Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 29 March 2021

Awareness of Stress,worry, panic, Anixety, Epliespy , more and Depression

 Not everyones' case but in most peoples' cases, it is possible for stress, anxiety, worry, panic, epilepsy even depression, and more to link together if things they worry about, etc get' too much to a point they may fear things much to face where they cannot cope to go through with whatever to a point they may not want to be in this world.

It is possible for most of us to worry about something so much for a certain amount of time we may be facing Anxiety then just may cause us to have seizures but not in every one or any situation etc. 

There are many causes of Epilepsy, stress, panic, and even Anxiety for that matter but if it comes to a point where it all happens together, not always the case but in most cases may be serious risks of heart attacks, maybe seizures, etc. https://tidsskriftet.no/en/2018/10/klinisk-oversikt/epilepsy-and-anxiety

It's handy a surprise is possible for Epilepsy, Anxiety, and Depression can link together not necessary for everyone who faces, one, some, all of these disorders. This could make most people are sensitive and more to certain situations compared with most of the general population. Such as worrying about bills etc, things to be filled in for a certain time and need to get support, etc if they need it; emotional situations such as relationships, marriage breaks up, and people who they know. During funding it's not always possible unless they can afford to pay, they need more counseling if they go for it, compared to most other people may and at risk of feeling suicidal, etc possibly.https://www.mind.org.uk/

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