Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 24 August 2015

Moving forward

Forever friends.
Forever friends with love.
Never hope for too much.
I'm here as long as you want me.
I will cope without seeing as long as I have to.
I will be faithful, loyal and true to you. 12.2.2012

Love teaches you as many things as life does.
     The mistakes I have made having got far too close to you all those years.
The person I loved so much who I thought loved me so much.
I used to find it to be without you now I can't stand to be in the same room as you.
Now I have learned to be myself again.
I don't give up on my life to please you or anyone any more.
I spend so many years living your life instead of my own.
Little did I realise how blind I was.
I know no one asks you to live some one's life but love can be so hard to control when the feelings are there for someone
Now we have gone from love to like to hate.
I will try my best to not make the same mistake again. 12.2.2012

Time without you.

Even when the sun shines life still seems dull until I see you.
When you shine, you shine brighter than any lights.
I just wait until you brighten turn on the light brighten up my night again.
In the mean time my thoughts about you are inside my mind nonstop. 12.2.2010

Love is like a plant.
Love is like a flower.
Love is like a tree.
Love lasts as long as it's going to unless it's to be.
Until it dries dies and needs watering again.
Never give up hot Love just because love has never lasted before.
Never trust hope because nothing is promised.
Never fear love otherwise you will fear everything.
    If you fear everything you will never have a life. 12.2.2012
Time seems like a life time without you.
However long time is that's how long it's meant to be for you and me.
I hope any amount of time is good for you like it is for me.
When time comes we will enjoy our love even more.
When I think about you time can't come slow or quick enough.
When I am about to see you the night is much unknown.
My thoughts are mixed but I never give up because private time together is just a matter of any time.
 My feelings don't change no matter what the situations are. 12.2.2012

So many things so unknown.

Not everything is certain.
There could be so many unknown things you have kept from me all these years.
Yet again I have been far too blind to see.
Rest your case, I may be wrong but I still could be blind.
 The door may be closed on the two of us, which I am glad now.
It has taken me so long to realise what a bad man you really are.
What's even worse is that you may have kept so much from me that I should have known a long time ago.
I may still don't know and may never know.
Private calls you made in front of my face, I heard every word but never said a word to you. 12.2.2012 – 24.8.2015

In between lovers and friends.
   It may well be a strange friendship.
It may well be a strange relationship.
It gives us time to get to know ourselves as well as each other all over again.
Time apart seems like forever.
Time together seems like freedom but not long enough.
Time together is worth waiting for however long or short it takes. 12.2.2012 -2.2.2012

You kept on changing your mind.

       Your mind games stopped me from loving you after I loved you for so long.
One minute you wanted me next minute you did not, I took that for far too many years.
As the years went on you only seemed to have wanted me when you were drunk.
The next night you were telling me that you didn't mean what you said the night before.
I was sick of you building my hopes up.
I loved you so much but you hurt me too much to love you anymore.
If I still loved you now you would have played with my mind like you did before, you wouldn't have loved me at tall.
You just love me because you know I don't love you anymore.
You have treated me as your victim not your lover all the years you were with me I was too blind to see.
All these years your feelings have changed far quickly, when I think you never have loved me, you just played games with my mind.
 You don't hurt me like you used to because I don't love you no more.
It hurt me too bad too know that the man I loved so much hurt me so much because you didn't love me as much as I thought in fact I don't think you ever loved me at all.
No way do I fall for your games anymore because I don't love any more.
It's far too late for you to change your mind now.
You said that you love me and the drink isn't talking, I don't fall for that any more.
I don't go along with your change of feelings any more.
 My feelings for you stayed the same for years then they change three years ago so they will stay the same forever.
I have now moved on with my life in my own time, I don't need you anymore.
Why did I ever love you, I should have known I didn't need you? 3.3.2012

Chocolate and love.

Any food is a passion if you love it.
Chocolate is my love.
If can help it I never I have too much chocolate even though I love it.
Too much chocolate sends me dizzy with too much love.
I become greedy then I want more and more.
I'd rather wait until I get to eat chocolate, which tastes better if I don't eat with often. 10.3.2012

Now I can see through you.

You may not have loved me as much as I loved you.
How blind was I to love you?
You may not have loved me at all.
You may have stringed me along all these years.
We were both very young.
I may have been too blind to see that your love towards me may have been a lie.

