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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Understanding mental health.

 I am not a counselor but I have been a client. I believe with mental health, disability, etc it shouldn't matter what role of work you're in or what you are studying because with the right support people disabilities, mental health, etc these people should have the right to access things as much as anyone else. Therefore those who are indifferent careers need to be aware of these people's needs.

You can not force help on someone who doesn't want it or and doesn't feel confident etc for whatever reason to go head what you may suggest etc that doesn't necessarily mean your right or wrong and doesn't make you bad at your job just not everything helps to everyone either ever or straight away. 

In order to deal with Mental health, you need to learn to understand it just like everything else in life.

It isn't just linked to disabilities and or other problems, it can be on its own as well. Like I said in a post on this website it affects how we think, behave, feel and think, which is ever how life is for us or and no reason at all, which makes us sad or angry, etc. For eg; this is coronavirus lockdown which affects us all in different ways, war, etc, which also affect all of us at the same time but we all react differently. Therefore, we should be there for one another the best way we can be, which is not always possible when having to social distance. However' there is the IT, internet, phone, etc because the amount of us on there most of us may not realize that for whatever reason there may be a lot of people who don't access the internet, etc, due to fearing safety and not really aware that there some courses to copy with safety, etc and also, some vulnerable people who may take longer to learn through the fault of their own, etc, which could be either their own fear or and protected by others, which as I said on other posts on the website that I fear may be a huge concern.

 However' it's not always possible for us to face a relationship break up, death of someone we know, loss of business, job, etc all at the same time as what someone else might and we all react difficult to those but naturally, we are not happy about these issues and we can be uncertain what do and what happens in the future, etc. 

Yes, I guess what most are thinking there is help but not all is helpful for everyone. However, there was once there was no help at all, which was really hard but no more difficult for help that doesn't work for someone. We cannot please everyone, can we? Although, we can keep raising awareness and suggesting more help, treatment, and support such as emotional support, counseling, tablets, therapy, exercise, relaxation, etc. We need to keep, funding, awareness, etc coming in as it can be a life risk but it can vary because everyone is difficult. Most people may think some people don't help but more often than not mental health lower people's confidence, they can be so used to copying alone. It's not distrusting you but probley hard to believe that they can try to get help to see if it works for them and even fear the unexpected mainly if they have been without it for so long or never had support, which very often in older people because the support wasn't there for them before. 

How mental health affects people. If they face sleeping a lot, less, eat too much or less, feeling they have no get-up and go, finding it hard to think a lot, thinking negatively about themselves or and life, turning to drugs, drink, etc over emotional issues all for example. Just to say do not make people feel as if they should be ashamed of their own behavior never just judge and no sigma but listen to people to know what their situations are. 

Like I said I am no counselor but I been an Advocate.  I have had lots of counseling emotional support but even for the reasons, I have counseling and emotional support for, which was without saying too much to this I had a mental break down in my last 20s and faced mental abuse in a relationship, which naturally is not anymore but with a lot of years of great difficulty I am over it now. However' on that line never think people get over something, which not the case but they learn to live with things. Not all of us are so lucky but I have admitted I am, I would be lying if I said the opposite, that I have moved forward but it took a lot of years where I thought I wasn't going to. I am most grateful and thankful to those who supported me through years of a long journey when I was facing emotional stress, even though I went on to poetry etc, which helped me through as well.

For eg; never tell someone to give up drinking, drugs, smoking, etc but offer to empower them, support them, help them through the journey, or at least part of it. By doing this suggests things, the choice is down to them whether they go along with it or not. If they think of ideas themselves go along with it whether it's the right or wrong choice your opinion. Whatever they say, you are allowed to say what could have if they do or say what they say they are going to. You are not allowed to tell them to not say or do whatever it may be. You can't tell them to do, not to do, or stop them from doing things. As for things you may agree with I think you are allowed to praise them because that is or could be a way forward to them starting help themselves at least, it doesn't mean getting a reward but when having a hard time in life every step to move forward to better things although is good can be hard step to take for a lot of people.

Having said, about it being the person's choice, which it is other if you are concerned that the person may be in danger you will need to tell them you will need to report the situation to your manager, they may or may not like this and if there are any major issues either bring your manger directly to the person or ever may be dealing with that side of the role otherwise. some people react in a negative way but you have a duty report it if you are concerned the person may be in danger, they may kick off because they might not be happy with what said to but they need to understand what you say is for their own safety and by all means, you shouldn't accept danger off them, they may not understand what you are doing is for their own good, therefore, they should walk quietly or else you have the rights to take further action even if it means bringing in the police, etc. 

It is a tricky situation but if it's not reported depending on what the situation is and that person gets harmed either them or their family etc and the workplace will hold you responsible but all the same your safety matters as well. However' I should have explained at the start of this paragraph, always explain the rules, policies, etc to the person before starting the session. 

 Things like the session are private but if you have concerns about the person's safety they need to understand that you need to report it to your manager or whoever else is in their role. You find some people with disabilities, mental health or and other problems may need information in easy read to help them understand mainly the safety rules, not saying everyone but most wouldn't breaking the rules, etc on purpose, if they do, they just may take longer to understand a bit longer maybe so than other people may. However' it is in easy read, clearer it is to them the sooner they will understand. 

Maybe before the appointment is made you can find out from them, maybe carers, families if needs be what layout, etc is clear to them before the session or sent them the information before the session so they know what to expect. Sessions are normally an hour with clear enough information to them should take say 20 mins for you to go with them before you start the session.

 Some people may be happier with the phone appointments or online appointments as long as it can be one to one between you and the client but bear in mind some people may struggle with signing in, creating accounts, etc, therefore if you hold a session such as on zoom, terms, etc and you have their email address sent them the link by email for the time and date of their appointment.

 Maybe send the information in easy read by email so they can save it if they have to say a word on their pc, laptop, etc but everyone has different devices, etc. If they have no access to a pc, laptop, iPad, or tablet it may have to be by phone, which may be a mobile maybe without internet, landline, or both, which therefore you may have to send the information in easy read on paper by post.

 Bear in mind some people may not be able to read and write, which they may find it hard to sign things if needs and you may need to create pictures around the information, which not be possible in everything. on the whole, they may not want to have support from family, carers, support workers, etc but they can't read, write and it's not possible to create pictures then they may need support to understand the information, mainly when it comes to safety rules, government policies, etc.  However' this may vary as some things they may understand by you telling them slowly but others, they may need the right support tools, etc or support from another person. 

Everything should be private between you and the person unless you are concerned about the person's or the person gives you permission, even then for the safety of the person you must keep it private or and follow rules, policy, etc in the workplace. Safety concerns must only go to the manager or whoever else who may be in the manager's role. All that's said between you and the person mustn't go outside where the session takes place. 

Types of mental health. Depression, Anxiety, stress, schizophrenia, bipolar for example. What are your examples, research how your examples and my effect live, and how they can be supported? Remember everyone is different, this can vary from the person so except anything off anyone. 

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