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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Dyscalculia maths learning difficulty

What is Dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia is a maths learning difficulty where people who face it find it hard to understand numbers, this can cause a person a lot of Anxiety and furstraightion. It is a specific learning difficulty. 

Here is an example of difficulty which I know its not a difficulty you 3+3+3+3= 12 4*3=12 which is easy for me today but even when I learned my time's table when I was 12, it me years to realize it was only the short cut of the other way round. 

I used to find borrowing subtract hard and even still do today if I am honest. Took me years to understand I could take away a high number away from a low number which sounds crazy now. I even used to say to my teachers I only have ten fingers, well use other items in front of you. Oh, course, and even then I normally counted and now depending on the sum, etc. 

Maths signs I very confused with whether I was adding taking away etc even now sometimes but not as much now I hope. I am still no more than the basics lol.

Placing and understanding numbers I find tricky still.  Here's more about Dyscalculia on this website  https://www.dyslexia.uk.net/specific-learning-difficulties/dyscalculia/the-signs-of-dyscalculia/

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