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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 20 August 2015

What is Learning Disability and Mental Health Awareness?

This is just a brief introduction of what learning disability and mental health awareness is about.
Learning disability and Mental health awareness is learning disability and mental health education. I know that sounds confusing but what it means is people with disabilities and health problems teaching people without people with disabilities and health problems about disabilities and health problems. I do agree that sounds a right tongue twister but there’s no easy way to put it in a short way.
Whether people with disabilities and health problems like it or not we are put on this earth to have disabilities and health problems but why would we like it? All the same this how is whether other people like it or not. All the same people with disabilities and health problems have rights to a life as much as anyone.
 No one is saying that everyone in the world without disabilities and health problems dislikes us but then as a nation and society I guess a lot of people would be shocked to how much of society, the system and etc have not got the time a day for people with disabilities and health problems to a point we hopeless, useless, pointless, worthiness, hard work to others, cost the country where we born a lot of money and almost as if we shouldn’t have been born in the first place. No one should be made feel as if they don’t belong in this world should they? Anyone would think we’d plan the way we are when we didn’t. Why should we be made to feel guilty for having disabilities and health problems when we are not to blame?
 I am not say you personally are against people with disabilities and health problems if the truth is known you are not against us at all but as a society and nation let’s stop treating us like we are not real people, we may have disabilities and health problems but we are human beings just like people without.  
Let’s think about your life and our life, if you think what’s involved it’s not much different to your but we just need the right support for it to be equal to us. Like you we are all different ages and we come from different generations. For most of us it’s not too late to make a difference but for the new people that have come into this world that have disabilities and health problems let’s improve their lives better than the last and past generations have been. Think about what you have got or even had that someone else may need the right to access whatever in their lives. Here are some ideas.

·       Health
·       Home
·       Nursery/ play school
·       School
·       College
·       Job
·       Learning to drive
·       Leaving home
·       Partner/ relationship/marriage
·       Children
  • ·       Social lives
 Education in learning disability and mental health is teaching people without to teach, support, may be care for and understand people with disabilities and health problems depending what line of work you do.  For example if you are a Learning Disability nurse work in a care home you care, if you work in school, college or university you teach. In most jobs you do all of those. You may even do different things if you're in University to build you up to the job you want to do. You may teach or and train people with disabilities health problems to do with things for themselves like shopping, cooking, travel training and etc. Here's at least one disability affects people from doing these everyday skills without support http://tophealthlogics.com/what-is-dyspraxia-how-is-dyspraxia-treated/ 


So what is involved in learning disability and mental health education? Here some things you will learn.
·       Introduction to learning disability and mental health.
·       Different kinds of disabilities and health problems.
·       Accessible information (Easy Read) where you can learn how to make information easy for people to read and understand.

·        Communication how you can learn to communicate with people with disabilities and health problems for example learning sign language when communicating with people who are deaf. 

Learning disability nursing is real nursing just like other nursing because we are real people like other people so we are human beings like other people. Another reason why Learning Disability nursing and Mental Health nursing is real is because the lives of people with disabilities and health problems matter as well as yours. We are human beings just like you, we just need more help and support than you.

 I agree there’s a lot of work in Learning Disability nursing compared to other nursing because for example  communication needs, support needs, a lot of people need information easy read and etc.

Learning Disability and Mental Health can come together it can be one other the other. Bear in mind that a lot of health problems do link to disabilities.

There may be some old reports on her some information if not all information may still be in but still possibly teach you a lot. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/ouch/2011/12/disability_news_roundup_assist.html

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