Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 8 May 2021

What's on our Minds?


Thinking too much or not at all. 

When we wake up whenever we do, what are we thinking? How are we feeling? What we think to what we think? How are we behaving?  How are reacting and even interacting? Why? This could be from each thing that happens through the day to other things. How often are we thinking the same things through the day, are we think about them at night as well to a point we just cannot sleep?

Are we happy with our thoughts? Yes and no could be any answers to why we are feeling as we do for example worrying about things, emotional things, even positive things, etc. The negative thoughts are the concerning thoughts and if those thoughts are too much,  no one can force you to talk or not to talk. https://www.mind.org.uk/ https://www.rethink.org/  https://www.mentalhealthatwork.org.uk/organisation/samaritans/ http://www.sane.org.uk/

Thinking can go from thinking too much or not at all or some of us may face one or the other. 



Does your Mind to talk to you? My mind talks to me a lot of times or not at all.  For those who face the same, there's no need to feel alone and no need to feel ashamed,  or guilty, no one should think your crazy and no one thinks your mad or crazy. Most of us go through stages we cannot think at all to thinking all the time. Feel free with your mind, there are no first signs of madness, no one should think you crazy, mad, etc if your mind asks you a question and you ask it back. Just be you. 

You are also not alone in not being able to think, concentrate, etc when you should. https://www.harleytherapy.co.uk/counselling/cant-focus-might-one-psychological-health-conditions.htm

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