summer to autumn 1997.
There must be men out there as true as Mark .
Where are these men to be?
Why can't I find a love who wants me for me?
Why can't I love who I want to be with?
Why who I want be with will he be with me?
Why can't his feelings match mine?
Still life is not all about me. Written mid summer to autumn 1997.
Tiger Tim and Princess Sara Poems
The Disabled Couple.
I'm so happy to chat to you.
I will be more than happy when I see you babe.
I'm missing you so much that I already feel butterflies.
I feel the same too.
I want to be in your warm arms.
Babe kiss me my sweet Sara I love you so much.
I will kiss you when I see you again.
We will be walking hand in hand on a hot summer's day.
A poem coming along feeling like a song.

A poem coming along about me and my boyfriend.
Yes I am Tiger Tim I'm coming to get you babe. By Tiger Tim and Princess Sara. 4th August 2013
Disability Love.
I want to be in her warm arms and she wants to be in my warm arms.
Babe, kiss me my sweet Sara I love you so much will kiss you again babe.
when i see you again because i want to be with you again.
we walk hand in hand together in the park in the warm sun.
I wish I was in your arms babe with the rising sun shining on to us with love, my King Tiger Tim babe. 2nd October 2013
Disability Love.
I want to be in her warm arms and she wants to be in my warm arms.
Babe, kiss me my sweet Sara I love you so much will kiss you again babe.
when i see you again because i want to be with you again.
we walk hand in hand together in the park in the warm sun.
I wish I was in your arms babe with the rising sun shining on to us with love, my King Tiger Tim babe. 2nd October 2013
Slow down Tiger Tim.
Thank you for my card dear heart.
Thank you for my card dear heart.
Slow it's far too soon to get randy, have you been drinking too many brandies? Ha ha
Slow down we haven't even met yet.
It's far too soon to hit the bed yet.
Slow down Tiger Tim if you wait as long as it takes you will win me in.
A romantic meal between me and you is the way I think about you.
When the time comes to cuddle up to a romantic DVD, then you will be able to see what you think about me. 14.2.2013
They don't know about (about being disabled)
They shouldn't look at us as if we are mad.
They shouldn't look at us as if we are sad.
They seem to think more of the bad in us than good.
They should think all bad in us.
They look at us to say and think we are useless and helpless.
They shouldn't judge us for what they see and hear of us.
It doesn't mean there are no disabilities just because they don't see them .
It doesn't mean we are useless and helpless either.
Whichever way they shouldn't judge to get us misunderstood.
They don't know about (being disabled) that's why they misunderstand us. 3rd - 4th March 2013
They shouldn't look at us as if we are mad.
They shouldn't look at us as if we are sad.
They seem to think more of the bad in us than good.
They should think all bad in us.
They look at us to say and think we are useless and helpless.
They shouldn't judge us for what they see and hear of us.
It doesn't mean there are no disabilities just because they don't see them .
It doesn't mean we are useless and helpless either.
Whichever way they shouldn't judge to get us misunderstood.
They don't know about (being disabled) that's why they misunderstand us. 3rd - 4th March 2013
Chatting 2 u.
When I first spoke 2 u on the dating site friendship was all I wanted as I had been on my own for five and half neary six years.
Through chatting 2 u on Facebook my feelings are getting stronger towards u.
I hope it will be worth it in the end and that we will still feel the same way as we do now about one another.
Let's hope it will be worth the date as well as the wait.
We will get 2 know one another more however long it takes.
I never live my life in hope someone will feel the same as I do because I have been hurt before, trust something I need to get over more.
I never live in hope that a realtionship will last for life, for it will surprising if it does with the luck have had in the past, even though now I have learn to trust again since I have met you.
The more and more I am getting 2 know u online my feelings are growing stronger and stronger. 16.3.2013
When I first spoke 2 u on the dating site friendship was all I wanted as I had been on my own for five and half neary six years.
Through chatting 2 u on Facebook my feelings are getting stronger towards u.
I hope it will be worth it in the end and that we will still feel the same way as we do now about one another.
Let's hope it will be worth the date as well as the wait.
We will get 2 know one another more however long it takes.
I never live my life in hope someone will feel the same as I do because I have been hurt before, trust something I need to get over more.
I never live in hope that a realtionship will last for life, for it will surprising if it does with the luck have had in the past, even though now I have learn to trust again since I have met you.
The more and more I am getting 2 know u online my feelings are growing stronger and stronger. 16.3.2013
Chatting 2 u.
When I first spoke 2 u on the dating site friendship was all I know after been on my own 5 and half years.
Through chatting 2 u on Facebook my feelings are getting stronger towards u.
I hope it will be worth it in the end and that we will still feel the same way as we do now about one another.
Let's hope it will be worth the date.
We will get 2 know one another more however long it takes.
I never live my life in hopes someone will feel the same as I do because I have been hurt before, trust something I need 2 get over more.
The more and more I am getting 2 know you online my feelings are growing stronger and stronger. 16.3.2013
When I first spoke 2 u on the dating site friendship was all I know after been on my own 5 and half years.
Through chatting 2 u on Facebook my feelings are getting stronger towards u.
I hope it will be worth it in the end and that we will still feel the same way as we do now about one another.
Let's hope it will be worth the date.
We will get 2 know one another more however long it takes.
I never live my life in hopes someone will feel the same as I do because I have been hurt before, trust something I need 2 get over more.
The more and more I am getting 2 know you online my feelings are growing stronger and stronger. 16.3.2013
Unknown 2 both of us.
It all seems like a long wait until we met again but every day is getting closer.
It's not as long as it seems for the final moment.
To see how we feel about one another after we have met to see if we are going to be interested in one another.
It's surprising how chatting to one another online can be part of our lives, which it's already making our feelings strong everyday but very much unknown to how we feel about one another when we meet. 16.3.2013
It all seems like a long wait until we met again but every day is getting closer.
It's not as long as it seems for the final moment.
To see how we feel about one another after we have met to see if we are going to be interested in one another.
It's surprising how chatting to one another online can be part of our lives, which it's already making our feelings strong everyday but very much unknown to how we feel about one another when we meet. 16.3.2013
Too soon to know.
It's too soon to know.
My feelings are too uncontrolled.
Whether it's right or wrong my feelings are getting stronger and stronger.
Time seems like longer and longer.
Just chatting online doesn't say a lot but the more I chat to you I feel a bond between us .
The more we chat though it's surprising what we learn off one another.
Computers, art and music we may love but unknown to whether they make us love one another. 16.3.2013
It's too soon to know.
My feelings are too uncontrolled.
Whether it's right or wrong my feelings are getting stronger and stronger.
Time seems like longer and longer.
Just chatting online doesn't say a lot but the more I chat to you I feel a bond between us .
The more we chat though it's surprising what we learn off one another.
Computers, art and music we may love but unknown to whether they make us love one another. 16.3.2013
Take your time don't rush!
Take your time don't rush!
You will get there in the end if you are patience enough.
Think before you speak.
Don't decide anything until or unless you know what you’re doing.
We need to be sure about one another.
Doesn’t turn left, right or straight on until you know where to turn?
Think about things very carefully and take your time.
Don't be too quick and don't be too slow because life is too short to waist.
Think about things very carefully so take your time.
Put faiths into trust before hand don’t rush.
Waiting can be hard but worth it in the end.
Things will only be done right if they are done slowly.
Be sure of yourself before you do anything.
What you want will come in time. 5.4.2013
You will get there in the end if you are patience enough.
Think before you speak.
Don't decide anything until or unless you know what you’re doing.
We need to be sure about one another.
Doesn’t turn left, right or straight on until you know where to turn?
Think about things very carefully and take your time.
Don't be too quick and don't be too slow because life is too short to waist.
Think about things very carefully so take your time.
Put faiths into trust before hand don’t rush.
Waiting can be hard but worth it in the end.
Things will only be done right if they are done slowly.
Be sure of yourself before you do anything.
What you want will come in time. 5.4.2013
However far apart we are we are just a computer,
Email, phone, text and Facebook away
Time will only tell whether we are friends or lovers.
Whatever happens we will never hate one another.
Learn from your past to create a better future.
Live for today yesterday has gone.
Let's hope for tomorrow.
Be patience there are plenty more days of your life to come but they are too short to waist. 7.4.2013
However far apart we are we are just a computer,
Email, phone, text and Facebook away
Time will only tell whether we are friends or lovers.
Whatever happens we will never hate one another.
Learn from your past to create a better future.
Live for today yesterday has gone.
Let's hope for tomorrow.
Be patience there are plenty more days of your life to come but they are too short to waist. 7.4.2013
New chapter in the book.
New chapter in the book.
Now it's just the beginning.
Now our life has just begun.
The future is unknown.
Everything is far too soon to say.
I have spent days writing this poem in my mind but on paper the words don't seem to come out right.
I only hope we feel the same way as we do when we meet.
Butterflies are flying in my stomach and my nevus are on edge yet I am so looking forward to meeting you.
I'm amazed just by taking to you online how my feelings have grown for you and your feelings towards me.
Only time will tell us if our future it is meant to be or not.
Let our friendship grow but we shouldn't force anything that's not meant to be.7.4.2013
New chapter in the book.
Now it's just the beginning.
Now our life has just begun.
The future is unknown.
Everything is far too soon to say.
I have spent days writing this poem in my mind but on paper the words don't seem to come out right.
I only hope we feel the same way as we do when we meet.
Butterflies are flying in my stomach and my nevus are on edge yet I am so looking forward to meeting you.
I'm amazed just by taking to you online how my feelings have grown for you and your feelings towards me.
Only time will tell us if our future it is meant to be or not.
Let our friendship grow but we shouldn't force anything that's not meant to be.7.4.2013
Live in hope that we have friendship always no matter what happens.
It's just very lucky if we do grow to more than just friendship.
It's far too soon to know what will become of us.
Feelings are hard to control but we both need to be sure what we both want.
It's far too soon to know even though our feelings are there for one another.
Friendship can be hard to keep without it growing into more.
I like many other people have had broken relationships through falling for someone far too soon.
We can only do our best to take our time but never hate one another.
Feelings can be very mixed up with not knowing what's going to happen. 9.4.2013
Live in hope that we have friendship always no matter what happens.
It's just very lucky if we do grow to more than just friendship.
It's far too soon to know what will become of us.
Feelings are hard to control but we both need to be sure what we both want.
It's far too soon to know even though our feelings are there for one another.
Friendship can be hard to keep without it growing into more.
I like many other people have had broken relationships through falling for someone far too soon.
We can only do our best to take our time but never hate one another.
Feelings can be very mixed up with not knowing what's going to happen. 9.4.2013
Can't sleep.
Can't sleep with you on my mind unknown to how both of us or either one of us are going to feel when we meet.
Even though we have enjoyed one another's company online, we still have a lot to find out about one another.
It can still take time to know how we feel for one another face to face.
Very early days only time will tell.
I try to control my feelings and see it at this early stage of friendship but my feeling are growing far too fast.
The way I feel about you now is too much to bear.
Even though we are meeting today, how will we feel tomorrow?
It's far too soon to know and say.
By just chatting online it's far too easy to think that our friendship has grown.
It will be interesting to know what it will be like when we meet. 9.4.2013
Can't sleep with you on my mind unknown to how both of us or either one of us are going to feel when we meet.
Even though we have enjoyed one another's company online, we still have a lot to find out about one another.
It can still take time to know how we feel for one another face to face.
Very early days only time will tell.
I try to control my feelings and see it at this early stage of friendship but my feeling are growing far too fast.
The way I feel about you now is too much to bear.
Even though we are meeting today, how will we feel tomorrow?
It's far too soon to know and say.
By just chatting online it's far too easy to think that our friendship has grown.
It will be interesting to know what it will be like when we meet. 9.4.2013
If only I knew.
If only I knew what your thinking now.
If only I knew what's going to happen when we meet today.
No second of this morning can come quickly enough.
Nothing comes quick enough when you’re waiting for it to happen.
I must be patience let time come round slowly hopefully it will be worth the wait of the date. 9.4.2013
How I felt before the date.
