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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 6 March 2016

More about disabilities and health problems.


  • Slow learner
  • Find it hard to concentrate
  • Find it hard to follow instructions and directions.
  • Lack of comprehension.

Asperger Syndrome.

  • Most people find it hard to cope with a hobby and interest.
  • Behavior problems.
  • Some people are very logical and technical people.
  • Some people find it hard to socialism, communicate, have friendships/relationships.
  • Some people have problems with facial expressions.
  • Most people with Asperger Syndrome are clumsy and uncoordinated. 
  • Communication is a big problem for many people with Asperger Syndrome.
  • Many people with Asperger Syndrome face ( Sensory Integration Dysfunction.)


  • Low mood and sadness at anytime whether there's a reason or not.
  • Feeling hopeless and helpless.
  • Tearful
  • Guiltily feeling as if everything is your fault when not everything is your fault.
  • Feeling irritate and intolerant.
  • Lack of motivation and little interest in anything.
  • Down if yourself you have nothing to look forward or nothing to keep busy.
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Feeling anxious and worried.
  • Depression can affect friendships/ relationships. 


  • Confused with numbers.
  • Hard to tell which are larger numbers.
  • Use fingers to count.
  • Find it hard understand time and clocks.
  • Find it hard to understand budget.
  • Find it hard learn times tables.
  • Find it hard to understand right from left.
  • Poor sense of direction.
  • Find it hard to measure distance.
  • Find it hard to score games.
  • Find it hard to take part in actives.

Dyspraxia/ Dyslexia.

  • Clumsiness, poor concentration and balance.
  • Visual is a better of learning for people with Dyspraxia.
  • Most people find it hard to understand left from right.
  • Stuffer in speech.
  • Poor and untidy handwriting.
  • Simple things can be challenging.
  • Prone to Panic attack / Anxiety.
  • Most people find it hard to sleep and get over tired.
  • Most people daydream.
  • Most feel frustrated and low self -esteem.


  • Absence seizures is where a person loses consciousness and may stare into space.
  • Myoclonic seizures movements of the muscles. The muscles contract and relax rapidly causing jumping movements.
  • Tonic - Clonic seizures. The person loses consciousness, stiffens and  suffers  from convulsions. After the seizure the person is confused, disoriented and tired.

As a Learning Disability nurse you are not be responsible for what goes on in your patient's life but you're concern is whatever is going on how it's affect your patient's mainly when they have disabilities and health problems. Even the elderly and children are vulnerable to everyday life issues as much as people with disabilities and health problems are. These people can very easily become emotional from such issues for eg; from someone they know who's died to a relationship break up. This only an example this could be someone having lost their benefits or anything at all that someone may need a lot of support to sort these problems out. Now there are a lot of cuts on certain services that deal with these issues people aren't getting as much help as what they should do or and used to. All the same those everyones' situation is different and I don't think most people will be paying you a visit unless it is really necessary. As you may well be aware already from when I was doing the benefit cut awareness with the lack of help and support there is out there for people now, it can drive many people to suicide mainly if no one and nowhere is helping with important issues to a point a person is in a complete mess.

How can you help?       Gps are not trained  as much as hospital doctors and nurses are. You should be able to see how the person looks, seems and how the person is worrying about whatever the situation it  is. Therefore if you see a good reason to why that person needs help with whatever it is, then you need to be writing proof to why, how and everything else.For eg; due to whatever disability or and health reasons they either shouldn't working wherever, not at all.

Different websites about disabilities and health problems.
 http://web.jhu.edu/disabilities/faculty/types_of_disabilities/etc.ttps://www.epilepsy.org.uk/info/stress http://www.buzzle.com/articles/disabilities/   http://sped.wikidot.com/physical-disabilities 
http://www.healthyplace.com/neurodevelopmental-disorders/intellectual-disability/types-of-intellectual-disabilities-list-and-examples/ http://goo.gl/forms/56XYXJdmQM

Now I will list some disabilities and health problems stress can affect.

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • ADHD
  • Epilepsy
  • Diabetes
  • General learning disabilities
  • Physical disabilities
  • Mental disabilities
  • Dyslexia
  • Dyspraxia
  • Autism
Some things people could worry about.

  •  Health 
  • Losing their benefits
  • Losing their homes
  • Bills
  • Rent
  • Council tax
  • Finding work and how they could be in work
  • Education
  • Family/ parents/ Grandparents/ children
  •  Friendships/ Relationships
  • Not able to look after themselves without support
  • Owing money they can't affront to pay back


Epilepsy.This may not be epilepsy, if not what is it?
It may well be Anxiety panic attacks.
Why come back after twenty years?
Why haven't felt well for the last mouth?
Headaches, shakes and the room moving round and round.
The tablets cure one thing and bring another thing on.
I feel shaky and tired.
I am not looking forward to a brain scan, flashing lights and electric stick glue wires in my hair.
It's like a big storm inside my head.
It causes your nerves to be bad mainly when you have waiting to see if you pass or fail. 2001 onwards.

