Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 31 October 2020

Possible changes in the lockdown for people with disabilities, mental health problems.

 People with disabilities, mental health, and other problems understand that life needs to change in some ways due to the lockdown but how we struggle to understand.

 What support is going to stay to what it was before, what is going to get less, and what is going to go altogether or and other parts of our life is going to change or not, etc? 

We are not saying the government is right or wrong making the rules but we just find the way they write the rules etc hard to understand.

 This is why we need anything we need to know how our lives are going to be compared to before written in easy read. 

No one knows how long the lockdown is going to go for and in the future, you may need to learn to write information in easy read so it is for people with disabilities mental health, and other problems to understand, not just information about the lockdown but other things too.

 Here are some examples to help you learn easy to read. https://www.mencap.org.uk/advice-and-support/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-help-stay-safe-and-well

Just to everyone is even people with disabilities, mental health other problems understand and misunderstand things in different ways, what is easy read is to one person isn't necessary to another. 

Always asks people how they would like their information before working on it. 

The reason for this some people may find different ways too hard to read etc or the opposite where some people feel some ways are too childish, babyish, etc. 

Some people may not be able to read and write but that doesn't mean they don't know they understand things etc.

For eg; different colored paper and writing for those who can read, large print, pictures, etc. 

Also, for most people, you may have to include communication, etc without in and out easy read and accessible information. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/practical-tips-if-you-care-for-someone/how-to-care-for-someone-with-communication-difficulties/

Friday, 30 October 2020

Care and Support concens through lockdown

Normally I would be teaching care and support in the second year, this year I am going to bring it in a year early because of the lockdown. For the past ten years, the UK has been cut which has been affecting a lot of different things not just the lives of people with disabilities, mental health, and other problems. I will be honest to say due to been lockdown myself I am unaware of how much support and care people have been getting comparing now and before the lockdown and I think the changes in care and support also happened when the cuts started back in 2010, which makes think support and care may be getting lesser now.

People who get supported and cared for by different services companies etc may get different amounts and levels depending on their care and support needs. Some people need help with a lot of personal care such as washing, showering, bathing, dressing, undressing, cutting nails, etc. Others may need one or town or just a few of those. Big help needed in some people may be things like changing light bulbs, making beds, shopping cooking, cleaning, etc, which may be all. one or two or some. This can vary from one person to the other depending on the type of disability or other problems they face. 

A few years before my work with Mencap folded when we heard about the cuts coming I had to go round different places such as Outreach and a  care home that was on Sweetman Street,  to find out what people were thinking about the changes in their support, etc. Some were finding it hard and others it may be better in the sense of making them more independent, I think both ways were the same amount, pretty much 100 percent at that time.  In a kind of way, we were assessing needs, which what I think we should be doing in the lockdown. If or and when you face going placement depending on the needs services support. Some services may support high needs, others lowe, others in the middle or, and others may be all. Here's an example; 

preparing a meal with support.

Preparing a meal without support.

Cannot use a microwave.

Can use a microwave.

can take nutrition unaided.

Need support cutting up food.

Cannot feed and drink without support.

Can cut their own food and feed themselves.

This may vary from one to another where they may not be able to feed themselves drink but not food or the other way round. 

Washing, showering, bathing with support.

Washing, bathing, and showering without.

Toilet needs

Going to the toilet with support.

Going to the toilet without.

Dressing with support.

Dressing without.

Undressing with.

Undressing without. 


Can express one's self and make one's self without support to only able to with verbally.

Need or not heard to others with speech and being heard by others. https://www-tc.pbs.org/wgbh/caringforyourparents/handbook/pdf/cfyp_adl_checklist.pdf

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism, and other problems that can affect lives.


No, who we are, what we are etc, it is important we are part of society equal as possible to be able to learn, teach, manage life, look after ourselves and others, etc. Unless it was my imagination and if I was wrong then sorry I cannot right all the while. At the start of my life although I shouldn’t have done because I wasn’t really but I felt alone in a sense as if it seemed as if I was the only one who couldn’t learn, manage my life, look after myself let alone others, which was before we were aware of the internet, etc. Little did I realize probley that was not the case, which I am aware of now and I have been for a year as long as more awareness has been raised.

