Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 24 August 2015

Poetry handouts.

Learning Disability, health problems and careers.

As you all may be aware that I have done some work on this website not so long back on famous people with disabilities and health problems. As you fame isn’t the be all and end all, it doesn’t make anyone special to anyone else. All people with disabilities and health problems ask for is equal lives to other people the right support.
 There again the governments can be rather on the way they see things. Unless you really can’t move and you’re in complete real seriously in pain and very unwell, there may be limits but everyone can do something.
 I have had many people say including people with disabilities and health problems themselves that government should create jobs for people with disabilities and health problems. Many people with disabilities and health problems have some kind of talent, it’s like it’s more a hobby then a job, then if they died it’s the only time many others notice.
 For example I watched a you tube click on I think was Vincent Van Gogh well whoever it was he only had one piece of work notice.
I myself have been writing since I was twenty – years of age. I tried short stories, my life story and poetry but I think I have had more success with poetry but then not really. I had a poem published in each of eleven books but it was costing a lot for the books. Before this year is out I will be writing new poems but at the moment I am updating poems on this website that I have been writing since I was twenty – years of age in fact few I may of wrote when I was a little bit younger than that. Just you know complete order I must say.

 This is a topic that’s hard to write because I guess everyone’s opinion is going to be different then it would be boring if it was all the same.

I still love you.

I still love you but it hurts so bad I only wish my feelings weren't as strong as what they are.
If only I could make things easy for you because I know friendship is all you want.
If only I could let go but to me you're so special.
Every time I look my phone I keep expecting you to phone or text, I have to tell myself not to expect it anymore.
I walk round with a smile on my face in front of others for them not to know how I'm feeling inside and reasons why.
As our relationship was so private so is our break up.
Not having anyone to talk to with about the way my emotions are is hard.
I bet you feel hurt the same too.
It’s like no day goes by. 5.1.2013

Feelings are strong.

I keep hoping I will feel alright tomorrow then when tomorrow comes I feel worse.
I feel empty, lost and alone than ever, even though I didn't see a lot of you when I was seeing you.
 When we were seeing one another I wondered how you were feeling about me because I was missing you so much, this was what I was trying to ask you in the text the night our love ended. It wasn't pointless for me because I knew I had your love to look forward to but how was it for you?
I keep hoping you'd love me again I know it's not possible.
I thought it wouldn't make difference as I didn't see a lot of you but it makes a lot of difference to me what about you?
The strong feelings are still there hard to control.
I keep thinking it will get' easier but no it gets harder.
I know I need to give it its own time to heal and carry living without your love.
I understand reasons why you ended it, even so it really hurts more that there was no pain between us to end it even though I can gladly say we didn't hurt one another during the time we were seeing one another.
I just keep thinking about you all the time. 5.1.2013


We Parted in silence.

We loved in silence.
We parted in silence.
The pain of losing you is hard to accept.
Secret break up is not talked about.
A secret is why nothing is said.
There were no falling outs.
Very little we saw one another when we did see one another.
Reasons for breaking weren't a fault of ours or anyone’s.
It didn't turn out to be.
Reasons why known to ourselves really.
 Who knows what's to be.
Wait and see! 6.1.2013

January blues.
January skies are dull not blue but all feel a bit sad and blue in January.
    I felt low before, during and after Christmas.
Everyone feels low this time of year.
Winter time is a time of break ups, which makes you feel the January blues more.
I've cried so many times over the years over break ups, I have no tears to cry anymore.
I have eaten too much over Christmas and stuffed in January.

Now I show my emotions by eating less and less instead.
People are slowly going back to work.
In time I know I need to get myself together to face the busy world yet again. 6.1.2013
Slow down Tiger Tim.

Thank you for my card dear heart.
Slow it's far too soon to get randy, have you been drinking too many brandies? Ha ha
Slow down we haven't even met yet.
It's far too soon to hit the bed yet.

