Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Published poems.


Nobody in my family loves me.
I know I could have been very naughty, but there is no need for my family to kick me out on the streets.
I am very frightened to go back home, but I know my family don't want me.
I know I made a big mistake in thinking I could cope to find my own home; I just wanted to be an adult far too quickly.
I realise now I was wrong thinking I could cope.
I can't find any food to eat, but bits and piece of bread.
I am sleeping on the hard street floors, but some nights I sleep in cardboard boxes. 1998

My life without you.
I think about you when I am in my flat.
When I am with you, it’s great.
When I am without you, I think about you in college, in pub.
When I think, I look forward to seeing you when I do.  5.8.2000

In fairytale stories they say you have to kiss a good many ugly frogs to find your handsome Prince.
In my case I believe I have kissed handsome princes who have turned into ugly frogs.
Believe me, believe me not, I think my days of kissing handsome princes have gone.
Because I fear every handsome prince I kiss will turn into an ugly frog.

All the lovely things I used to dream, I thought would come true.
Now I am unhappy that everything I ever wanted hasn't happened to me and no chance will it be.
I blame myself; I fell in love far too young.
Little did I know everything was going to turn out wrong?
Now I can't love at all, because I am frightened of getting hurt again.
A male and female friendship forever more.
I must keep away from those ugly frogs. 1997 – 2000

This may be only friendly love, but to me it is good enough.
I don't think you need a boyfriend and girlfriend to love.
Male and female can still share a friendship to love.
My friendship will be here with you for however long you want me to be close to you.
I will never go away from you, unless you want me to.
I know we have been through the same thing, I know what you are going through.
Trying to move on from the people you love or loved is very hard to do, but somehow we must get on with our lives and get through.
We must try and see a future for ourselves the best way we can, but believe me I do understand that is very hard to do but all the same we must get through. 1997 – 2000

There's nothing you can do when you lose the person you love.
All you can do is learn to move on and meet a new love.
When long love is lost it's hard to move on.
No matter how hard it is you must move on.
When short love can come before you look.
It is so important to be loved.
Love can't be made, unless you make it.
When love goes down the drain, it can't always be saved.
For goodness sake you must be brave enough to love again.
Love can cause you so much anger, hurt and pain.
Sometimes it's hard to love again. 1997 – 2000

I love my man he loves me.
I care such a lot about him and he cares such a lot about me.
Ups and downs are to come that is part of life to be.
If it's to be it will be, if it's not to be it won't be.
I hope and pray it will be.

Upsets are sure to happen, but I hope between us we will do our very best to put whatever problem we have right.
He isn't just my lover; he is also my best friend out of all males.
I'm sure and hope that he feels the same way as I do about him.
I hope and pray that we, what future we have to be, bring us love, relationship and friendship. 1997 – 2000
I must move on again.
Please give me any reason why I shouldn't love someone and someone should love me?
Why do I feel as if my days of love and romance have gone for me?
Is there something wrong with me?
How can I share love when no one is there to share love with?
I can't give love to someone when he isn't there to have love from me.
Whoever you may be, if you're faithful, kind and good looking please come to me?
I don't mind having serious or play full love, as long as someone can give me some kind of love, I will be happy to play or stay in whatever way.
Just any kind of passion that comes my way.
I don't mind playing the field or having forever loved. 1997 – 2000
My true love once had a heart that gave me so much love.
I had this heart and I really truly enjoyed his love.
Now he doesn't have a heart anymore, because he isn't now my love.
He's now with someone forever and for good.
He's not my true love anymore, but he was my first serious love.
That I will never, ever forget.
I don't think he will find another love like me again.
I don't think I will find another love like him again. 1997 – 2000

Your hair is blonde, so soft and thick.
Many times I have reached out for your love to tell you.
" Darling I love you so true."
The problem is that you are not with me a lot to say.
" I love you so true too.
Now I have to wait until I see you again.

I love you so true.
I hope and pray to god that you love me to so true too, but I think or know you do.
Three little words saying I love you can make you feel so special.
So can those three little letters.
Poetry is not where I can spell those three little or big words. 1997 – 2000

Guilty and hiding from the truth.
Going quiet on people when they talk to you.
Never caring about people’s feelings.
Lying to hide away the truth, because the truth hurts one.
One is ashamed, one is in the wrong.
For one to tell one, but to get someone else to tell. 1997 - 2000

There are so many lonely people.
In this world we do not realise that there are so many lonely people.
These lonely people get out of bed every single morning.
Living a life dull and boring.
These lonely people do not have any family and friends to talk to and see.
When you see the lonely people, they seem more happy than lucky us.
They have such lovely smiles on their lovely faces.
Where do these lonely people come from?
What on earth can anyone or the Happy Society do for them? 1997 - 2000

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