Pretty much more things have changed since the 70s, 80s, and even 90s for that matter, not everything I guess, and we cannot accept it to be. However,’ I found myself sharing a post on Facebook yesterday, in so many words saying schools have failed to recognize Dyslexia, which was the same as when I was a child in the 70s and 80s, what is going on in the world? This tells me that more professionals etc need to be trained and educated around the awareness of disabilities, mental health, and other problems by helping them to help people that face these problems. I am not saying this to brag and be big-headed, the truth is a face disability, mental health, and other problems and there are others who face them too so I am not alone, they are the ones to raise this awareness to those of you who don’t face them but those of you wanting a career or and in a career in the field of disabilities, mental health and other problems. Not just professionals but other people in their lives too such as parents, families, friends, partners, carers, etc. How can you support these people to get by in life?


When I was in school due to being on a high dose of medication for Epilepsy, Pheobarotone, which was about 100 mgs three times a day. This no one realized at the time, but these tablets made me in a world of my own to a point I could not learn, and I have no sense of danger out and about. I was misunderstood as thick, stupid, naughty, lazy, etc. Just to explain that we are all human and we all have right and wrong in us, most things can be down to people's disabilities, etc and other things may not be.   Although when I was taken off these tablets it was as if I was woken up to the world and I was starting to learn etc but that was not until I was at least 13 years of age. However,’ it took a few years until the change was seen in me and until I started to feel a bit better in myself. Even then I still faced and still do today difficulties etc even though there has been a huge improvement in my learning ability etc since then

This makes me think for others if not the same if not similar to me whether it is children in school or young people, adults, etc in college university etc. Therefore, we need to be making things as easy as possible, like pictures, colored paper, writing, one to one support, easy read, accessible information, etc, depending on what the person is working on qualifications, etc, the support may vary to a little a lot and in some things none. By knowing this is talking to the person and assessing their needs. In fact, depending on what I am doing in college, level of qualification etc will depend if I need support and how my support, I need to teach people that face difficulties of all ages.

Even though there is Dyslexia support etc in colleges etc, more awareness of people’s need, and support people need is needed for those who teach in schools, colleges, universities etc.


Let us try to avoid any misunderstanding and not saying everyone thinks this.


First of all, even if someone cannot read, write, or and has difficulties does not make them thick, stupid etc.

Someone having Dyslexia, Dyspraxia or and other difficulties does not necessarily mean they can or cannot read and write, they are disabilities, difficulties, etc that are within things they try to do and what they need support in, etc. Just to say though except anything from anyone as different people could face different difficulties etc. Dyslexia for example seems to be more of an education difficulty although in some areas it is a gift too. Dyspraxia is more a hidden physical and mental difficulty in most if not all areas of life but the strength in people in Dyspraxia is mostly, they are creative but can be the same in Dyslexia too.

However, with Special needs the difficulties etc are pretty much can be similar if not the same, which makes it very hard to know what is what etc, which I know sadly is costly but worth it know where, why, etc people face these problems need support. Without support life is very misunderstood etc for them and hard for you to know the strengths as well as the difficulties they face but with the support, you are likely to see the strengths you may have missed if you hadn’t have supported the difficulties.


They say Dyslexia is when people see things the other way to what you may well. We all get letters, numbers the wrong way round at times but if someone does a lot, it could be a possible sign of Dyslexia for example; 56 could be a mistake for 65, they might write or and say bog meaning dog for eg; mixing p and q, q and p lol!

Writing form for some people where they could have the right information but in the wrong places for eg, say surname in the first name box.

 They may struggle with the alphabet, easily get confused where is what, other, etc, which work the same in sentences, which may not make sense when you look at their written work.  

They may struggle to read aloud and make errors because they struggle to read certain words etc. They may read too slow and too fast, if too fast they may be likely to make a lot of errors, this is where speed reading support could be needed.