 You know I had friends who could see I was making the biggest mistake of my life.
These friends knew how much I really loved you.
This relationship may have been to please them and keep them quite not to please me.
My friends warned me so many times that you were the wrong man for me.
 I was far too blind to see.
I was too much in love with you to know what I was letting myself in for.
In the end you hurt me badly.
As years went on I learned to stop loving you, I even tried to be your friend but then the friendship turned hate. 12.2.2012

I’m unknown to what did or didn’t go on.

Texts you send and got back while you had your arm round me.
Only trying to love me when you where drunk.
After I wasted 13 and half years with you I don’t my hopes up with anyone.
Telling me the next day that you did not mean a word you said to me the night before.
 In the end I heard the word sorry too many times to carry on loving you.
I knew if I carried on any longer you weren't going to change, you would just carry hurting me then saying.
You keep on saying sorry but then you still keep hurting me.
This relationship was based on a drunk lie.
     I can't believe I was so mad to love someone whose love was based on lies.
I guess I won't be the first and I won't be the last to put myself in that trap.
Now I am out of that trap moving on with my life. 1Unknown

I look at you knowing how I feel about you and how you feel about me.
Not be able to say a word in front of anyone.
Only you and I know.
The end of the night is unknown to whether we spend private time together.
Now time isn't there, I miss you twice as much.
When time is there I enjoy however long or short it lasts. 12.2.2012 

What is life like now?

I am sitting in my living room looking through my window; the sky is half blue and half white.
It's an early Monday afternoon but it is a Bank holiday that does not feel like a Bank holiday.
There's hardly anyone about outside.
How strange is that?
You may say why don't you get out?
I will tonight.
I have hardly anyone with any money to spend.
I am not asking for the world but it would be nice to have a little bit more money in my pocket.
Jobs are not easy to find these days.
There are far too many people unemployed, which cause people to go through depression.
No spaces, not enough exams, too many exams, not enough training, too much training, age, disability, place closing down and many more reasons. December 2006

 I can't see.

I can't see any further than my nose.
I think it's a big long road.
I can't take that big long road; it's far too far for me to walk to see what is there.
I am just scared what will happen when I get there.
I want to get of here before I get there, I can't see myself getting to the end of the road.

So high, when I look up I feel as if I want to fly.
Yet I would be too scared to fly going up high.
I don't know if I would feel strong enough to come back down again.
I don't like the thought of going up high unless I am in a plane.
I don't like seeing thought.

I don't know what I will see when I get there.
Will I go left, right or straight on?
I don't know where to turn.
I am too scared to try so I want to cruel into a hole to die.

The sky seems high rise flats by where I live.
I keep thinking that someone is going to fall out of them.
I keep thinking that they are all going to fall down. December 2006

 A lot of people say.

A lot of people find and see poetry boring.
Poetry is only boring if the poet makes it boring.
Mind you I feel bad to say that I have an over loaded mind and it just gets down on paper.

A lot of us poets may write words of sadness but words of truth.
I write words of happiness and sadness.
Most words of happiness are the truth but very little.
When it comes to that it makes us wonder why we are here in the first place.
Most poets, people who write plays, People who write novels and other writers find it hard to let their feeling out in any other way other than write.
Writing is not always easy to put into words but then people can't answer you back.

It does not mean you can't be a writer if you find words hard to write on paper, just say what's going through your mind and write it.
Writing is from the mind not art.
Everyone has a book in them because we live life.
I need to research to give me ideas what to write about.
If your mind is full ideas, write them down.
You can keep at it until you get there; I am still working on it now.
I have been writing for 13 years.

Some people express themselves in painting and drawing, which I do sometimes, that's art. December 2006

The great thing about poetry.

The great thing about poetry is that you can say what you mean.
You can also say what you don't mean as long as you tell your readers you don't mean it.
Mostly you can say how you feel.
Poets should make things understood so readers can read bet ween the lines what the poets say and mean.

Sometimes some things are hard to think about when it comes to thinking about a subject.
Think about what to write: what not to write.
Learn off other poets but not too much, be yourself because we all live so we have a book inside ourselves. December 2006

I don't want to leave you.

You are not the problem, it's me.
I only feel better when I am with you.
You might be the only one keeping me going but I don't feel I can.
The world seems big and larger than life to me, it all seems so far away.
I still have so long to live it scares me.
I don't like it this way, the fear of having walking sticks and frames. December 2006

There are good times and bad.