 Slow down Tiger Tim if you wait as long as it takes you will win me in.
A romantic meal between me and you is the way I think about you.
  When the time comes to cuddle up to a romantic DVD, then you will be able to see what you think about me.
I love you King Tiger Tim babe between us we can make love, poetry and new wave.
I am here when you are stress to keep you tame my King Tim Tiger Babe.

I know through these times of trouble and stress that you are very brave babe.
I love you my King Tiger Tim babe without any shame my loving brave babe.
With I will be sane and safe as I come to get you off the streaming train babe.
14.2.2013 - 3.12.2013

Happy New Year 2014.

New Year yet I am well behind in my poetry.
Christmas and New Year has come and gone like a book that's opened and closed.
Nothing seems to change yet time never stands still this life.
As the year ends it's another chapter in your life that doesn't always change at that time.
A new year and a year old to come then a new year becomes an older, closes then there's a new year again until the day we died.
It's so unknown why we are born as we are going to die.
When? Is a question of time?

What's it all about?

We are Closing the old year starting with Christmas to say goodbye to the old year and hello to a new year.
Christmas is fun for children in toys and games but then today it's more IT.
For adults it's too much to eat and drink.
We adults hate the cost but we must think of the children.
Life is no fun today when adults are paying all year round.
Let's not be tight with money when have homes to keep, months to feed and bills to pay. 1.1.2014

Now I need to sort out my life.

The years are rolling by.
Like us all I am not getting any younger but I only hope I'm getting wiser.
Time is running so fast but life is too short to waste.
No where to run and nowhere to hide.
I can't affront to waste any time but without meaning to that's what I seem to do, I must be going out of my mind.
Long before now I have for loves that were blind, in time I will see if I have got it right this time. 1.1.2014

You make me feel. 

When I speak to you on the phone and face to face, you make me feel so special, you just have something that no one has and had.
You bring butterflies in my stomach.
You fill my mind with far too many loving thoughts.
You wouldn't believe how much in 2014, I want to see a little more of you than I did in 2013.
       It's almost a year since I started chatting to you on the disabled dating site, nearly year my dear.
Nothing this life runs without any fears my dear.
Let's hope with you I will see my life and the world more clearly my dear.

My mind is non - stop thinking and wondering when I will see you again but whenever it is you are worth the wait.
I know when  each of our dates have been over when you go back on the train, my eyes fill up with tears of water flowing like the sea.

     This is what you do to me, I miss you so much but if we wait long enough the time will be right in time.
This is how you make me feel; to me you are worth waiting for. 2.1.2014

Bring in 2013.

Here I am finding it hard to know what to write.
Recover from a hangover on New Year’s Day from New Year’s Eve.
The hangover is slowing me down to think and write.
With what's gone last year new will be to come this year.
The future is unknown to us all.
We've laughed, worried and cried.
We've just got on with life.
Life is full of good and bad, it would be boring if it was all the same. 1.1.2013

Too easy to hurt the one you love.

It's too easy to hurt the one you love.
At same time you hurt yourself knowing it's wrong thing for you do for them and you.
It's so hard to understand why when it hurts so deep inside.
Why did I send you that text knowing full well how strong my feelings are for you?
Why did I get myself so misunderstood?
Yet I know what you'd say it's my own silly fault.
You are so right and I'm so wrong.
Oh what a silly mistake to make knowing it's too late.
Why didn't I leave things alone, I would did I let you go?
Loneliness is going to be there for me a long time to come or it's loneliness for good.
It will take a long time for me to feel the same for someone else as I do for you.
To me it will take someone more than special to fill your space after my silly mistake.
 Loneliness can be hard to take.
Why did I let you slip through my fingers like a foal?
 Now I have nothing to look forward to, my own fault I shouldn't have let you go. 2.1.2013

If only you knew.

If you knew how different I am to what you think I am.
With very little time we had together when we were together, it gave us very little time to get to know one another.
Little do you know that I enjoyed our time apart as well as our time together?
It didn't matter to me as long as you were mine and I was yours at the end of the day.
That's what I miss most of all knowing that in time we had time along.
Now our time alone is gone I feel empty and lost without you.
If only you knew how much I loved you, which has now given me an even harder time getting over you now it's over.
It breaks my heart to know that you're not my anymore. 3.1.2013


Coping without you.