They may get days of the week mixed up etc.

Difficulty planning writing such as reports, essays, etc.

Difficulty taking notes etc.

Poor spelling and reading but this can vary, they can read but have difficulties in some areas.

May struggle to remember such things as phone numbers, pin numbers, passwords, etc.

They may struggle to work to deadlines etc and may be able to only concentrate one thing at a time, which may mean they may struggle to multitask etc.

They may face difficulties in studying for example ready for the exam on time etc for example.  Here is a link to ADHD, which is possibly similar. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/   https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/dyslexia/symptoms/


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4001144/  https://www.barnsley.ac.uk/student-life/additional-learning-support/dyslexia-dyscalculia-dysgraphia-and-dyspraxia/  https://www.dyscalculia.org/ http://mathsanxietytrust.com/











Tuesday, 27 October 2020

What is Mental health?



With the Coronavirus, lockdown can have a huge effect on people’s lives one way or another in different ways. It is okay not to be okay, never feel alone. Although most of us have the internet not everyone is for whatever reason. Although we can go out lockdown rules are hard to understand to most people and most people worry about breaking them. Help is not focused on anyone but do not be afraid to speak up either if you wish to. Whether online or not that does not necessarily mean you do not feel alone.

Mental health is the emotional well – being of how we think, how we feel, and behave no matter how life is. It can be misunderstood as being ungrateful to life, which is not the case. Someone can have everything to nothing it the world but if they face mental health, they feel how they feel at any time but no necessary all the while. People can face emotional issues such as the deaths of people they know to relationship break ups, but people can feel down, anxious, or and both with and without a reason.

 The most common mental health problems are Anxiety and Depression, which can be linked to other problems, disabilities, or and on their own. Anxiety is a feeling of feeling anxious, angry ever fearful, sense of panic, stress, etc but not necessary all at once.

The clocks went back on Sunday 25th October 2020, which means we are facing dark early morning and early dark late afternoons heading to evening then night, this means Autumn is slowly drawing to winter, which doesn’t help in how we feel in ourselves either as well as the Coronavirus lockdown. The Coronavirus lockdown rules have limited socializing, even though the pubs have been back open since July, which means doesn’t help everyone’s mental health, no one can force people to get help, it is okay not to be okay, please don’t stuff alone, please be there for one another as much as you can when you can. Everyone faces things different so except anything off anyone, different people want and do not want things in different ways.

 It could one, some, or and all of those feelings. Depression is a feeling of sadness. Anxiety and Depression are something that just comes on at any time with or without a reason but not always the case as each person faces it in different ways. This may or may not be the case with other mental health problems, illnesses issues, etc. Lockdown or no lockdown never suffer alone. https://www.rethink.org/   https://youngminds.org.uk/  https://www.together-uk.org/  https://www.mind.org.uk/


Types of mental health.


Borderline personality

Drugs/ alcohol-related

Eating disorders, eating too little, too much, the same with sleeping, etc, which in many ways is a part of depression

Hearing voices https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/schizoaffective-disorder/

More is on this link. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/

What are your examples of mental health; how do they affect lives and what help can people get those who chose to?


Early Warning Signs

Not sure if you or someone you know is living with mental health problems? Experiencing one or more of the following feelings or behaviors can be an early warning sign of a problem:

·         Eating or sleeping too much or too little

·         Pulling away from people and usual activities

·         Having low or no energy

·         Feeling numb or like nothing matters

·         Having unexplained aches and pains

·         Feeling helpless or hopeless

·         Smoking, drinking or using drugs more than usual

·         Feeling unusually confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried, or scared

·         Yelling or fighting with family and friends

·         Experiencing severe mood swings that cause problems in relationships

·         Having persistent thoughts and memories you cannot get out of your head

·         Hearing voices or believing things that are not true

·         Thinking of harming yourself or others

·         Inability to perform daily tasks like taking care of your kids or getting to work or school

What are your examples?