Stress is the worse killer in the world for everyone, mainly when you have Learning disabilities and Health problems
Mental health problems.

As we all know that stress is the biggest killer of all. Life is even more stressful for us all one way or another in today's money crisis, which has been happening for the past six years or all more. I think we tend to think that this is the worst Britain has face but generations before us have faced worst like those who lived through the First and Second World war, there again we could have worst to come. At the moment it's hard to say because it's hard to say and know yet what's yet to come. We must remember that other counties are facing what we are going through too so we are not alone.
To get to the point every single one of us have worries one way or the other, which is very stressful for us all. It's double stress for those of us who suffer from disabilities and health problems through no fault of our own we tend to deal with it in a different way to other people. Anxiety for example you tend to worry more whether you have anything to worry about or not because it's a sense worry and panic as it is.  Depression is a sense of sadness whether you have anything to feel sad about or not. More often than not Anxiety and Depression link together. The mind is thinking and worrying twenty - four hours a day. Okay most of the time nothing is as bad as what it seems but until everything is sorted it seems a lot worst for someone with Anxiety than it does for someone without. 

Everyday things in life can cause stress whether we are going through a positive or negative experience. The build up of anything can be rather stressful for everyone. I am not saying as a Student Learning Disability nurse that you are responsible for everyone. A person faces in their lives but stress can be blamed for a lot of illnesses mainly this day and age. Why am I writing this study for student Learning Disability nurses? This student isn't just for Student Learning Disability nurse but to help people without disabilities and health problems to under people with disabilities and health problems. Okay what happens in peoples’ lives isn't all necessary a certain but when it comes to the stress on peoples’ lives mainly when they have disabilities and health problems then it becomes a big certain mainly when they have gone everywhere for help and nowhere is helping for whatever reason and the person is trying to do something about it before they feel they have enough to a point of suicide. All the same not all is negative forever or even long there are some people that do pull through in the end but others don’t.

Disabilities and health problems, friendships and relationships.

 Don't worry guys I am no Councillor!

The world is not all black and white all know that. I am guessing through this money crisis that we have had and still got for so many years, more and more couples have got together through friendships yet I bet a good many have also slit up. 

Believe it or not having disabilities and health problems can have a big affect on our friendships/relationships but it doesn't give us any excuses or reasons to treat our partners badly. Although I say myself I have been no angel but I am not talking all the blame. Strangely I will be honest to say sadly for me I have fallen for some very odd characters when I was younger, say no more. Yes before you say I know I'm not the only one as they say. I'm not the first and I won't be the last.
 When it comes to having disabilities and health problems relationships and friendships can be a very strange thing. When you met a person at whatever time, it's not easy to think about what goes with those friendship/relationships, once the feelings are there the feelings control.
 Although if something isn't working out to what you hoped it would there is a time to say goodbye or even on your bike.

Ones disability and health problems have no excuse to hurt the person they love.
 You love a person for the person not their disabilities and health problems. Although I will be honest to say all the same having disabilities and health problems don't make friendships and relationships mainly in the terms of communication. When it comes to socializing and making friendships/relationships it should be happy times for everyone even life isn't perfect and none of us are perfect. When comes to having disabilities and health problems, it can make hard for people to make friends and have relationships. Like I said not everything should be excused to our disabilities and health problems but some of us find it hard to say things in the way other people may understand or we might have certain health problems that make us feel down in ourselves. All this isn't fair on other people but then try others should try think what it would be like if the shoe was on the other foot. Sometimes we may say and do things that we are not aware offences someone else but if you make us aware of how we say and do something, how do you think it makes us feel?

How would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot? When really we didn't mean things to turn out whatever way it was, it makes us feel really bad when we are aware. 
Most people see us as hard work, wanting a lot of support and looking after. For me anyway I wouldn't want to take up my partner's whole life but then isn't being there for your partner a big part of the relationship?
 A non disabled person thinks well what a disabled person gives to me? If you take a lot of time to get to know us we can give a lot more than you may well think, we may well surprise you. Due to most people disabilities and health problems not all of us can have children without a lot of support to look after them which can be too much to most people.
For example if a none disabled man wants children it could put him off when he knows his partner needs a lot of support to look after their children.

