Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Dyslexia awareness presentation and handout.

What is Dyslexia?
·       Dyslexia can slow peoples’ ability down!
·       Dyslexic people can face problems with basic skills like reading, writing, spelling and maths.
·        Different people can face different problems in different ways.
·       Dyslexia doesn’t make people unable to learn or do anything.
·       People with dyslexia just need the right support.
·       There are a lot of creative and famous people who are Dyslexic.

Affects of Dyslexia.
·       Too much to think about all at once can cause either information be missed out or too much done.
·       Things can be the wrong way round but the right information.
·       A lot to be done such little time can be too much.

·       Is there anyone who has Dyslexia who would like to talk about it?

Dyslexia Aids.
·       Coloured layouts
·       Highlight pens
·       Fober castell grip 2011 propelling pencils.
·       WWW.thedyslexiashop.co.uk stationary for Dyslexic people.
·       WWW.handyhandouts.com
·       WWW.superduperinc.com
·       Easy read information.

Has anyone got any questions?

A lot of people tend to think people with Dyslexia can’t read and write all but there may miss words out of sentences, put letters in the wrong places of a word, some things could be the wrong way round or a word could be slept the wrong way round, dog might bog, p may be q, m and n may get mixed up I and l meaning L may be mixed up. Number 28 may be mistakenly written down as 82.

What causes Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that causes problems with learning
Language-based skills. It is a neurological condition that affects
Around 10% of the population to some degree…
To read more about the symptoms and causes of dyslexia visit
Download our fact sheet.
You’re Results
When severe the symptoms that you describe are commonly
Associated with a diagnosis of dyslexia. This condition is one of a
Family of learning difficulties that affect 1 in 6 people in the UK.
Others include difficulties with:
• Co-ordination – as associated with dyspraxia
• Concentration – associated with the conditions including ADD
• Social skills – associated with Asperger’s syndrome
No one exhibits exactly the same symptoms and the widely held
Perception of these symptoms is that they are something which
Can only be managed and coped with rather than overcome. What
Sara Gorman's Personalized Report Tuesday 26 June 2012
Reference Number 03983339-bf78-11e1-940a-0024e8535953 5
Is important is that the symptoms you have described are
Frustrating and are holding you back from achieving your full
To read more about causes, symptoms and treatment for dyslexia
And other learning difficulties visit the Website.

·       Problems with reading, writing and spelling.
·       May learn better visual.
·       Find it hard to concentrate.
·       Stutter in speech.
·       Poor and slow hand writing.
·       Clumsiness.
·       Even simple things can be challenging.

 Exam stress.

Introduction I think pupils and students should be taught the best way as possible to be taught to deal with exams and stress. It may not relax us in every way but advice and tips would be better to give. We know we aren't alone when it comes to exams.

Studying As far as studying goes it’s very hard to know the right times to study and when to have breaks and how long for. How often do we go blank? What are we doing right and wrong?

Food Eating is a good way of helping the brain work. Are eating the wrong food? When it comes to people with disabilities and health we need the right support to shop to our budget to be able to eat healthy. Now that cuts are been made on support and care not everyone earns enough their benefits to pay for a Carer/Support worker. We all know its common sense to eat plenty fruit and vegetables but a lot of local shops don’t either sell them fresh   or and the budget of benefits isn't enough to pay for it but everyone’s’ budget and situation is different. Sometimes junk food is cheaper for us than healthy food.  

Nerves Not everyone is calm when it comes to exams and I’m certainly not. Nerves can turn into stress. People become ill with Norse bleeds, sickness, fits, headaches, dizziness and etc. It’s easy telling people not to worry but when Anxiety kicks in you feel how you feel so it’s easier said than done.  