Today I don't feel too bad.
Tomorrow I may feel down.
Sorry, I must say I will never know.
The good thing is that I am eating a meal; I can smell cottage pie and veg.
When I am low, I don't eat that much.
It makes a big difference when I see people.
I saw my best friend today that's good.
I just wish I would not take my stress out on my lover; he is also my best friend.

May be when I get work one day, I can save up for getting my work published and new clothes.
I will still enjoy my social life all the same.
I can't have everything.
We want different things but can't have everything as we haven't got it. December 2006

You are our loving friends.
      You are our loving friends.
We can't borrow you.
We can't buy or sell you.
We can't fire you.
We can't do much without you.

We can have fun with you.
We can fool around with you.
We can talk to you.
We can do a lot with you.

We will always be around you.
We hope you will be around us.
Whenever you want us we will be there.
When you don't want us, we won't bother you anywhere.
You may think sometimes that you don't have friends but we and other friends are around you are place somewhere. Written 1998 - 1999.

 Every girl’s dream and nightmare.

It's every girl's dream and nightmare to become a bride.
Not every girl is lucky to meet a man of her kind.
Not every girl meets her prince charming the love of her life.
When becoming a man's wife it can be a story of a woman's life.
The amount of years good girls have to wait to be a gentleman's wife.
Having been a gentleman's wife it is not what we think might.
Some days can be a rather unhappy site to be a man's wife.
A wife might end up blowing into her kite.
Girls don’t you agree that a lot of men are such mites? Written 1997 - 2000
I love you Antonio my longest lasted lad die.

I love you Antonio my longest lasted lad die.
Why did you go off with another lassie?
You know I love you so madly and sadly.
Now I will never ever have another lad die.
You broken my heart you mean Romano.
I fell in love with you so madly, gladly and sadly Antonio.
You are such a baddie but I love you.
I must be blind not to know that you'd treat me unkind.
Don't you have any love, care understanding on your mind?
I so very much wanted to be your bride so I must get that out of my mind. Written 1996 to 1997.

Too frightened to love and too frightened of being lonely.

You are frightened of being alone but frightened to love the days and nights seem dull.
The future never seems to come because it's hard to believe that things will get better.
You are worried about getting hurt all over again which brings sadness and pain more and more.
You can feel shame, anger, guilt and happiness can be the only word that you aren't feeling at that moment.
You know that you’re not getting any younger and the future seems dull because the present is.
Trying to think about when you were happy is hard.
I can see myself just being an old maid because I can't seem to have trust in men.
Lynn you have taken all my happiness away I hope you will be happier with Antonio than I was.
Antonio you never told me your reason for going off with Lynn, I guess I was never good enough for you.
I just need to learn how to get you out of my head and get on with my life; I should not have hung around where I was not wanted.
When a relationship has ended after such a long time it becomes a big shock.
      Finding the best happiness is hard to find, it could take never or a long time.
Could you be wondering
what could become in the end. Written 1997.

Thank you my loving caring friends.

Thank you for having trust in me.
Thank you for been trusting friends to me.
Thank you for listening to me what I have to say to you all.
Thank you for advising me and talking to me.
Thank you for giving the life that I really want.
I'd like to think I can do the same for you.
Without you I will crack up.
I hope my dream will come true to love again.
Thank you for cheering me up when I am feeling down.
Thank you so much for been there when I needed you.
Thank you for been honest with me; I will try my best to be honest with you.
Thank you for helping me through disappointments in life.
I will be more than happy to help you in every way and all the way.
Most of all thank you all for been very good friends and thank you for been you. 1997 – 2000



One always wonders why we are all ever born.
Our parents fall in love and bring us to the world.
Most parents break and then that cause anger, hurt and pain to us all.
We fall in love and the pain of ended love hurts even more.
Love is like a story, love is like a book; please turn over a lot more than a thousand pages your welcome to have a look.
I have got to the stage of thinking either forever love or no love at all the pain is too much to cope with.
I hope I am wrong in thinking I could be so weak, I hope I become strong.
Will I ever meet my forever love?
I have fallen in and out of love so many times every love I have had has a fairly tale dream story and nightmare in them.
Our dreams will more than likely come true but life is one big dream for you and me. 1996

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