Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 16 May 2021

Giving everyone all ages a voice about disability, Mental health, other problems whether we face them or not.

 Everyone having a voice about disability, mental health, and other problems whether we face them or not I think and feel is an important thing. In the past, we have lived a world of been seen and not heard, mainly when we have been children, we don't want children, teenagers, young adult even people of all ages to feel like that today.

 Unless it's me but it used to be seen as most things you shouldn't know about to even talk about but if you were very young children, for example, it was possible the things you didn't know or wasn't supposed to happen to you, so didn't know what they were to say so you didn't have the voice to tell a grown-up they happen, let's not let children or anyone feel that way anyway anymore! Yes, I agree we have come a long way since then but we still have a long way to go, more needs to be done.

 This may be not just with services etc, parents, family, carers, partners, social workers, support workers, professionals, etc. Okay, we have more protection out there than we did so 20 to 40 years ago and more. Yes, crime checks are a good idea but it's not necessary to full protection in everything. However, there's not much that can be done about it either, which is why giving everyone a voice who wants one is important but then we all understand for most people it is easy said than done.

 A website called Confidence Emotional Supportline gives a number of issues that it can give help to, in fact, loads, which are a list longer than one's arm. Such as Anxiety, depression, bullying, abuse, more etchttps://www.supportline.org.uk/problems/cancer/ helpline 01708 765200 email info@supportline.org.uk, there is also young minds, Mind, rethink, etc. 

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