Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 19 March 2021

Having disabilities, mental health or and all problems with and without Covid lockdown

 Struggle with the Covid lockdown. 

It is hard whether there's a Covid lockdown or not, whether we have disabilities, mental health, or and other problems, whether you can support these people or not. 

The purpose of this report is rasicing awareness of the struggles of having disabilities, mental health, and other problems mainly in this strange time of covid lockdown from my own experience. 

Two things have encouraged me to write this report, which I probably would have written anyway, maybe I know in different words. Also, on this blog, I have been writing quite a bit poetry late, which I thought I would give poetry a bit of a break. 

The first reason for writing this report is because I saw this link, which I am going to send on to people who I know who face disabilities, mental health, and other problems, and those who support, care, and work in the field one way or another. Since seeing this link and having the idea of writing my own, which is this I have had the words in my head what I want to write but writing in this blog could be another. I'm Dyslexic so sorry it doesn't make a lot of sense. 

Disability Facebook group. 

Please free to raise the comments on what you face as a person with disabilities, mental health or and other problems or if you are in the lives of people or a person with disabilities, mental health, or and other problems.  Just to say those of you who may be on Facebook has a group called. For DISABILITIES & ALL PROBLEMS AND AWARENESS every day for those with disabilities, mental health, and or other problems and for those who involved in their lives one way or another. Whether it's support, parent, carer, family, support worker, friend, partner, professional, etc more all. Student, training, trained, qualified, etc. You are more than welcome to join if you wish to. If you are already in the group feel free to invite those you may know who benefit to have disabilities, health health, or and other problems or and those in their lives. If possible add outside the fb or private message etc. If they wish to join they will need to answer 3 questions on the request for their safety and everyone's safety on the group, if they can't or won't give you the answers to the questions then you will need to invite them outside the fb or private message, if they are okay to give you the answers you can invite them by the fb. The questions are.

Have you got disabilities, mental health, other problems, if so what?

Are you a carer' parent, family, etc if so what to someone or people who face disabilities, mental health, or other problems?

Will you follow the safety rules? 

The first reason is the struggle of the covid lockdown, which quite a bit of poems rasic awareness of that with disabilities, mental health, etc. 

The second reason for writing this report is this link which is a huge concern https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.disabilitynewsservice.com%2Fregulators-face-call-to-act-over-figures-linking-covid-deaths-with-health-system%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3gUc_h_Te5mIM-0JWLt45-PHzMJZjGLuwFmaE-mojenfciKNh2Ofu83yU&h=AT0G5WdwqAZKVP0el8HfGbQWlZiGz8knjMdeHvoscwb2bYbhBtRxCFrPHs5ys83VDOH1xh63GFovUFQvi6ixseTqBn51i3ba0SL610Pd10trdkl2AVOp0_LiXZ4Yo57fIQ&__tn__=%2CmH-R&c[0]=AT09zdrTEsO88f1aUjee9ylLGiPz85cA-kuQKuWrxcTwQo8_bJQid-1mr0ZNEyMBKSTrtCliq4MANhp4K2uuBe8DQFircmz5ygozlwLZ6OxWBCHWy_4v25IC6sRAVaxa4XZxODEGNXt68AdE6_cXrQTSnMOQZynlJhGsQGcwllqT4ekcpMyT7mvOgZXbOcCk4z-u-xBUKUXvM3IK4Q I will be sending on this link and mine on to people I work with etc. 

The report is also, to raise awareness of struggles not only for people with disabilities, mental health, and other problems but those in their lives and how much it's likely to be a struggle for them too mainly you are a parent, carer, and family member, etc too, which also were my Facebook group comes into too.  

I myself am facing life possibly similar or and the same as many others with a small amount of family support I had before the lockdown, which is even smaller with the lockdown. I have dyspraxia, dyslexia, epilepsy, autism, anxiety, and depression so a friend of the family comes over to make my bed, cut my nails, trim my hair, and cleans once a month. I just do the best I can the rest of the time. My Mum lives in American and not able to get down to the Uk or me over there until the lockdown eases. Aunty lives an hour away from me, she takes me to appointments, etc and my 2nd cousin lives say 20 mins but she works quite a lot too, she helps out with things with IT and shopping even though my Mum shops online ever so often. I myself most days of the week shop in a local shop and every now than a bus ride to town. 

Experiences of the covid vaccine. 

Transport etc has been an issue because my doctors don't do the vaccines so my Aunt has had to take, which is like say 20 mins to half-hour drive. By where I am although buses are still running there have been no set timetables etc through the lockdown. I don't know what will happen with my 2nd vaccine but my Aunt took me for my first one. Last she was able to take me but if not I could get a taxi, maybe I may bus it back into town then back home. 

How has been the after-effects of the vaccine for you? For me a sore arm old bit of cold, flu, and hayfever syndromes, I have been okay. I was lucky get not any serious problems but that doesn't mean no one will. However, it is rather confusing that there are different types of Covid vaccines at least in my opinion but everyone else's may be different. On the fb, I see since after I had my vaccine there being risks to the AZ vaccine, which blood clots but that's the type of vaccine I have had, and thankful I have not face them but sorry to those who have. 

 I am not saying the NHS is wrong on what we are to except of the vaccine but the vaccine is still very new yet and so is covid. Most people with disabilities etc, tend to face certain problems, which is unknown whether or not the vaccine is likely to affect but it's very concerning that lives are a risk without having the vaccine either, which makes me think there naturally there's a lot of work to be done to know what the vaccine may or not interfere with.  

I think it's more important as well as everyone for health workers, carers, families, etc to have the  2 vaccines as well as people disabilities, mental health, and other problems, etc but the side - effects will need to be looked into too but all the same covid and vaccine is very new. 

Masks, disabilities, mental health, and other problems. My thoughts are not sure what you think, similar to the vaccine the risk for people with disabilities, mental and other problems whether wearing masks or not due to anxiety,  breathing problems, etc, but then can vary possibly to how long for some people wearing their masks, etc. 

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