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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 19 March 2021

Number of learning disability deaths linking with Covid

 I am responding to a report that I saw on Facebook this morning. The reason for this is because I am a learning disability and mental health awareness trainer who faces disabilities and other problems myself and for the sake of those the same if not similar to me and those involved in their lives. 

I have been a learning disability and mental health awareness trainer for nearly 15 years now. When I started I started with what was then Royal Wolverhampton Mencap, which folded between 2011 to say 2014. 

During that time on and off I have seen reports of people with disabilities etc dieing unnecessary not with what they were unwell with necessary but due to not enough health staff to make them well and probley many other reasons too.

 My first report was at Mencap when I started there in 2007 to find 6 people with a learning disability, which guess was a lack of care and staff in the hospitals and many other reasons. I guess about a year after when I started working for University by me when I did a PowerPoint presentation to rasic awareness of the benefit cuts, when so many people disabilities died due to having their benefits cut, caused struggle money-wise, depression, not eating, lack of eating, suicide, etc.

Most shocking I know but lack of education and training for those who work in the learning disability and mental health field but it's not all black and white because we keep on learning, improving but we still have a long way to go. More chances need to give people with disabilities, mental health, and other problems to train and educate those without to learn how to support and care for these people but it's not in every case but most. 

This report I saw this morning isn't much different from reports I haven't seen in the past, no shock or surprise but for my understanding, nothing seems to change. In the past. I have been able to contact those I work with on my phone and it hasn't been hard cause handy anyone was working from but now due to lockdown they are but doesn't stop me from making them aware online. If it's anything like the death indifference, which was aware of when I was at Mencap we were rasicing awareness by doing talks, drama plays, etc on our experiences to do with our health with the NHS. When I say me sorry, when I was with Mencap I was in a Self - Advocacy group called Our Shout. 

Even more so this report I saw this morning raises huge concerns due to covid as well as patience having a learning disability. This report like all reports I have seen sorry to say comes down to links to discrimination within the health system, why doesn't that shock and surprise cause it's not the first time? Then it is causing this time it's Covid.

The report is saying in this case Equality and Human rights Commission and Care Quality Commission is refusing to act concerns, despite having signed an agreement to safeguard the rights of people who work in healthcare in England. 

There are risks of disability deaths during the pandemic, which is said in the report it will be investigated, which a similar case in the death indifference when I was at Mencap but back then we weren't sure that cases were looked into deep enough. 

According to disability news services news report, there could be a higher number risk of death from Covid in disabled people 30 and 69, which oddly the case more so in disabled men than disabled women and non-disabled people. Not that I would wish it on anyone but it needs to be looked into reasons why. 

 There is a lot more to this report than what I have responded on, which is this link. https://www.disabilitynewsservice.com/regulators-face-call-to-act-over-figures-linking-covid-deaths-with-health-system/?fbclid=IwAR3hq9hbjvFfdmDVaZYuVoBareMZYFKtUnwoCZ0jtVzj80GRy4XYxuFwvt8

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