Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Conditions linked to Autism.


With Autism and probley other conditions, problems, etc, there are other conditions, other problems linked to it and again sorry how confusing this is.

What we tell you are only what we are aware of ourselves. However,’ it does not mean it is right in everyone so except anything off anyone you come across.

Each person can only speak for one’s self like I can only speak from my experience, I can only speak from mine and what I do not face my research.

I will be honest to say I have not been diagnosed for my problems because of the time period I was born, least in Britain anyway, there was no awareness of support. I and my family have only gone what is in the awareness and research that has been so far, which came halfway through my life. Most conditions match up to what I have faced in my life like ADHD, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Epilepsy, Sensory difficulties, Anxiety, Depression as well as Autism. 


I had seizures on and off through my life, birth to twelve years, thirty -one to forty – three years.


Here I am going to add some websites, which may have information on conditions I do and do not face that they say links to Autism. https://www.autism.org/related-disorders/





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