Thoughts are running through my mind wondering what will happen next.
Thoughts that have woken me up this morning far too soon.
Unanswered questions are going through my head.
My thoughts are still unknown yet I will write away until this pen runs out of ink, which may happen before I run out of thoughts.
This could happen to us either way but which ever way we will never hate one another.
There will be no hate between us whatever the date brings. 9.4.2013
If only I knew what your thinking now.
If only I knew what's going to happen when we meet today.
No second of this morning can come quickly enough.
Nothing comes quick enough when you’re waiting for it to happen.
I must be patience let time come round slowly hopefully it will be worth the wait of the date. 9.4.2013
How I felt before the date.
Thoughts are running through my mind wondering what will happen next.
Thoughts that have woken me up this morning far too soon.
Unanswered questions are going through my head.
My thoughts are still unknown yet I will write away until this pen runs out of ink, which may happen before I run out of thoughts.
This could happen to us either way but which ever way we will never hate one another.
There will be no hate between us whatever the date brings. 9.4.2013
My friend.
My friend my male friend, friendship or relationship live in hope to be there for one another till the end.
It's very early days yet.
My nevus are kicking inside me more and more.
Butterflies are flying around my stomach again and again. 9.4.2013
My friend my male friend, friendship or relationship live in hope to be there for one another till the end.
It's very early days yet.
My nevus are kicking inside me more and more.
Butterflies are flying around my stomach again and again. 9.4.2013
How do you feel now?
The feelings are there still from before we met.
I am just talking my time to get to know you and to be honest with you.
I wouldn't string you along, if I say anything I will be honest what I say.
More time we take over it the more worth it if more than friends ever happens.
It will only happen if and when it's right and meant to be.
You have as much right as anyone to live the same life as everyone.
You need honestly in someone who is making sure of herself and how she feels, which is what she's going to do.
No saying hello one day then goodbye the next.
With me I am straight down the line it's either hello or goodbye all the way. 11.4.2013
The feelings are there still from before we met.
I am just talking my time to get to know you and to be honest with you.
I wouldn't string you along, if I say anything I will be honest what I say.
More time we take over it the more worth it if more than friends ever happens.
It will only happen if and when it's right and meant to be.
You have as much right as anyone to live the same life as everyone.
You need honestly in someone who is making sure of herself and how she feels, which is what she's going to do.
No saying hello one day then goodbye the next.
With me I am straight down the line it's either hello or goodbye all the way. 11.4.2013
Yes I do want to see you again.
Yes I do want to see you again whatever happens.
I like and care about you as a person.
Like you as person, it's the same with me many people look at my disabilities not the person I am.
It's like no one seems to see the good in us as if they have weaknesses but we are stong too.
Our weaknesses are different to them but we are stronger than them in different ways they are stronger than us.
Only time will tell how you and I will end up.
Whatever goes on between you and me there's no need for any hate to happen between us.
Just take our time whatever happens, when anything happens, if anything happens.
In the mean time enjoy chatting 2 one another online, text, phone and email.
This will give us more time to get to know one another.
Take everyday as it comes.
It's better to have someone in some way than no one at all. 11.4.2013
Yes I do want to see you again whatever happens.
I like and care about you as a person.
Like you as person, it's the same with me many people look at my disabilities not the person I am.
It's like no one seems to see the good in us as if they have weaknesses but we are stong too.
Our weaknesses are different to them but we are stronger than them in different ways they are stronger than us.
Only time will tell how you and I will end up.
Whatever goes on between you and me there's no need for any hate to happen between us.
Just take our time whatever happens, when anything happens, if anything happens.
In the mean time enjoy chatting 2 one another online, text, phone and email.
This will give us more time to get to know one another.
Take everyday as it comes.
It's better to have someone in some way than no one at all. 11.4.2013
Life goes on.
For a time I was lost and I felt alone after loving someone for so long.
It’s hard to believe I was on my own for nearly 6 years.
Been alone wasn't the reason for starting to chat to you, I tried not to look for love at all.
Friendship was all I thought it would be but I was surprised to see you and me are to be.
Everyone saw me carrying on as if nothing happened but underneath I was hurt.
I must carry on thinking that I have a new life with you now.
It takes so long to use to a new way of life.
I used to feel hurt a lot but not anymore.
It's seemed so long I felt hurt it was as if nothing was going to change.
I never thought I was going to get better.
Now it's just a case of how long this date will last compared to what I have had before.
I must take my time this time round, none of us are getting any younger.
I only hope that I am getting wiser.
What am I waiting for?
Inside my nevus are going half a mile to the dozen because everything been so new to me, what about you?
I'm unsure of every move I make just in case I make it too soon.
Butterflies are already flying round inside me waiting to see you again.
Whatever happened to me yesterday I put behind, now you are on my mind.
I must carry on to putting the past behind me all that has gone.
No matter how I feel inside I smile on the outside.
I can't wait to see you again. 17.4.2013
For a time I was lost and I felt alone after loving someone for so long.
It’s hard to believe I was on my own for nearly 6 years.
Been alone wasn't the reason for starting to chat to you, I tried not to look for love at all.
Friendship was all I thought it would be but I was surprised to see you and me are to be.
Everyone saw me carrying on as if nothing happened but underneath I was hurt.
I must carry on thinking that I have a new life with you now.
It takes so long to use to a new way of life.
I used to feel hurt a lot but not anymore.
It's seemed so long I felt hurt it was as if nothing was going to change.
I never thought I was going to get better.
Now it's just a case of how long this date will last compared to what I have had before.
I must take my time this time round, none of us are getting any younger.
I only hope that I am getting wiser.
What am I waiting for?
Inside my nevus are going half a mile to the dozen because everything been so new to me, what about you?
I'm unsure of every move I make just in case I make it too soon.
Butterflies are already flying round inside me waiting to see you again.
Whatever happened to me yesterday I put behind, now you are on my mind.
I must carry on to putting the past behind me all that has gone.
No matter how I feel inside I smile on the outside.
I can't wait to see you again. 17.4.2013
I believe I will get there in the end.
Now you have gone offline I miss you but I know we will be back there chatting time.
I believe I will get there and it will be worth it in the end.
My feelings for you are hard to control and my friendship for you is growing into more.
Yet I know it's far early days still but I find my feelings hard to show.
I am thinking about you all the time even when either one or both of us are offline.
I'm wishing I was with you but I am glad to have my space.
I don't want to rush into things because I don't want to spoil a thing between us.
It's seems so silly in one way because it's still such early days.
Yet my feelings are getting stronger and stronger for you everyday.
I missing chatting to you online but I understand that both of us have other things in our lives, even though our feelings are growing towards one another everyday.
It's only a matter of time until we see one another again we will make it worth it again.
When see one another again we will make a go of this together.
Let's hope its sunny weather.
I know I have to wait just like you do so we will have to control one another’s' feelings till then.
Can't wait to see you again waiting is hard to do we can hang on there.
I know that neither of us can wait to meet again.
I can't wait to see you walking off the train holding my hand again. 25.4.2013
Now you have gone offline I miss you but I know we will be back there chatting time.
I believe I will get there and it will be worth it in the end.
My feelings for you are hard to control and my friendship for you is growing into more.
Yet I know it's far early days still but I find my feelings hard to show.
I am thinking about you all the time even when either one or both of us are offline.
I'm wishing I was with you but I am glad to have my space.
I don't want to rush into things because I don't want to spoil a thing between us.
It's seems so silly in one way because it's still such early days.
Yet my feelings are getting stronger and stronger for you everyday.
I missing chatting to you online but I understand that both of us have other things in our lives, even though our feelings are growing towards one another everyday.
It's only a matter of time until we see one another again we will make it worth it again.
When see one another again we will make a go of this together.
Let's hope its sunny weather.
I know I have to wait just like you do so we will have to control one another’s' feelings till then.
Can't wait to see you again waiting is hard to do we can hang on there.
I know that neither of us can wait to meet again.
I can't wait to see you walking off the train holding my hand again. 25.4.2013
There doesn't seem and need to be a reason why I love you.
It's very unexplainable why I love you other than I find you very respectable towards me and to me there's something very special about.
What is special about you to me I can't put my finger on that either.
All I know is that I love you, which I couldn't control even if I wanted to.
My reasons for my feelings towards you are just so unknown to myself as well as you.
Why would I want to try and control the way I feel about you when the way we feel about one another makes one another happy?
I love you and want you no one can take that away from me whether they like it or not.
I feel this way about you whether it's right or wrong my feelings for you are very strong.
There should be no wrong or and no shame for loving a person for a person mainly the way I love you.
I love you.
I hate the way people judge people.
At the end of the day everyone has good and bad in them it doesn't matter who and what they are. 5.5.2013
It's very unexplainable why I love you other than I find you very respectable towards me and to me there's something very special about.
What is special about you to me I can't put my finger on that either.
All I know is that I love you, which I couldn't control even if I wanted to.
My reasons for my feelings towards you are just so unknown to myself as well as you.
Why would I want to try and control the way I feel about you when the way we feel about one another makes one another happy?
I love you and want you no one can take that away from me whether they like it or not.
I feel this way about you whether it's right or wrong my feelings for you are very strong.
There should be no wrong or and no shame for loving a person for a person mainly the way I love you.
I love you.
I hate the way people judge people.
At the end of the day everyone has good and bad in them it doesn't matter who and what they are. 5.5.2013
I don't want to lose the happiness I have got.
I can't help but love you but I don't want to lose the happiness I have got.
I don't want to spoil a thing by rushing into things.
It's far too easy to love too soon when feelings are so strong so I need to slow down.
The good and nice feelings are hard to control but I don't want be ungratefully to happiness.
I don't want to throw away the happiness I have got.
I just need to slow down because I don't want to spoil a thing we have got.
I never thought I would love anyone like you but I do.
I admit on our first date because we only just meet I was nevus like you but I was unsure of my own feelings.
Since then my feelings have grown towards you even more.
I was feeling very sad when you had gone on the train after our first date.
It was only then that I started to know how I was really starting to feel towards you.
I found it hard to show my feelings on the date yet I couldn't wait to see you before hand.
I was very sad to see you go; it was only when you had gone my feelings I wanted to show.
I had to stop myself from starting to cry regretting not showing my feelings when you were here.
I felt so ashamed with myself when you'd gone it felt too late, and then I thought no I will be dating him again. 5.5.2013
I can't help but love you but I don't want to lose the happiness I have got.
I don't want to spoil a thing by rushing into things.
It's far too easy to love too soon when feelings are so strong so I need to slow down.
The good and nice feelings are hard to control but I don't want be ungratefully to happiness.
I don't want to throw away the happiness I have got.
I just need to slow down because I don't want to spoil a thing we have got.
I never thought I would love anyone like you but I do.
I admit on our first date because we only just meet I was nevus like you but I was unsure of my own feelings.
Since then my feelings have grown towards you even more.
I was feeling very sad when you had gone on the train after our first date.
It was only then that I started to know how I was really starting to feel towards you.
I found it hard to show my feelings on the date yet I couldn't wait to see you before hand.
I was very sad to see you go; it was only when you had gone my feelings I wanted to show.
I had to stop myself from starting to cry regretting not showing my feelings when you were here.
I felt so ashamed with myself when you'd gone it felt too late, and then I thought no I will be dating him again. 5.5.2013
e never knew.
We never thought of love when we first spoke online, which at that time was fine.
In time our feelings grow more and more towards one another as we got chatting.
Even now it's still unknown whether one found the other or we found each other.
Time goes so fast when we are chatting yet so slow when we are not.
Time when so fast when we were dating one another twice seeing one another yet seeing one another again seems so long to come.
What I have said is true no one I have loved has loved me as much as you do. 28.5.2013.
We never thought of love when we first spoke online, which at that time was fine.
In time our feelings grow more and more towards one another as we got chatting.
Even now it's still unknown whether one found the other or we found each other.
Time goes so fast when we are chatting yet so slow when we are not.
Time when so fast when we were dating one another twice seeing one another yet seeing one another again seems so long to come.
What I have said is true no one I have loved has loved me as much as you do. 28.5.2013.