No bed is empty without you.
Why did you come back that Saturday night, you knew I didn't feel the same way as I do.
You must have known I wouldn't let you sleep with me.
You thought you had the chance with me because you came back that Saturday night.
You think I still feel hurt by you but that's where you’re wrong.
You think one night I am going to come knocking you door again so you can shut the door in my face.
Why would I waste my time on someone I don't even love?
I spent a lot years wasting a lot of time, tears and sleep over you.
Now I'm not the person you knew, you only thought I'd stay weak forever, that's where you're wrong.
I was sick and tired of you dumping me every time you got bored with me.
I was sick and tired of hoping you would change when there was no chance of that.
I was sick and tired of coming back in your life when you got bored with and without me.
You were never happy whether I was in or out of your life so now I am gone for good.
In the end the only time you wanted me was when you were very drunk. 3.1.2013


One day I know it will happen.

I know the next person you will meet will be better than me.
Strangely enough a while before I started seeing you I thought you were married with kids.
I thought that there's something very nice about you.
I felt the same as you but I tried to stopped myself in case you all ready had someone in your life at the time.
I hope one day I will meet someone as nice as you again.
It hurt me so much to have lost you.
The time we had together felt so good.
I know it could be a long time until I get love like yours again if ever.
You were the best thing to happen to me ever yet.
I am glad to say there was no lying, cheating and or beating but having lost someone so special has hurt me more than ever. 3.1.2013

How much can I take?

I feel tears in my eyes that I can't cry because you didn't hurt me.
The only thing that hurt me was that I lost you.
What on my mind is too private to say as I still respect you all the same as before even though we're not together anymore?
I always knew that one day the change will come to me if it's not to be.
I tried not to build my hopes.
 Never say I won't love again.
Never say I won't get hurt again.
You still touch my heart, it's so hard to see you as just a friend even though I saw very little of you when I was seeing you.
It will be hard to know to cope if I ever will love anyone else.
Since I have hit my 40s I have loved spending a lot of time on my own but having something special to look forward to.
Now I feel empty now that it's gone, knowing that love will be a very time to come again, which breaks my heart.
How many men will trust me to be faithful to them if I don't see them very often?
How many men will be faithful to me if I don't see them very often?
How many men will cope without a woman like I can without a man as long as possible? 3.1.2013

How do we manage?

How do we manage with all these cutbacks?
How we manage with all these debts?
Even the banks are in debt.
How can the banks give out loans when they are in debt knowing a lot of people can't manage to pay them back?
How are we all still alive with so little money?
How have we become so greedy in a small country like Britain spending money we haven't got?
Kids having kids so they can leave home and don't have to go to work, this is taking lot money.
Many people who sign on still manage to drink all day and night in the pubs; this is encouraged by pubs been open 24 hours a day.
There are too many people in this country.
There are too many people not born in this country.
I have nothing against people who weren’t born in this country but this country is far too small to hold far too many people.
We are spending money we haven't got so the list goes on. 4.1.2013

The wind is blowing so lond.

The wind is blowing so loud I can't hear a thing.
I know there's a lot of sounds are going on around me.
Now the wind is so strong it's making me fly up into the air.
Now the wind is strong it's bringing me down to the ground.
Now I'm blowing in the air as my hair is sticking up on end.
I have no control with the wind as I'm blowing up and down like a Jack in the box. 4.1.2013

Next one to be.

Next one to be is to be as special as you.
I know I won't get you back again, even though I didn't want to lose your love.
I know it will take a long time for me to date or never at all. 4.1.2013
I know your out of your mind.