Without the right help and support, this can cause person’s life in the terms of getting along with people, which can affect friendships, relationship, families, even how they get along with people in their careers, etc. How can you learn to support this? Here are some examples, counseling, emotional support, medication, therapy, etc. What are your examples?

How can you help the person to help themselves? My examples are encouraging, empowering the person to do things they enjoy, careers, hobbies, interests, arts crafts, exercise, etc.  These things may not help everyone. What the answer is, it depends on the person what they are facing and how it is affecting them, etc, but they need to do their bit in different ways of helping themselves. What are your examples?  


 The danger can be, not everyone but some people tend to think help comes out of the sky, which I know can be hard when it comes to mental health but all the same, they need to be encouraged to help themselves as well as help from you. However,’ yes mental health can be serious as the stress of every day, etc can get on top of people so much to a point they feel a buddle burst if they try to cope completely alone  for too long and can be a huge risk of suicide etc, which is really concerning but never forus help on someone etc, it is down to them to decide on that themselves. On the other hand, some people not all more help they get the more they except so be prepared to accept anything off different sorts of people.  However, never judge a person or cause sigma, etc, listen to them with empathy put yourself in the person’s shoes before knowing how to help etc, which could be suggesting help the  service you work for could have or elsewhere etc and it’s down to the person’s choice whether it happens or not. However, always follow the rules, laws, etc to the service, etc you work for.  



What is a learning disability?


A learning disability is a disorder that can affect the body or and the brain, before, during, and after birth some time through the person’s life.


How can this happen? This can sadly happen lots of ways, which I am going to give some examples and then I would like you to give your examples by researching by references such as online and in books etc. Lack of oxygen during birth where the Mother could be neglected, the Mother may be unwell during pregnancy before birth, or the person may have a bad fall during their life, which is after birth.


Types of disabilities.

·         Down’s syndrome

·         Williams syndrome

·         Autism and Asperger’s syndrome

·         Challenging Behaviour

·         Fragile X syndrome

·         Global development delay

·         Cerebral palsy


The task to work on by researching yourself.

1.  What other types of disabilities are there?

2.  Find out at least of the cause of the disabilities I have listed and your examples too.

3.  Name at least one each that starts before birth, during, and after. There is neither one nor the other etc that does not etc not a problem, just find out what you can.

4. Which affects the brain, body, or and even both?

Support people's needs.

One way or another disability effect lives such as finding it hard to cook, clean, shop, travel, money, socialize make friends relationships, hold down learning and a job.  This can vary from person to a person where parts of the person’s life may be affected other parts that may not. Try to find out how the disabilities I have written down and the disabilities you have in mind are likely to affect people’s lives and how you can support people who face them.




Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Business plan idea.


Disability and Mental Health Training Awareness.

Disability and Mental Health Training Awareness service that educates and trains to learning disability and mental health services from the first-hand experience.  To raise awareness for those who are working or and studying in the field of disability, mental and other problems. To find support for people with disabilities, mental health other problems, and those in their lives who support them, empower and encourage. Also, to educate and train services, businesses, etc around learning disability and mental health, in all areas of life such as health, housing, careers, talent, social issues, disabled access, public Advocacy, private Advocacy, easy read accessible information, independent living, person-centered plan, Coronavirus lockdown, flu more or and all.


Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Up to date easy read access information guidelines.


For people with disabilities and other problems it is important to have accessible information to try help them by understood by you and even you be them.

Not everyone can read so you may need to talk to someone who knows them who can support them if they struggle to be understood their own or may need to get someone to support, could be talking the phone, writing a letter, emailing, etc to and from the person who maybe supporting them etc.

This may not be the case in everyone as the way people’s disabilities and other problems do and not affect can vary from one person to another.

Some people disabilities and others may not have any or little IT skills or and may not be on the internet due to their safety but then some are so do consider you may need to write a letter or call up either them or and whoever is supporting them etc.

Communication is also a useful tool to learn to try to help you understand some people but it may not always help for everyone and some people have people in their lives who can support them or and speak their behave and others do not.

Even someone cannot read some people may understand a thing by pictures, but some people may want you or someone to explain what you mean by the pictures.