We believe in each other.
I believe you have faith in yourself so I believe that you have faith in me.
I believe you know what and who you want in your life and you never change your mind.
I believe you know what you want within me.
Its great have someone in my life who believes in because no other man I have had in my life has.
Yes I believe that you believe in me like I believe in you.
I believe you bring the positive in me yet you’re cleverer than me.
You believing the positive in me are helping me slowly to think positive about myself. 21.7.2013.
I believe you have faith in yourself so I believe that you have faith in me.
I believe you know what and who you want in your life and you never change your mind.
I believe you know what you want within me.
Its great have someone in my life who believes in because no other man I have had in my life has.
Yes I believe that you believe in me like I believe in you.
I believe you bring the positive in me yet you’re cleverer than me.
You believing the positive in me are helping me slowly to think positive about myself. 21.7.2013.
Before I met you online.
I spoke to quite a few guys before I met you online but none of them were my type.
I spoke to quite a few guys before I met you online but none of them were my type.
To me going to relationship wasn't the right time at that time.
Some where pushy, others wanted more than friendship, others were boring and others wanted their cake and eat it, before you that are what it was like for me all the time.
Since I met you online you have given me a good time chatting to you every time.
When I met you I accepted to full in love with you online.
I thought I'd write some lines of what's going through my mind.
I'm thinking about you all the time.
You are very very very very very very very very very very very very very kind.
You are mine and I can't get you off my mind.
Now for me and you now is the time to start our life.
Now I wish you where by my side.
With you have felt wine and dined, which I have never felt like that for sometime.
At that point I just wanted friendship just talking about every day life.
There were a few that contacted me who wanted too much of me at that time.
Many could have wanted my money in time.
Many could have been out of their minds.
I know even with you if took me a while to decide what was going through my mind at our dating time. 21.7.2013.
Some where pushy, others wanted more than friendship, others were boring and others wanted their cake and eat it, before you that are what it was like for me all the time.
Since I met you online you have given me a good time chatting to you every time.
When I met you I accepted to full in love with you online.
I thought I'd write some lines of what's going through my mind.
I'm thinking about you all the time.
You are very very very very very very very very very very very very very kind.
You are mine and I can't get you off my mind.
Now for me and you now is the time to start our life.
Now I wish you where by my side.
With you have felt wine and dined, which I have never felt like that for sometime.
At that point I just wanted friendship just talking about every day life.
There were a few that contacted me who wanted too much of me at that time.
Many could have wanted my money in time.
Many could have been out of their minds.
I know even with you if took me a while to decide what was going through my mind at our dating time. 21.7.2013.
We want to be each others arms.
Kiss me my sweet babe I love you so much.
I will kiss you again when I see you because I want to be with you.
We want to walk hand in hand together in the warm sun.
Between us already our love is so strong for one another.
I would have loved to come to see you now.
I wish could see you but it's never too late.
Is that what you say to be written in the poem babe I know you mean it babe or are you meaning it to tell me or both.
Both reasons babe.
I may as well write it? Shall I ?
Yes babe it's never too late to love which we have each other.
It's taking me a while to write this poem babe so bare with me.
No worries.
I am laughing as I am writing it.
I get so carried away with words.
I may as well write what we say all night.
No way nothing will be private if I put into a poem everything we say to one another.
You must let me know babe when I get carried away with words babe. 3rd August 2013
You can’t mend what has been broken.
Mark David Chapman, it's too late to say you’re sorry because you have already done the damage.
John Lennon hoped to be Jesus Christ and come back to live.
Let's be honest after death.
Even there was life after death John Lennon would have been haunting you Mark David Chapman.
Do you believe in Jesus Christ?
Do you think he will come back to live.
May be Jesus will but John Lennon won't.
Do you believe in hell on earth but peace in heaven?
That wasn't the way John Lennon saw it.
John Lennon believes in peace on earth.
I know answers are unknown what the truth is so who know what and not to believe.
I was 11 years old in the class room when Mr Stoll told me and many other children at the time of the bad news of John Lennon's death.
I can still hear Mr Stoll telling us now 30 odd yrs on.
The peace John was hoping for on earth I hope he gets in heaven. 8.12.2007 - 5.7.2013
John Lennon.
John Lennon was a young hippie in the 1960s.
He believed in peace not war.
He would not be happy with the world been any other way than peace not war.
Today he'd be rolling in his grave if he saw knew what a mess the world is today.
John always rewarded brave people.
He wrote great song and poetry.
He drew and painted lovely pictures.
He was a very clever man.
The sad thing was that he did not die in people but with a bang.
Everyone guessed that John Lennon wanted to die at a peaceful grand old age with no pain but just in his sleep. 31.1.2001
John Lennon was a young hippie in the 1960s.
He believed in peace not war.
He would not be happy with the world been any other way than peace not war.
Today he'd be rolling in his grave if he saw knew what a mess the world is today.
John always rewarded brave people.
He wrote great song and poetry.
He drew and painted lovely pictures.
He was a very clever man.
The sad thing was that he did not die in people but with a bang.
Everyone guessed that John Lennon wanted to die at a peaceful grand old age with no pain but just in his sleep. 31.1.2001
Give the world as much love as you can.
It takes all kinds of people to make a war but it take all kinds of people to give love.
We are all in the same boat in ways fearing for people's lives and our own.
We should all get through this war together by loving and supporting another.
Know one will know where it will be one day to the next; most countries may be safe not but in the future who knows!
We must as much peace and love as much as we can but no war.
Be brave enough to take it day by day. 12-13.5.2003
War and peace.
What a life.
Make sure you have good times.
Try to get through the bad times.
You start off young.
You end up old but then you learn a lot more than you know now.
Everyone wonders about what life all is all about whether it's a waste or not.
Life is what you make it, if you make it good, it's no waste at all. There are too many people risking their lives for others.
They are risking their lives for you and me.
We are risking our lives in our country in order to live our lives.
There are too many dangerous people about on this earth sadly.
Heaven could be the most peaceful place to be if there is a place called heaven.14-15.5.2003 - 23.4.2003 - 19.8.2012
Give the world as much love as you can.
It takes all kinds of people to make a war but it take all kinds of people to give love.
We are all in the same boat in ways fearing for people's lives and our own.
We should all get through this war together by loving and supporting another.
Know one will know where it will be one day to the next; most countries may be safe not but in the future who knows!
We must as much peace and love as much as we can but no war.
Be brave enough to take it day by day. 12-13.5.2003
War and peace.
What a life.
Make sure you have good times.
Try to get through the bad times.
You start off young.
You end up old but then you learn a lot more than you know now.
Everyone wonders about what life all is all about whether it's a waste or not.
Life is what you make it, if you make it good, it's no waste at all. There are too many people risking their lives for others.
They are risking their lives for you and me.
We are risking our lives in our country in order to live our lives.
There are too many dangerous people about on this earth sadly.
Heaven could be the most peaceful place to be if there is a place called heaven.14-15.5.2003 - 23.4.2003 - 19.8.2012
My memory of George Harrison.
Like a lot of us I never knew George as a person.
I know as ex Beatle he plays the guitar.
What was so sad was that he was not here to be sixty - four.
The happiest thing is that he did not lose his hair.
He would have got his valentine card and bottle of wine.
The sad thing was that I was not here to enjoy the sixty.
I was born at the wrong time.
By the time I understood about Beatles they slit up.
The news was that they were all singing alone in my life time.
Sadly John Lennon died December 8th; I was only eleven years old.
Twenty - one years later, he has still left great music for us.
We all miss him, we all kiss him.
Have nice rest George. 3.12.2001 - 4.12.2001
Like a lot of us I never knew George as a person.
I know as ex Beatle he plays the guitar.
What was so sad was that he was not here to be sixty - four.
The happiest thing is that he did not lose his hair.
He would have got his valentine card and bottle of wine.
The sad thing was that I was not here to enjoy the sixty.
I was born at the wrong time.
By the time I understood about Beatles they slit up.
The news was that they were all singing alone in my life time.
Sadly John Lennon died December 8th; I was only eleven years old.
Twenty - one years later, he has still left great music for us.
We all miss him, we all kiss him.
Have nice rest George. 3.12.2001 - 4.12.2001
27 1997.
At the age of 27 1997, it was a bad year.
You broke my heart, you torn me apart.
At the age of 27 in 1997 I just wanted to go to heaven.
Life did not seem worth living, it all seemed like a dark tunnel.
The winter was dull and cold without you.
I discovered Shelly and Keats in the summer.
Without planning to I wrote poetry but when I did I knew life was worth living after all.
Once I started writing poetry it helped me clear my mixed up mind which helped me to get stronger in my mind.
That's when I learned to understand that life goes on, without writing poetry I would have broke down or and even ended my own life.
Jim Hendricks, Kurt Cobain and Jim Morrison all suffered depression one way or the other over difference very bad times in life; they were all 27 when they died.
They were very creative people in their music but I pulled through my breakdown when I was nearly twenty - eight by discovering poetry. 13.2.2009
At the age of 27 1997, it was a bad year.
You broke my heart, you torn me apart.
At the age of 27 in 1997 I just wanted to go to heaven.
Life did not seem worth living, it all seemed like a dark tunnel.
The winter was dull and cold without you.
I discovered Shelly and Keats in the summer.
Without planning to I wrote poetry but when I did I knew life was worth living after all.
Once I started writing poetry it helped me clear my mixed up mind which helped me to get stronger in my mind.
That's when I learned to understand that life goes on, without writing poetry I would have broke down or and even ended my own life.
Jim Hendricks, Kurt Cobain and Jim Morrison all suffered depression one way or the other over difference very bad times in life; they were all 27 when they died.
They were very creative people in their music but I pulled through my breakdown when I was nearly twenty - eight by discovering poetry. 13.2.2009
How did he write?
How did he read what he wrote?
He must have been a remarkable guy.
How did he write if he was blind?
See people with disabilities are creative, they can get jobs.
We all work in difference ways sense, feel, sight, smell, taste and touch or even all.
How did he know that he was writing what he wanted to write?
How did he get down on paper what was going on through his mind?
I guess he could not see pictures and he may not have got the support.
I guess there was not Braille or any other support in the 1600s.
The 1600s was John Milton’s time; life must have been dark for him been blind.
It's hard for someone to understand who is blind.
Blind is not just blind in sight, dyslexia is a word blindness.
How did he read what he wrote?
He must have been a remarkable guy.
How did he write if he was blind?
See people with disabilities are creative, they can get jobs.
We all work in difference ways sense, feel, sight, smell, taste and touch or even all.
How did he know that he was writing what he wanted to write?
How did he get down on paper what was going on through his mind?
I guess he could not see pictures and he may not have got the support.
I guess there was not Braille or any other support in the 1600s.
The 1600s was John Milton’s time; life must have been dark for him been blind.
It's hard for someone to understand who is blind.
Blind is not just blind in sight, dyslexia is a word blindness.
Autism is a mind blindness.
People with all kinds of disabilities manage more than what people think, even though we are slower because of our disabilities that makes us a better than people who have not got anything to slow them down.
With not seeing you must worry that you are feeling and touching the wrong things.
How do you know if you are touching right people?
The answer only by voice.
It must be hurtful not to see what you have achieved.
I think a lot of people who are clever have disabilities.
The blind may have a lot of support now but not in John Milton’s time.
People with all kinds of disabilities manage more than what people think, even though we are slower because of our disabilities that makes us a better than people who have not got anything to slow them down.
With not seeing you must worry that you are feeling and touching the wrong things.
How do you know if you are touching right people?
The answer only by voice.
It must be hurtful not to see what you have achieved.
I think a lot of people who are clever have disabilities.
The blind may have a lot of support now but not in John Milton’s time.
Jonathan Swift 1667-1745.
He wrote about the ships sailing on the rough sea.
He must have been bought up into the world of sea.
The sails blowing in the wind.
He had epilepsy just like me.
I am so lucky to have tablets to cure my epilepsy.
There always a way of achieving things in life whether you have a disability, health problem or not.
You just need to get the help and support in what you want to do and show willing.
