Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 30 July 2020

What is ADHD?


ADHD stands for  Atencion deflected hyperactive disorder.  Those of us who face ADHD can be very misunderstood and we find it very to make friends etc. This is very tricky to talk about to be understood of course we are human and we all good and bad in us. I am not saying, everything someone with ADHD we do, say, etc is not done on purpose, however, most things are not. 

Most people think of ADHD as people who have got all the energy in the world which is not necessarily true, although I will say even today there is so much unknown though we know more than we did years ago. I have to say it is even unknown whether or not I have ADHD myself, as a child, I did have more energy than I should but it's also possible this could have been because of the Pheobarotone tablets but also my mind was thinking at the wrong time at night time rather than in the day time when it should have been in school. I had problems with concentration and understanding of what the teachers were teaching, say, etc. Even today if I am honest I can only focus on one thing at a time, even I try to multitask as they say. Depending on what I am doing etc, sometimes it works for me other times it does not. I have to say I cannot say I think about it a lot as it is a problem I have been living with all my life and I am 51 nearly.

I have admitted I have gone from having too much energy as a little one physically to non-today, I do lack exercise and I am ashamed to say but my mind is always thinking. This is where Anxiety is similar and could also be linked with ADHD. 

Here are some signs but bear in mind as years go on most people may overcome most difficulties they may have had years before, I have overcome at least some. If or and when people learn skills, it's not the case in all cases but pretty much people need less or no support when they have learned things but can vary.

  • Short attenstion spam.
  • A lot of mistakes in school, college work, etc.
  • Forgetting and losing things.
  • Difficulty getting everything finished to time without support whether it is education or work.
  • Understanding and remember what's being taught and said, instructions, information, etc, things need to be in easy read and even large print for the person to manage on their own.
  • They likely to stop halfway through a course, job, etc, if it's not accessible or and they are not getting the support they need depending on how much they know about whatever they are doing, etc.
  • Difficulty in getting organized.
  • Difficulty in sitting still, always rocking in a chair, swing round and round, always something their hand, etc, even if they are not physically active. 
  • Difficulty concentrating on too many things at once, although some part of the difficulty it can with people possible to overcome depending on the tasks, skills, etc. 
  • They can talk a lot but again that can overcome in their lifetime probably, with some people it can vary.
  • Unintenstionly coming between people talking.
  • Little or no sense of danger.https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/symptoms/

The research in ADHD is huge on the internet, which is good but it just goes into everything, that is not a bad thing but just too much information. I can only from my experience. Hear me out on this one, I may be wrong but it is possible I am not and never have been ADHD as such. Although I know this is confusing and not a straight yes and no answer but I did face in childhood some form of Hyperactivity but as I said earlier this site it may have been due to the tables I was taking the time and a year or two after been off those I calmed down physically to a point I had no energy, which is not good either and I have been like that ever since.

 I am not saying there are no positives hyperactivity but for me, there were very few if any. This may well have been because it was not known about not understood and for adults looking after me, it was very stressful and tiring, very little was know either. I didn't feel sleepy or active at the right times when I was. Also, felt emotions, sad, angry, etc with or without a reason where I used to pull a temper paddie at any time. These days I have times of feeling that way but it is more so Anxiety and Depression, it is not nice facing but mostly I can manage it without upsetting others whereas I couldn't have done as a child.

As a child, I could have been swimming two hours or more and still had difficulty sleeping at night for example. I could never manage any other spot due to my Dyspraxia. Dyspraxia was a learning difficulty no one was aware of as well years ago whereas today, it would make me tried. but I do need the exercise. Due to my Dyspraxia there some exercise machines I  wouldn't be safe to use such as in the Gym etc without support but I do have exercise steps I used at home but should use it more than I do. Despite that even when sitting and lying I cannot lye or sit completely still I have to be moving, legs or and arms, something my hands, etc. 

