Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 24 August 2015

Life goes on.

How I remember you.

You used to have a heart.
I had your heart.
Now you don't have a heart anymore.
Now you don't love me anymore.
I don't think you ever will love me now. Written September 1997.
 Can you and I be good friends?

No matter what we have put each other through when we were lovers, why can't we be best of friends?
I still love you but as a best male friend.
I can never forget the pain we put one another through.
Life's too short to full out and carry on feeling sad, I am willing to look you in the eye and forget the past.
No matter what happened I find it hard to hate you.
Even if we broke each others' hearts, there’s no hard feeling on my part.
All I want us to be is best of friends, is that far too much to ask?
Through all the time I've known you I have always loved you in any way you wanted me to.
I was once your lover now we know that it did not work, maybe we will be better off as best of friends. 27.2.1999
Time without you.

During the time we have parted my feelings for you kept changing all the while.
My emotions have been all over the place for a while now.
I have been so mixed up with what I wanted and not wanted. I don't know how to feel anymore.
I don't know what to say, all I can say is that I want your friendship.
I have missed you just the same as I did when we were lovers.
I started to write romantic poetry about you to come to terms with us having parted to try and clear all the emotions out of my head.

I wrote about anger.
I wrote about me pain.
In my romantic for you I also felt love.
I have written this poem to say I love you whether you want to be friends or lovers.
Whatever we both say will go our way, I will be happy to say.
Whatever happens I will be happy as long as you are too.
If you need a friend I will promise you I will be there.
You must trust the fact that I accept that we will never be lovers again.
I missed the days that we were lovers but all good things come to an end.27.2.1999

 I needed real friends.

The mistakes I have made are real through my break down when I was 27.
For nearly twelve mouths I was a very heavy drinker.
I drank like a fish seven days and nights a week, shame on me.
I mixed with the wrong people who got me into bother with my drinking but I cut it down when I was ready to.
I caused rows with my family, drank heavy behind and got into rows with other people round me.
I spend all the time worrying about everything.
As soon as I started writing poetry that when I cut down drink I feel more anger about us been apart.15.9.99
Men and love.

What has been missing out of my life?
May be I don't need it, maybe I can do without love of a man.
Not just in a partner but in my own Father.
Where were you when I needed you?
That was a silly question, was it?
All my life, I have felt anger asking myself why I did not see you as child.
My entire Mother's family managed very well with me.
I don't feel like your daughter at all.
For whatever reason you could not see me for you could have seen me for a little while.
You are my Father it seems wrong that you were not around when I was a child. Written 5.7.2000

Summer at last.
       The unhappy winter has on far too long.
Summer is here at last but goes far too fast.
The trees were well covered with green leaves that are dark, light and bright green.
The birds are singing in the leaves and the eves. 1997 – 2000

Just a poem.

How do you write a poem?
In a poem you can write the words that you love.
You write the poem on paper then type it out to put in book.
What subject can you write poetry about?
You can write about friendship.
You can write about love.
You can write about the stars up, high, down and above.
You can write about anything you want and anything that comes to your mind.
Poetry is a shorter way to show your and people's feelings about life without writing a story.
A story book is lovely to read and look. 1997 – 2000

I'm your secret valentine.

Please be my secret valentine.
Wherever you are valentine please come to my mind.
I want someone to love me for me one day at the right time.
I have never met anyone who truly wants to be mine.
I am always told that there's someone out there for someone at sometime.
I don't know if you are hard to find valentine.
Who is the valentine girl for you and who is the valentine boy for me?
Just you wait and see.
Come on valentine guess that I could be? Late 1996 - early 1997

 My mind is all over the place.

There must be men out there as true as Antonio.
Where are these men to be?
Why can't I find a love who wants me for me?
Why can't I love who I want to be with?
Why who I want be with will he be with me?
Why can't his feelings match mine?
Still life is not all about me. Written midsummer to autumn 1997.
  At times I feel a breaking down point.

Never take too much on that you can't cope with.
Never have anything to do so your life won't be full filled.

There's no such word as psychology when the human brain is hard to understand.
There are no real answers to why we think like we do.
Its worse when the mind is confused and when the person does not know what to do.

If there are no heads, there are no brains.
Brain is not a word: it's just inside the mind of one's head.
It just gives one a message to tell them what to say.
As human beings, we are not clever; we just say what our brains tell us to say which normally a load of rubbish anyway. 12.6.2005

 Most things you love aren't good for you.
Sugar and sweets are bad for your teeth.
Spice can give you the wind, which can smell everything and everybody away from you.
It’s time to go to the loo.
I hate going to the dentist as they poke around in your teeth and month.
I love a fried breakfast on a Saturday morning after a skin fall of drinks on a Friday night.
Too much of what you love does you no good.

They don't know about being disabled. 