Years ago there were not any chances or support but a lot of frame people with disabilities achieved things at home because they knew society would not accept them but sadly their work was only seen after their death, society knew it was wrong then.
People knew they had things wrong with them back then but did not know what like we do today. 22, 23.8.2002
He wrote about the ships sailing on the rough sea.
He must have been bought up into the world of sea.
The sails blowing in the wind.
He had epilepsy just like me.
I am so lucky to have tablets to cure my epilepsy.
There always a way of achieving things in life whether you have a disability, health problem or not.
You just need to get the help and support in what you want to do and show willing.
Years ago there were not any chances or support but a lot of frame people with disabilities achieved things at home because they knew society would not accept them but sadly their work was only seen after their death, society knew it was wrong then.
People knew they had things wrong with them back then but did not know what like we do today. 22, 23.8.2002
Hiding pain with a smile.
Sometimes the world can know too much about you.
Sometimes we should be free to have our thoughts going through our mind and only tell our thoughts if we want.
Sometimes the world can know too much about you.
Sometimes we should be free to have our thoughts going through our mind and only tell our thoughts if we want.
Coping alone is a person's choice whether it's right or wrong.
Some of us deal with things better when we are older than we did when we were younger.
Drinking may not be the answer, it blocks your mind at the time but your problems are there the next day.
Keeping ones' self busy is keeping ones' self going.
Now it's too easy to fear the future.
Not wanting to be alone but not having to deal with disappointed ended love.
It's hard to know what you do and don't want let alone what's going to happen.
Try not to think about it, just get on with it with a smile.
May be it's easy to smile but hard to stop thinking about you.
No matter how I try I find my feelings for you are hard to go. 9.12.2012
Drinking may not be the answer, it blocks your mind at the time but your problems are there the next day.
Keeping ones' self busy is keeping ones' self going.
Now it's too easy to fear the future.
Not wanting to be alone but not having to deal with disappointed ended love.
It's hard to know what you do and don't want let alone what's going to happen.
Try not to think about it, just get on with it with a smile.
May be it's easy to smile but hard to stop thinking about you.
No matter how I try I find my feelings for you are hard to go. 9.12.2012
A brave face.
Step into the world to show them you are there.
Step into the world to show them you are there.
With your head up high.
Show them no fear even though you may have fear.
You are more than a stranger so they shouldn't judge you how they see you.
You may worry more than you should.
The world may seem even worse than what it is.
Once you have taken one step you can take another one.
Nothing is lost: nothing is gained.
Many things happen for the right reasons even if they seem wrong and ufair.
Try not to think about what happened in-front of themShow them no fear even though you may have fear.
You are more than a stranger so they shouldn't judge you how they see you.
You may worry more than you should.
The world may seem even worse than what it is.
Once you have taken one step you can take another one.
Nothing is lost: nothing is gained.
Many things happen for the right reasons even if they seem wrong and ufair.
Try not to think about it, just get on with it with a smile to show to them so they don't think they are bothering you.
May be it's easy to smile but hard to stop thinking about you.
May it's hard to smile and to stop thinking about it but try cause they will play on your mind if you let them.
can fight this bad feeling whatever it is.
A bad feeling can happen whether there's a reason or not.
You can feel bad even when you know there's nothing to feel about bad about.You can feel as the world is looking at you and judging even if they are not.
You can feel alone even when your not.
You can feel worried even if you have nothing to worry about.
Stay strong which i know is easy to say, show the world despite of how you feel that you are alive.
You don't feel special but you are.
You feel like a bad person but you are a good person.
Of course things will get better even though it doesn't seem that way.
The good is out there somewhere it's just finding it.
It may not come for a long time to come but then quicker than you think
It will be better if your patient enough to wait.
I know the bad is too easy to fear but the good is hard to think.
I guess I just accept too much without meaning to.
I know it's not easy to believe in ourselves even though we should.
Yet if we believe in ourselves we can believe in others.
If we learn to love ourselves we can love others.
The world is a rockly road but we can move forward if work hard enough.
We must not try to feel sorry for ourselves so often.
We can all fear loneliness even more when we get old.
Then old age isn't a problem I hope I get wiser.
We shouldn't rush ourselves. 9.12.2012
Right or wrong you can't make feelings go away until feelings want to.
We all make mistakes but not all are mistakes.
It's what we say and do what matters: thinking is thoughts not words. 9. 12. 2012
A bad feeling can happen whether there's a reason or not.
You can feel bad even when you know there's nothing to feel about bad about.You can feel as the world is looking at you and judging even if they are not.
You can feel alone even when your not.
You can feel worried even if you have nothing to worry about.
Stay strong which i know is easy to say, show the world despite of how you feel that you are alive.
You don't feel special but you are.
You feel like a bad person but you are a good person.
Of course things will get better even though it doesn't seem that way.
The good is out there somewhere it's just finding it.
It may not come for a long time to come but then quicker than you think
It will be better if your patient enough to wait.
I know the bad is too easy to fear but the good is hard to think.
I guess I just accept too much without meaning to.
I know it's not easy to believe in ourselves even though we should.
Yet if we believe in ourselves we can believe in others.
If we learn to love ourselves we can love others.
The world is a rockly road but we can move forward if work hard enough.
We must not try to feel sorry for ourselves so often.
We can all fear loneliness even more when we get old.
Then old age isn't a problem I hope I get wiser.
We shouldn't rush ourselves. 9.12.2012
Too scared to talk.
Finding it say it hard to say what one thinks in case others judge.
It may not be nice but it may be the truth.
One can be scared of the truth in a good way as well as a bad but then the truth isn't always what we want heard then we do, it's no good living in a lie.
Not wanting to hurt the feelings of others.
Finding it say it hard to say what one thinks in case others judge.
It may not be nice but it may be the truth.
One can be scared of the truth in a good way as well as a bad but then the truth isn't always what we want heard then we do, it's no good living in a lie.
Not wanting to hurt the feelings of others.
Not wanting to full out with others because they can’t agree with you and you can’t agree with them.
Everyone has the rights of their own views.
Not everyone gets along: not everyone doesn’t get along. Right or wrong you can't make feelings go away until feelings want to.
We all make mistakes but not all are mistakes.
It's what we say and do what matters: thinking is thoughts not words. 9. 12. 2012
Understanding people.
The only people who understand we is we.
Freedom is important we without knowing it we control one another.
We are looked at as strange from strangers as if we have masks to cover as faces.
We are looked at as if we are wrong all the while.
We are looked as if we are not human.
We looked at if we are nuts and out of our minds all the time.
There's a fear if we are watched all the time.
What we do and say isn’t wrong all the time.
People may fear in case they are misunderstood. 9.12.2012
The only people who understand we is we.
Freedom is important we without knowing it we control one another.
We are looked at as strange from strangers as if we have masks to cover as faces.
We are looked at as if we are wrong all the while.
We are looked as if we are not human.
We looked at if we are nuts and out of our minds all the time.
There's a fear if we are watched all the time.
What we do and say isn’t wrong all the time.
People may fear in case they are misunderstood. 9.12.2012
Hard to trust.
To be able to trust is to know that there's faith that no one will judge you for what you do and say.
To be able to not worry about what people think.
It should be easy to believe on ones' self and others. 9.12.2012
To be able to trust is to know that there's faith that no one will judge you for what you do and say.
To be able to not worry about what people think.
It should be easy to believe on ones' self and others. 9.12.2012
When I was awake I was asleep.
The voices I heard were shouting at me to wake me up as I was in my own world.
I think I was been asked questions that I didn't know the answers to.
The teachers wrote so much jargon on the board in school.
It seemed as if I never paid a great attention with the world around me.
This is why I didn’t learn anything in school.
The voices I heard were shouting at me to wake me up as I was in my own world.
I think I was been asked questions that I didn't know the answers to.
The teachers wrote so much jargon on the board in school.
It seemed as if I never paid a great attention with the world around me.
This is why I didn’t learn anything in school.
They moved my table and chair to the end of the class.
Let kids laugh at me and bullying was hell outside on the playground.
They made me feel so thick and small that they all called me thicko.
For all the tablets I took, if I were still taking them my adulthood would have been destroyed as well as my childhood.
Now kids and teachers I'm not the person I was, I've learned more since I left school.
In school I learned nothing at all. 9.12.12
Let kids laugh at me and bullying was hell outside on the playground.
They made me feel so thick and small that they all called me thicko.
For all the tablets I took, if I were still taking them my adulthood would have been destroyed as well as my childhood.
Now kids and teachers I'm not the person I was, I've learned more since I left school.
In school I learned nothing at all. 9.12.12
It may not been as bad as what I think.
It's not easy to feel good.
Why do we feel so bad.
We may be very silly our minds may be playing tricks.
No matter how hard we try to control it, we can't help it whether are worrying over something or nothing.
When it's something some things can be hard to talk abut others can be easy to talk about.
May be I am worrying about nothing.
There can be so so much fear of losing the good we have got.
I've tried so hard to block you out my mind but it's no good. 12.12.12
I'm finding it hard to trust you again.
I shouldn't have trusted you from the start.
I'm so glad I didn't marry you.
Even now I'm not sure whether or not you were cheating on me.
Even now it's hard to say whether or not you were unfaithful.
What makes me think this is that you were texting a lot in front of me and getting texts back.
You made me feel very stressed and very uncomfortable that's why I won't have you back.
I kept on thinking this was a bad dream.
I may be wrong in what I did thought but the texts you sent and the texts you had back went on far too long because I loved you so much. 13.12.12
Happy New year 2013.
Happy New year to you all for 2013 and many more happy new years to come.
The sun is shining on the New year's day 2013 but it's very cold.
The sunshine should bring hope to us all.
I hope things turn out better for you this year than last with many years to come. 1.1.13
New Start.
A new start that could be unknown to most of us.
Whatever you didn't achieve last year I hope you achieve this.
This could be a new year and new beginning for you.
Number 13 is lucky for some but unlucky for others.
Let's hope 2013 is the year for you with many of your dreams to come true. 1.1.2013
Bring in 2013.
Here I am finding it hard to know what to write.
Recovering from a hang over on New year's day from New year's eve.
The hang over is slowing me down to think and write.
With what's gone last year new will be to come this year.
The future is unknown to us all.
We've laughed, worried and cried.
We've just got on with life.
Life is full of good and bad, it would be boring if it was all the same. 1.1.2013
Happy New year to you all for 2013 and many more happy new years to come.
The sun is shining on the New year's day 2013 but it's very cold.
The sunshine should bring hope to us all.
I hope things turn out better for you this year than last with many years to come. 1.1.13
New Start.
A new start that could be unknown to most of us.
Whatever you didn't achieve last year I hope you achieve this.
This could be a new year and new beginning for you.
Number 13 is lucky for some but unlucky for others.
Let's hope 2013 is the year for you with many of your dreams to come true. 1.1.2013
Bring in 2013.
Here I am finding it hard to know what to write.
Recovering from a hang over on New year's day from New year's eve.
The hang over is slowing me down to think and write.
With what's gone last year new will be to come this year.
The future is unknown to us all.
We've laughed, worried and cried.
We've just got on with life.
Life is full of good and bad, it would be boring if it was all the same. 1.1.2013
Too easy to hurt the one you love.
It's too easy to hurt the one you love.
At same time you hurt yourself knowing it's wrong thing for you do for them and you.
It's so hard to understand why when it hurts so deep inside.
Why did I send you that text knowing full well how strong my feelings are for you?
Why did I get myself so misunderstood.
Yet I know what you'd say it's my own silly fault.
You are so right and I'm so wrong.
Oh what a silly mistake to make knowing it's too late.
Why didn't I leave things alone, I would did I let you go?
Loneliness is going to be there for me a long time to come or it's loneliness for good.
It will take a long time for me to feel the same for someone else as I do for you.
To me it will take someone more than special to fill your space after my silly mistake.
Even though loneliness is hard to take.
Why did I let you slip through my fingers like a foal?
Now I have nothing to look forward to, my own fault I shouldn't have let you go. 2.1.2013
If only you knew.
If you knew how different I am to what you think I am.
With very little time we had together when we were together, it gave us very little time to get to know one another.