The strange thing is I have always had the differently of doing too many things at once but that has varied throughout my life depending on what I am doing, which could be ADHD or and Dyspraxia, forgetting losing things, etc mainly if I have a lot to think about and be responsible for but again can vary. Another difficulty I face is doing things to a time limit if I am, mostly struggle if I am do not know anything about the task, skill, etc I need support. I can be either too quiet or talk a lot depending on the topic etc. In lectures, I tend to get lost in topics, etc if everything is moving too fast, which I struggle to be in time with the rest of the class which is another reason for my support. Without been intentionally rude, if and when I do have something to say, I find it hard to wait my turn but I try to control that whereas in childhood, etc I couldn't control that and I was misunderstood for been rude.

Moving on I intended this handout to be the positives and negatives of ADHD, I have gone through the negatives but not really the positives. This is in most people's cases can be a link between Adhd, Dyspraxia, Autism, and Anxiety. Creative, full of imagination, etc because we can have overactive minds but in some ways can turn the opposite where you cannot think at all. https://www.autism.org.uk/about/what-is/related-conditions/adhd.aspx

Dyscalculia maths learning difficulty

What is Dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia is a maths learning difficulty where people who face it find it hard to understand numbers, this can cause a person a lot of Anxiety and furstraightion. It is a specific learning difficulty. 

Here is an example of difficulty which I know its not a difficulty you 3+3+3+3= 12 4*3=12 which is easy for me today but even when I learned my time's table when I was 12, it me years to realize it was only the short cut of the other way round. 

I used to find borrowing subtract hard and even still do today if I am honest. Took me years to understand I could take away a high number away from a low number which sounds crazy now. I even used to say to my teachers I only have ten fingers, well use other items in front of you. Oh, course, and even then I normally counted and now depending on the sum, etc. 

Maths signs I very confused with whether I was adding taking away etc even now sometimes but not as much now I hope. I am still no more than the basics lol.

Placing and understanding numbers I find tricky still.  Here's more about Dyscalculia on this website  https://www.dyslexia.uk.net/specific-learning-difficulties/dyscalculia/the-signs-of-dyscalculia/

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Problems linked to dyspraxia.

This handout is about problems linked to dyspraxia, which are motor skills coordination,  ADHD, Sensory processing issues, Mental health Anxiety, and Depression, slow processing speed, Autism, signs of processing speed, signs of DCD at different ages.

The spectrum of difficulties.
Auditory visual processing difficulties, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia.

Auditory Processing Disorder. 

Understanding speech background noises, when more than one person is talking to someone, poor sound quality, etc.

Distinguish similar sound from another, words with the same or similar sound people can mishear, mainly if the person who is talking to them is talking too quickly without realizing. For example, dog being mistaken for bog, They may only catch so much of what is been said but they are not deaf.

Remembering and not remembering. 
  The same with remembering things they may remember some things but not others, then some may not remember all that's been said. Something is said too quickly, something is not clear or accessible for them to read. They may find instructions hard to follow.

Learning.  They may face difficulty reading, writing, and spelling but does not mean they cannot read, write, and spell at all. When learning a new skill the person finds it less of an issue but more awareness is needed because people can be misunderstood for purposely being rude towards people. People are likely to need one to one learning support in school, college, etc. It is possible for them to learn like other people but at a slower speed and possibly in a different way but it's not always possible to catch up with what they should have learned in school due to the fact the support is not always possible to get, which is mostly due to funding etc. 

Speech problems.  They find it hard to speak clearly or and they may stutter in some things they say where they may find it hard to pronounce certain words. 

Normal hear do not work there is no noise, which doesn't recall the noise people can and cannot cope with. People who have different accents, talking too quickly. This could mean different levels of background noise, sound patterns recognise tests, electrode tests, speech and language, cognitive assessment. 

