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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Problems linked to dyspraxia.

This handout is about problems linked to dyspraxia, which are motor skills coordination,  ADHD, Sensory processing issues, Mental health Anxiety, and Depression, slow processing speed, Autism, signs of processing speed, signs of DCD at different ages.

The spectrum of difficulties.
Auditory visual processing difficulties, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia.

Auditory Processing Disorder. 

Understanding speech background noises, when more than one person is talking to someone, poor sound quality, etc.

Distinguish similar sound from another, words with the same or similar sound people can mishear, mainly if the person who is talking to them is talking too quickly without realizing. For example, dog being mistaken for bog, They may only catch so much of what is been said but they are not deaf.

Remembering and not remembering. 
  The same with remembering things they may remember some things but not others, then some may not remember all that's been said. Something is said too quickly, something is not clear or accessible for them to read. They may find instructions hard to follow.

Learning.  They may face difficulty reading, writing, and spelling but does not mean they cannot read, write, and spell at all. When learning a new skill the person finds it less of an issue but more awareness is needed because people can be misunderstood for purposely being rude towards people. People are likely to need one to one learning support in school, college, etc. It is possible for them to learn like other people but at a slower speed and possibly in a different way but it's not always possible to catch up with what they should have learned in school due to the fact the support is not always possible to get, which is mostly due to funding etc. 

Speech problems.  They find it hard to speak clearly or and they may stutter in some things they say where they may find it hard to pronounce certain words. 

Normal hear do not work there is no noise, which doesn't recall the noise people can and cannot cope with. People who have different accents, talking too quickly. This could mean different levels of background noise, sound patterns recognise tests, electrode tests, speech and language, cognitive assessment. 

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