Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 13 November 2020

About Depression.

 Before I go on, just to let you all know without focusing you do what you don't want to do or and cannot do. It seems with the Coranvirus lockdown that mental health charities, services, etc are needing support to fund as there is a huge increase of people facing mental health, etc.  I myself had a letter from Mind today but I cannot affront to support them so I can understand who cannot but I can understand how concerning the increase of mental health is as I face it myself. It's only writing my lectures, poetry, teaching sessions on PowerPoint, etc keeps me sane but not everything helps everyone.

Not sure if it is true or not but in any case I posted a report on Facebook about a week ago, saying since the Coranvirus lockdown numbers of people asking for help have risen from 80'298 to 232'271 people, which is hugely concerning. 


In my view, depression is a feeling of sadness whether there is a reason or not. It may well start off mild then increase, it may even happen on and off.  No one knows why this happens. Many would say that having nothing going or too much in one's life but who knows? 

Depression is not an easy subject to talk about as different people see it in different ways. All mental health issues are emotional well-being affects how we think, feel, and behave. This can also make a lot of us more sensitive than those who don't face it. 

If feeling low lasts a long time it can be a huge concern, it can affect everyday lives for example; like making one feeling hopeless, guilty, worthless, not up to doing things, or cannot seem to stop doing things to try and keep themselves at ease, within some cases not realizing, most people could even face it both ways at different times which I tend to face myself. 

When the depression is mild you can just about lead a normal life but if it increases it can be a huge concern, not say everyone but for most people, it gets to the stage one feels as if life is not worth living. This can be one of the reasons why it can be a sensitive subject to most where it can be concerning despite all the services and charities there are now compared to many years ago, where there could be still a lot of people worry to ask for help and another reason could be to most they feel as they are putting a lot on other people, which we can do anything about because we don't know for sure.  https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/postnatal-depression-and-perinatal-mental-health/about-maternal-mental-health-problems/

( SAD) Season Affected Disorder.

With ( SAD)  you don't need something your mind to bother you to for you to face ( SAD), don't me wrong this is not saying everyone is sad. The winter months are emotional well - beings on their own with grey dull skies, needing to put your lights on at home at around 3.00pm, etc. 

On top of this people are at home even more so now due to the Coronavirus lockdown, which increasing mental health more as much as staying at home is to protect people from the Virus.

As dark as it sounds the government is trying to save lives as much as possible from the Coronavirus, which is not wrong but there are huge concerns about lost lives from Mental health, which is impossible to save lives from both. However' the government needs to put more funding etc into mental health charities and services.

 As right as it is to protect people from Convirus, many people are facing loneliness not everyone knows how to use IT, Internet, etc, even they know how to use phones, some people cannot even affront a phone despite how much IT there is today and if they can't afford a phone, they can't afford a laptop and pc either, even though there's a wide amount of us who can. 

To most people, the lockdown rules are not clear to understand therefore people possibly only go out to shop for food, etc because they may be the scar of breaking rules because they don't understand them.

The support for vulnerable people could be now limited because of social distancing. 

People having to get used to learning to work and study online instead of having to travel to work, okay some workplaces are open and others are not.

Don't get me wrong in many ways it's probably good to learn new ways but can be harder for some people to learn than others, some may find it harder without face-to-face learning and support. 

Xmas time most people may struggle etc if they aren't able to see their families. 

Things people may face around  ( SAD) lack of energy, lack of concentration, not wanting to see people, loneliness, sleeping problems, waking up problems, staying asleep; feeling sad, tearful, guilty, hopeless, low, eating less, or more, prone to colds, illnesses, and more such as suicidal thoughts, etc.https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/seasonal-affective-disorder-sad/about-sad/

Supporting people.

You don't need to be a trained health professional to try and find out how someone is. 

As the old saying goes there's always someone worse off than yourself. Okay, IT, the internet has grown in the last year but not to say I am right but I don't take it for grandit that everyone is on the IT and internet. Some people may not know to access, use it, worry for their safety, etc and even harder they may find it hard to use or and afford a phone as crazy as it may sound this day and age. Some people may be vulnerable and others may overprotect them from the interest, IT, etc. I know it can be costly but you don't need to do it very often maybe once a month or once every 6 months or something even a letter to that someone you know etc if it's not affordable for them to write back to you may send them a sample addressed eleplove to write back to you. I know that sounds cheeky but at least it's away to find out how they are feeling, copying, etc, and to show you care if you have no other way of getting in touch with them and if you have their address of course. 


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