Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 24 August 2015

Starting to move on.

I'd rather be with no one but you.

I know we don't know one another that well yet.
I know we have such a lot to learn about one another.

I understand things are not easy for either of us these days, through no fault of our own.
I know you will know that I don't enjoy these hard situations anymore than you. I like you such lot, as I have got older I have got a bit stronger in my mind and I hope will get even stronger.
I will take whatever there is to take on board and I don't give up.

Through choice there's no one I'd rather be with only you.
I miss you so much but I understand that nothing is yet possible or not at all.

I understand it's not all about how I feel, it's also about you because you have feelings too. 24.12.2009


There's no way I want to cause stress on to you, I like you a lot.
I am sorry the way I feel like I do if that's too much.
I have to be honest I miss you so much.
I don't want to make life hard for you. 15.12,2009

       I don't feel myself.

The weather is so cold.
I miss you so much.
I just feel so low; I don't have any get up and go.
I understand that it's not all about what I want in life, you matter too.
I know it has not been easy for both of us who have had failed relationships like many people. 15.12.2009

I can't sleep.

I can't sleep I have so much on my mind.
 It's twenty to three in the morning.
I just have so much stress that I don't want to put on you.
I am just not thinking straight at the moment.
The weather is even more cold and dark without you. 15.12.2009
I know it's hard.

The days and nights are long without you.
Hours and weeks are even longer.
Mondays and Tuesdays are really shorter; it does not seem as if we see one another for long.
Despite on how hard it is, I don't give up, I like you too much.
With the cold weather having kicked my depression has kicked inside.
All of us could do without Christmas; depression hits everyone this time of year.
Christmas makes me miss my Nan in heaven even more so.
       The days and nights are long without you.
Hours and weeks are even longer.
Mondays and Tuesdays are really shorter; it does not seem as if we see one another for long.
Despite on how hard it is, I don't give up, I like you too much.
With the cold weather having kicked my depression has kicked inside.
All of us could do without Christmas; depression hits everyone this time of year.
Christmas makes me miss my Nan in heaven even more so. 15.12.2009

There’s no easy way to tell you how I feel.

There's no such thing as the last kiss.
You did not seem to care whether I went or not.
You did not seem to care whether you never saw me again or not.
If only I did not care or loved you either.
You never let me know whether you were happy or sad to see me again.
Are you human, are you real or have I been having a strange dream all these years?
I just don't know why I am bothering coming back as there is nothing there for me. Jan 08 – Feb 09

Once I have gone I have gone.
How strong my feelings are for you walking away from you isn’t for me at all.
In fact it’s very hard me to want to walk away from you but I will if I have to.
I know walking would be the right thing to do because I am with a man who doesn’t know whether loves me or not.
You know what this is doing me no good, you are messing with my mind.
 What is there to keep me here as you don’t love me anymore?
I want to go because you don’t love me anymore.
I want to stay because I love you so much.
Ok I understand that I may as well go.
You may well be glad when I have gone but it’s not going to be very easy for me you know.
Ok yes why should you care about how I feel when you want me out?
Just remember though there’s no looking and going back when I have gone.

        I did not want to go or stay.
You don't love me so why am I here?
It does not feel that way.
Why am I hanging around where I am not wanted? Jan 08 – Feb 09

I find it hard to let go.

You are just a hard habit to break.
The worse thing is that you are unsure how you feel.
That does not help my feelings at all.
You have not done yourself any favours.
You have lied to yourself and to me.
Why do you have to leave to me to find out what's going through your mind?
How can I help I am not a mind reader?

     Without yourself knowing it, you have hurt the one you love yet again.
Oh I forgot you don't know whether you love me or not.
It's hard to say what you want because you either won't tell me or you give me different answers.
It does not make it very easy for me to know whether I should stay or go.
My mind tells me that I’m leaving you is and it feels the right thing to do even thought my heart is saying no.

If you feel the same as I do, please send me a letter, text or a call.
I can’t stand to be where I’m not wanted anymore.                                                                                         Jan 08 – Feb 09
If only I could stop loving you.
          Please ask people who we know in pubs if they have seen me.
Don't know why I bothered saying that, I have had enough of been messed round.
I am leaving you one day when I feel strong enough to.
Don't rush into thinking about it too hard Ant it may take forever.

There are plenty more fish in the sea, I just hope the next one knows what he wants in life.
I will get away from this confused man one day; I hope will find someone someday who knows his own mind.
Ant if you don't know what you want after nearly fourteen years, you never will.
Who knows I may never bother with men again but I know I will. Jan08 - Feb 09

First serious love.

It feels as if no one will ever replace you but I don't want anyone to replace you.
I want someone who loves me for me, which is more than I can say for you.
I want someone who knows what he wants in life.
You have known me fifteen yrs on and off but you don't know whether you love me or not.
It sounds as if you don't know what love is, I thought I may have shown you that by now.
Yet you have had girlfriends before me, what a strange man you are.