Little do you know that I enjoyed our time apart as well as our time together.
It didn't matter to me as long as you were mine and I was yours at the end of the day.
That's what I miss most of all knowing that in time we had time along.
Now our time a lone is gone I feel empty and lost without you.
If only you knew how much I loved you, which has now given me an even harder time getting over you now it's over.
It breaks my heart to know that your not mine anymore. 3.1.2013
It's too easy to hurt the one you love.
At same time you hurt yourself knowing it's wrong thing for you do for them and you.
It's so hard to understand why when it hurts so deep inside.
Why did I send you that text knowing full well how strong my feelings are for you?
Why did I get myself so misunderstood.
Yet I know what you'd say it's my own silly fault.
You are so right and I'm so wrong.
Oh what a silly mistake to make knowing it's too late.
Why didn't I leave things alone, I would did I let you go?
Loneliness is going to be there for me a long time to come or it's loneliness for good.
It will take a long time for me to feel the same for someone else as I do for you.
To me it will take someone more than special to fill your space after my silly mistake.
Even though loneliness is hard to take.
Why did I let you slip through my fingers like a foal?
Now I have nothing to look forward to, my own fault I shouldn't have let you go. 2.1.2013
If only you knew.
If you knew how different I am to what you think I am.
With very little time we had together when we were together, it gave us very little time to get to know one another.
Little do you know that I enjoyed our time apart as well as our time together.
It didn't matter to me as long as you were mine and I was yours at the end of the day.
That's what I miss most of all knowing that in time we had time along.
Now our time a lone is gone I feel empty and lost without you.
If only you knew how much I loved you, which has now given me an even harder time getting over you now it's over.
It breaks my heart to know that your not mine anymore. 3.1.2013
Coping without you.
No bed is empty without you.
Why did you come back that Saturday night, you knew I didn't feel the same way as I do.
You must have known I wouldn't let you sleep with me.
You thought you had the chance with me because you came back that Saturday night.
You think I still feel hurt by you but that's where your wrong.
You think one night I am going to come knocking you door again so you can shut the door in my face.
Why would I waste my time on someone I don't even love.
I spent a lot years wasting a lot of time, tears and sleep over you.
Now I'm not the person you knew, you only thought I'd stay weak forever, that's where your wrong.
I was sick and tired of you dumping me every time you got bored with me.
I was stick and tired of hoping you would change when there was no chance of that.
I was stick and tired of coming back in your life when you got bored with and without me.
You were never happy whether I was in or out of your life so now I am gone for good.
In the end the only time you wanted me was when you were very drunk. 3.1.2013
One day I know it will happen.
I know the next person you will meet will be better than me.
Strangely enough a while before I started seeing you I thought you were married with kids.
I thought that there's something very nice about you.
I felt the same as you but I tried to stopped myself in case you all ready had someone in your life at the time.
I hope one day I will meet someone as nice as you again.
It hurt me so much to have lost you.
The time we had together felt so good.
I know it could be a long time until I get love like yours again if ever.
You were the best thing to happen to me ever yet.
I am glad to say there was no lieing, cheating and or beating but having lost someone so special has hurt me more than ever. 3.1.2013
No bed is empty without you.
Why did you come back that Saturday night, you knew I didn't feel the same way as I do.
You must have known I wouldn't let you sleep with me.
You thought you had the chance with me because you came back that Saturday night.
You think I still feel hurt by you but that's where your wrong.
You think one night I am going to come knocking you door again so you can shut the door in my face.
Why would I waste my time on someone I don't even love.
I spent a lot years wasting a lot of time, tears and sleep over you.
Now I'm not the person you knew, you only thought I'd stay weak forever, that's where your wrong.
I was sick and tired of you dumping me every time you got bored with me.
I was stick and tired of hoping you would change when there was no chance of that.
I was stick and tired of coming back in your life when you got bored with and without me.
You were never happy whether I was in or out of your life so now I am gone for good.
In the end the only time you wanted me was when you were very drunk. 3.1.2013
One day I know it will happen.
I know the next person you will meet will be better than me.
Strangely enough a while before I started seeing you I thought you were married with kids.
I thought that there's something very nice about you.
I felt the same as you but I tried to stopped myself in case you all ready had someone in your life at the time.
I hope one day I will meet someone as nice as you again.
It hurt me so much to have lost you.
The time we had together felt so good.
I know it could be a long time until I get love like yours again if ever.
You were the best thing to happen to me ever yet.
I am glad to say there was no lieing, cheating and or beating but having lost someone so special has hurt me more than ever. 3.1.2013
How much can I take?
I feel tears in my eyes that I can't cry because you didn't hurt me.
The only thing that hurt me was that I lost you.
What on my mind is too private to say as I still respect you all the same as before even thought we're not together anymore.
I always knew that one day the change will come to me if it's not to be.
I tried not to build my hopes but I never said never, it wasn't easy to say despite of my feelings towards you.
You still touch my heart, it's so hard to see you as just a friend even though I saw very little of you when I was seeing you.
It will be hard to know to cope if I ever will love anyone else.
Since I have hit my 40s I have loved spending a lot of time on my own but having something special to look forward to.
Now I feel empty now that it's gone, knowing that love will be a very time to come again, which breaks my heart.
How many men will trust me to be faithful to them if I don't see them very often?
How many men will be faithful to me if I don't see them very often?
How many men will cope without a woman like I can without a man as long as possible? 3.1.2013
How do we manage?
How do we manage with all these cutbacks?
How we manage with all these debts?
Even the banks are debts?
How can the banks give out loans when they are in debt knowing a lot of people can't manage to pay them back?
How are we all still alive with so little money?
How have we become so greedy in a small country like Britain spending money we haven't got?
Kids having kids so they can leave home and don't have to go to work, this is taking a lot money.
Many people who sign on still manage to drink all day and night in the pubs, this is encourged by pubs been open 24 hours a day.
Too many people in this country who wasn't born in this country.
We are spending money we haven't got so the list goes on. 4.1.2013
The wind is blowing so lond.
The wind is blowing so loud I can't hear a thing.
I know there's a lot of sounds are going on around me.
Now the wind is so strong it's making me fly up into the air.
Now the wind is strong it's bringing me down to the ground.
Now I'm blowing in the air as my hair is sticking up on end.
I have no control with the wind as I'm blowing up and down like a Jack in the box. 4.1.2013
I feel tears in my eyes that I can't cry because you didn't hurt me.
The only thing that hurt me was that I lost you.
What on my mind is too private to say as I still respect you all the same as before even thought we're not together anymore.
I always knew that one day the change will come to me if it's not to be.
I tried not to build my hopes but I never said never, it wasn't easy to say despite of my feelings towards you.
You still touch my heart, it's so hard to see you as just a friend even though I saw very little of you when I was seeing you.
It will be hard to know to cope if I ever will love anyone else.
Since I have hit my 40s I have loved spending a lot of time on my own but having something special to look forward to.
Now I feel empty now that it's gone, knowing that love will be a very time to come again, which breaks my heart.
How many men will trust me to be faithful to them if I don't see them very often?
How many men will be faithful to me if I don't see them very often?
How many men will cope without a woman like I can without a man as long as possible? 3.1.2013
How do we manage?
How do we manage with all these cutbacks?
How we manage with all these debts?
Even the banks are debts?
How can the banks give out loans when they are in debt knowing a lot of people can't manage to pay them back?
How are we all still alive with so little money?
How have we become so greedy in a small country like Britain spending money we haven't got?
Kids having kids so they can leave home and don't have to go to work, this is taking a lot money.
Many people who sign on still manage to drink all day and night in the pubs, this is encourged by pubs been open 24 hours a day.
Too many people in this country who wasn't born in this country.
We are spending money we haven't got so the list goes on. 4.1.2013
The wind is blowing so lond.
The wind is blowing so loud I can't hear a thing.
I know there's a lot of sounds are going on around me.
Now the wind is so strong it's making me fly up into the air.
Now the wind is strong it's bringing me down to the ground.
Now I'm blowing in the air as my hair is sticking up on end.
I have no control with the wind as I'm blowing up and down like a Jack in the box. 4.1.2013
Next one to be.
Next one to be is to be as special as you.
I know I won't get you back again, even though I didn't want to lose your love.
I know it will take a long time for me to date or never at all. 4.1.2013
I know your mind.
What is there to talk about?
I know if I go along with what you want, I will get hurt again.
I'm not going along with your mind games again.
I'm not going to be there for you to dump me when you get bored.
I'm not going to be there for you to love when you feel alone.
I feel alone but I don't need you at all.
I have a feeling now I'm single you won't want me no more until I meet someone else.
Why should I travel all the way down to yours to have the door shut in my face knowing that I haven't been down to yours for so long.
I have coped without you long enough why should I need you now?
What's the point when you aren't going to achieve hurting my feelings anymore?
I would be lieing to go down and see you when I know there's no need when I don't love you anymore.
You can't hurt me anymore.
Why should I have the door shut in my face by a man I don't love anymore?
I don't cry over you anymore, I cried enough when I did love you and you hurt me a lot more. 5.1.2013
I don't need your help.
I don't need your help.
Why should I cry to you over another man?
I can cope alone.
I don't need you to make things any worse for me than you have done.
No pain is as bad as what you put me through.
It was all a long time ago I don't need you at all.
Don't think because I am alone that I am yours!
That's where you think wrong. 5.1.2013
Next one to be is to be as special as you.
I know I won't get you back again, even though I didn't want to lose your love.
I know it will take a long time for me to date or never at all. 4.1.2013
I know your mind.
What is there to talk about?
I know if I go along with what you want, I will get hurt again.
I'm not going along with your mind games again.
I'm not going to be there for you to dump me when you get bored.
I'm not going to be there for you to love when you feel alone.
I feel alone but I don't need you at all.
I have a feeling now I'm single you won't want me no more until I meet someone else.
Why should I travel all the way down to yours to have the door shut in my face knowing that I haven't been down to yours for so long.
I have coped without you long enough why should I need you now?
What's the point when you aren't going to achieve hurting my feelings anymore?
I would be lieing to go down and see you when I know there's no need when I don't love you anymore.
You can't hurt me anymore.
Why should I have the door shut in my face by a man I don't love anymore?
I don't cry over you anymore, I cried enough when I did love you and you hurt me a lot more. 5.1.2013
I don't need your help.
I don't need your help.
Why should I cry to you over another man?
I can cope alone.
I don't need you to make things any worse for me than you have done.
No pain is as bad as what you put me through.
It was all a long time ago I don't need you at all.
Don't think because I am alone that I am yours!
That's where you think wrong. 5.1.2013
I still love you.
I still love you but it hurts so bad I only wish my feelings weren't as strong as what they are.
If only I could make things easy for you because I know friendship is all you want.
If only I could let go but to me your so special.
Every time I look my phone I keep excepting you to phone or text, I have to tell myself not to expect it anymore.
I walk round with a smile on my face in front of others for them not to know how I'm feeling inside and reasons why.
As our relationship was so private so is our break up.
Not having anyone to talk to with about the way my emotions are is hard.
I bet you feel hurt the same too.
It's like no day goes by. 5.1.2013
Feelings are strong.
I keep hoping I will feel alright tomorrow then when tomorrow comes I feel worse.
I feel empty, lost and alone than ever, even though I didn't see a lot of you when I was seeing you.
When we were seeing one another I wondered how you were feeling about me because I was missing you so much, this was what I was trying to ask you in the text the night our love ended.It wasn't pointless for me because I knew I had your love to look forward to but how was it for you?
I keep hoping you'd love me again I know it's not possible.
I thought it wouldn't make difference as I didn't see a lot of you but it makes a lot of difference to me what about you?
The strong feelings are still there hard to control.
I keep thinking it will get' easier but no it gets harder.
I know I need to give it it's own time to heel and carry living without your love.
I understand reasons why you ended it, even so it really hurts more that there was no pain between us to end it even though I can gladly say we didn't hurt one another during the time we were seeing one another.
I just keep thinking about you all the time. 5.1.2013
Parted in silence.
Loved in silence.
Parted in silence.
