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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 8 August 2020

About Autism

 Autism is a developmental disability and it is there for life. It affects how the person interacts with people and the world. Life and the world seems and feels different around us than other people, it can be big and confusing to us. As well as seeing and feeling different, it is possible we can hear differently too. What seems rather small you seem huge to us, which most things may not turn out as big and as bad as what we think. For example say a busy city with a lot of people, where we can get lost if mainly if we haven't been there before but even after that it could take us a long time to find our way around but with the right support it is possible for us to get through this. 

Autism like other conditions is not a disease or illness and it cannot be cured but it is possible for us to maybe overcome some problems we faced during childhood in adulthood. Some of us face other problems as well which may need more support than others. This could be learning difficulties, disabilities, mental other problems, one, some, or all of them. However, with the right support, it is possible for us to live an equal life as possible. 

Each type of Autism is different, professionals say that people with Asperger Syndrome can pretty much look after themselves and it's just really social skills they struggle with but if you face other problems as well you may need support. 

Autism Spectrum disorder is the most common form of Autism to be misunderstood, this can lose the person a lot if not all relationships in people. Everyone has their Crosses to bear including those with Autism Spectrum. Autism is misunderstood anyway because we find it hard to express how we sound to people and do not really understand how we seem and sound to everyone.

 Do not get me wrong when I say this but this can vary person to person depending on how major or mild their condition is. In fact for some people, they can over things compared to how they were when they were younger say. This can depend on what's done and said, there can be a lack of understanding of the person's half, your half, or both. For example, Most people with major forms of Autism, they may not understand how the phase break a leg may sound for example. 

Yet some people may think it but in fear whether not they should say it mainly if they are with people they do not know, with some things people may say, some may take it hard and others may not. Others may not have awareness or understanding of how it may sound to most people, therefore it becomes a huge shock to them if someone does get angry. 

Unless the person tells them how that sounds and even then depending on the person's condition they may or may not understand but if they are aware they will feel bad about and say sorry. In fact, you may find most of them getting angry and upset with themselves. That does not necessarily mean that that's okay and they are likely to gain a lot of friendships etc.

 They are human-like everyone and have their crosses to bear but they may slip the mark more often. That does necessarily mean you should treat them any different to anyone else but be mindful, that you may need to react slightly differently if they do not seem to be aware of how something they do or say, sounds, and or looks. 

I am guessing the chances are they become aware when you tell them something sounds or looks bad to you and your not they have done and said whatever, chances are they will say sorry but feeling cross with themselves they said or did whatever.

 They are likely to have Asperger Syndrome but if they do not become aware or seem to understand, they just may get upset, walk away wondering why all this happening but still not been aware or understand anyone whose trying to tell them, which some cases hard to know whether they face the condition or not, you will only know that if they are with someone they know, which it's likely will likely do their best to see that the person does not embassy themselves, compared to if you just see the person on their own.

 Even anything is done or and said and they are with someone they know, it's likely they will try to keep things at bay. 

With Autism you do get some forms that are hidden and others are not. Although no one wishes anyone to face a shown physical condition etc, the hidden ones are hard to see. 

Most people who hidden condition tend to look as if there is not anything wrong with them only, when or and if they say do things it may show or if not can be misunderstood but that does not mean they are a certain of attention either but if it does become aware you still need to be careful how you react with them, mainly if they are aware how something looks or and sounds to you or and others. 

  • They may have little or eye contact towards or may stare without realizing they are.
  • They may find it hard to listen, look, and understand people.
  • They may tend to be quiet if there's a big crowd of you, fearing they may do or say things that have nothing to do with what you are talking or those that do they are likely to Autism Spectrum may be unaware of what you are doing and what you are talking about and may try to bring something you don't want to the chat without meaning to, I know is a hard one to react to. A tip for that is you don't necessarily have to listen to their topic every time see them but allow it now and then so the person is not feel left out of the company. If that is not working then chances are they have a major form of Autism Spetum. If they are not with anyone who supports them, rather than get angry with them say they for eg; you are in a pub, etc maybe speak to the manager or staff of the pub raise the concern to them.
  • They also may have difficulty sharing things, feelings, etc.
  • They may be slow at someone calling their name for example.
  • May have difficulty coming backward and forwards in the chat, even not aware or and understand when you have changed the subject, etc 
  • They may struggle with facial expressions, gestures, movement, etc.
  • Some people have major forms of Autism, Autism spectrum, their speech may not sound clear, they may make screaming laughing or and even crying, baa noises whereas some such as Asperger may sound clearer and stutter. I myself have a stutter.
  • They may struggle to understand people's point of view.
  • They may repeat things, have odd behaviors, etc.
  • They might find it hard to understand people's actions.  https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/autism-spectrum-disorders-asd/index.shtml
  • https://www.autismdontpanic.co.uk/aspergers_symptons.html


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