These are examples of  what easy read of like on this link https://www.changepeople.org/blog/december-2016/free-easy-read-resources





How can you make information about the Coronavirus and lockdown, the rules, etc accessible and easy read to those who face disabilities or and other problems?



Sunday, 18 October 2020

The way I think about Autism. Part 3

 Here I am talking about Moderation Autism which is classed to the researchers as Moderation functioning Autism Level 2, which they see it as mild to moderation whereas I see it as mild to moderation and moderation to severe, which I have to be honest I may face myself. However' I may have overcome some things, at least I hope I have now in my fifties lol. Maybe it's me but I find the moderation signs of Autism more confusing because they are between the other 2 forms which are Level 1 high function mild Autism and Level 2 Severe Autism.

This brings on Stereotyped behaviours and Autism. As small children, they may line up their toys a lot. Play their own Imagictive games, might not be the case in others but in my case, it was because I felt I guess could say embarrassed because games with children I didn't understand so I made my own up, I didn't understand rules etc. In my mind back then I didn't want to fall out with children and I didn't want them to think I was stupid etc because I though different to them. Not necessary because I thought I was right and they were wrong but been on my own I wasn't in danger of upsetting anyone, I felt safer that way. However' that sounds rather crazy now then makes sense to how autistic I was at the time even though when your a young small child you are not really aware of what and even who you are. I was a baby and small child back in the 70s, there was handy any information, etc back then. My Mum and family were sure puzzled what was wrong but please to say now there's a lot more awareness but we still have a long way to go.

The child could be spinning around for a long time, opening-closing drawers or and doors, flapping, head banging, behaviour problems can be severe, anxiety, meltdowns etc. 

Danger zones, they may be slow at learning their way when being outside such as getting lost, losing a sense of direction, struggling to crossroads, etc. This could go on through children but even once they have learned their way around one place, they could take a while or a long time to learn another. Travel training could take a while and with roads, they may only manage such roads with traffic, lights, zebra crossings, etc. Through adult life, only their home area they may know without facing problems. Places too further afield may take some learning for them with transport getting to college, work, etc. 

They may struggle to learn in school but if the right teaching support is there, they may get through some school educate if not all. In my case, I had to catch up in college because there was no one to one support when I was in school. 

Some may pick, bite their nails because they may be anxious, nervous, etc.

Some may pace up and down when feeling anxious etc.

Some may clean a lot.

Some may say, do, watch, etc the same things again and again for a long time.

Many may get upset and anxious if been taken away from the route, things change, which they will get used to it but it's a case of when then history is likely to repeat itself if and it changes again, etc.

These signs are only examples; again this can vary from person to person so except anything off anyone. 

No one believes in violence and that is not what I suggest either. Autism is a wide spectrum and it does cause a lot of misunderstandings and behaviors to make these people into someone they are not. However' it is understandable to other's way thinking the way we may seem, appear, what we may sound, etc. There needs to be an understanding and awareness on both sides. We are all human, we all have good and bad in us and those of us who face disabilities, etc not everything is down to that, what down to disabilities, etc are the signs, etc in them.

However' we all need to learn right from wrong, there must be ways of teaching that without damaging a human being but then the government says not. However' there's no harm in teaching manners etc because that's what we used to learn years ago and it didn't do us any harm to learn them. https://www.verywellhealth.com/repetitive-behaviors-in-autism-260582

Saturday, 17 October 2020

The way I think of Autism part 2

 High functioning Autism classed as a mild form of Autism.  Asperous syndrome and Autistic disorder are mild forms of Autism. Some researchers say that that they don't use the name Autistic disorder anymore and yet in some searches they still seem to use the name, this is what I mean in my mind I feel it is all confusing. Not everyone is going to agree with but this is where I think for example they should say what is the mild, moderation, and severe is.  However, what we do understand is that every form is under the Autism Spectrum I am sure we can live with that. The rest to me seems to make no sense because the signs seem to be pretty much the same just that some people face it worse than others as to why I agree with it being a mild, moderation severe forms. 

