Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 7 August 2020

Problems in Dyspraxia.

 Fine motor skills, gross motor skills, balance, coordination. For eg; climbing, jumping, stepping on, off, under, over things. 

Spatial awareness.

Judging distances knowing where we are in relation to other people/ objects.

Social issues eye contact literal thinking when interject repeating themselves, background noises. 

Sense of direction-finding places, losing track from left to right, etc.

They have short term memory easy to forget what happened yesterday or five minutes ago but good long term memory can remember what happened years ago. 

Language and speech difficulty. Stuttering, making it hard for you to understand. pronouncing most words and sounds for the example they may mishear you or and the other way round. For example mistaking dog for bog.   

They can easily mix letters, numbers, etc. Example their thier, 56 65. They may miss words out of sentences without realizing it in writing, listening, and maybe even in speaking. This can vary to difficult things. They may struggle to understand different ways people speak and different languages and may struggle to spell most words etc. 

Concentration problems.

Daydreaming, coping with too many things at once,  finding it hard to complete a study or and job to someone else's limit and correctly, which is a skill they probably will need support even if they do pretty much know the topic. 

Easily forget and lose things mostly if they have too much to think about etc.

Dyspraxia can slow down their thinking and their movement.

This can happen the opposite too where they can overthink, not always the case but in some case, things may not what they seem to them. They may face Anxiety issues where something seems worst to them than it might to you.  For eg; say benefit issues Just to say Anxiety comes into other problems as well as Dyspraxia. They can easily overreact to certain situations, the easiest way to say this is making a mountain out of a molehill without meaning to. What may seem small to you may seem a big thing to worry about to them. 

They may have difficulty with eye movement. Where without themselves realizing they are not looking at you directly when you are talking to them or even the other way round. The opposite can happen too, people tend to think they are aware if they don't know, which they can stare at something or someone without realizing they are, may happen if they go into a trans, world their own, daydream, etc. This can be misunderstood by strangers meaning someone who they haven't seen before and may not see again, they may think they have stared at them on purpose, which is mostly not the case they in their own but they tend not to react to someone they don't know in fear how they react back but they wouldn't be aware unless the person made them aware. This is a tricky situation because the person wouldn't know if they have purposely stared at them or not. 

Emotion easily stressed, furstraighted. Thrown by new routes and changes. Can be sensitive to emotional situations, can take longer than others to come to terms with issues such as someone dying and relationship breakups, tend to need counseling, etc and face depression quite bad. This is easy to misunderstand so do not get me wrong when I say this and of course, no one wants to face these issues, however' everyone does one way or another. In some cases, though they may become stronger the more they face but at the time they may not think they are coping and think they are going to give up, which in most cases they do not, this one though is hard to say how a person is going to be unless happens even though that's something we do not want. 

All these problems can be hard to say what they are really because they come into other problems too. Like concentration, problems can also come into ADHD, eye contact into Autism, language problems into auditory Visual processing difficulties.  Reading, writing, spelling,  difficulty comprehending what people say, mean even write Dyslexia, etc. 

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