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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 1 November 2020

How and why the lockdown can affect mental health.

 As for everyone the lockdown is a huge change one or another, the way we live work, study, etc.  Most things now online, which many of us not used to. Businesses going down or worries about going down etc. Only a limit of our shops, businesses, services, etc open.

 This is at least one well more causes of mental health as many that are without the lockdown. This is a huge effect on whether you have disabilities, mental health, and other problems, either way, the lack of and no support is a huge worry.

 The Huge worry is the risk of suicides as much as the risk of coronavirus, therefore for we create a mental health risk to try and protect against coronavirus.

 Therefore how do disabilities, mental health, and other problems affect lives? How it affects people is struggling to look after one's self not necessary in all ways but most depending on what those disabilities etc are, which why support needs, etc need to be aware even there are limits of support in the lockdown.  

Everyone has their way of coping but bear in mind some people don't how to or and can't, which very worrying. A time like this, even someone to talk to even if it's not what one needs help with is something and even though it's not wonders to everyone. Don't get me wrong when I say this but it would have been twice as hard if the lockdown would have been the days without the interest but that doesn't mean that what is happening is good. However' even though most people access the internet, IT, etc, it's easy to forget about whether or not there's a lot of people who cannot, in fear of their safety, etc and some may not know how to access it, despite IT courses, etc, which too as I said on my last post, this could be the highest risk of mental health but then there was a time their internet, IT, etc wasn't around and we managed somehow then.

Being there for people who face mental health is empowering, not advising necessary but suggesting. However' people have their own choices but at the same time you can only do your best, no one can blame you for that, it is down to the person your there to decide themselves whether or not they are going to try what you suggest. Whether it is hobbies, interests, careers, exercise, etc. However' not everything helps everyone, it's up to them if they wish to try, not to say if they do is going to work. By always yes it's worth trying something else if something doesn't work it's down to them whether or not they try to start with but all the same, it's only worth it if they try to help themselves. However' even if they try just some of what you suggest is something. https://www.nursingtimes.net/news/coronavirus/covid-19-crisis-has-exposed-inequalities-for-mental-health-and-learning-disabilities-03-07-2020/

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