The pain of losing you is hard to accept.
secret break up is not talked about.
A secret is why nothing is said.
There were no falling outs.
Very little we saw one another when we did see one another.
Reasons for breaking weren't no fault of ours or anyone.
It didn't turn out to be.
Reasons why known to ourselves really.
Who knows what's to be.
Wait and see! 6.1.2013
I still love you but it hurts so bad I only wish my feelings weren't as strong as what they are.
If only I could make things easy for you because I know friendship is all you want.
If only I could let go but to me your so special.
Every time I look my phone I keep excepting you to phone or text, I have to tell myself not to expect it anymore.
I walk round with a smile on my face in front of others for them not to know how I'm feeling inside and reasons why.
As our relationship was so private so is our break up.
Not having anyone to talk to with about the way my emotions are is hard.
I bet you feel hurt the same too.
It's like no day goes by. 5.1.2013
Feelings are strong.
I keep hoping I will feel alright tomorrow then when tomorrow comes I feel worse.
I feel empty, lost and alone than ever, even though I didn't see a lot of you when I was seeing you.
When we were seeing one another I wondered how you were feeling about me because I was missing you so much, this was what I was trying to ask you in the text the night our love ended.It wasn't pointless for me because I knew I had your love to look forward to but how was it for you?
I keep hoping you'd love me again I know it's not possible.
I thought it wouldn't make difference as I didn't see a lot of you but it makes a lot of difference to me what about you?
The strong feelings are still there hard to control.
I keep thinking it will get' easier but no it gets harder.
I know I need to give it it's own time to heel and carry living without your love.
I understand reasons why you ended it, even so it really hurts more that there was no pain between us to end it even though I can gladly say we didn't hurt one another during the time we were seeing one another.
I just keep thinking about you all the time. 5.1.2013
Parted in silence.
Loved in silence.
Parted in silence.
The pain of losing you is hard to accept.
secret break up is not talked about.
A secret is why nothing is said.
There were no falling outs.
Very little we saw one another when we did see one another.
Reasons for breaking weren't no fault of ours or anyone.
It didn't turn out to be.
Reasons why known to ourselves really.
Who knows what's to be.
Wait and see! 6.1.2013
January blues.
January skies are dull not blue but all feel a bit sad and blue in January.
I felt low before, during and after Christmas.
Everyone feels low this time of year.
Winter time is a time of break ups, which makes you feel the January blues more.
I've cried so many times over the years over break ups, I have no tears to cry anymore.
Now I show my emotions by eating less and less instead.
People are slowly going back to work.
In time I know I need to get myself together to face the busy world yet again. 6.1.2013
Slow down Tiger Tim.
Thank you for my card dear heart.
They don't know about ( about being disabled)
They shouldn't look at us as if we are mad.
They shouldn't look at us as if we are sad.
They seem to think more of the bad in us than good.
They should think good in us than bad.
They look at us to say we are useless to think we are useless and helpless.
They shouldn't judge us for what they see and hear of us.
It doesn't mean there are no disabilities just because they don't see them but it doesn't mean we don't have good in us either.
Whichever way they shouldn't judge to get us misunderstood.
They don't know about ( being disabled) that's why they misunderstand us. 3rd - 4th March 2013
January skies are dull not blue but all feel a bit sad and blue in January.
Everyone feels low this time of year.
Winter time is a time of break ups, which makes you feel the January blues more.
I've cried so many times over the years over break ups, I have no tears to cry anymore.
I have eaten too much over Christmas and stuffed in January.
Now I show my emotions by eating less and less instead.
People are slowly going back to work.
In time I know I need to get myself together to face the busy world yet again. 6.1.2013
Thank you for my card dear heart.
Slow it's far too soon to get randy, have you been drinking too many brandys? ha ha
Slow down we haven't even met yet.
It's far too soon to hit the bed yet.
Slow down Tiger Tim if you wait as long as it takes you will win me in.
A romantic meal between me and you is the way i think about you.
When the time comes to cuddle up to a romantic dvd, then you will be able to see what you think about me.
I love you King Tiger Tim babe between us we can make love, poetry and new wave.
I am here when you are stress to keep you tame my King Tim Tiger Babe.
I know through these times of trouble and stress that you are very brave babe.
I love you my King Tiger Tim babe without any shame my loving brave babe.
With you will be sane and safe as I come you getting off the streaming train babe.
14.2.2013 - 3.12.2013
I love you King Tiger Tim babe between us we can make love, poetry and new wave.
I am here when you are stress to keep you tame my King Tim Tiger Babe.
I know through these times of trouble and stress that you are very brave babe.
I love you my King Tiger Tim babe without any shame my loving brave babe.
With you will be sane and safe as I come you getting off the streaming train babe.
14.2.2013 - 3.12.2013
They don't know about ( about being disabled)
They shouldn't look at us as if we are mad.
They shouldn't look at us as if we are sad.
They seem to think more of the bad in us than good.
They should think good in us than bad.
They look at us to say we are useless to think we are useless and helpless.
They shouldn't judge us for what they see and hear of us.
It doesn't mean there are no disabilities just because they don't see them but it doesn't mean we don't have good in us either.
Whichever way they shouldn't judge to get us misunderstood.
They don't know about ( being disabled) that's why they misunderstand us. 3rd - 4th March 2013
Poetry i wrote so long ago.
When i think what i wrote was a load of rubbish because i felt rubbish.
Somehow my rubbish words linked into poetry.
My poetry because with rubbish because i was so down from a man who broke my heart so badly.
I loved him so much but he didn't thinks as much of me as I did of him now i can't stand him.
Now what he had put me through had all come back on him and he feels for me how i used to feel for him.
How unhappy was I to write such rubbish.
How could I have loved a man who only pretended to love me yet i though so different at the time.
The way he hurt me it took me a long time to click he didn't think as much of me as what i thought.
How painful it was to face the world, i just didn't want to be here anymore but somehow i was too strong for that but at the time I never thought I was.
I drank heavy and those rubbish words came out on paper.
What rubbish words I wrote because I was so drunk.
Yet more and more words came out that turned into poetry.
The words were just unhappy thoughts that were going through my mind at the time.
I couldn't find any other way of controlling my mind and getting on with my life.
The only thing i could do was write.
When he saw what I wrote, his face just froze, then said good poetry.
My poetry meant nothing to him but the truth did and the truth what i wrote was in my poetry.
I didn't write a load of rubbish after all, what i was trying to say was the man who I was in love with he was rubbish.
Many years later i thought about the very few words he said.
He wasn't awarding me for my poetry, he froze because he knew what i said was the truth of what i felt about him at the time.
He couldn't see that at that time it's as if he was so blind.
The time came when his feelings had changed so had mine, he felt how I used to feel, I felt how he used to feel.
When that day came it hit him harder than it hit me, it's now all too late for him.
He may have changed his mind but I never will, i will never make the same mistake twice even once was enough. 6.3.2013
When i think what i wrote was a load of rubbish because i felt rubbish.
Somehow my rubbish words linked into poetry.
My poetry because with rubbish because i was so down from a man who broke my heart so badly.
I loved him so much but he didn't thinks as much of me as I did of him now i can't stand him.
Now what he had put me through had all come back on him and he feels for me how i used to feel for him.
How unhappy was I to write such rubbish.
How could I have loved a man who only pretended to love me yet i though so different at the time.
The way he hurt me it took me a long time to click he didn't think as much of me as what i thought.
How painful it was to face the world, i just didn't want to be here anymore but somehow i was too strong for that but at the time I never thought I was.
I drank heavy and those rubbish words came out on paper.
What rubbish words I wrote because I was so drunk.
Yet more and more words came out that turned into poetry.
The words were just unhappy thoughts that were going through my mind at the time.
I couldn't find any other way of controlling my mind and getting on with my life.
The only thing i could do was write.
When he saw what I wrote, his face just froze, then said good poetry.
My poetry meant nothing to him but the truth did and the truth what i wrote was in my poetry.
I didn't write a load of rubbish after all, what i was trying to say was the man who I was in love with he was rubbish.
Many years later i thought about the very few words he said.
He wasn't awarding me for my poetry, he froze because he knew what i said was the truth of what i felt about him at the time.
He couldn't see that at that time it's as if he was so blind.
The time came when his feelings had changed so had mine, he felt how I used to feel, I felt how he used to feel.
When that day came it hit him harder than it hit me, it's now all too late for him.
He may have changed his mind but I never will, i will never make the same mistake twice even once was enough. 6.3.2013
Chatting 2 u.
When I first spoke 2 u on the dating site friendship was all I know after been on my own 4 5 and a half years.
Through chatting 2 u on Facebook my feelings are getting stronger towards u.
I hope it will be worth it in the end and that we will still feel the same way as we do now about one another.
Let's hope it will be worth the date.
We will get 2 know one another more however long it takes.
I never live my life in hopes someone will feel the same as i do because I have been hurt before, trust something i need 2 get over more.
The more and more I am getting 2 know u online my feelings are growing stronger and stronger. 16.3.2013
Unknown 2 both of us.
It all seems like a long wait until we met but every day is getting closer.
It's not as long as it seems for the final moment.
To see how we feel about one another after we have met is going to be an interesting one.
It's surprising how chatting to one another online can be part of our lives, which already make our feelings strong everyday but very unknown how we feel about one another when we meet. 16.3.2013
Too soon to know.
Too soon to know.
Feelings uncontrolled.
Just chatting online doesn't say a lot.
The more we chat though it's surprising what we learn off one another.
Computers, art and music we may love but unknown to whether they make us love one another. 16.3.2013
When I first spoke 2 u on the dating site friendship was all I know after been on my own 4 5 and a half years.
Through chatting 2 u on Facebook my feelings are getting stronger towards u.
I hope it will be worth it in the end and that we will still feel the same way as we do now about one another.
Let's hope it will be worth the date.
We will get 2 know one another more however long it takes.
I never live my life in hopes someone will feel the same as i do because I have been hurt before, trust something i need 2 get over more.
The more and more I am getting 2 know u online my feelings are growing stronger and stronger. 16.3.2013
Unknown 2 both of us.
It all seems like a long wait until we met but every day is getting closer.
It's not as long as it seems for the final moment.
To see how we feel about one another after we have met is going to be an interesting one.
It's surprising how chatting to one another online can be part of our lives, which already make our feelings strong everyday but very unknown how we feel about one another when we meet. 16.3.2013
Too soon to know.
Too soon to know.
Feelings uncontrolled.
Just chatting online doesn't say a lot.
The more we chat though it's surprising what we learn off one another.
Computers, art and music we may love but unknown to whether they make us love one another. 16.3.2013
You can't touch me now.
You can't touch me now, your far too late.
You never loved me as much as I thought.
You only pretended to love and led me to think that you did.
You treated me like dirt.
First you wanted me then you got bored with me, then you excepted me to be there when you got bored with someone else.
At the time I was a foal to give into your silly mind games, then I realised you played games with my mind because you couldn't make up your mind.
Not anymore, never again am I knocking your door, you won't see me anymore.
I have someone now who knows who he wants, he doesn't play mind games like you did.
Now you only have yourself to blame.
When I was there you didn't want me, when you did it was only pretend.
You should have known who you wanted when I was there and stuck to what you said and stopped beating round the brush.
That's it I've gone I'm coming back no more. 2.4.2013
I need to forget about you and move on.
I need to forget about you and move on, you treated me bad and made me very sad.
You only pretended to love me, you didn't love me at all when I love you loser.
Sadly for you my love died for you and you want my love back when it was all gone, now it's far too late for you.
You are no more on my mind, you knew I used to love you so much so you played games with my mind.
You kept on changing your mind whether you loved me or not.
Now once it's gone with me it's gone for good.
You loved me, then didn't.
You lied to me, then you lied to yourself.
You hurt me, then you hurt yourself.
You didn't love me at all, you couldn't get the rest of them to love like i used to love you.
Now I am with someone who loves me a hell of a lot more than you ever did.
I am with someone who knows who he wants and doesn't play mind games like you did. 2.4.2013
You can't touch me now, your far too late.
You never loved me as much as I thought.
