Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 4 July 2020

Children's animal poetry.

A horse has four legs.
Dogs have four legs.
A cat has four legs.
Cows have four legs.
Sheep have four legs.
Hens have two legs.
Ducks have two legs.
 A centipede has twenty - seven legs. 
Altogether we have had one hundred and twenty - six legs.

My name is Mr. Ape and I eat plenty of grapes.
So many grapes I eat that I need a plate.
After I have eaten my grapes I have a long swim in the lake.

My name is Mrs. Wormly Bird, I pick up and eat worms.
 I have two legs, not four.
Come out in the springtime to build my nest.
Lay my nest, rest, and have my babies. 
I wake you up on sunny mornings going tweet, tweet.
I'm asleep all through the cold wintertime. 
If I'm a robin, I appear when it's cold at Christmas time. 
If I am a spring and summer bird I sing all through those seasons with peace and love.
I could be any animal that flies. 

c is for the cat, what about that?
I come into your house or flat and bring in bats.
I'm black all over and I try to give you good luck.
I'm a real animal I don't just come out a book.

My name is d for the dog, I get muddy through a bog.
I am fuffy and have soft fur.
I am a family dog and I make friends too.
I love to play ball in the hall and across the park.

I don't like wearing my lead, I like to be free to run wild.
I am a country and farm dog.
With a lead on I will pull you everywhere, I'm so fast to go.
I will protect you from strangers. 

I am e for the elephant with the big trunk.
I have very big long feet.
I am big enough for you to ride on my back.
When I lye down in the sun I sleep.

My name is f for frog and I don't live in the dark cold fog.

I live in the sun but I am bright and green.
I am here through the pouring rain. 

My name is g for giraffe, I'm having a bath. 
My face is very thin.
I have very large feet.
I have long pointed ears and a thin neck.
Brown patches on my body and a long tail.
I have long narrow legs and feet. 

I am h for the horse of course.
I pick my ears forward when I am happy and back when I am sad.
You feed, water, and exercise me by riding me.
You muck out my stable.
Clean my tack, groom me.

I am I for an insect who is a big black spider.
I have eight legs.
I come rushing by without you knowing it.
Some of you love me and others hate me.
Some of you have nightmares about me.
Some of you can catch me in jars and keep me as a pet.

Some of you are scared of me and some of you are not.

I am j for jaguar, I start with a j.
I look like a leopard, cat, or tiger.

I come from the jungle or from the wild.
I purr when I am frightened.

My coat is spotty.

I spend most of the time licking my fur. 

L is for Lion.

He's a big lion with hair down his front and back.
His ears are so flat, but he hears everything around him.
His eyes are like dogs, but his eyes are brown and black.
His nose is big enough to smell his meat.
The month is big enough to have a lotto eat. 

I am k for kangaroo from Australia. 

I jump and hop with my baby Joey in my pouch as it goes bounce.

M is the monkey, I am Mr. Mickey Monkey from the zoo. 

I swing from tree to tree as I pick bananas and eat them. 

I am n for newt who swims in the lake. 

 I put on my coot and my boots.

Drive my car as my horn goes hoot hoot. 

Mr o for octopus lives in the sea. 

Mr p for peacock has beautiful feathers that he spreads in the sunny weather and feels so much better.

His feathers are green, golden, blue, and pink. 

Q for quail lives out in the wild and in the cage.

He needs food, water, and his cage cleaning out daily. 

He's has a small round body and a small tail. 

R for the rat is black furly, flat, and fat across his back.

Down the rat holes, he goes hiding from the witches and bats.

s for squirrel has big stick up ears. 

eyes shine out bright.

He has a furry tummy.

Craws are so sharp.

With a brushy furry tail.

He stands up eating his nuts. 

T for tiger will bite if he needs to bit.

You will wake up with a fright in the middle of the night.

The big tiger seems to have evil eye.

Big tiger has very bright orange stirpes. 

U is for umbrella bird with black feathers and red crest. 

He likes to eat large pieces of fruit. 

v is for a vampire bat and his wings flap in the dark with witches black cats and rats. 

w for walrus in the sea eats, worms, shell crabs, shrimps, and sea cucumbers.

x is a xeious, I am like a squirrel who lives in the wild and eats nuts.

y is for yak, you can ride on my back with my tack, like a donkey, pony, or horse.

I look like a bull or cow. 

z is for zebra.

My name is Miss. Debra Zebra.

I look like a horse with Stripes.

You see me in the sunlight.


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