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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 23 May 2021

Different disabilities that cause difficulties

 One way all disabilities cause difficulties with most everyday living skills, which is what everyone learns in everyday life, how to look after their health, education, employment, socializing, etc, which don't just mean the public skills such as learning to read and write and at school then maybe achieve a qualification in college.

 Everyone learns but most need support with personal skills as well such as getting out of bed, washing, getting dressed doing breakfast, eating breakfast, going to work, shopping, cooking, etc.

This doesn't mean people with disabilities cannot go to college, university, work, etc but in different people in different ways support needs putting in place traveling, support in the workplace, support in college university, etc, which gives them an equal life to other people even those for some if not most there may be limits. Such as if they like if they are on certain benefits that only allow them to do a certain amount hours only for a certain amount of money when working. 

 Most skills become easy for most people as they have been trained from childhood but most need more or and have support but for those who have disabilities etc it's not so easy. Therefore' most people may think there's nothing people with disabilities can do, which is not true just certain things they need support in and others they can do alone. You may well ask me doesn't everyone who faces disabilities faces the same difficulties? The answer is no, and the reason for this is because different disabilities cause different difficulties, this could also depend on the people themselves too.  https://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/careers-and-work-disabled-people  https://www.scope.org.uk/employment-services/support-to-work-register/?gclid=CjwKCAjw-qeFBhAsEiwA2G7NlzMsEC_KrF9oq-H8bHZxTQm-D6gV02kKn3Yw3Dx4UbGZlpbn8uXyAxoC_wgQAvD_BwE  https://www.mencap.org.uk/advice-and-support/employment-services

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