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Dyspaxia in a nutshell

Most people say Dyspraxia and Dyslexia can get confused but I believe not necessary as I think they are both similar but not the same. Most people will disagree but I do not expect everyone to agree even those of us who face the problems. All the same, there is no need to row about it just because some may disagree.

How do I think Dyspraxia and Dyslexia are similar?  Dyspraxia is a  hidden physical and mental learning difficulty, which affects learning physically and mentally from my experience from education reading, writing, understanding, spelling, etc getting school college work done to a certain time limit is on the physical side and on the physical for example household tasks, physical jobs in the workplace whereas Dyslexia is education, reading, writing, understanding, spelling, etc. As as I am aware Dyslexia, is not a physical disability and if I am honest I am not sure if Dyslexia is a learning difficulty or disability.  

However' I will admit it would be too easy to say what I have just said because it is probably possible you can have Dpsraxia and Dyslexia, which I know form the negatives and positives I face with my problems the physical and the mental side. As a child and young person, I knew I couldn't learn and manage the same to other people but I knew what it was, which made feel most negative about myself but I learned as the years went on even though I took a longer time than other people learn, feeling pleased with myself and hard to believe finally did it, like when I finally managed to tie my shoelaces when I was twenty. 

Therefore, there are things you overcome and things you. When I was a child and a younger person handy one knew about Dyspraxia, Dyslexia and even the problems I faced but I wasn't alone and it wasn't their fault, all the same, they knew they were facing children and people with problems but what knowing what sort of problems and how to help them through life. 

 I have been trying to research online whether or not it possible to have Dyspraxia and Dyslexia and I  have been getting no real answers but from my experience right or wrong yes. I always found it hard to learn in school because I left school nothing and had to catch up in college, it was a long struggle. Most courses depending on the type course and its levels but that has always varied. I also struggle with job searches, understanding the adds, etc mainly if the print is not clear, I tend to avoid things I struggle with unless I have support but it is not all black and white online, etc it can vary on what I am excepted to do, etc. 

I have always needed support through my adult life On top of that through school years I was dosed up with Pheabaretone tablets for Epilepsy, which made it hard to learn because I was always in a world of my own and the tablets always accepted me getting out and about with support where I would have no sense of direction, which happens with my Dyspraxia and maybe even Autism as well and I no dangerous awareness as far as crossing roads etc, some of this I have overcome and others haven't. 

The positives and the negatives of Dyspraxia. The negatives I have said on other sites on this website a list longer than one's arm even two or more. For eg; chopping veg, straining veg, etc to trying to turn a key in one's front door. As far as the positives are concerned they say we are creative, which from my experience is true, I have more strengths mentally, I cannot think of any physical strengths in me other than doing my best day after at home and even then I am not sure, I just do my best and what I can with not knowing whether it's good enough or not. Mentally my strengths are poetry, short stories, drawing, painting, swimming. I cannot speak for anyone else who faces the same as me, only for myself but by all means, try googling something that people with dyspraxia face. With IT skills that can vary, I have strong and weak IT skills. 

Saturday, 25 July 2020

Special needs need chat awareness group

This group is for people with disabilities, special needs, and or and other problems support and chat groups for the people themselves and others in their lives such as parents, families, carers, social workers, partners, friends, support workers, professionals, etc. We support all topics of lives such as health, education, employment, social lives, and more. communication, access, diversity, etc.

It is a socializing group but to make friends, but it is not a problem if any members become more than friends and everyone respects everyone for their own choices, feelings, etc. Remember not everyone knows people on the FB whether it's an Admin or Member you want to talk to don't pm or and friend request without asking them first unless you have been pming them beforehand or and your add as a friend to them already. Like it is on our other groups no socializing with Admins unless you know them already which case do involve other members or our Admin team unless you know us already but even then keep it out our groups and work as Admin. Admins are here to safeguard and sort out problems you may face with other people.

Please find out who people are, even why they are on the group if you decide to socialize in case they are involved of the lives of people with disabilities because they may be a parent, family member, carer, partner, friend, service user, social worker, support worker, professional, etc.

