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Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Conditions linked to Autism

First of sorry to confuse you when I say conditions linked to Autism I mean all these conditions linked together. Yes I know these are handouts to a Dyspraxia awareness PowerPoint, Dyspraxia is linked too.

All these conditions I think can vary to a person getting just one, some or all. Pretty from me, I have some of them.

ADHD, this may not be right in everyone's case who faces it. One thing I know I was hyperactive as a child but I will honest I am uncertain about me having ADHD, whether I had it as a child, grew out of it in my teens, or what. It's not easy to balance the two. Most people say if you have it is for life but although I am not full entry anymore, which either is not good because I had far too much energy as a child to none through my teens and adulthood. It is possible I might have been at my worst when I was taking Phebarotone as a child for Epilepsy. I was as high as a kite, could not concentrate in school, and I couldn't sleep as night. This makes me say with ADHD Health professionals, families, parents, etc of those who face the condition need to keep track of a person's diet, treatment, the condition itself self, etc.

 No matter my own experience, I know ADHD is a mind field, may not be always the case but you work out to try and prevent one problem another problem arises, which is why it needs to be kept track. We all have our faults and I am not saying that ADHD excuses a person for everything but there are so many things that can make so many people who face it misunderstood. 

Although I have always faced Anxiety and depression. I had very bad temper paddies as a child where I could be angry or and sad whether I had the need to be or not at any time, any place anywhere. Part of that is still but not as bad as it was and I have always faced construction problems, find it hard to do school, jobs, tasks, etc right and to a time limit.

 Cononstating on too many things at once, multitasking is hard and always have been but over years it has got better than it was depending what I am doing I tend to need quite a bit of support it must areas mainly if the skills are new to me maybe till I get to know them, etc again depending what I am doing.  

According to what I have read today on an ADHD site, responsibility is hard for those who face ADHD, that in my experience is true, I cannot manage money which also is down to in my case Dyscalia which is another learning difficulty linked to Dyspraxia, which is a maths learning difficulty. For example easy forgetting and losing things and doing studies, lectures, jobs right to a time limit which a person is likely to need a lot of support.

No one knows what causes ADHD, many say the brain is hardwired. I have googled asking how long have we been aware of ADHD and according to a site I have found only since 2000 the UK so only twenty years.  I think the main problem with what is been faced with ADHD for those facing it being misunderstood, mostly they are not aware of how they sounding or even seem to others around, which understandably gives others the wrong message to what they may be trying to come across, they may find it hard to express themselves, etc.

I was mostly misunderstood for something or and someone I was not by teachers, children, etc as a child, which caused me bullying by children and getting into trouble by teachers. I think it made many think I thought the world to be around me only, which was not the case. I was only the only child till I was 13 therefore many must have thought I was over spoiled. I was almost in a world of my own or I was keeping everyone awake at night.

Looking at behaviour. Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression all those problems link together but not necessarily in everyone,  Anxiety and Depression can link to other problems or on their or just together I guess.  All these conditions are sense of feeling whether there are reasons or not. Adhd is a high feeling of being angry linked with the Anxiety, may cause the person to be anxious, fear, depression etc. 

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