Sleep.  We all know it’s very important get plenty of sleep but if you suffer from Anxiety you tend to think all the time. A good many of us need eight hours sleep from start to finish. Whatever time you go to bed when you suffer from Anxiety, your mind is working over time, feeling tried but wide awake whatever time you go to bed and get up. What is out there to relax us? It would be nice to be relaxed for the day of the exam. Despite of my Anxiety though there are not many exams that I have failed but then the ones that I have, I’ve passed in the end like Function Skills reading Level 1 for exam, which I passed 3rd time lucky. The Dyslexia and Anxiety has been my barrel for battle through my reading, comprehension and memory.
Why do we get ourselves in a state? Worry gets everyone in a state. Another saying is that worrying gets you in an early grave, which I believe is true because they say stress is the biggest killer of all. It may sound like an old wives tale because ‘worry gets you in an earlier grave.’
 If you do far too much worrying then it is true but easy said than done when the world gives you too many things to worry about. It’s too easy when you suffer from Anxiety to have more than 100 questions going round and round in your head. You start to ask yourself whether or not that you have done enough study for the exam. Nine times out of ten it can be the complete opposite to what you think.
If you fail you feel as if there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. For example if I would have failed my reading for the 3rd time I wouldn't have been able to take it again at Old street College. As I have passed that now make hard to say how I would have felt if I failed the 3rd time knowing I couldn't take again but then I know if anywhere else would have done that qualification. I either way I would have had to put behind me somehow but let’s not think of it because I have finely passed it! They only give you so many chances if you fail, which is fair enough. Knowing me those if it was left to me I'd keep trying till I got it. English is a strange one because there’s all kinds of subject and what we are interested in makes a difference but then doesn't if you suffer from memory problems, which can link into Dyslexia.

How are we on the day of the exam? Most people are in a right state on the day. I'm afraid to say I'm one of these people who feels I haven't sank the knowledge to a point that I am trying make sure I understand what I'm reading. When you have Dyslexia and it affect your memory, you are taking about more time to take information more so than other people. In the terms of writing when you have dyslexia, you may have problems with grammar and etc. Very often with dyslexia, you have got days and bad days for example you could spell dog correctly one day then spell as bog another. Sometimes can be cause by say if your hurry and you haven't got time to check through  and correctly, which doesn't necessary mean for example you don't know how to spell the word.  You just could write or see things the wrong way round mainly if you haven't had time to think it through. Years ago there wasn't really a word Dyslexia then then there was word blind then Dyslexia. To start off with Dyslexia people class as lazy and thick, which I was know as one of these children when I was a child. It would be nice to feel good about yourself and equal to other people. 

On the bright side without being big headed Dyslexic people are the opposite to what a lot of people see, mostly talented and even artistic.

The waiting game. Waiting for the results for the exams I think would all agree whoever and whatever are feels like waiting but forever but it's probley not as long as it seems. ( It can be a very nerve racking time.) Wondering which way your life is going to turn, whether or not you can taking again if you fail, if you can going through the study and knowing if your ever going to do it. I  can't help but say after trying the read three times, during study of the 3rd time, I thought as I couldn't do it the 2nd time, I won't do the 3rd and knowing it was my last chance I will honest to say was rather scary. Yet I am please to say without thinking about it my work helped me through the waiting, I didn't panic as much as I did the first and second waiting time. In fact the 3rd and last time I got the results I thought the post was from somewhere else, I had to stare at it for quite a while until I realised what I was reading, then the penny dropped and I was like oh I have finally passed my read, oh goodness I never have have I? From then on I wondered what all fuess was about as far as my Anxiety was curtained. Never say you don't have another chance. If you don't succeed try and try again. There's always something else. It may seem hard to find but if you carry on as long as it takes you will get there in the end if you want it that much, if work on it there's always a light at end of the tunnel.

How to deal with it if you fail.  We mustn't build our hopes up but we mustn't be negative either. There's always another direction to take. Living is more important education. Living the important education.

Understanding Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia.

People with Dyslexia can read and write.
bs and ds may get mixed up for example by mistake dog may become bog.
Ps and qs may get mixed up; quick may become pick by mistake.
Number 28 may become 82 by mistake.
Words or and information may be missed out of paragraphs or sentences in peoples’ work.