This is a group for people with special needs disabilities or and all problems, which is an all-round group which means all areas in life including for people with disabilities, etc to socialize and also those in their lives, such as parents, families, carers, services users, friends, partners, social workers, support workers professionals studying, training, trained, qualified to get to chat one another those who may wish, those who may want to learn or and get support off one another or and be there for one another.

http://www.stophateuk.org/ 0800 138 1625

WWW.crimestoppers-uk.org 0800 555 111

Learning Disability Hate Crime Stop Crime Helpline 0800 802 1155

http://www.mind.org.uk/ 0300 123 3393 email info@mind.org.uk

Samaritans WWW.sameritans.org 08457 90 90 90

Elder Abuse WWW. ageuk.org.uk 0808 808 81141

Victim Support WWW,victimsupport.org.uk 08045 3030 900

NHS medial help non - emergency 111 WWW.nhs.uk

NSPCC Helpline WWW.nspcc.org.uk 0808 800 5000

Citizens Advice 0844 111 444 from landline 0300 330 06550 from mobile and WWW.adviceguide.org.uk

Community legal advice 0845 345 4345 WWW.justice.org.uk
Emergency 999

If you need support to find important contacts that aren't this list, please feel to pm us but if we don't reply quick enough for you there are groups you could join not much different to ours.

Socializing purpose and rules

Socialize in finding friends, relationships, both and have emotional support for break up of past relationships if you please to, which mean either talking to one of us on pm or and us finding you information online on counseling and emotional support near you or and you could that support from another on the group. As the socializing group is for disabled members who want friendship with other disabled members but it's not a problem if more friends become of people but please follow the rules and respect the feelings and choices of others.

You also have the right to just make friends if you want even if you're not in a relationship. Whatever the situation please respect the feelings and choices of others as well as your own. Feel free to introduce your self to the members, add a selfie, chat, etc, keep it clean and safe. Ideas of topics in case you're stuck on what to chat about hobbies, interests, education, career, socializing, favorite music, band, flim what you like on tv, etc.

.It's understandable you may not want to meet people who you have only spoke to on the internet and just on the group, that's no problem but for those who do want to see each other outside the FB we advise please do be careful, we are not telling anyone what to do just giving advice. If you can please go with someone you know until you have met up for at least 12 months. 

This is a friendship and or relationship only group. Please respect people's feelings and choices, don't someone to want to know you if they don't.

 We do give travel advice looking on sites for travel information etc but signing up is down to you or you will have to find a face to face support you need it and that's the same with money etc as we are not trained for that. 

We would also advise you to talk to members on the group at least 12 months before think about meeting them face to face if you don't them already etc.


Health, education, employment, housing, social lives; reports on different issues happening in the lives of people with disabilities, special needs, etc like we post on another disability group. 

Feel free to introduce yourselves, have fun but keep it safe and clean,  add selfie but no rude pictures, no sexual post, and no prod. 
Free to add video from youtube, pictures for example on your favorite music, film, hobby, etc. 
Like the last social group we do not control who you do and don't mix with but on this group, there could be people in the lives of disabilities. special needs etc so please ask who people are etc if they reply to you. Only socialize with members, with disabilities, special needs, etc, not with Admins or people involved with disabilities, special needs, etc, do not socialize with someone's Mum for example.  They would have joined this group if they do to support their son or and daughter with special needs etc unless you happen to know one another in which case take out the group. 

Whether you want to meet up with people or not is your choice but you must respect the choices and feelings of the people you're socializing with for example if they say they would just prefer to chat on the group please respect that. 

Feel free to ask us for information online like travel etc as long as you know we can't sign up to anything or get involved with your money so if you need any support there, it would have been from people you know face to face. 