What is there to talk about?
I know if I go along with what you want, I will get hurt again.
I'm not going along with your mind games again.
I'm not going to be there for you to dump me when you get bored.
I'm not going to be there for you to love when you feel alone.
I feel alone but I don't need you at all.
I have a feeling now I'm single you won't want me no more until I meet someone else.
Why should I travel all the way down to yours to have the door shut in my face knowing that I haven't been down to yours for so long?
I have coped without you long enough why should I need you now?
What's the point when you aren't going to achieve hurting my feelings anymore?
I would be lying to go down and see you when I know there's no need when I don't love you anymore.
You can't hurt me anymore.
Why should I have the door shut in my face by a man I don't love anymore?
I don't cry over you anymore, I cried enough when I did love you and you hurt me a lot more. 5.1.2013

Don't think because I'm alone you are back in my life!
          I Don’t need you or your help!
          Only because I'm alone doesn't mean I'm free to love anyone for a long time.
As far your mind works, I'm not a free woman because you don't know I'm single.
I want to move forward not back in my life.
I don't need you to mess my head around anymore.
Now I'm staying away from you.
Don't think because I'm alone that I'm coming back into your life because I'm not.
I will make sure that you won't know whether I'm single or not.
I'm keeping away from you so you don't get your chance to love me to hurt me again.
Love, you don't even know what the word love means.
May be I am lonely but it's better than being with you to hurt me all over again like you have so many times before.
How many chances do you want?
If you think I am wasting the rest of my life on you, then the news is bad for you.
I'm not giving you a anymore chances for you to love me to hurt me again.
I find it hard to forgive and forget what you did to me.
Why should I forgive you at all?
I used to find it hard to stop loving now I find it hard to love again.
Why would I try to love you again after what you put me through?
Now I just have no trust in you yet once I believed in you so much.
I should never have gone back to you, I should have known better than giving you another chance.

I don't need your help.
Why should I cry to you over another man?
I can cope alone.
I don't need you to make things any worse for me than you have done.
No pain is as bad as what you put me through.
It was all a long time ago I don't need you at all.
Don't think because I am alone that I am yours!
That's where you think wrong.
            I want someone who knows what and who he wants.
Now you have lost your chance to love me again.
You knew I used to love you so much that you played with head.
After losing you it took a long time to get my life back together again.
Little did I realise that I was better off without you, how blind was I?
Everyday I used to hope that you'd change but you just got worse.
Just because I'm alone it doesn't mean you can touch me because I feel nothing for you.
You are nothing at all.
You may laugh now because I'm alone, it may be a long time but I'm more than willing to get back on my feet again so I won't be alone forever.
You don't break me anymore.
I have got my life back together before, I will love again but not you.
I feel nothing for you anymore.
You never loved me and cared for me as much as I did for you.
You didn't love me as much as I thought you did.
You didn't love me at all.
 I can't believe I loved a man for 13 and a half years on and off who didn't love me.
Our relationship was based on you lying about your feelings towards me.
I was too blind in believing in you.
It’s time for me to move on.
It's time for me to stop turning up on your door step. 5.11.2012 - 5.1.2013


Don’t need your help don’t need you.

I don't need your help.
Why should I cry over you anymore?
I can cope alone without you.
I don't need you to make things any worse for me than you have done.
No pain is as bad as what you put me through.
It was all a long time ago I don't need you at all.
Don't think because I am alone that I am yours!
That's where you think wrong. 5.1.2013


I broke down when I lost your love.
I stopped I couldn't keep on.
I thought this could be the end of me, I never thought I couldn’t carry on.
Years later I realized that you weren't worth losing my life over.
I was just feeling torn inside myself which was making me think I couldn't carry on without your love.
Now I don't love you anymore I don't know what all the fuss was about was.
It all seemed like a long road that was never going to end.
I never thought my mind would ever stop travelling through the journey of you.
   In time there was a bright light that shone through which was the day I stopped loving you.
I thought to myself I'm alright I've won the fight as I woke from a nightmare that was once a dream.
It was like a very long sleep that woke me up back to life.
In the end it was like, you weren’t real as if you were just all just in my mind. 1st June 2014 to July 2014

you anger on my mind.
You caused me so much pain inside.
You left me burning up inside like you have set me on fire.
You cut me up like a knife.
I spend twenty years of my life going from strong to weak.
I used to think that one day I was going to end my own life but then you’re not worth it at all.
I feel nothing for you no more.
The man who I thought who loved me never loved me at all.