Repleted sentences, paragraph and word maybe written if the person has either forgotten they have written whatever or ready or they may have written or typed too fast.  http://www.dyslexiahealth.com/dyslexia-history/
Confused although this video says Dyslexia isn't about getting ds mixed up with bs for example Dyslexia isn't just about getting ds mixed with bs for eg.

Dyslexia support and talent.
Learning awareness in learning disability and mental health. I am one of many who didn't learn anything in school and left school with nothing. Due to the strong tablets doctors put me on for Epilepsy, I found it hard to learn and get around safely without support. All the same I have managed to catch up on my education and work during adulthood for the last twenty years, which some I have achieved and others I haven't. School knocked my confidence when it shouldn't of. No school is built for any child to put up with bullying and abuse. Schools are building to help children learn education.  Never tell a person with a learning disability that they are thick because that's not true, they are just find it a bit harder to learn than what you do, they just need more support than do! You won't know what that person will achieve unless you give that person their time, chance and see it for yourself.

Dyslexia support awareness.
In 2013 last year I started a college course at Old Hall street College Wolverhampton. The course started back about 4 weeks late to what it should have but there was a delay because they were trying to find a tutor.  We should have started back early to mid September but it happened to be early to mid October.

 I made my tutor aware I needed Dyslexia support but it took quite a long to sort out. About a week or two before my Level 1 English Reading exam 2014, I had an assessment, the Dyslexia support tutor said I need 25% of extra timing in the exam which I got. The problem wasn't in the exam it was before the exam when one student kicked off saying he hadn't got any Dyslexia support yet the tutor had said he hadn't even asked for it. Saying that the building where we took exam was like a maze. When I left the building I found it hard to get out of I went through several flights of stairs till I could even ask someone how get out the building, which set of my Anxiety off too cause I panic thinking I wasn't going to get out the building. 

A week or two after the exam I start to get a Dyslexia support tutor to support me with the writing, speaking and listening without knowing whether I have passed the reading or not. It turns out yesterday the 30th April I get the results telling me I have failed the reading yet during the studying before the exam I was getting good  marks 83% when they made the print large yet the print was large in the exam. 55% small print in studying. 
My awareness is even though I was lucky enough to get some Dyslexia it just came a bit close to the exam. I guess most of it was a bit of my own fault because I should have asked for it before the course started but then I didn't really know what to expect till I started my course plus I have had one Dyslexia support assessment in the past which I didn't know till last minute needed to be updated.

 Now there are cuts coming even though they haven't hit some places yet they soon will. As money is getting less and less help is getting slower and slower. I have even notice that a lot of the courses people are having to pay it's not easy for anyone but even harder for people on benefits yet the government on the hand are nagging people to go on course in order for people to get jobs, they can't have it both ways. I agree some courses for work are free but not many. I am not a tight person if I was working earning a good wage I'd be more than happy to pay for my courses. Strangely for what I have seen there are not many work course free despite the government wants as many of us off benefits as possible. All the same the English and Maths are still free.  
I have now had my results of my Level 1 Function Skills in my reading that I had failed two times but I have finally passed now at last 3rd time lucky. I had a 18/18 pass 6/6 each on Speaking and Listening, Reading and Writing.

Communication training.

Mapa which is a form of communication learning to understand why most people with disabilities have behaviour problems and how to calm these people down. Not even I haven't had any training in Mapa because it's very new. As I said in one of my stories, I used have very bad behaviour problems myself as a child. My reasons were that I found my disability very hard to accept so I used get very angry when I couldn't do things and that I didn't feel equal to non - disabled people. Like I said again the very strong tablets I used to be on made me very bad tempered, moody and I felt left out of society. When I came off those tablets, I slowly started to calm. Those tablets also made me very hyperactive with no sleep at night so I was overtired. This is why we need to question, why do most people with disabilities have behaviour problems? What goes through people's minds is anyone's guess. Most people's behaviours problems may not be for the same reason as mine. What a boring world if we were all the same. Mind you some people have behaviour problems without any tablets at all, others some or all tablets could be dangerous for them or some could be just on the wrong tablets. This is one of the reasons why people with disabilities need checkups at least once year. There's nothing worse than finding you don't get on with people through no fault of your own.