Safety rules.
1. Don’t add someone to the group unless you have asked them if they agree have made us aware. (Please let us know.)
2. No bullying or hate crime, if you face bullying and hate crime please feel to report it us and we will see that an Admin who know how to report the person to Facebook does that as long as you have proof and whatever happens that person will be removed and blocked from our groups. 
3. No out seen or sexual post.
4. No advertising product.
5. No talk of drugs unless it’s a certain awareness of disabilities and health problems.
6. No porn.
7. No swearing
8. If by any chance you have a very strong dislike towards someone and they are bugging you that much, please leave the group in respect of the other members don't communicate with that person on the group, you don’t have to give a reason unless you want to.
9. If you face anything nasty for anyone please feel free to report it to us and we will remove and block the person and even report them to Facebook if you feel there's a need to do that. 
10. If you are aware of anyone breaking these rules please let us know thank you.
11. Please do not join our groups on more than just two profile, it gets confusing for us, thank you. 

13, Do not judge anyone.
14. No discrimination
15. No Sigma
16. Remember this group is to support people with disabilities or and or all problems to access all topics of life so socializing is one of them so always ask who people are and why they have joined the group because this group is also for people in the lives of disabilities, or and all problems such as parents, carers, families, friends, partners, social workers, support workers, professionals, etc, if you fit into these catering always let people know so people don't think your someone your not. For eg; only people with disabilities socialize with people disabilities.
17. No blocking Admin or member.
18. No getting involved with Admins personally, if anyone is it must be off the group and team.
19, If you face problems with anyone on this group, on the group or anywhere else, please provide us proof before blocking them so we don't block and remove people who haven't done wrong.
20. Not everyone knows people on the FB so if you feel a need to pm, someone, whether it's an Admin or a member ask them first unless you know them and spoke to them before, etc or you are already added to friend to or and to them before. No friends request either without someone's permission, we don't want reports of unexcepted PMS or and friends to request but please feel free to report them if you face them and remember to provide proof so we block and remove the person in the wrong, not in the right.
21. No request to the groups on more than 1 profile, more than 1 profile is confusing for the Admins.
22. No buying and selling anything to anyone on the group but donating anything to charities etc is fine.  One rule we have forgotten and I guess a lot of you wouldn't do this but it can be easily done for some people just a bit of advice.

The rules are there for everyone's safety, choices and feelings, which be there with everyone you come across so please respect one another for that even though it may be not what you hoped.
2. Now the choice is yours but you also need to think of others too. If things don't your way either accept it cause more people will be joining it just takes time and patience.

3.if you can't accept that leave the group. don't take it out on people if things don't go your ways or for any other reason.
4. Admin or member, Admins are here to work on the group, not to socialize please remember that.
5.If there are Admins here your already friends with etc from even when the group was set up, keep it well out of the group and the team. Also, there's a lot of people who don't know one another the FB, if you wish to pm anyone please ask their permission unless you know them, your friends with them already on or off the FB or and you have been PMing them already.
6. No blocking Admin. 
7.so we are respected for having set up this group for the purpose of even just trying to support you achieve what you want but even though we can't choose the people you mix with too cause that's down to you and them to decide that and respect one another's choices.
8. We are not asking for input 24.7 just even something once a day, not necessary for our benefit but yours and the reason why you joined in the first place, but yer also to make it worth our while in the sense.
9. No giving out personal details like names, addresses, email addresses, etc on the group or pm, etc. However'  we know when getting to know one another after so long you may give the home address but do please careful.
10. We can't promise forever trusting friendships but we are here for emotional support if things go wrong, by all means, report any problems you may face with others on the group we strictly need proof so we are not blocking and removing people who haven't done wrong.
11. Our advice is if you face any abuse etc on your pm, report it to us with the proof before you block the person so we can get them off the group if you added as a friend them on their pm block them after you have reported them to us, 

Friday, 24 July 2020

Positive in Dyspraxia

On the whole, from my experience people with Dyspraxia do not many positives and in life but please do not get me wrong when I say this. Life can be full of surprises with new skills etc. Also, we need to keep Dyspraxia awareness going to help people with Dyspraxia feel confident about themselves, without awareness people with Dyspraxia to feel alone although they are not and although they do not intend to feel alone.