You should know how I feel about you by now.
Even after all these years, you don’t really understand how much you really mean to me.
You never now tell me whether you feel the same way towards me or not.
Did you ever love me?
You either loved me as much as you could or not at all.
I think I have wasted fifteen yrs loving a man who never loved me.
Your feelings turn on and off like a light.
I don't know why I still feel the same as I did when I first met you.
Come on Ant, that was a long time ago, if you don't know I am serious about you now, you never will. 14.2.09

 I have let this carry on too far.
    I am so sorry that I can't stop loving you but I also understand how you feel too but then you don't know how you feel or what you want.
I wish I could help but I can't someone who does not know what they want themselves.

I wish you did not change your feelings every five minutes, now stop playing with my feelings!
You know very well how I feel about you so you mess me around more.
The way things are I know one day I won't feel the same as I do today.
I will get away from you to make sure that I don't feel the same as I do today anymore.
It's no good changing how you feel then because it could be too late for you.
The more I love you and see you, the more you hurt me.
May be I am wrong but it feels as if you don't have the same feelings as me anymore.
I only wish I did not feel for you this way. 14.2.09

   I must be mad.

Fifteen years now I have loved you for, despite the pain we have been through together.
In time we have become just friends and lovers on and off.
In that time I have written pages and pages of poetry about you, I have even written about you in my diaries.
No matter what happens I will always love you.
No matter what happens despite the way you feel about me, even though it's not the answer I want to hear. 14.2.2009

Valentines Day without love.

You feel alone in the world when you see couples walking down the street and holding hands.
You feel alone the world when you see people with presents and cards.
Why am I bothered?
Valentines Day is waste of time and money mostly when the one you love does not love you anymore.
I write him poetry, a waste of pen and ink but I still write them.

Sara just gets on with life but it's even worse when Valentine’s Day just hits you in the face. 14.2.2009

New start.

It's hard to change completely but I must change most things.
Some things can change but others can't.
Some things we to change, others we don't.
There are other things we have no choice about, you may have to change or don't change or can't change at all.
Some things are easy to change others are not.
It would be a boring life if we were all the same.
There are so many things I should change but I find it hard to let go, like I need to let go of you. Jan 08 - Feb 09

I have been such a fool.
Whatever kind person you are I have loved you for 13 and half years.
I still feel the same to this day but I very soon hope that those feelings will go away.
I can accept friendship but the more I see you the more I love you, you hurt me more because I know you don't feel the same way.
Sometimes you pretend to love me to keep me happy then you tell me you don't to make me sad.

May be you do know what you want but you play me around to hurt me.
As for you, you don't know how you feel towards me so how am I to know?
This is two possible guesses, if only I was a mind reader.
We have been through so many ups and downs together over the years but somehow I am still here for you even though we are just friends.

I have wasted so much time crying, days thinking about you and losing sleep over you.
The headaches and heartaches are just too much, I can't say I know when but I think I will go one day, I have had enough.
I don't know why I hang around anymore; it feels as if you don't feel the same way anymore.
May be you did not feel the way I thought you did.
I must be a complete fool; I am so in love with you it hurts.
I have tried so hard to love others but it did not work.
Many people have thought I had been a fool to put up with you all these years, may be they are right.

I don't know what else to do if I am not wanted in your life anymore.
May be one day I will be strong enough walk away from you like you walked away from me.

                            One day your pain will come.
                          You will miss me more than I have ever missed you.
                                           You may not now think it’s true.
                           You will never know who you have lost until she has gone. Jan 08 - Feb 09

 Love can be dangerous.

What kind of person am I?
Do you like the person I?
Is it fair to say I love the two of you?
Yet I know it’s only fair I have one of you.
Oh love can be so dangerous I don't know what to do.
I don't want to be dangerous I just want to love one of you not two of you.
I don’t want to hurt either one of you but I need to make up my mind.
I need to let one of you go which can be hurtful and dangerous too.
I hate it when feelings get your way, put you at dangerous risk.
I’m not the person to want to hurt anyone I want be faithful and true to the one I love not hurt him.

I find it hard to win because I don't want to hurt any of you.
Whatever I do I feel as if I am hurting someone.
What does it matter chose one or no one at all.
Be friends with the other.
My feelings are hard to control and I am knocking my head on brick walls.
Oh love can be dangerous games to play. 1.6.2004 -  21.8.2014

No matter how hard I try.
     No matter how hard I try nothing seems to be right.
    If only I could fall in love with a person who right for me.
    I have fallen in love too many wrong men.
     People say the one I’m with now isn’t right for me but they may be right but I can’t help the way I feel about him and another ex of mine.
        I will make up my mind even if it kills me, no way am I cheating and lying to anyone, even if either one or both have done the dirty on me.
Somehow my break ups of relationships tend to turn out to be dangerous in the end.
      For a lot of years I have been in love with a man who plays mind games which does my head in.
       One minute he loves me and the next minute he doesn’t.
        If only I didn’t love him so much.

