Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism, and other problems that can affect lives.


No, who we are, what we are etc, it is important we are part of society equal as possible to be able to learn, teach, manage life, look after ourselves and others, etc. Unless it was my imagination and if I was wrong then sorry I cannot right all the while. At the start of my life although I shouldn’t have done because I wasn’t really but I felt alone in a sense as if it seemed as if I was the only one who couldn’t learn, manage my life, look after myself let alone others, which was before we were aware of the internet, etc. Little did I realize probley that was not the case, which I am aware of now and I have been for a year as long as more awareness has been raised.

Pretty much more things have changed since the 70s, 80s, and even 90s for that matter, not everything I guess, and we cannot accept it to be. However,’ I found myself sharing a post on Facebook yesterday, in so many words saying schools have failed to recognize Dyslexia, which was the same as when I was a child in the 70s and 80s, what is going on in the world? This tells me that more professionals etc need to be trained and educated around the awareness of disabilities, mental health, and other problems by helping them to help people that face these problems. I am not saying this to brag and be big-headed, the truth is a face disability, mental health, and other problems and there are others who face them too so I am not alone, they are the ones to raise this awareness to those of you who don’t face them but those of you wanting a career or and in a career in the field of disabilities, mental health and other problems. Not just professionals but other people in their lives too such as parents, families, friends, partners, carers, etc. How can you support these people to get by in life?


When I was in school due to being on a high dose of medication for Epilepsy, Pheobarotone, which was about 100 mgs three times a day. This no one realized at the time, but these tablets made me in a world of my own to a point I could not learn, and I have no sense of danger out and about. I was misunderstood as thick, stupid, naughty, lazy, etc. Just to explain that we are all human and we all have right and wrong in us, most things can be down to people's disabilities, etc and other things may not be.   Although when I was taken off these tablets it was as if I was woken up to the world and I was starting to learn etc but that was not until I was at least 13 years of age. However,’ it took a few years until the change was seen in me and until I started to feel a bit better in myself. Even then I still faced and still do today difficulties etc even though there has been a huge improvement in my learning ability etc since then

This makes me think for others if not the same if not similar to me whether it is children in school or young people, adults, etc in college university etc. Therefore, we need to be making things as easy as possible, like pictures, colored paper, writing, one to one support, easy read, accessible information, etc, depending on what the person is working on qualifications, etc, the support may vary to a little a lot and in some things none. By knowing this is talking to the person and assessing their needs. In fact, depending on what I am doing in college, level of qualification etc will depend if I need support and how my support, I need to teach people that face difficulties of all ages.

Even though there is Dyslexia support etc in colleges etc, more awareness of people’s need, and support people need is needed for those who teach in schools, colleges, universities etc.


Let us try to avoid any misunderstanding and not saying everyone thinks this.


First of all, even if someone cannot read, write, or and has difficulties does not make them thick, stupid etc.

Someone having Dyslexia, Dyspraxia or and other difficulties does not necessarily mean they can or cannot read and write, they are disabilities, difficulties, etc that are within things they try to do and what they need support in, etc. Just to say though except anything from anyone as different people could face different difficulties etc. Dyslexia for example seems to be more of an education difficulty although in some areas it is a gift too. Dyspraxia is more a hidden physical and mental difficulty in most if not all areas of life but the strength in people in Dyspraxia is mostly, they are creative but can be the same in Dyslexia too.

However, with Special needs the difficulties etc are pretty much can be similar if not the same, which makes it very hard to know what is what etc, which I know sadly is costly but worth it know where, why, etc people face these problems need support. Without support life is very misunderstood etc for them and hard for you to know the strengths as well as the difficulties they face but with the support, you are likely to see the strengths you may have missed if you hadn’t have supported the difficulties.


They say Dyslexia is when people see things the other way to what you may well. We all get letters, numbers the wrong way round at times but if someone does a lot, it could be a possible sign of Dyslexia for example; 56 could be a mistake for 65, they might write or and say bog meaning dog for eg; mixing p and q, q and p lol!

Writing form for some people where they could have the right information but in the wrong places for eg, say surname in the first name box.

 They may struggle with the alphabet, easily get confused where is what, other, etc, which work the same in sentences, which may not make sense when you look at their written work.  

They may struggle to read aloud and make errors because they struggle to read certain words etc. They may read too slow and too fast, if too fast they may be likely to make a lot of errors, this is where speed reading support could be needed.

They may get days of the week mixed up etc.

Difficulty planning writing such as reports, essays, etc.

Difficulty taking notes etc.

Poor spelling and reading but this can vary, they can read but have difficulties in some areas.

May struggle to remember such things as phone numbers, pin numbers, passwords, etc.

They may struggle to work to deadlines etc and may be able to only concentrate one thing at a time, which may mean they may struggle to multitask etc.

They may face difficulties in studying for example ready for the exam on time etc for example.  Here is a link to ADHD, which is possibly similar. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/   https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/dyslexia/symptoms/


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4001144/  https://www.barnsley.ac.uk/student-life/additional-learning-support/dyslexia-dyscalculia-dysgraphia-and-dyspraxia/  https://www.dyscalculia.org/ http://mathsanxietytrust.com/











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