I have just found out of one name that Autistic disorder is the old name to Autism Spectrum, which I thought was an Autism form how wrong was I? https://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/autism-spectrum-disorders

High functioning is when they can speak, read and write without the support but it could mean they may need support in some areas, some may have problems, remembering what they read, etc so this can vary from person to person. The support level can be small in areas but not in others but this may depend on other problems they may or not have, which could be not will be for example Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD, etc. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/autism/other-conditions/






  This could work the same with study, work, home, life, and socializing where levels of independence and support can vary to each area of life For example me:  I am not safe changing light bulbs, I can take the bed lining off my bed cannot make it. Cannot cut my own nails and I struggle to shop although I shop. A lot of my difficulties are due to my dyspraxia. I have high support needs for my study because of Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, and ADHD, the amount of support will depend on the type of study and level of qualification, etc.

 Although I haven't been diagnosed because of where I lived in the UK, the time period I was born late 1969, etc. There wasn't service, awareness, etc for my Mother and family even though they knew something was wrong with me but no one knew what other than I was having seizures from birth till I was 12.  I think possibly I have Aspreerous syndrome because there are limits to what I can do and what I cannot do. It has only been that my Mum and family have watched films and read books about Autism as the years went by that made them think of you. Although I have always had mild Autism, I used to have very severe meltdowns as a child and couldn't learn easily in school. Always had very high support needs and Dyspraxia, which was something else I didn't know I had got to start with.




Sorry to confuse you, I have just looked at one site that gives us slightly different research but this may be just roughy to except as a whole of people who face Autism. Like I said these functions may probably go up and down through a person's life because some people may overcome things the older they get, which is what I have found with myself.

On the whole people with Asperger Syndrome are fully independent, they may need a little support with some things. On the whole, compared to people to mildly Austic, which is what I maybe. They pretty can behold down the study, work, home, friends, and relationships but yes they do have social difficulties.

Those Mildly Autistic tend to be mild to moderation because they are quite independent in some basic skills but other skills may need different levels of support. In some areas, they have quite high support needs, which make them mild and moderation functioning, which is what I think I may face. Like I said at the start of this post, I cannot make my bed, change light bulbs, yet as long as I have the right tools to cook like a microwave,  air fryer, and hob I am quite safe to cook, which means I can make hot drinks but I struggle to shop although I do my best with very little or no support.  I can wash, dress, shower, clean teeth fine but I cannot cut my own nails. Pretty much those skills I have just said I struggled more so in childhood, teenage yrs, and early adulthood more so then than now. Mind you I do have Dyspraxia so I tend to wear tracksuit bottoms, t-shirts mostly, rarely I wear zipped trousers and I haven't really worn shirts for years. Studying and working can vary depending on what I am doing, what level and type of qualification etc to no support, little or high support. 

Again, like all forms of Autism people on the whole struggle to communicate and socialize but some do more than others, I guess depending on how mild, how moderation, and how severe people are.

The way I think of Autism.

 This doesn't mean I am right or wrong, it's just what makes sense to me but it's not about my opinion either. It's about yours. 

Everyone who has Autism is on the Spectrum. Asperger Syndrome is a mild form of Autism on the Spectrum, let's not rule that out. Therefore we don't really need high functioning, they have a normal speech but they have social and communication difficulties. Yet they are just about to manage school, college, work, home live in certain limits and support in some areas, which can vary. Some areas of support needs may be high and others may be low. 

Severe Autism.  The research for this is rather confusing, I think it should be just under Severe Autism alone, which is on this site.  https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-are-the-different-types-of-autism-260611


Just wanted to say I may go over some things I have put on this website already so sorry about that. The reason for this is trying to make sense of why these sites are so confusing and in a strange way in a way it kind of makes sense but I may or not understood it right so sorry if I am wrong. I think that low and functioning is because Autism is a developmental disability where so people may change as the years go on. Don't get me wrong Autism is for life and it never goes away but it is possible for some people to overcome some areas in their lives but that can vary from person to person. For example, what they were when they were children will possibly change into adulthood. This may depend on if they have other disabilities or and other problems to their Autism what they are. This is pretty much like what I was saying when I was talking about careers other problems they may have either might affect from doing, things or improving their abilities or even both, which again depends on problems they face, which can vary from person to so excepted anything off anyone. 

