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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 27 March 2021

Living With Epliespy

 Even if someone like myself was born with Epilepsy it happened any time in one's lifetime, some people may find themselves like have, having and not had seizures for years. Just because they have stopped having seizures no one knows whether they will face another one or not, therefore for that reason, it shouldn't mean their need, support, etc should change but if the seizure does come back things will only need to come back again, which cost not necessary the people who face them but the system, may families, carers, etc time and money. 

When most people, services, etc found out I have been facing my condition being on and off, it has caused a lot of confusement, which I guess is understandable but also furstraighting. This is a hard one to explain but as much as no one wants seizures and epilepsy but if they stop, don't get me wrong is good news but unknown whether they going to come back or not, in many cases in the eyes of society it tends to change your need and rights depending on if your facing seizures or not. For eg; when I had been having seizures I could have done with a flat with no stairs, which is okay now as I am not facing them no now but unknown if things will stay that way. 

Those of you living with Epilepsy and facing seizures I haven't forgotten what it's like. Those of who are parents, carers, families, etc, anyone who faces Epliespy will say it's not the same in everyone who faces it and it's something that can happen to anyone at any time, unknown whether you are going to get it or not or whether not going to all your life. It's like it has a mind of its own without telling us, I am going to hit you one or no I am not going to hit you, etc. I hate to say it but just being honest it's like it sees it that way, I like you but I don't like you. In some people like me, it's as if it's playing with our minds. I am going to get you now, no I am not now but not telling if I am going to get you again. 

Anyone who faces Epliespy will also know it is a lot about health and safety but not all. With the right treatments and even support depending on the needs etc of those who face it, we can lead equal lives to what we do. Have to be honest in some people's case there may be limits which may be depending on if they face disabilities, mental health, other problems, etc as well. 

Epilepsy is not a health and safety danger or hazard but a health and safety concerned. That doesn't mean people facing the condition need to be isolated or and be behind closed doors away from society. It just means people are in different walks of life need to be trained and qualified to understand the condition, support, even train, qualify, if they work and teach them things,  keep them safe, and know how to look after these people if they face seizures. However' treatment of people with Epilepsy face should decrease the amount seizures they face. For eg' most employers, teachers, etc may find the fact these people will have to face hospital, GP appointments, etc a drawback but need to learn that is better than them not getting checkups, etc, which could be a risk of an increase of seizures. Most of us understand that may be affected on effect money on businesses etc if and when the person with epilepsy has to take time off for treatment, check-ups, etc but even more of risk if those seizures increase. This no fault of the people who are facing the condition, it just happens they don't make this happen. 

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