One may question well why don't disabled people go for disabled people? If you love a person you love a person for a person whether they have disabilities and health problems or not shouldn't matter. All the same be sure and honest with them first mainly they have the same feelings. Think about it carefully first. Don't take the situation on board if you really can't cope no matter how you feel about the person! If you know the person has these problems and you can't cope you’re better off not telling them and learn how to get over it yourself just in case they do have the same feelings. If they don't know you feel that way about them they can't be hurt. Saying that if they tell you their feelings even if you haven't said anything, just are completely honest with but don't say how you feel because some people may think if the feelings are the same there's a chance. You need to think to yourself, do I love this person enough to accept their disabilities and health problems? If the answer is no or you just can't cope, don't build their hopes up! If people not much different to myself can't make you really happy don't even try to start anything, just leave it no matter how strong you feel for the person. If you think you can have a future with that person, take good care of them and accept them as they are then you have no problem then so think very carefully. Everyone has feeling I know but a lot of peoples' feelings with disabilities and health problems hurt even more easily. Don't just think about today or tomorrow think about the rest of your life with that person and the rest of that person's life with you!https://myjourneywithdepression.wordpress.com/2012/08/30/social-anxiety-disorder-and-its-impact-on-building-relationships/

When it comes to relationships no one plans to fall in love with the person they choice if it’s going to happen it will happen whether or not the person has disabilities and health problems. The couple could both have disabilities and health problems or one person may have disabilities and health problems and the other person may not. The person who doesn't have disabilities and health problems needs to be honest to whether or not they can accept a person with disabilities and health problems in their life. Bear in the person without disabilities and health problems need to think very carefully indeed and be honest with the person with mainly if the person with has very strong feelings for the person without. No one wants to be felt sorry just because life might be limited everyone wants to be loved as a person whether or not they have disabilities and health problems.

Even though two people with disabilities and health problems do understand one another, there still can be a lot for each other to take on board. These two people still need to think carefully and to be honest with each. Not be in each other’s lives just to feel sorry for one another but not to go along with the bond unless they love each other just as a person.

When it comes to having disabilities and health problems, if think about it having friendships and relationships can be the hardest things for other people to understand. The thing about is when you have disabilities and health problems it’s as you are two people. No how life is for you, if for example you suffer from Anxiety and depression you can feel angrily or and sad at any time, which is hard for others to understand if they see your life going well. You can be misunderstood for being ungrateful for what you have got in life when you are not. The way you may feel could be no different to whether or not life is good or bad for you. Yet Just because you may suffer from Anxiety and depression doesn't mean that you life is seems negative all time. Yet there could be times that life is hard but in some situations you may cope with better than others. Having disabilities and health problems isn't an excuse for us to treat people badly but then it can cause people to misunderstand us as someone we are not for how we do something, how we say something and how we may be behave.

Relationships are very hard to keep anyway. Very few people marry and the divorce rate is very high. It costs far much to marry and it cost far too much to end a marriage. With the money crisis in Britain one of many counties they are going through, many relationships tend to break-up as it is. All the same life goes on and not everyone is put off by the state of the country, some people do move on. You don't need to have disabilities and health problems to find that your relationships fail but then if you do it doesn't help matters. For example Anxiety is a feeling of anger and depression is a feeling of sadness, which is hard to control no matter what life is like for you but it doesn't mean you are like that all the time.
Very often due to your Anxiety and Depression may feel as if everything is your fault if a relationship goes wrong, may you think because of that that’s what’s caused it to break-up. No nothing can ever be all one person’s fault because it takes two to tango not one. Maybe you feel as if you partner think you’re angrily and unhappy all the while. This is a very trickily one no but yes you can’t take the blame for everything but then you can’t change everything, then again your partner has a problem if they can't accept you as you are. If you made him or her aware of what to expect of you he or she can’t give your health problems the reasons things not working out or and the relationship having ended. Don’t let him or her make you feel useless or and bad about yourself just because you have health problems. He or she has the problem not you for not been honest with you in the first place. If he or she was honest with you they wouldn't use your health problems for the reasons for the relationship not working out. You can’t help the way you are. If you spend all your life blaming yourself for everything you will haunt yourself forever.  I have had to learn how to stop blaming it all on myself and most was my ex partner’s fault because he was putting me through Mental abuse. Just because we have Mental health problems doesn't mean they don't have faults too because everyone has. Not everyone who suffers from Anxiety and Depression has disabilities and other health problems but Disabilities and different health problems for different people can link together.

Mental Abuse.

For 13 and half years like a fool I put with Mental abuse from my ex partner. We slit eight years ago this September coming. He could never make up his mind what he wanted. One minute he wanted me in his life and the next minute he didn't. He was never happy whichever way things were. I used to think the world of him to a point I had to force myself to realise that this man wasn't going change the way he was whether I liked it or not. Despite of me still feeling love with him I had to tell myself that I was wasting my time hanging around where I wasn't wanted. To get out his life altogether was still a very slow process but I got there in the end, which was only 3 years ago.  

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