Getting to the point that doesn't mean that the ways researchers etc have made Autism to be is confusing when we can everything that's mild in mild, everything in moderation in moderation, everything in severe in severe forms. Only that it may be possible that most people may change from one to the other. This could also depend on how high people's support needs are in those people who need a lot of support.

Low functioning should be classed as a severe form of Autism when it comes to those who need a lot of support to live independently.  These people struggle severely with socializing, being understood, and communicating with others one of the reasons could be some people may have little speech, unclear speech, or no speech at all. Some may even make loud brr noises etc that most mainstream speaking people are not likely to understand. This could be as noises get louder one could hear the frustration etc, in their tone because they just can't express themselves. By certain tones, one may be able to tell whether they are feeling happy, said, etc in some cases certain communication formats.  However' these things can work either way where some people may sadly take the pea of people to have severe difficulties, which no excuse whether they understand them or not. 

Sadly all treatments and support we could give will get them very little or no help to be safely alone independently and many could be most vuanble to others as I have just said. Therefore it may or may not be others may or may not be meaning to upset them, not saying all of them but most of them could be very sensitive people not really understanding whether or not someone is trying to upset them, which is very concerning and they could get into difficulty is no one they know is not harmful to them is not there to support them. Without being overprotective but just been honest and it might be some people they have no intentions of upsetting but it might feel like it to them, which causes meltdowns, Anxiety etc and it could affect how they behave where someone may need to calm them. 


Making sense of Autism

 I am sorry to admit that there are a lot of sites etc on the interest that have that many different looks of Autism. If you are reading these guys sorry to say but whether you have Autism or not the research is confusing. Without saying I am right or wrong, which is not what it's all about, it's about making it less confusing although yes it is right to be given the right information but I am not saying I know better than anyone else even though I face Autism myself. However' yes sorry to say yes it depends who's writing these searches I do admit. 

Over the last few weeks, I have been writing handouts on this website for doing an Autism PowerPoint, going by my own words and researching from the internet to find most searches are very confusing to find really all types of Autism are pretty much if not the same but similar in the terms of difficulty socializing, communication, easy misunderstood, etc. The positives are that had different ways of thinking such as creativity, research, maths, science, IT, etc. Therefore why don't we make it simple by saying there is mild, moderate, and serve? Without all this high, low functioning, etc. 

We cannot take away the fact that like disabilities and other problems, Autism has other disabilities other problems, etc linked to them. This makes me think this is one of the reasons why we are so different. For example, if you are supporting someone with Autism with careers. It's not a case of just googling jobs for people with Autism and looking at the jobs that come up. Each person may have other disabilities, problems you may need to consider which may or may not affect them from doing whatever job, same with courses too. However' there are other things to consider like the person's interest in the top, their skills, support, and training they need. How much they know, how much don't they? It's handy like they are going to ask for an area they don't anything about or have no interest in. Another thing to consider is health, safety, and capabilities as well. For example, I have Dyspraxia, factory workers would be not the right job for me because of poor motor skills and I am not quick at reacting, etc. 

Friday, 16 October 2020

Autism revision

 Difficulties most people with Autism have.

Social difficulties

Sensory difficulties for example; smell, touch, taste, feel sound, colors, lights, etc.

Anxiety, depression, stress.  

Being misunderstood.

Find it hard to expressing one's self in what they mean.

Forms of Autism. 

Autism Spectrum, Asperger Syndrome, high functioning, low functioning all in one.  

 Positives of Autism.



Maths, science, IT.

These are just examples not everyone with Autism is good and bad in these areas. This can vary from person to person who may have some, one, maybe all of these things in them. There other things as well, which you could find out by learning about Autism.

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Coronavirus lockdown supporting people with disabilities, other problems and other vunable people.