A lot of people call these problems challenging behavior, I don't like that word Challenging behavior because behavior problems isn't a challenging. Challenging means trying to do something new and good, which is a new experience. Learning and doing something new can be very hard at first, that's why it can be challenging. As soon as you have learned whatever it is, you have a achieved it, which is a good thing. Having behaviour problems is a bad thing. We mustn't confuse good and bad.

Mental capacity is also a new form of communication for people who find it hard to say what they want in life, whether they get their wishes or not. With those kinds of people, we tend to think they haven't got a mind. How do we know that? When we come across those kinds of people, how do we know what they do and don't know? How do we know and what they don't want? We must have a communication aid that helps us understand, whether there is one I don't know, do you? Even if that support is there I bet it cost loads of money. It's us who don't understand these people because they can't speak. I think we need to watch what we say because it's possible that they understand us better than we understand them. What we should know is that a lot of these people can communicate in other ways even if they put their hands up to say (Stop)! Sign language for the deaf, Braille for the blind has been going on goodness knows how many years.

I feel with dyslexia we still have a long way to go to get full dyslexia support. I'm dyslexic myself. People have dyslexia tutors, which is better than it was but through my experience the government isn't allowing enough support. For eg: I couldn't get extra timing with my exams until I went to Dudley, Wolverhampton doesn't do that as far as I know. Old Hall Street College doesn't anyway.
There are also a lot of support aids, is good but they costs a lot of money for eg speaking machines for people with speaking problems, coloured paper for people who are dyslexic, not a lot of us have enough money to pay for them. We could do with raising money for these things, otherwise how we can understand these people.

In fact funding seems to be the big problem for a lot of things that are stopping people with disabilities having rights to be equal others, most of the time government funding isn't enough. What makes me angry about the government they tend to spend it on the least important things. I am sure they have more money tucked away than they make out, they just don't want to spend it.
If you are interested in fund raising find out if Mencap still fund raise  https://www.mencap.org.uk/. My e mail address sarajgorman@gmail.com.

I would like to study animals and humans beings worse off than myself, which I hope will give me ideas for stories in the future. My aims are to raise money and awareness for children and animals whose need is worse off than what I am.

A lot of people have said to me, how can I be a writer if I'm dyslexic? Being a dyslexic doesn't mean, you don't thoughts in your mind. Ok we may well have a memory problem but we don't forget everything. For eg: we remember some parts of our childhood at least I do anyway. We also know what we would like for the future whether get or not, such as dreams, aims and etc. I know I want to be a writer and improve the live of people with disabilities. I know also that I want a partner in my life.

Some people say that dyslexic is if you can't read and write, others say that you just have a few problems along the way. For: eg seeing things the wrong way, forgetting that you have already written something down. As for spelling words you may know that those letters are in these words but may be written down. With essay you may find it hard to write things down in a short way, that's my big problem, I think I have almost ended up writing a novel. Don't laugh, I know I want to be a writer but let's just say writing a novel when I don't want to. This is why I need someone to check my work. It can be a memory problem. Some mistakes I notice others I don't this is why, I have to get someone to check my work through. If you know what dyslexic really is? Please send me an email on sarajgorman@googlemail.com orsarajgorman@gmail.comIf I don't have dyslexic why can't make my work easy to understand? Maybe this could help others as well as me if anyone knows the true answer. My Auntie thinks I'm not dyslexic but when I was at college they assessed me on the computer, it classed me as dyslexic. I have been assessed at two colleges, one says I have been that I what you call borderline dyslexia.