     They shouldn't look at us as if we are mad.
They shouldn't look at us as if we are sad.
They seem to think more of the bad in us than good.
They should not badly of us at all.
They look at us to say and think we are useless and helpless.
They shouldn't judge us for what they see and hear of us.
 It doesn't mean there are no disabilities just because they don't see them.
       It doesn't mean we are useless and helpless either.
Whichever way they shouldn't judge us to get us misunderstood.
They don't know about (being disabled) that's why they misunderstand us. 3rd - 4th March 2013

Lost love.
I have tried to close my eyes to sleep.
When I closed my eyes I have wept.
When the night has turned to morning I couldn't hardy eat?
 It was nearly winter time when you left my side.
What a time to leave me to weep?
What did I think?
I wanted to give you roses.
I wanted to give you love.
You ask me to move on but how can I when I have no more love to give?
Where is the next fella?
How can I love him after having loved you so long?
Will he be better than you?
I have a feeling I am blind to your love but I love you too much to see. 1997 - 2014

Time to move on.
Now you have gone for good the days and nights are getting longer than before we parted.
Even thought we didn’t spend a lot a time together it’s almost as if part of my life is missing, now I’m missing you more than I did before.
Although I will see you again as just friends this will take some getting used to knowing it won’t be the same as before.
It’s good there was no lies, fall out or cheating but our future is unknown.
Don’t worry not a lot is different than before after all, your secret is still safe with me just the same as when we were together.
I need to write poetry to keep myself stable and to help me move on.
I need to learn to accept what you want.
As friendly as we are, it takes it’s our time to get used to the small change we had.
I don’t regret a single minute of the short time I spend with you.
I understand why it had to end but I won’t lie to say I would love to go back again. 30.10.2012

Washing machine.
It seems as if the world has been a complete wash out.
The washing machine seemed to be going on forever.
The timer was set for 30 minutes as it went on longer that.
  It stopped I went to the shops.
The door took ages to open as the water came down like a shower onto the floor.
Quick as I could I grab what I could soak the water on the floor.
Strangely when I saw the news on the internet, American was up to their necks in water with the Super Sandy storm.
The stormy sea causing damage to homes, power cuts and electrically is still going on and off.
Anything, everything and everybody in sight the storm will bring it down with a fright. 31.10.2012

Halloween and Bonfire night.

Halloween and bonfire night near together as Halloween gets ready for bonfire night.
It all happened on two stormy dark nights not a very nice sight when nothing is very bright.
Oh what a wet and windy night not a pretty sight.
The creatures are stirred in the soup by the witches on Halloween night ready for Bonfire night.
The witches were burned alive on the Bonfire.
The sea is rushing on this wet and stormy night.
The night wasn’t very bright when it was wild and windy not a pretty sight.  
Halloween is when the witches bite as they fly on their brooms and kites.
Nothing seems right on Halloween and Bonfire night.
The witches don’t give without a fright to fight. 31.10.2012 – 5.11.2012

I know tIhe truth hurts.
I know the truth hurts yet there's no one to blame, which is a good thing.
Never the less the truth hurts to lose your love.
Through non blamed reasons the feelings are hard to go away.
Just because I'm calm with you when I see you it doesn't mean I don't hurt.
May be I'm wrong but all the same I still have a lot of trust in you.
I still want to be your friend even though I can't be your lover anymore.
How are you feeling, are you happy or sad to lose me?
I may not have cried or showed any signs of heartache but believe me it's all there.
I'm still strong but my emotions are there whether anyone can see them or not,
I'm coping alone because I've had so many heartaches before now.
All good things come to the end of our love.
To me you were the best better than all the rest and you still are.
If only I knew what was going through your mind,
I wonder how long it's been since you have gone off me. 5.11.2012

No more.
I took on your world because I loved you.
The most hurtful thing is that I still love you.
Yes I had the chance to say no to your world but I liked you so much.
It even hurts now to lose you but I know you had your reasons to do so.
As much as I want to accept that it's over its not easy.
Writing these poems keeps me coping. 5.11.2012

You turn on and off like a light.
I can take no more of your pain, your mind turns on and off like a light.
One minute your mind rains then it shines.
I never know how long you are mine.
You can never make up your mind.
My head is blowing a fuse in the wind.
If I take anymore of your change the fuse will blew.
You change like the weather winter, spring, autumn and summer in a quick matter of time.
If the water catches the wires it pulls out the fire.
If I let you carry on, I will blow a storm that will rise.  30.10.2012

Winter is coming.
Winter is coming; the cold is coming without you, which makes it even colder.
Dark mornings and nights as the cold frost bites
The days are short and the nights are long.
Six mouths go on forever after when the clocks go back.
Time seems later than what it is.
The cold is far too long without you. 30.10.2012

The stormy sea.
The boats are sinking as the tide goes in and out as people shout floating about.
Most people dream about living near the sea you see.
See sea water rushing into homes the sea is not the place to be you see.
The sea can be a nightmare as well as a dream you see.
It’s not all what it all cuts out to be you see.
Furniture damage, power cuts, and electrically is still going on and off.
The wind blew with the rain and sea damaging the trees and everything to be seen.
As the sea stops rushing it will calm down in time.
The boats will peacefully float.
The sun rises to set as it shines surfing, slipping and sliding.  31.10.2012

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