Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Please Support new members with the following if they ask?

To be able to share their thoughts with other readers and or writers with people with and without disabilities in stories, poems and or however you want.

They will only be small changes. In fact may not be even changes but to make it grow a bit more.
Making members aware what you are reading and what it is about is still allowed.
Making members aware what you may have written and what it is about is still allowed.
If anyone is stuck on writing something you are allowed to help them.
If anyone is stuck on understanding something they trying to read and understand you are allow to help them.
This can count if anyone needs any help with home work for college, University or for any other reason.
You are allowed to give people references advice on things such as books, websites and etc.
This is can be allowed to any purpose from if someone is writing a novel to if someone for example is doing a degree in any subject.
This group could be handy for say a Learning Disability nurse for example to ask someone about any books on Autism.
This group could be a way of people with disabilities and health problems to write about disabilities and health problems and those who have any connections with those with disabilities and health problems.
Other forms of Literature can be involved too such as plays, short stories, poems, novels or any kind of training and learning.

 You can ask us to look up advice online for websites, publishers, courses and etc. 

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