You only pretended to love and led me to think that you did.
You treated me like dirt.
First you wanted me then you got bored with me, then you excepted me to be there when you got bored with someone else.
At the time I was a foal to give into your silly mind games, then I realised you played games with my mind because you couldn't make up your mind.
Not anymore, never again am I knocking your door, you won't see me anymore.
I have someone now who knows who he wants, he doesn't play mind games like you did.
Now you only have yourself to blame.
When I was there you didn't want me, when you did it was only pretend.
You should have known who you wanted when I was there and stuck to what you said and stopped beating round the brush.
That's it I've gone I'm coming back no more. 2.4.2013
I need to forget about you and move on.
I need to forget about you and move on, you treated me bad and made me very sad.
You only pretended to love me, you didn't love me at all when I love you loser.
Sadly for you my love died for you and you want my love back when it was all gone, now it's far too late for you.
You are no more on my mind, you knew I used to love you so much so you played games with my mind.
You kept on changing your mind whether you loved me or not.
Now once it's gone with me it's gone for good.
You loved me, then didn't.
You lied to me, then you lied to yourself.
You hurt me, then you hurt yourself.
You didn't love me at all, you couldn't get the rest of them to love like i used to love you.
Now I am with someone who loves me a hell of a lot more than you ever did.
I am with someone who knows who he wants and doesn't play mind games like you did. 2.4.2013
Time to look forward.
Yesterday has gone there's no looking back on then.
Live for today and hope for tomorrow.
Be patience and be strong and your time will come along if you wait as long as it takes.
Taking far too much time is far too long to waste.
Make the most of the good you have got but then accept the bad.
Life would be boring if it all went all one way everyday.
Be brave and be strong.
Show your face and don't let them bother you.
Don't be afraid.
Show the world it hasn't won. 5.4.2013
Take your time don't rush!
Take your time don't rush!
You will get there in the end if you are patience enough.
Think before you speak.
Don't decide anything until or unless you know what your doing.
Don't turn left, right or straight on until you know where to turn.
Think about things very carefully and take your time.
Don't be too quick and don't be too slow because life is too short to waist.
Think about things very carefully so take your time.
Put faith into trust before hand don't rush.
Waiting can be hard but worth it in the end.
Things will only be done right if they are done slowly.
Be sure of yourself before you do anything.
What you want will come in time. 5.4.2013
However far apart we are we are just a computer away.
Email, phone, text, Facebook whether we are friends or lovers.
Whatever happens we will never hate one another.
Learn from your past to create a better future.
Live for today yesterday has gone.
Let's hope for tomorrow.
Be patience there are plenty more days of your life to come but they are too short to waist. 7.4.2013
Nothing seems to standing still.
Nothing seems to be standing still even though we think it is going to.
It's always at the back of ones' mind wondering whether whether or not they have done the right or wrong thing.
It's better right or wrong than not trying at all.
There comes a time you have tried so many times that you accept whatever happens. 7.4.2013
Yesterday has gone there's no looking back on then.
Live for today and hope for tomorrow.
Be patience and be strong and your time will come along if you wait as long as it takes.
Taking far too much time is far too long to waste.
Make the most of the good you have got but then accept the bad.
Life would be boring if it all went all one way everyday.
Be brave and be strong.
Show your face and don't let them bother you.
Don't be afraid.
Show the world it hasn't won. 5.4.2013
Take your time don't rush!
Take your time don't rush!
You will get there in the end if you are patience enough.
Think before you speak.
Don't decide anything until or unless you know what your doing.
Don't turn left, right or straight on until you know where to turn.
Think about things very carefully and take your time.
Don't be too quick and don't be too slow because life is too short to waist.
Think about things very carefully so take your time.
Put faith into trust before hand don't rush.
Waiting can be hard but worth it in the end.
Things will only be done right if they are done slowly.
Be sure of yourself before you do anything.
What you want will come in time. 5.4.2013
However far apart we are we are just a computer away.
Email, phone, text, Facebook whether we are friends or lovers.
Whatever happens we will never hate one another.
Learn from your past to create a better future.
Live for today yesterday has gone.
Let's hope for tomorrow.
Be patience there are plenty more days of your life to come but they are too short to waist. 7.4.2013
Nothing seems to standing still.
Nothing seems to be standing still even though we think it is going to.
It's always at the back of ones' mind wondering whether whether or not they have done the right or wrong thing.
It's better right or wrong than not trying at all.
There comes a time you have tried so many times that you accept whatever happens. 7.4.2013
New chapter in the book.
Now it's just the begining.
The future is unknown.
Everything is far too soon to say.
I have spent days writing this poem in my mind but on paper the words don't seem to come out right.
I only hope we feel the same way now when we meet.
Butterflies are flying in my stomach and my nevus are on edge yet i am so looking forward to meeting you.
I'm amazed just by taking to you online how my feelings have grown for you.
Only time will tell us if it is meant to be or not.
Let our friendship grow but we should we shouldn't force anything that's not meant to be.7.4.2013
Live in hope that we have friendship always no matter what happens.
It's just very lucky if we do grow to more than just friendship.
It's far too soon to know what will become of us.
Feelings are hard to control but we both need to be sure what we both want.
It's far to soon to know even though our feelings are there for one another.
Friendship can be hard to keep without it growing into more.
I like many other people have had broken relationships through falling for someone far too soon.
We can only do our best to take our time but never hate one another.
Feelings can be very mixed up with not knowing what's going to happen. 9.4.2013
Can't sleep.
Can't sleep with you on my mind unknown to how both of us or either one of us are going to feel when we meet.
Even though we have enjoyed one another's company online, we still have a lot to find out about one another.
It can still take time to know how we feel for one another face to face.
Very early days only time will tell.
I try to control my feelings and see it at this early stage as friendship.
The way feel about you now is too much to bare.
Even though we are meeting today, how will we feel tomorrow?
It's far too soon to know.
By just chatting online it's far too easy to think that our friendship has grown.
It will be interesting to know what it will be like when we meet. 9.4.2013
Now it's just the begining.
The future is unknown.
Everything is far too soon to say.
I have spent days writing this poem in my mind but on paper the words don't seem to come out right.
I only hope we feel the same way now when we meet.
Butterflies are flying in my stomach and my nevus are on edge yet i am so looking forward to meeting you.
I'm amazed just by taking to you online how my feelings have grown for you.
Only time will tell us if it is meant to be or not.
Let our friendship grow but we should we shouldn't force anything that's not meant to be.7.4.2013
Live in hope that we have friendship always no matter what happens.
It's just very lucky if we do grow to more than just friendship.
It's far too soon to know what will become of us.
Feelings are hard to control but we both need to be sure what we both want.
It's far to soon to know even though our feelings are there for one another.
Friendship can be hard to keep without it growing into more.
I like many other people have had broken relationships through falling for someone far too soon.
We can only do our best to take our time but never hate one another.
Feelings can be very mixed up with not knowing what's going to happen. 9.4.2013
Can't sleep.
Can't sleep with you on my mind unknown to how both of us or either one of us are going to feel when we meet.
Even though we have enjoyed one another's company online, we still have a lot to find out about one another.
It can still take time to know how we feel for one another face to face.
Very early days only time will tell.
I try to control my feelings and see it at this early stage as friendship.
The way feel about you now is too much to bare.
Even though we are meeting today, how will we feel tomorrow?
It's far too soon to know.
By just chatting online it's far too easy to think that our friendship has grown.
It will be interesting to know what it will be like when we meet. 9.4.2013
If only I knew.
If only I knew what your thinking now.
If only I knew what's going to happen when we meet today.
No second of this morning can come quick enough.
Nothing comes quick enough when your waiting for it to happen.
I must be patience let time come round slowly hopefully it will be worth the wait of the date. 9.4.2013
Before the date.
Thoughts are running through my mind wondering what will happen next.
Thoughts that have woken me up this morning far too soon.
Unanswered questions running through my head.
My thoughts are still unknown yet I will write away until this pen runs out of ink, which may happen before I run out of thoughts.
This could happen to us either way but which ever way we will never hate one another.
No hate between us whatever this date bring. 9.4.2013
My friend.
My friend my male friend, friendship or relationship live in hope to be there for one another til the end.
It's very early days yet.
My nevus are kicking in more and more.
Butterflies are flying around my stomach again and again. 9.4.2013
How do you feel now?
The feelings are there still from before we met.
I am just talking my time to get to know you and to be honest with you.
I wouldn't string you along, if I say anything I will be honest what I say.
More time we take over it the more worth it if more than than friend ever happens.
It will only happen if and when it's right and mean't to be.
You have as much right as anyone to live the same life as everyone.
You need honestly in someone who is making sure of herself and how she feels, which is what she's going to do.
No saying hello one day then goodbye the next.
With me I am straight down the line it's either hello or goodbye all the way. 11.4.2013
If only I knew what your thinking now.
If only I knew what's going to happen when we meet today.
No second of this morning can come quick enough.
Nothing comes quick enough when your waiting for it to happen.
I must be patience let time come round slowly hopefully it will be worth the wait of the date. 9.4.2013
Before the date.
Thoughts are running through my mind wondering what will happen next.
Thoughts that have woken me up this morning far too soon.
Unanswered questions running through my head.
My thoughts are still unknown yet I will write away until this pen runs out of ink, which may happen before I run out of thoughts.
This could happen to us either way but which ever way we will never hate one another.
No hate between us whatever this date bring. 9.4.2013
My friend.
My friend my male friend, friendship or relationship live in hope to be there for one another til the end.
It's very early days yet.
My nevus are kicking in more and more.
Butterflies are flying around my stomach again and again. 9.4.2013
How do you feel now?
The feelings are there still from before we met.
I am just talking my time to get to know you and to be honest with you.
I wouldn't string you along, if I say anything I will be honest what I say.
More time we take over it the more worth it if more than than friend ever happens.
It will only happen if and when it's right and mean't to be.
You have as much right as anyone to live the same life as everyone.
You need honestly in someone who is making sure of herself and how she feels, which is what she's going to do.
No saying hello one day then goodbye the next.
With me I am straight down the line it's either hello or goodbye all the way. 11.4.2013
Yes I do want to see you again.
Yes I do want to see you again whatever happens.
I like and care about you as a person.
Like you as person, it's the same with me many people look at my disabilities not the person I am.
It's like no one seems to see the good in us as if they only see only weaknesses.
Only time will tell how you and I will end up.
Whatever goes on between you and me there's no need for any hate to happen between us.
Just take our time whatever happens, when anything havens, if anything happens.
In the mean time enjoy chatting 2 one another online, text, phone and email.
This will give us more time to get to know one another.
Take everyday as it comes.
It's better to have someone in some way than no one at all. 11.4.2013
What was I thinking?
I drank myself away and eat far less.
For me to have been like that I was very depressed.
To me you were my world but as years went on I learned you weren't as special as I though.
Now I don't feel the same for you anyone you hurt me so bad.
I just carried for years thinking you'd change until my feelings weren't there for you anymore.
I thought of nothing and no one else but you now I dread seeing you anywhere.
I can only think how much you hurt me.
One day I won't think about you at all.
The drink numbed the pain hoping how I was feeling was all in my mind but it wasn't.
Hoping that I didn't know you or that you still loved but you know me and didn't love me liked I loved you.
Why did I let you upset my mind?
Now it all seems like a long time ago as if it will never go away.
Yet if you think I can forgive and forget have you back as if nothing happened your so wrong, it's never going to happen.
Sorry but I don't feel the same way for you anymore.
All I needed to do was get rid of the feelings for you, which is what I have done.
Now I have moved on to a better life than I had with you. 13.4.2013
Yes I do want to see you again whatever happens.
I like and care about you as a person.
Like you as person, it's the same with me many people look at my disabilities not the person I am.
It's like no one seems to see the good in us as if they only see only weaknesses.
Only time will tell how you and I will end up.
Whatever goes on between you and me there's no need for any hate to happen between us.
Just take our time whatever happens, when anything havens, if anything happens.
In the mean time enjoy chatting 2 one another online, text, phone and email.
This will give us more time to get to know one another.
