Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 16 May 2021

Positives in learning disability, Mental health and other problems

 Roughy the end of last month very starts of this, I created a post letting everyone know about Mencap's learning disability month in June, which is creative, after over month roughy, writing a lot on Mental health awareness though it's important and about people struggling one way or another but it's not just about that but the positives we can try to empower, I am going to work my hardest to work on the positives, not just on arts, talents, etc but careers as well. Even though learning disability month isn't until the 14th till the 20th of June with Mencap, it's with me now. 

Empowering is about suggesting and empowering is about choice, meaning no matter what we do and don't think, it is up to the person themselves, even though what we may suggest is only through our concern for them. It may be that they may want to go with something we say but saying and doing feels like a different for them, they may consider in the future not now or not at all but it's something they do think about or bear in mind.  

Okay, there are certain things in life we have to do, whether we like it or not that is only down to us but it isn't the case in everything. Whoever we are,  whether we have disabilities, mental health, other problems or not it is our right should be doing things we do and what we enjoy. It is always our rights to learn skills, even discover things, etc that we didn't know we have got. 

The Coronavirus lockdown like it has for a lot of us has taken us away from our friends, family, our careers outside the home, even it is slowly coming back now. I am not saying that everyone has been sitting at home doing nothing and even so I am not here to dig anyone but the lockdown has changed a lot of we do things. Okay, in one way their good things for most of us may have learned more things online than we did before not for not everyone. For most people spending most time alone, they may start on most things online but manage others. For most of us, we have been able to keep in touch with friends, family, etc online but for others may not be so lucky as not everyone has the access even most people do, due to say, etc and there are most likely some people may be not as many not are online, but there are probley some who are not because having no IT or internet, safety online skills. 

Through this lockdown period, most of us have struggled to keep positive even though we may have gained it in some ways more than some. All the same, the fact we have been mostly at home,  no matter what has to stay at home mostly can bring confidence, self-esteem down, etc, affect our mental health as what I have been raising of as much as we have been trying to keep positive. This is because there is a difference between doing things at our workplaces etc to doing things at home, such as travelling, getting out and meeting people when we go out, whereas at home getting out of bed and onto our devices etc, even though most people may workout etc but for most that face Mental ill-health already that can be a struggle but not necessarily everyone. Meaning really confidence and self-esteem building is likely to be needed to get back out of the world outside. On the other hand, the lockdown may have encouraged more things online for at home and elsewhere even when our workplaces etc are open again. This is hard for a lot of people but when facing disabilities, mental health and other problems even more so. https://www.mencap.org.uk/?gclid=CL3C3M6o-qsCFcRO4QodcRHSlQ  https://www.mencap.org.uk/about-us/what-we-think/employment-what-we-think

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