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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Awareness of learning disability and mental health during in the lockdown.

 Learning disability and mental health has always been a struggle but with the coronavirus, lockdown is even more of a struggle as Social distance may limit their support, however, it may or may not be the case in everyone and everything but the possibility of what people may be facing needs to be aware of. The fact that their support may be limited may increase also their mental health.

 For example; household skills, cook shopping, money, personal care, careers, socializing, etc. https://howrightnow.org/. They may even struggle to cope with things changing or and stopping in their lives such as studying and working online, making and contacting friends, family, etc. Bear in mind, we know this is a probley hard to help these people but there may be some people who may struggle to access IT and the internet at all. The less support they may be getting the more so their mental health may be at risk but this may depend on their support network if they have any. Even some are not depending on such service as social services etc, they may be having no choice to but depending on the family but that doesn't necessarily mean there are enough people in the family to cope with the needs of the person, depending on what those needs are how much support they are needing, this is where risks of Anxiety and Depression levels may increase.

For those who may be facing these situations no one is forcing help onto you but just to let you know, we know it's not easy and we will admit that help is limited and it is easy to not say anything, know it's easy for me to say but yes I have been there myself. There is some help about and we cannot promise whether or not it will work for you but it's not known unless you ask.  Don't feel you can't say anything because of your feelings and voice matters. https://www.supportline.org.uk/problems/mental-health/


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