Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 29 August 2015

New poems of dreams and nightmares 2014 – 2015.

To be female.

The film star with golden blonde hair her name was so unknown.
She was just a person of nowhere who lived in an Unknown dream.
The older she got the less stressed she got.
She never really changed her mind about life.
Her feelings about her life were so unknown.
How she felt like she did and how felt was unknown.
How she died is unknown.
She was in New York.
She didn’t find it easy to say how she felt.
She was a young star of New York back in the day.
The sun was very strong, she tanned very quickly.
She feared her body changing towards the end of her life. 17.4.2014 – 14.8.2015

It was so long ago.
It was so long ago since she lay on the golden beach with her golden blonde hair.
As the years went on she lost interest in the world around her.
She didn't like dirty dull green countries that should be fresh, clean and green.
She drank coffee on the train to Manhattan City New York.
 She shared the arts of the hearts.
She loved New York. 17.4.2014 – 14.8.2015

I missed you.
I missed you.
I loved you.
Now that you have let me go that’s the way it stay otherwise you will lose my friendship.
You broke my heart I am used to having my heart broke it’s happened so times.
All the same I have feelings like everyone, I’m human I’m not an object.
I guess again I built my hopes too much so I will just hide the way I still feel for you.
It’s happened so many times before I’m a big girl but enough is enough.
You know I felt the same as you did.
How far you lived didn’t matter to me I loved you more than you realised.
All the same there’s no going back now.
We have to let each other go.
We have broken up twice this year not good.
All the same I understand why you ended the relationship but both times for the same reason.
I didn’t take you back right away because I knew we’d break up again but then I give in because I loved you too much.
May be friends in the end is the best way to be.
I need to accept what life throws at me. 18.4.2014 – 14.8.2015

Change of feelings.
So I loved him so long ago.
It took years for me to stop loving him.
I thought my love for him would never end.
It was a loved that lasted so long that I must learn to forget.
I hope I will never feel the way I felt for him over again.
I have learned love is so blind.
 Never say never about love.
 I will never build my hopes up again.
My feelings were hard to control.
This is two poems in one.
I must have been out of my mind when I loved him.
 It’s time to move on.
I need to move on.
I have moved on.
I have had to punish myself for loving him but I am trying to learn the past is the past and far too many years have gone passed.
It’s far too late for him to love me and break my heart again because I am making it too late for him to do that.
As time has gone by my mind has got stronger and stronger.
Now I realise us having parted was the best thing that ever happened I knew this so long ago to a point I have to remind myself.
He didn’t take a great deal of chance to love me when I loved him.
I found myself writing poetry about him like writing lines over and over again saying I mustn't feel in love with him until the message sank into me.
Now I feel nothing at all for him but anger.
I have gone from truly loving him to truly hating him.
I have got over the love but the anger he put me through is harder.
His sadness, his loss I’m going through no more.
At least I mean what I said even though it took years to not feel the way I used to. 17.4.2014 – 16.8.2015


Writing comes from the mind.
 There’s so little time to write.
There’s so little time to type.
I can get my poems on to my website.
It’s not easy to put what’s on my mind to make sense to my readers to understand what I am trying to say.
How strange is the human mind, this human mind of my.
I can think too much to a point that I can’t think at all, therefore I have a writer’s block.
I’m no one special.
I have no special talent.
I just have words that mostly don’t make a lot of sense.
It seems to come out as a load of rubbish because my mind can work too fast for my pen or I don't think at all. 18.4.2014 – 14.8.2015

Life is bits and pieces.
Nothing is straightforward, it never is.
Nothing seems to stay neither should we except to.
There’s good and bad in all of us, it would be a completely boring world if everything and everybody was all the same.
Every human and animal is born.
Every human and animal does die.
It makes you wonder what life is about if life is like that doesn’t it?
We live our lives.
A lot of us change.
We are our own people. Are we our own people?
Two poems is one.
No I am wrong about us being our own people.
We are over power by governments.
Countries can be completely free but not completely over powered.
How dare they control us how they do?
Rules need to be made but today’s rules are far too far.
It’s not right to have a life too easy but it’s not right to have a life too hard.
Britain is greedy and tight with money.
Money doesn’t buy happiness and love. 18.4.2014 – 14.8.2015

Writing travelling.

Not easy to write when travelling while the transport is moving but easier on the plane.
There’s so much to see and do in writing and flying.
 It’s hard to know what’s happened when you have done too much.
It’s not always possible to type on the plane.
Even with today’s IT it’s hard to remember where you have been.
It’s hard to recognise places and study maps.
So much there’s a writer’s block. 14.4.2014 – 18.8.2015

Passion for writing.
It takes me a while to think what I am going to write even when I am in a writing mood.
Once I get my thoughts into my mind I can't stop writing.
I have no talent I just have words meaning something to say.
It’s just words that don't mean a lot.
It’s just words that come into my head that don't make sense on paper.
My mind goes blank before I write again then my mind works too fast for the pen.
Many people think because I am Dyslexic I can’t read and write.
All it is that my work is not necessary clear to non Dyslexic people.
Things seem to be written, read and said the wrong way round, which doesn’t make sense.
Things may be a complete mess because life is a complete mess when it’s negative. 18.4.2014 – 14.8.2015

On the road.

She’s on the road to Woodstock New York.
The sun is shining.
She finds it hard to write while the car is moving.
She thinks to herself there are more poems to come.
The mountains of Woodstock are lovely.
Everywhere is full of forests, hills, trees and lakes which are beautiful.
People fishing in the lakes.
There are winters and spring trees.
Summer trees have leaves all over the tree.
There’s a deep blue sky, which doesn't mean it’s always warm.
Today will be a good day.
Today will be a nice warm day.
Whatever the weather let’s enjoy the day!
There are villages, shops of Woodstock.
 A lot went on there the year of her birth.
Jimi Hendricks played in Woodstock.
Brain Jones died in the swimming pool in England.
It was very sad time for the Rolling Stones even though they sacked Brain Jones.
 1969 Neil Armstrong landed on the moon.
There’s a bumpily road. 19.4.2014 – 15.8.2015

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