Take everyday as it comes.
It's better to have someone in some way than no one at all. 11.4.2013
What was I thinking?
I drank myself away and eat far less.
For me to have been like that I was very depressed.
To me you were my world but as years went on I learned you weren't as special as I though.
Now I don't feel the same for you anyone you hurt me so bad.
I just carried for years thinking you'd change until my feelings weren't there for you anymore.
I thought of nothing and no one else but you now I dread seeing you anywhere.
I can only think how much you hurt me.
One day I won't think about you at all.
The drink numbed the pain hoping how I was feeling was all in my mind but it wasn't.
Hoping that I didn't know you or that you still loved but you know me and didn't love me liked I loved you.
Why did I let you upset my mind?
Now it all seems like a long time ago as if it will never go away.
Yet if you think I can forgive and forget have you back as if nothing happened your so wrong, it's never going to happen.
Sorry but I don't feel the same way for you anymore.
All I needed to do was get rid of the feelings for you, which is what I have done.
Now I have moved on to a better life than I had with you. 13.4.2013
I thought I was weak now I strong.
Pain was too much to bare.
Now I know it shouldn't have hurt me as much as it did.
Now it seems as if I have had a long nightmare my sleep.
Let's just think I knew you yet I didn't know you.
It took me a long time to understand that you weren't the man for me.
Losing was the end of the world for me now I would walk away if I saw your face.
I know I needed to lose weight but not that much weight because of you.
Yesterday seemed like a long time ago for today and tomorrow. 13.4.2013
Your not happy.
Your not happy whether you have me in your life or not, that doesn't surprise me with your mind games.
Tomorrow is a new and different day for me, it's time to move and yesterday has gone.
Now I have gone out of your life for good I don't have to put up with your promises and your lies.
I am now living a happy and new life without you with what you put me through.
To have been with you in the first place is hard to know why iI put up with you all those years yet I thought it was love.
How wrong and blind was I what was going through my mind at the time?
Why did it take all those years to know that you were never at all mine? 16.4.2013
Pain was too much to bare.
Now I know it shouldn't have hurt me as much as it did.
Now it seems as if I have had a long nightmare my sleep.
Let's just think I knew you yet I didn't know you.
It took me a long time to understand that you weren't the man for me.
Losing was the end of the world for me now I would walk away if I saw your face.
I know I needed to lose weight but not that much weight because of you.
Yesterday seemed like a long time ago for today and tomorrow. 13.4.2013
Your not happy.
Your not happy whether you have me in your life or not, that doesn't surprise me with your mind games.
Tomorrow is a new and different day for me, it's time to move and yesterday has gone.
Now I have gone out of your life for good I don't have to put up with your promises and your lies.
I am now living a happy and new life without you with what you put me through.
To have been with you in the first place is hard to know why iI put up with you all those years yet I thought it was love.
How wrong and blind was I what was going through my mind at the time?
Why did it take all those years to know that you were never at all mine? 16.4.2013
Life goes on.
For a time I was lost and I felt alone after loving someone for so long.
I bared nearly 6 years alone.
Been alone wasn't the reason for starting to chat to you, I tried not to look for love at all.
Friendship was all I excepted.
Everyone saw me carrying on as if nothing happened but underneath I was hurt.
I must carry on to think I have to move on to a new life after so long alone.
It takes so long to use to a new way of life.
I use to feel hurt a lot but not anymore.
It's seemed so long I felt hurt it was as if nothing was going to change.
I never thought I was going to get better.
Now it's just a case of how long this date will last compared to what I have had before.
We must take my time this time round, we are getting no younger.
I only hope that I am getting wiser.
What am I waiting for?
Inside my nevus are going half a mile to the dozen because everything been so new to me, what about you?
I'm unsure of every move I make just in case I make it too soon.
Butterflies are already flying round inside me waiting to see you again.
Whatever happen to me yesterday I put behind, now you are on my mind.
I must carry on to put behind me what has gone.
No matter how i feel inside I smile on the outside.
I can't wait to see you again. 17.4.2013
For a time I was lost and I felt alone after loving someone for so long.
I bared nearly 6 years alone.
Been alone wasn't the reason for starting to chat to you, I tried not to look for love at all.
Friendship was all I excepted.
Everyone saw me carrying on as if nothing happened but underneath I was hurt.
I must carry on to think I have to move on to a new life after so long alone.
It takes so long to use to a new way of life.
I use to feel hurt a lot but not anymore.
It's seemed so long I felt hurt it was as if nothing was going to change.
I never thought I was going to get better.
Now it's just a case of how long this date will last compared to what I have had before.
We must take my time this time round, we are getting no younger.
I only hope that I am getting wiser.
What am I waiting for?
Inside my nevus are going half a mile to the dozen because everything been so new to me, what about you?
I'm unsure of every move I make just in case I make it too soon.
Butterflies are already flying round inside me waiting to see you again.
Whatever happen to me yesterday I put behind, now you are on my mind.
I must carry on to put behind me what has gone.
No matter how i feel inside I smile on the outside.
I can't wait to see you again. 17.4.2013
I believe I will get there in the end.
Now you have gone offline I miss you but I know we will be back there chatting time.
I believe I will get there and it will be worth it in the end.
My feelings for you are hard to control and my friendship for you is growing into more.
Yet I know it's far early days still but I find my feelings hard to show.
I am thinking about you all the time even when either one or both of us are offline.
I'm wishing I was with you but I am glad to have my space.
I don't want to rush into things because I don't want to spoil a thing between us.
It's seems so silly in one way because it's still such early days.
Yet my feelings are getting stronger and stronger for you everyday.
I missing chatting to you online but i understand that both of us have other things in our lives, even though our feelings are growing towards one another everyday.
It's only a matter of time until we see one another again we will make it worth it again.
When see one another again we will make a go of this together.
Let's hope it's sunny weather.
I know I have to wait just like you do so we will have to control one anothers' feelings till then.
Can't wait to see you again waiting is hard to do we can hang on there.
I know that neither of us can wait to meet again.
I can't wait to see you walking off the train holding my hand again. 25.4.2013
There doesn't seem and need to be a reason why I love you.
It's very explainable why I love you other than I find you very respectable towards me and to me there's something very special about.
What is special about you to me I can't put my finger on that either.
All I know is that I love you, which I couldn't control even if I wanted to.
My reasons for my feelings towards you are just so unknown to myself as well as you.
Why would I want to try and control the way I feel about you when the way we feel about one another makes one another happy?
I love you and want you no one can take that away from me whether they like it or not.
I feel this way about you whether it's right or wrong my feelings for you are very strong.
There should be no wrong or and no shame for loving a person for a person mainly the way I love you.
I love you.
I hate the way people judge people.
At the end of the day everyone has good and bad in them it doesn't matter who and what they are. 5.5.2013
Now you have gone offline I miss you but I know we will be back there chatting time.
I believe I will get there and it will be worth it in the end.
My feelings for you are hard to control and my friendship for you is growing into more.
Yet I know it's far early days still but I find my feelings hard to show.
I am thinking about you all the time even when either one or both of us are offline.
I'm wishing I was with you but I am glad to have my space.
I don't want to rush into things because I don't want to spoil a thing between us.
It's seems so silly in one way because it's still such early days.
Yet my feelings are getting stronger and stronger for you everyday.
I missing chatting to you online but i understand that both of us have other things in our lives, even though our feelings are growing towards one another everyday.
It's only a matter of time until we see one another again we will make it worth it again.
When see one another again we will make a go of this together.
Let's hope it's sunny weather.
I know I have to wait just like you do so we will have to control one anothers' feelings till then.
Can't wait to see you again waiting is hard to do we can hang on there.
I know that neither of us can wait to meet again.
I can't wait to see you walking off the train holding my hand again. 25.4.2013
There doesn't seem and need to be a reason why I love you.
It's very explainable why I love you other than I find you very respectable towards me and to me there's something very special about.
What is special about you to me I can't put my finger on that either.
All I know is that I love you, which I couldn't control even if I wanted to.
My reasons for my feelings towards you are just so unknown to myself as well as you.
Why would I want to try and control the way I feel about you when the way we feel about one another makes one another happy?
I love you and want you no one can take that away from me whether they like it or not.
I feel this way about you whether it's right or wrong my feelings for you are very strong.
There should be no wrong or and no shame for loving a person for a person mainly the way I love you.
I love you.
I hate the way people judge people.
At the end of the day everyone has good and bad in them it doesn't matter who and what they are. 5.5.2013
I don't want to lose the happiness I have got.
I can't help but love you but I don't want to lose the happiness I have got.
I don't want to spoil a thing by rushing into things.
It's far too easy to love too soon when feelings are so strong so I need to slow down.
The good and nice feelings are hard to control but I don't want be ungratefully to happiness.
I don't want to throw away the happiness I have got.
I just need to slow down because I don't want to spoil a thing we have got.
I never thought I would love anyone like you but I do.
I admit on our first date because we only just meet I was nervus like you but I was unsure of my own feelings.
Since then my feelings have grown towards you even more.
I was feeling very sad when you had gone on the train after our first date.
It was only then that I started to know how I was really starting to feel towards you.
I found it hard to show my feelings on the date yet I couldn't wait to see you before hand.
I was very sad to see you go, it was only when you had gone my feelings was wanting to show.
I had to stop myself from starting to cry regretting not showing my feelings when you were here.
I felt so ashamed with myself when you'd gone it felt too late, then I thought no I will be dating him again. 6.5.2013
We never knew.
We never thought of love when we first spoke online, which at that time was fine.
In time our feelings grow more and more towards one another as we got chatting.
Even now it's still unknow whether one found the other or we found each other.
Time goes so fast when we are chatting yet so slow when we are not.
Time when so fast when we were dating one another twice seeing one another yet seeing one another again seems so long to come.
What I have said is true no one I have loved has loved me as much as you do. 28.5.2013.
Only you know what you missed.
You are such a time waster.
You never saw me at all as a kid.
If only you knew what you missed.
Playing on the bench, during adulthood you have so rarely contacted me.
I contacted you mostly.
Your no Father of mine, you are just thoughtless but not bad as a friend.
That's hard to accept you as a friend when underneath your my Dad.
This show your no Father at all.
Your lose and my gain, when I had a better childhood without you.
So I can carry on having better adulthood without you. 4.1.2013
I can't help but love you but I don't want to lose the happiness I have got.
I don't want to spoil a thing by rushing into things.
It's far too easy to love too soon when feelings are so strong so I need to slow down.
The good and nice feelings are hard to control but I don't want be ungratefully to happiness.
I don't want to throw away the happiness I have got.
I just need to slow down because I don't want to spoil a thing we have got.
I never thought I would love anyone like you but I do.
I admit on our first date because we only just meet I was nervus like you but I was unsure of my own feelings.
Since then my feelings have grown towards you even more.
I was feeling very sad when you had gone on the train after our first date.
It was only then that I started to know how I was really starting to feel towards you.
I found it hard to show my feelings on the date yet I couldn't wait to see you before hand.
I was very sad to see you go, it was only when you had gone my feelings was wanting to show.
I had to stop myself from starting to cry regretting not showing my feelings when you were here.
I felt so ashamed with myself when you'd gone it felt too late, then I thought no I will be dating him again. 6.5.2013
We never knew.
We never thought of love when we first spoke online, which at that time was fine.
In time our feelings grow more and more towards one another as we got chatting.
Even now it's still unknow whether one found the other or we found each other.
Time goes so fast when we are chatting yet so slow when we are not.
Time when so fast when we were dating one another twice seeing one another yet seeing one another again seems so long to come.
What I have said is true no one I have loved has loved me as much as you do. 28.5.2013.
Only you know what you missed.
You are such a time waster.
You never saw me at all as a kid.
If only you knew what you missed.
Playing on the bench, during adulthood you have so rarely contacted me.
I contacted you mostly.
Your no Father of mine, you are just thoughtless but not bad as a friend.
That's hard to accept you as a friend when underneath your my Dad.
This show your no Father at all.
Your lose and my gain, when I had a better childhood without you.
So I can carry on having better adulthood without you. 4.1.2013
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