I am not the woman I used to be or the woman I would like to be.
I intend to be faithful that's why I can't cope when I have strong feelings for two people.
I never thought my feelings would make life so hard.
I hate putting myself in the wrong, when life puts on the hard spot.
Love can be a dangerous game to play.

I either have too much choice or no choice at all.
It's a good job I only have the choice of two of you but that's hard enough to make that choose.

     The hardest thing is that I going to have hurt one them because they both in love with me too.
      The trouble is I don’t want to hurt either of them.
The trouble is I don’t want to hurt either of them.
    I have never felt so guilty in my life.
 I hate putting myself in the wrong, when life puts on the hard spot.
Love can be a dangerous game to play.
   I either have too much choice or no choice at all.
It's a good job I only have the choice of two of you but that's hard enough to make that choose. 1.6.2004 – 21.8 2014

When I am with you.

When I am with you, it all seems so true.
When I am without you I feel blue.
If only you knew how much I love you, I have told you enough times.

Please tell me why you lied?
I would sooner die.
When I look into your eyes, you give me so much pride.
Hay, please don't make me cry with all your lies.2000
What’s our future life?

I know something is on your mind.
You keep trying to avoid me, why?
Is there something I should know?
Show me your pride!
Please don't tell me lies.
Please tell me what's on your mind?
Most of the time, you are very kind.

Without you in my life, time will be slow.
In the future, I wonder what I will find.
I'd very much like to be your bride but in plenty of time.
      I will catch you out in lying in plenty of time. 2000

 I remember when our love ended.

You couldn't make your mind what you wanted.
You drove me mad all the time.

I told you, you could have her because I knew you did not want to stay with me.

I may be sad and blue but I still love you.
Good, bad, happy and sad.
For some reason I must be so mad. 2001 onwards

I love you but you hurt me so.

Every day for four years, it all seemed dull and dark.
I found it so hard to move on.
I cried my eyes out when you left me.
I remember the day you met me.
I hope you won't leave me anyone, if you do I am out the door.
I won't ever come back anymore.
So don't give me a call.
I'll miss you again but I will have to stop myself from getting hurt.
I hope one day I will meet someone who loves me for me and doesn't hurt me. 2001 onwards.


Please remain that old flame.
Please don't give me the main blame.
Now the cards have been laid on the table, our love has failed.2000

It is time to make up your mind up.

It's time to make up my mind.
      I need to know if things are going to be the same or are we going to move on with our lives.
It's time to live my life to make up my time.
It's time to empty my mind.

I am yours and you are mine.
Now let's have a great time.
Time to go away; I will be back in a few days. 2000 onwards

You will always find.

I think about you all the time.
You are always on my mind every single time.

This a long song
bong bong.

Our love is with us here forever my dear.2000 onwards.

You have come back in my life.

We were far too young; we fell in love far too young.
We looked at each other and we knew it was love.
Two and years were long for me to feel as if I belonged to you.
Four years of sadness and falling love with someone who I did not even love.
We need to act like adults instead of children.
The door was closed for so long; we never thought the door would open again.
We never thought we'd let one another in again.
We suddenly knew that we had loved one another too long to let go of one another. 26.5.2002

I never felt the same without you.

Walking around the town alone I’m so bored out my head.
I used to think to go to pubs getting drunk out my head, I couldn’t even stand on my own two feet I was that drunk, and you broke my heart so much.

I told your Mum that I would have stop coming down, it was hard facing you in the same room knowing that you did not love me anymore and that you were seeing someone else.
Your Mum told me to take no notice of you even though you were biting my head off, I could not stand anymore.
If it had not been for your Mum telling me not to stop coming you won't have seen me again let alone get back together.
As much as I like your Mum, has her advice made me a stronger person or not?
I know she likes me but I know we are always going be on and off until things go bang!

 Your Mum told me not to let you get to me, even though you were biting my head off.
At the time I was going out of my mind I could not stand to be alive.
I think I had a very bad break down, you having gone off with her hurt me so much.

I must be mad to have you back but I love you so much.
I should not go back to you really but I love you too much not to.
Slowly I knew you will hurt me and break my heart again.

I and your family tried to tell you, you going with her were a big mistake but you knew it all, you would not listen.

When you saw me, you had no interest in me what so ever.
When I walked out of your Mum's door I felt so small.
Now you love me again, I hope the pain has gone forever and for good.
Keep hold of me, there may come a day I may not love you anymore, I may not feel the same towards you as I do now, and it’s only love that has bought me back to you!
What goes around comes around; I treat you like you treat me. 26.5.2002

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