Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Never Judge a book by it's cover.

This is a hard one to write about but a very important awareness.  As human beings we are all so different, it would be a boring world if we were all the same. I am all for being as caring as I possibly can be but every human mind is so different. Nevertheless, never judge a book by its cover. No deservices judgment, Sigma, or discrimination. However' your time and everything matters and if you work in the form of privacy, etc in support of people, etc, you matter as well as the client, patience, etc, which is not an easy one to balance.  

Your duty is to put yourself in someone's shoes, meaning thinking how you would want things if you were in their situation whatever it may be. Whether it's one to one sessions or not you have a duty to respect the person's privacy but raise and concerns if needs be only to the manager or anyone else in that role in the workplace. At the same time, your safety matters too and the person needs to respect that, which sadly but in most cases rarely happens. 

It's unlikely mainly with people facing mental health you will come across anyone wasting your time but never says never. When I say this I don't mean people with disabilities, mental health, etc. Sorry I find this hard to explain, this is going to sound harsh but it true but probably rarely that there are people out there who try to fake the system because they may not want to work, etc. Either that can be hard to prove etc either way. This is one of the reasons why data protective, IDs, etc are in place. 

 Never be a judge the person, never cause them sigma, or discriminate them which is fair enough but you know what, they shouldn't do that to you either. They need to respect you by keeping, turning up for appointments, etc, and contacting you and letting you know, etc if they cannot make them, etc. 

If a person says they are feeling down, sad, etc without a reason, never say for example; what you doing here for? Never say, there's nothing the matter with you.

Never say, if someone is saying they are anxious a lot with worry, never say don't worry or don't you think you are over worrying? This can be the same as thinking as well. Another thing they could be dealing with something that seems really small to you but huge to them.

 Never say don't you think you are overreacting or and making a mountain out of a molehill. Instead, try to suggest ways step by step but the choice is theirs whether or not they want to go along with it. If that not good enough for them suggest other things.

 However' you get only give so many suggestions etc;  depending on the person's situation, etc there may be a point where you may need to empower and say what are you going to do?

 If they are struggling to decide, this may be an issue depending on what's happening you may need to raise with your manager.

 However' if the person does come up with an answer you cannot say tell them whether it's a good or bad idea of theirs but you can tell them what's likely to happen if they do what they say they are going to do.https://www.seemescotland.org/stigma-discrimination/experiencing-stigma-and-discrimination-and-how-to-challenge-it/

Never say things like, it's all in your head, you are imaging this, you are exaggerating, or don't you think you are exaggerating?  Treat the mild problems as a serious problem because with people with Anxiety any problem feels and seems like a serious problem to them. However' many people can find it hard to know work out etc how bad a problem maybe it eases Aniexty mostly if it's sorted to be more serious than it is by dealing with it step by step with the person. If you both struggling maybe consider it as a safety concern that could be raised with the manager etc where they may be able to suggest things etc.

Never tell anything about the client, patient's information, etc outside the workplace.

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