Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 21 August 2015

About Disabled World.

After my last report was negative I thought I'd try making this report positive.  Sadly it’s the truth that the British system isn't that good and a lot vulnerable people's’ lives are at risk through the benefit cuts. Sorry that I had to bring out the negative of what’s happening.
As a learning disability and mental health awareness trainer I feel it’s my job to take interest in the lives of people with disabilities and health problems, this isn't because I have disabilities and health problems myself it’s because everyone is human. When I say everyone I mean people with and without disabilities and health problems meaning everyone’s rights. People with disabilities and health problems just need the right support. I can't promise everyone the world because no one can promise anyone the world, there’s no perfect life otherwise it would boring. All the same by raising awareness I can do my best to make the best difference as possible.

My work now is training and education student Learning Disability nurses but health isn't all I am trained for. Having had disabilities and health problems myself for nearly forty – six years from birth, I have had to try access so many different topics of life such as education, employment, housing and etc. I haven’t only written this report and the whole website to train and educate student learning disability nurses, trained learning disability nurses, other health professions and other profession in other topics of life. Like most people I have had positive and negative experiences. I have been writing website now since 2007, which was when I started Mencap my first job of this career. This website is also for anyone else who wants to read it.

If you go to the Disabled world website, which is a USA website WWW.disabled-world.com you will learn a lot about different topics of life. I checked to see if there’s disabled website for Uk but there’s not, which doesn’t surprise me to how less educated Britain is when it comes to disabilities and health problems so I believe the UK needs to learn off the USA. Even though I have first experience I can only speak for myself but there are others can speak for their disabilities and health problems so I am even learning off the disabled world website as well on things I don't know.

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