 Normally every October when new students join us at the University, I normally just teach a little bit of the basics of learning disability and mental health. This year just like every other year despite of the lockdown know I don't have to go over the Coranvirus lockdown, even though we were only of the Coranvirus in March this year. However' I feel as if I need to be responsible to bring in supporting vuanble through the lockdown because of facing disabilities and other problems myself and on how the lockdown has changed my life, which makes me wonder how others if not the same but similar to me are coping. We have support needs without the lockdown let alone with.

There are things that affect personal hygiene for most of us, even most of us who have hidden disabilities such as myself.

It can make a difference in other support other ways, mainly our home support but this can vary I guess on the type and amount of support people needs. 

Even for those of us with mild disabilities etc, some help can wait and others can't.

Despite masks etc, I guess services, families, carers, etc are limited how much they can support people depending on their disabilities, etc affect them.

No matter how right or wrong the government rules are there is a huge concern that they have a huge effect on vuanble people's lives. I will admit that it was never much different before the lockdown from saying when the last Tory government was in or the one before. For those who do receive support, I am guessing because the virus rules are even tighter than that could limit a lot of people's support even more so despite masks, washing hands, etc. For me, I just get a very small family support indeed.

My Aunty's friend normal cleans for me once a month like make my bed, cut my nails, and other things I do myself but she is no social worker or carer, she doesn't work for a service or anything. However' the first month or two of the lockdown she wasn't able to come and by the time the council made me aware of any support the lockdown rules eased a bit and she was able to come back. Now I am not sure if the government would change things again or not. https://www.rdash.nhs.uk/support-and-advice/coronavirus-information/coronavirus-british-sign-language-and-easy-read/

Most people if not everyone have seen a difference in their social life since the lockdown started in March though the pubs opened back up in July. Some people may have felt put off going because of the lockdown rules etc. For me, from March to October the only time I have walked out the door is to do food shopping. I didn't step back on a bus till October, took a walk round the town, and felt better for it when I got home. Although I can only stand so long there as when I have had my mask on so long I feel suffocated even though it's to protect others and myself from the virus. Also, sorry to say I find the lockdown rules inaccessible and confusing. 

To be honest I have heard even a lot of people who don't disabilities and other problems find the rules hard to understand and very confusing although are some who them on purpure. The reason why I took until October to go because I was worried about breaking the rules by mistake because I find them hard to understand. In that case, why have I found now the time to slowly start going out? I guess I can't live in fear forever but I will be honest, that strangely once I took that step nothing seemed as back as I thought despite the rules still happening but doesn't excuse the fact they keep changing too quick and confusing us more. This not good for anyone's mental health let alone those faces other problems as well. 

No one knows how long this lockdown and coronavirus is going to last, it is a  barrier for everyone, not just vuanble people. The longer it goes on harder it is going to get. We are all struggling way or another. Going by my own experience as far as confidence-building is concerned, we all take a step forward on our own but have to be honest some never do.

I like you guys have been struggling to get on courses etc online. I will be honest to admit though my internet hasn't too bad through the lockdown I used to face my going down a lot before the lockdown strangely.

 However' I understand it must be hard for those of you who may just have phones as screens aren't that big and these are problems people you may support etc may face. Fingers crossed by the time you train, qualifiable, etc, this virus lockdown may ease at least but it's best to prepare you just in case as people who are more vulnerable tend to be more sensitive.

 Not that it's not the same for other people but vulnerable need more support as well as independence. 

This could be that they lack things such as socializing took away from friends and family by the government other than keeping in touch online.  For I have experienced is there are most vulnerable people but a good many worries for their safety etc as pretty much most IT causes don't teach a lot or even any safety online but there are some that do. 

 support in the home, if study and working online, may make a difference to support they may get in college say or a workplace, etc.

 Such as been advised to have a flu jab although I am going to go for it. would be some people may not like needles, which make cause Anixty levels to go up, Some health services don't really explain what side effects they could get, how long they are likely to last, etc if any. Also, some things not necessarily the flu jab, are not explained in easy read.