I just need to get you off my mind.
My love for you was for real but your love for me was false.
How I loved you for such a long time but now I don’t like you at all.
Now I regret so much that I let you poised my mind with your mind games not knowing what you want.
Really when I think about it you didn't love me at all.
When I learned that I don't love you anymore, you then pertained you wanted me back, I’ve known you long enough to know that what you say it is lies and mind games.
Now I have known you so long to a point I don’t know you at all.
I don’t think I ever knew you; you were just all in my mind.
Now time to move on and stop going mad.
Now if I still felt the same way as I used to you'd only hurt me again, I won’t this happen anymore because I will not won’t let you hurt me again.
You can't hurt me anymore because I feel nothing for you no more nothing at all.
You've chewed me up and spat me out.
You've lied to me and lied to yourself.
You've made yourself out to be someone you are not.3rd June 2014 to 1st July 2014

The text message.

Why didn't you text me to say you love me.
I know the reason why you never loved me you just used me.
I was so blind to realize I loved a man at the time who never loved me.
I wasted 13 and half years on and off loving you.
You wasted 13 and a half years with a woman you pretended to love me but didn't.
I once thought you didn't me anymore but I don't think you ever loved me at all.
Why say you loved me when you didn't?
I used to think that you didn't want to hurt but you did.
When I last wrote this poem I was as soft as a brush but not anymore.
I should have stood up to you so long but what I thought I couldn't have it out with you without proof.

If you have done what I have always thought you've done then you've got away with a lot.
You must have enjoyed going around thinking I couldn't work you out but how wrong you were.
I had a rough idea what you were up to but I wasn't complenty sure but I got away from you just in case in the end.
I couldn't please you either way could I?
You hurt me so much yet sadly I loved you so much, now I wonder why I did?
I must have been blind to have loved you all that time.
At the time I had a good mind to have sent this text to you but it was too long to send.
In the end I felt so unloved.
Getting you to understand how much I really loved you was too much hard work.
Now it's far too late because I don't love you anymore. 24.6.2007 - 24, 6.2014

 I thought I knew him.

There was nothing good about him when I think about it now even though at the time I thought he was wonderful.
Now I realize how wrong I was to get with the wrong sort yet it felt so right at the time.
I was waiting and hoping for too much at that time, it did me no good.
I shouldn’t have fallen for him, if only I knew then what I know now.
My feelings were far too strong to say no and walk away.
Yet now I feel nothing for him at all.
I thought I understood him but I didn't yet I loved him so much at the time.
I thought he was so good at the time but he wasn't, our love was so blind.
In this life there's no warning of the human mind.
There's no warning when love starts.
Unknown is finding out for one's self.
Nothing led me to fall for him other than love.
I only wish I hadn't of loved him so much.
I was too blind to see that we were falling apart all these years.
Now after a long time I have learned to build back up that love and trust to love someone else.
My love now like my love before is so unknown, I'm yet to find out even though I love him so much.30.6.2014

Good 2013. 
I don't think anyone believed at the time that I wasn't looking for love.
One thing I never said that I was just feeling very low at that time but that wasn't the reason I ended up falling in love.
I started chatting you on the dating site but to start with I saw you as friend then my feelings became strong.
Ok, I went on the disabled dating site online, In the first place I wanted to chat to be people but I will honest at that time love was the last thing on my mind.
I spoke to a few people before you; I have to say that they weren't my kind of friends never mind my kind of lovers.
With what I had gone through before you, love was the last thing on my mind until at least a month after I started chatting to you.
As time went on my feelings started to get stronger towards you just after our second date in May, I have never looked back since. 2.1.2014


We had a fair few mouths of summer last year we can only hope for the same if not this summer in 2014.
It was quite a change around after the complete wash out of rain summer 2012.
Therefore I was excepting a very early heavy winter the end of 2013, when I guess it's yet to come the start of 2014.
How strange we don't get a white Christmas very often now, which mostly happened long before the 2000s.
The 2000s have been full of fireworks and storms with so much rain it's been hard to keep the fire burning to keep warm.
No wonder we are depending on centre heating and the bills are running high. 2.1.2014


Last day of 2013.