When I write I can miss words out of sentences. I can problems with sound, sometimes words aren't what they sounds. Like said in some words I know what letters are in there but they're not always written in the right order. It's hit or miss whether I notice these mistakes or someone else. I couldn't take my GCSE English because I would need a dictionary but I got through my mocks. I can proofread my work but I can't always see everything that needs to be put right. They say Dyslexia is word blindness so maybe I am.

Because I have dyslexia I can only read so much at a time, I have also found by reading the shortest of information can still help me with the ideas of a story, one idea just gives me a little kick start, which then I end up writing a story. I keep promising myself that I'd read fifteen to twenty minutes a day but I don't seem to have the time. When I read it's hard because I can only read for so long and everything seems to be hazy, it depends on the size of the print. Really small black print on white paper, I find it hard to read for long. Yet my reading has always been very good but I always used to have a big problem taking in information, I still have problems with that now a bit but not as much. Sometimes I have problems reading some word. It can be strange, they can be long or words, mainly if they are new to me. When someone talks, knocks the door or whatever when I'm read although I used book maker, I forget whether I was on page one or two for eg. I am still trying to learn what coloured paper and writing is easier for me to read.

At Our Shout we did easy words, pictures, easy read, clear texts, etc and no jargon. We have a meeting about it once a month to talk about different ways of writing information more clearly for people. It's very hard to make it easy for everyone because every one's needs are difference. We all have different communication problems. Some people can't read and write so we do pictures on the computer, take photographs. You can only do pictures out of nouns, people, places and objects. For eg you can't do a picture of could because could isn't an object, person or place. We have to support people with that. For eg; a cat sat on a mat.

When I learned to write as a child my rs used to be an o with two sticks and ks used to be one stick used to be at the top of the stick and the other stick used to be at the bottom, if you understand what I mean. Sometimes I get numbers the wrong way round for eg 23 could be 32. I used to get confused with left and right but not as much had now. I can't cope with big map, directions have to be written step by step with bullet point numbers what to do first, second, and so on, 123 or abc.

As a child I used to get confused with bs and ds but not as much now. I also used to get confused with ps and qs. Most of the time I find it proof reading hard as you may guess with me writing my website, I spend a lot of editing which every writer does but even more so when someone has dyslexia. They used to say dyslexia is a word blindness, I know we don't like it said way but It could take me ever to make sure everything is proof read in a text. Still used the word dyslexia, it not only a because it's shorter to say than word blindness. Every now and then I will ask my Mum to proofread my website. I had got someone at work to proofread my work when I wrote the Employment play.

When I was in school, no one really knew about dyslexia, I used to get told off for my dyslexia errors I have told you about.

If you have dyslexia or you know anyone that does, you are welcome to send me an email if you want on
 sarajgorman@gmail.com If you would like any dyslexic websites or anything like that would or could help you, I would be more than happy to help. I would also be interested if you have your story about experience of dyslexia, if you would like to tell me. May be I can find out if Mencap know anything about dyslexia support websites or anything if you want.


Dyslexic poet.

I'm a Dyslexic poet with a Dyslexic mind.

I write poetry because I think most of the time.
Too many words go through my mind or none at all.
At times the world can be so unkind, misunderstanding to not able to read and write.
I just say, do, write and think of things the wrong way round, I even miss things out.
I miss words out of sentences.
My dyslexia can vary from words I can't spell, words I can't read and words I can't recognize.
Put the right letters in the wrong places of words but it doesn't happen like this all the time.
Get 62 mixed up 26.
I don't always get things the wrong way round, every day is different.
None this is on purpose.
What makes me a Dyslexic poet?
 I have thoughts when my mind isn't blank.
I say things far too long for others to have the time to listen to me.
I find very hard to put things in a short way.
This is why I need support in essays and assignments plus needing someone to proofread my work to see it makes sense.
I have weaknesses and I have talent.
I weaknesses are all the problems I face in being Dyslexic.
My talents are thought that go through my head that are words that are put into poetry.
My drawing and painting is my other ways of expressing what I think about. 27.12.2014

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