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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Introduction to the learning to teach learning disabilities and health problems handout for the 2nd year student at the University Of Wolverhampton Walsall Campus.

1.   Learning is hard for everyone and we would learn anything if all learning came easy but there’s a difference between that compared to learning different to others.
2.   For people with disabilities and health problems learning is twice challenging and can takes longer than it does for other people.
3.   Saying that the layouts and formats that we need to provide people with disabilities and health problems may become clearer for other people too like easy words and easy pictures, this could make a difference to the way everyone learns then.
4.   These days there’s a lot more references than there used to be with the internet as well as books.
5.   On Monday I will be taking part teaching the students the User Friendly session, which about learning to teach.
6.   The purpose of these handout on my website is that there’s no way we can cover everything in one session so these handouts helps the students to learn more to what there is to teaching people disabilities and health problems.
7.   I’s rather surprising because if even though the students I teach are Learning Disability nurses, still good for them to understand that people disabilities and health problems don’t always learn in the way as other people.
8.   In these handouts we will be covering disabilities, health problems and long term conditions which give the students the understanding to why these people learn slower or and even different to other people.

9.   Some people may be able to read and write but not remember what they have learned or what people have said to them, others may not be able to read and write but good at remember whereas others face both problems.

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