We are hard-working but when say hardworking in what our learning difficulty lets us do like rasicing awareness of Dyspraxia, being creative, etc. For eg; my strength is learning disability awareness, writing, poetry, drawing, and painting. The only sport I find easy is swimming.

We have a great sense of humans when we feel good about ourselves and that we have achieved something in life. Every day of our lives is a challenge for us.

People with Dyspraxia can catch up with their learning and can learn sooner if they have been given the right support. When it comes to education Dyspraxia similar to Dyslexia but a lot more to physically as well as mentally. For eg; handwriting, spelling grammar, understanding what they should learning,  gripping pens, pencils, etc. https://careersportal.ie/disability/az.php?parent=20&ed_sub_cat_id=88&menu_parent_id=  This can depend on the type of learning topic, levels of learning qualifications, etc. This could mean easy to read, accessible information different cloured paper, writing, etc.

We think outside the box on the whole and we have a good long term memory.  We may think far ahead or even far ahead or and remember things from years ago than what happened yesterday say. I will honest to say this can be a good or and bad thing depending on the situation etc.

Support that people with dyspraxia need

Some people may need more support than others. Dyspraxia awareness has only been roughy the past fifteen to twenty years, which is better than what knew before which wasn't really anything but we still have a long way to go. I can only say what I face with Dyspraxia, which makes me think there may be different forms of Dyspraxia. In terms of support from my experience are health, independent living,  personal care, careers,  social lives, and more which will be listed on my other Dyspraxia handouts on this website.

There are not many services yet for people with Dyspraxia, my nearest is Birmhamgton as I live Wolverhampton. I have often thought about setting up a Dyspraxia group but I don't many people who face Dyspraxia.

According to the Mental health foundation, only 2% of people have Dyspraxia but not sure whether it is in the UK alone, which is very low. This adds up to why there is little awareness of Dyspraxia, which a hard one for those who face it as it is a seriously hidden physical and mental learning difficulty.

How can we support dyspraxia? 

  1. Social services social workers, carers, a support worker for independent living.
  2. Health Physio thephy from an early age.
  3. Ocupatienion psychologist.  
  4. disabled aids such as bottle openers, tin openers, etc.
  5. http://dyspraxiafoundation.org.uk/ a charity that connects with families etc
  6. https://www.dfyouth.org.uk/ foundation for 18 to 25-year-olds
  7. http://www.dyspraxiauk.com/  a specialist organization providing Occupational Therapist assessments for children and adults who may have dyspraxia
  8. http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Dyspraxia-(childhood)/Pages/Introduction.aspx
  9. NHS source of medical information and advice on dyspraxia symptoms, causes, and treatments

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

dyspraxia 11

Sometimes when I am speaking, I find it hard to sallow when I speak therefore no understands me. I have always had problems with my tongue, teeth, and lips which goes very dry as skin becomes loose.
Even though I feed myself, I am still very messy eater.
 As a very small child, I found a very hard grip a knife and fork I think food used to go everywhere other than my mouth over the floor everywhere, although I don't see how I've always loved my food too much and ate too much.

Some words I may say may not come out correct but may not be far off, otherwise, I'm well misunderstood.
 Sometimes I may talk too quiet in case I do not sound like how I want to sound like.
Yet when I am sure of myself it works opposite; I can be too loud.     

Some famous people with Dyspraxia.

Daniel Radcliffe who plays Harry Potter, David Bailey who takes pictures, Florence Welch, Hannah McDonnell actor, Helen Burns character out of Jane Eyre, Samuel Taylor Coleridge poet, CK Chester, Ern  Est Hemingway, Jack Kerouac, and George Orwell writer.

dyspraxia 10

The causes of Dyspraxia.

