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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Awareness of possible life for people with disabilities, mental health and or other problems during the Coranvirus lockdown.

 Sorry to go on about the coronavirus lockdown but as much awareness as possible needs to be raised. We all know the lockdown has effects on everyone's lives one way or another and doesn't think I am not taking that into consideration. without being misunderstood to mistakenly make others think one is demanding for attention which is not the case or intention and this is a message to society in general. 

Those of us face disabilities, mental and or and other problems know that what we face causes us to struggle to look after ourselves one way or the other. Everyone's needs are different, some may need more support than others in different things in life. 

One thing that is mostly the same probley in different ways is the effect the lockdown has on mental health but some may not be as bad as others. However' the most major is sorry to sound negative, I admit not necessarily honest but it is concerning that the lockdown may increase the number of suicides, not just in the UK but everywhere, mainly to those who are on their own a lot. Mental health can be linked to disabilities and other problems, it is also possible to face mental health without disabilities and other problems too. This can be caused by all sorts of things or and even and no reason from spending a lot of time along to losing say one's job, business, etc, which the lockdown can cause, etc.

 With or without these things, people with disabilities and other problems can face such difficulties as struggling with home support such as cooking, shopping housework, etc in different ways, personal care, loneliness lack of friendships, health, etc, even keeping one's self busy with things they enjoy such as careers, hobbies, interest, using IT, internet, exercise, etc. Some people may be wavy to socialize on the internet etc, either fearing for their own safety or and those in their lives who support may fear for their safety towards people they don't know.

 All the same, you can only suggest things that happen is down to the person themselves. However' you may suggest with some people it may make them think of their own ideas if they don't choose to go along with your suggestions. I won't everyone but you may or may not get the odd people who may not have intentions to help themselves, which isn't help you to help them, I will admit this is not your worry. Although some people may change in their lifetime, I will admit myself when I was younger I have no motivation to help myself with my mental health then as the time when on I realized that I wasn't going to get better unless I did. I still have had my spells now but not as bad as before.

With lockdown and I guess no more different to other people is the fact of not being able to have a lot of face-to-face contact career-wise and socially but guess we should be grateful for IT and the interest for those of us can or and know how to access it. It must be a lonely world for those who cannot, which is the real concern in what the lockdown may to their mental health as well as those who even can communicate with others career-wise and socially.  


Some people may not find the lockdown rules easy to understand or and even confusing. They may worry to walk out their door other to shop and get what they need in case they break the law without meaning to.

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