Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 3 May 2021

Disability, mental health and other problems careers for you

 As promised around early last month I said I would put on some career opportunities on for you.  As I said last month I cannot promise what I put on will be for you, due to it may be far from where you live, not your line of work, etc, many other reasons but I may put on something in the future that may be for you. 

With this website, I am not working along with a program or a course, etc. It is really my own personal website but I involve my work in it as well. Despite lockdown and I will still carry on working on here even when I am back with University. This website is an insight to try and help people in all different walks of life with disabilities, mental health, other problems, etc however you may be involved whether you face yourselves or where you have involved in their lives one way or another. For example, my posts on this website may or may not or may help you towards a course you may be doing, you may be a parent or family member of someone or people of any ages with disabilities, etc, or you may face them yourself, possibly even or and other reasons, etc. I will try and put on some online courses. 







Just a little bit of advice depending on what your career is and what you are wanting to do etc, just a bit of search advice, this maybe helpful searches online courses in learning disability, mental health or and other problems, college, university courses in learning disability, mental health or and other problems. 

Possible work placements 


You may want to help support people with disabilities etc with their careers. https://www.mencap.org.uk/about-us/our-projects/right-place-work-placements-send-learners



You may want to try and get as many skills as possible as in most jobs there can be changes even cuts etc and something may not last but some may come back. In learning disability, mental health and other problems there is a wide range of topic because it's peoples' which are no more different your life really other than needing more support, etc, such as health, education, work, home support, even social lives, etc. In the long past people with disabilities etc, have just been left at home, etc because society wasn't educated to support them to live their lives equal to other people, now that has improved but we still have a long way to go but due to funding, etc it can be a struggle but all the same, these people should matter as much as everyone. 

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