As far as I know, Dyspraxia is caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain at birth or when a baby is born too early. I think this can be linked to epilepsy or and a stroke. I think are many other causes of Dyspraxia.

Dyspraxia is a hidden physical and mental hidden learning difficulty that needs to be taken seriously, due to people not able to see the difficulties people face who face it makes it hard to understand what people face.

 It is not an illness or diseases. 

The learning difficulty is profoundly serious not meaning is illness or disease which is what Dyspraxia not.

Most people tend to think because people Dyspraxia and other hidden disabilities can walk and talk, they do not face physical and mental difficulties.

 It is a serious hidden learning difficulty in the way it is physical and mental in a hidden way because people can walk and speak even some things may show such as speech and example they can talk but some words they may find hard to pronouns to the way others understand.

To cut long story short I was born in a time period where there was no diagnosing, no understanding, no support at all, information, etc, it has only been the last fifteen to twenty-year of my life roughly there has started to be aware.

I have problems with household skills such as cooking, cleaning, tidying, shopping, etc.
Personal skills cutting toenails and fingernails.

 Exercise sport, catching a ball in such as netball etc, also motor skills, balance problems, coordination etc with certain exercise machine, which I tend to avoid anything with movement because I do not what I will and will not be safe with if the support is not in place.

 This also makes it hard to manage such skills as driving a car hard for people with Dyspraxia with great the difficulty most people with Dyspraxia have achieved it, I guess with the right the support I guess when learning. I thought they would have to spend a lot more money on driving lessons etc compared to other people, as Dyspraxia can slow your motor skills and coordination down.

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 Putting yourself in the shoes of parents, life can be a jigsaw puzzle for them when their child is slow at learning or and they know what their disabilities and health problems are.

Movements are to do with Motor skills, Co-ordation, and balance. For eg; opening a tin with a can opener.
Language is speech how we sound, make ourselves understood and misunderstood mostly the cases are.
Perception is Understanding and or misunderstanding others, messages, the world around us and etc.
It's more likely possible to have all of those forms of Dyspraxia as I have found all those things hard throughout my life.

 Having said that when you have a good many other disabilities it can be hard to say what causes what. For eg, I could either Asperger Syndrome or and ADHD, Dyslexia, Epilepsy as well as Dyspraxia. could have one form of Dyspraxia, two or all three. I know what I read about Dyspraxia sounds like me.

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Different forms of Dyspraxia.

It sounds as if the world has a lot to learn about Dyspraxia, which is hardly surprising as it is a hard disability to understand and explain.

 Just because I am Dyspraxia does not mean I know everything about it. In my respects the world knows more than me.

What I do know is how it has affected my life. I am glad to say now it has opened up now.

 There may have been thousands of children in my school, I would have been aware, but I doubt it.

I know what it is like to feel so alone even though you are more than likely not. Bullying never seems to stop because you look and or seem different from other children.

Even by adults your so misunderstood because quite rightly even adult expects to see a normal child, whatever normal is at the end of the day.

dyspraxia 7

To start with it may seem hard to believe that there are positives in Dyspraxia, but it is taking a long time to believe in that, your disability and most of all yourself.

You can find so many things hard, yet it is to believe the bad as well as the good because you do not appear to strangers to have disabilities.

Our lives are not all black and white there are positives about us, yet some are from the things we do find hard.

·                     Some things that we may seem different from other people can be right.
·                     We find it easy to get along with people if they understand us and we understand them.
·                     People need to give themselves time and our time to get to know one another.
·                     We can be carrying people who need support as much or if not more than us.
·                     We have a powerful and creative imagination in our daydreams.
·                     We are very keen learner’s despite finding learning hard, nothing stops us.
·                     We have good long-term memories.
·                     We can create for eg, creative writing art painting and drawing.