Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 30 August 2015

There truth isn't always positive and the truth isn't always negative.

I missed you.
I missed you.
I loved you.
Now that you have let me go that’s the way it stays otherwise you will lose my friendship.
You broke my heart I am used to having my heart broke it’s happened so times.
All the same I have feelings like everyone, I'm human I'm not an object.
I guess again I built my hopes too much so I will just hide the way I still feel for you.
It’s happened so many times before I’m a big girl but enough is enough.
You know I felt the same as you did.
How far you lived didn’t matter to me I loved you more than you realised.
All the same there’s no going back now.
We have to let each other go.
We have broken up twice this year it’s not good.
All the same I understand why you ended the relationship but both times for the same reason.
I didn’t take you back right away because I knew we’d break up again but then I give in because I loved you too much.
May be friends in the end is the best way to be.
I need to accept what life throws at me. 18.4.2014 – 14.8.2015

Say it as it is.
Let’s face the truth like grown adults even though it may hurt.
No matter what the reason I don’t deserve this relationship to be going on and off neither do you so face the truth you have hurting yourself too.
I knew sooner or later when you finished with me in time you would want me back.
You're so lucky that I am still in your life.
You're so lucky I am still your friend.
Be grateful I am still your friend don't spoil it!
Don't let me end everything altogether between because neither one of us want that!
Don't put me in a situation to make choices I don’t want to make then we both get hurt!
can't promise you a relationship but I can promise you a friendship.
It’s a very small chance we will be back together again but if we do it won't happen right away, we talk things through very long and carefully to see if it’s the right thing to do or not because I am having no more on and off relationship.

I thought I couldn't take anymore again all the same I’m your friend.
I can’t get serious if with you if everything is going to be on and off all the while as much as I want a serious relationship with you.
As much as you may have had good reasons to have ended our relationship twice I still have rights to know, what I do know is that they were reason that are fault of either one of us.
I’m not joking I mean what I say. 29.8.2015

Please tell me why!
Mainly as none of us were to blame for our relationship breaking twice then tell me why it did!
Despite of us seeing so little of each other we still manage to have our ups and downs as if we see a lot of each other.
Nothing runs straight forward and perfect for anyone let alone you and me because there’s no perfect otherwise life would be boring if it was.
As we love one another we should be number one to each other.
I hope we have a lot of respect for one another which is why I feel I have the rights to know the reasons why we finished twice and was both times the same reason?
Sorry to ask these questions but I need to know in case we can change things for the better.
I love you but I don’t know if I can go back to you because no matter what I can’t keep having this relationship on and off.
As we know we don’t want to end everything all together so don’t let it get to that stage.
I can’t promise us to be a couple but I can promise to be your friend because we can’t keep slitting and getting back together all the while.
Some things that hurt are for the best. 30.8. 2015

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