Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 5 March 2016

About me and my work.

I am Sara Jane Gorman. I was born at the Beeches Nursing home on the Tettenhall road, Friday 24th October 1969. I was born with Mild brain damage at the birth lack of oxygen to the left hand side of my brain. It caused me to have mild learning disabilities; mild Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia and Epilepsy.

 I used to be an Group Advocacy worker for Our Shout supported by Royal Wolverhampton Mencap, LD Awareness trainer,   LD Service User and LD MP. In 2010 I became a Group Support.

I was Self – Employed for a very short time, I had a very small business called Access All Areas Now! I shared with someone else with learning disabilities. We were supported by Mencap and Employment Pathways. We were Learning Disability Awareness trainers. In the end we had very little time, work and services had very little money to support us.  For the last four years I have been a Self - Advocacy worker for Our Shout supported by Royal Wolverhampton Mencap, LD Awareness trainer,   LD Service User and LD MP. In 2010 I became a Group Support.

I was Self – Employed for a very short time, I had a very small business called Access All Areas Now! I shared with someone else with learning disabilities. We were supported by Mencap and  Employment Pathways. We were Learning Disability Awareness trainers. In the end we had very little time, work and services had very little money to support us. 

I have written this website in hopes of writing book in the field of learning disability and mental health to help professions understand people with these problems. This website is about my ' Life Story' but also to train the government, professions and society about Learning Disability and Autism from the barriers I have had to face with disabilities and health problems just the same and not much different to most other people.

   I used to be a Learning Disability Advocacy worker for 1 Voice Wolverhampton. I used to be an Advocacy worker and Learning Disability awareness trainer for a Self Advocacy group called Our Shout supported by Mencap. No I also used to be a volunteer trainee Employment Co - orator for Royal Wolverhampton Mencap.  I have been given training to the Health students at the University of Wolverhampton, School of Nursing and The Health Care Professions at New Cross hospital Wolverhampton.

I have been writing short stories and my life story since I was 23, I’m now nearly 47.
 In 1993, I was stopping at my Grandmother’s house; I was very bored because I was recovering from Cancer of the throat. All of a sudden I watched the ten o; clock news with Travel McDonald telling the world that Britain’s care homes were closing down, it up set me very much.
 For some silly reason I was messing around with pen and paper. For some strange reason I started think about the writer Charles Dickens and the work he did orphans in the 1800s.

This inspired to want o read any of Dickens’ work to write about people and animals worse off than myself. I wanted to raise half the money I earn to these charities.  I have had a poem published in each of 11 books. I have had very little support getting my work published due to my disabilities. I have been on a fare few Creative writing courses over the years. In 2009, I went on a Script and Screen course to try to better my writing then I helped out on a project at Penn Hall Special School helping the children to create  their own Superheroes. I have also had little report printed in newsletters.

I have found that employers don’t understand learning disability and Mental Health problems. If only they could let us do our job to train them to understand us. Learning Disability Awareness training is what they need, like or not we are the experts and we are the ones to do the job. Sadly not everyone takes notice of the Disability Discrimating Act.  Most employers and the government make mistakes discrimating people with LD and Mental problems. The government spends the money on the wrong things. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting. The government just bores me but I need to fight my rights for learning disability. I am an LD MP if life is hard please contact me on sarajgorman@gmail.com you are welcome if you are a person with LD, family member carer, friend, lover or etc.

 Not all people are good with computers but most people LD and Mental problems are.

Not all of us can work to an employer speed but just need the right support to do the jobs quick and right.

We are seen as Health and Safety hazards to society full stop but with the right support we can be supported to be kept safe and healthily. With the right we can be supported to learn Health and Safety.  

I am hoping what is written on this website will be put in a book.

Like all disabilities Autism affects people’s lives different ways. For example there are different kinds of Autism like there are different kinds of disabilities. Two with the same disabilities may cope different. Two people the same Autism may cope different. Except the unexpected.
This book isn’t only written for people with Autism but for people with all disabilities and health problems. This book isn’t just about me as a person with Autism and other like but me as writer. The purpose of this book is to help people with LD and other people understand one another. This book is written for people with disabilities, health problems, carers, families, doctors, teachers, lawyers and etc. It isn’t just about education LD awareness it’s about understanding one another as human beings. I will work my hardest to interest my readers.
If you are working in the field of learning disability and even mental health you will need to learn about Accessible Information. For example; brail and sign language. A lot people with LD and health problems find information in speaking and writing very hard to understand. Too much jargon is very hard for us to cope.

 This website is also linked onto my life story, my family history, which is about me and my disabilities. I started writing my life story 18 years ago. If this gets published I find hard to believe it will in my life time if it does. This will be my first book. I will write about the past, present and what I’d like to see in the future of learning disability. As a Self – Advocacy worker and writer I hope this book will help with LD and Mental Health problems to speak up for ourselves and others like us more.

 I hope people will learn about the problems people with LD and health has to face in everyday lives and when people need support and when we don’t. People need to balance between support and independence s. Some things in life people with LD can access other things we can’t. Society tells us that there’s a limit of what we can do. For example; college, work, friends, lovers and many that other people need less or no support with. There are 1.5 million people with a learning disability in the UK. Like all of us, they are individuals who want different things in life and need different levels of support.

I will also tell you some history of learning disability. Back in history people who took a long time to learn and do things would be left out.

This book is not just about me, it is also like me and worse off than me.

It's not as if other 
Autism makes people appear to be selfish, which is not the case. People do not matter to me because they do.
Autism is an unawareness of the big wide world.

  This book is written for people with learning disabilities and people who know us, people who want to get to know about us, learn about and from us, train us, teach us, work with us and help
. Hydrocephalus is high presage sager to the brain because of the fluid not being drained cerebral Palsy happens during pregnancy. It's a Mental and Physical disability affecting the body and mind. The brain controls the movement of the body in early stages of growth. Almost like one form of Autism that links with Dyspraxia as a hidden Physical disability. With Cerebral Palsy the damage can happen during birth even though the disabilities that happen before birth or any other brain injuries at a very early age. (Such as a lack of oxygen to the brain or if a child has been shaken. Children face these difficulties, posture (ability to put the body in a chosen position and keep it there.) ay.

Peoples' minds won't stop thinking about things, most people think for a long time or forever. For example; things from relationship and marriage break ups to death having to pay bills is even more for what they chrange. Mencap say People with learning disabilities 58 times likely to die before the age 50 but that's not in the case in everybody. Like I said Stress is a killer for all people but if you have learning disabilities or and health problems on its own it’s double the pressager.

According to Mencap there are 1 - 5 people with learning disabilities in the UK. 
Learning disabilities either start before, during or after birth depending what the disabilities are.

Disabilities and health problems can be either Injuries, long, short term illness and etc. Peoples' lives can be affected in different ways.

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