I can only be honest that I haven't had a bad year that year.
Life isn't always same for everyone there's been ups and downs.
In my mind I had a good year thanks to you and my career.
Hopefully now its 2014 things can only get better.
Before I met you I was never really lucky in love, although I thought I was.
Feelings can make you hope and except too much which is hard not to do when you’re in love.
The last day of 2013 seemed hard to close the chapter or the book but I can only hope 2014 is even better.
Like everything for everything life is full of ups.
 Downs, happy and sad.
Ok things are getting harder and the world is going mad but life goes on until we die. 2.1.2014

 The way I feel about you.
        Love is you and me.
You and I loving each other is the main thing that counts.
The best thing about each other is both of us.
No strings attached we don't run or control one another's lives.
We are our own people we are ourselves.
We love each other at the end of the day in each and every way.
When I spoke to you for the first time I saw you as a very good friend I never thought you'd become my lover.

 Many people thought I was looking for love on the disabled dating, to start with what I had been through before I met you love didn't cross my mind.
The more I was talking to you online the more my feelings were growing stronger towards you.
Now the stronger I feel I don't want to lose your love.
I love your personality sense of humour but most of all I love you.
If only we could love each other more to keep each other warm. 21.2.2014

 We need to get to know each other more.

We need to get to know each more.
We need to start dating more; my feelings like yours are getting stronger and stronger.
It's surprising just by chatting online a lot that we can create just a bond together that's so strong by talking on the phone, online and text.
Despite of living so far apart we still need to find a way of seeing each other not only to get to know one another but by having a loving contact together.
You have given happiness even in that little time we have spent together to love one another.
It's good to hold onto who we have who are each other.
I have learned in the end that no love has been worth it if they break your heart you haven't hurt me so far. 22.2.2014

Love is.

We all think we know what love is but then we don't unless we grow old together.
We all think we are in love; we are not unless we can handy eat anything and sleep.
Yet we can still dream even though we are not a sleep.
Life goes on with or without love.
There's no love without you.
I love you for you.
As we carried on chatting online my bond towards you got stronger.
To me you're so special.
You're always in my heart.
Life still carries on whether you there or not.
You are the purpose of my life.
Soon we will be in each other's arms. 23.2.2014


My love was blind.

My love was once blind.
Everyone could see in him what I couldn't see.
I must have been out of my mind as well as blind not to see.
I must have seen years of dark then came the light.
I realized he wasn't the man I thought, why did it take me so long?
He wasn't love I hoped; I only dreamt he was no love at all.

 It took me so long to see that he wasn't love for me to be.
It may have taken me so long but at least I realized some day.
Better to realize some day than not at all.
Now thank goodness I don't feel a thing for this man who hurt me anymore. 23.2.2014

 I was woken by the wind.

I was woken by the wind.
 Thought this was the start of the end.
I let it carry on far too long because my love was so strong.
I hoped for too much but I shouldn't have done.
I accepted more than what I was going to get but my feelings were far too strong for far too long.
I should have walked away a long time before I did but my feelings were far too strong to walk away altogether.
In time I knew I'd walk away one day then I did, I just never thought I could.
It was only my feelings keeping me where I was.
It was my feelings that made me give him chance after chance.
He knew how much I loved him, he thought he could walk in out my life as much as he wanted to but he was wrong.
When he hurt me again I couldn't cope anymore.
When I didn't feel anything anymore couldn't cope because he didn't have me to love and hurt again.
In fact in my mind now he didn't love me at all he just played games with my mind. 24.2.2014

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