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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 8 May 2021

Trying to understand Anixety

 Anxiety is a feeling of fear, panic attacks, worry, anger, stress, etc. All Mental - ill-health problems are very concerning and yet very much misunderstood. Before I go on about Anxiety. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/anxiety-and-panic-attacks/about-anxiety/

Anxiety is a huge effect on the mind, this means when something needs to be sorted our minds struggle to rest until whatever it is needs sorting, for example, is in the next paragraph.

 We all know that stress is the biggest risk of the killer of all but with without being self - centered people who face Anxiety are twice as vunable to it as other people without saying other people don't face it too. If something that we may be worrying about is not sorted soon enough. Don't wrong it may not happen in everyones' case it is a risk doesn't mean it will happen for sure or every single person who faces Anxiety but risks can be as crazy as this may sound for example panic attacks, heart attacks, strokes, seizure those who face them, etc. 

 What may be the smallest concerns to other people are big concerns to people with Anxiety for example paying bills on time, if a job needs to be done on time, a study to be done on time, etc, most people may need support to get these things done on time as well, mainly they have other problems as well disabilities, mental health, etc. Another example could be benefit forms, needing support with face-to-face assessment, or and even phone appointments when being assessed as well. 

We tend to overthink, overreacting, something small to you is something big to us, a mountain out of a mount hill. we worry and stress more. The thing not to say to us is don't worry, carm down, what's the worse thing that can possibly happen, etc. Yes, may think what is the answer then? Really the answer is problem solation but in some things, it's not. For example, DWP phoned me about my face-to-face assessment down the phone because of the lockdown, which was about six weeks ago. I told them I need to plan my support, which my Aunt, I won't be able to cope with someone just calling me out the blue. They said okay, we will send you an appointment in a letter but I heard nothing since, I just want to get it out the way.  

 I just want to write about how serious Mental - ill-health is and how easily misunderstood it can be.

  For example, sorry if this sounds OTT and I don't want to or mean to judge anyone if it sounds that way, to say the least. Now for people who don't understand mental - ill health, it's easy to think when people are feeling sad, angerly, upset, suicidal, self-harm,  etc, whether there's a reason or not. Most people think people are selfish, attention-seeking, they are doing it on purpose, etc.

 They feel as they do because they want to end their pain, not their life and they see no other way of ending that pain. Okay I am not knocking Mental services etc they are trying their best and I will say I have been lucky, counseling, Therapy has helped me but not everyone is so lucky and I can understand most people thinking don't rub in it in Sara because it's not worked for me. I won't say I understand how they feel because that would be lying but it must be furstaighting to try everything and it doesn't work.

Without not having any remorse over those who have tried everything and nothing works. There was a time there was no help whatsoever and people knew nothing else other than just to get on with life etc. My Grandparents for example; little was known that my Grandfather was facing Schizoaffective, which damaged their marriage to the point my Gran thought Grandad was just the person he was. Due to respect to the family without saying too much my Gran, Aunt, and my Mum when they were children, their safety was at risk. After 20 years, say the time period I was born or just after, my Gran filed for divorce. Even now it's hard to know what was down to his Mental illness and what was down to him. I think he was diagnosed with Schizoaffective and bipolar, a few years before he died, I think he was at least 80 odd. Back in his early years very little known and very little help. https://facty.com/conditions/mental-health/what-is-schizoaffective-disorder/?style=quick&utm_source=adwords-uk&adid=490644014599&ad_group_id=75310375328&utm_medium=c-search&utm_term=schizoaffective%20disorder%20symptoms&utm_campaign=FH-UK---Search---What-is-Schizoaffective-Disorder?---Desktop&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-LOEBhDCARIsABrC0TkWLkLmhE3YNUl8i_juwyJf-KXlgvDESZ-W5O2_Q4wAnaXVAkThu7waApHtEALw_wcB

 The only thing I found, which no fault of the services but on the other hand funding only goes so far and I should be thankful for the length of counseling I did have but I will admit depending on my reasons etc behind the counseling, sometimes the length of time hasn't been long enough for me. 

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