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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 10 May 2021

Look out for those you know, look out for one another

 As I have made you aware today till the 16th May 2021 is Mental health week but in my mind, Mental health awareness and other problems are every days because people who face them live with them every day. Mental - ill-health is hidden but can be very serious and hard to see unless the person shows how they are really feeling, which can be very for them because it is mostly misunderstood. 

Look out for those you know and one another. 

The Covid lockdown has increased Mental health due to people not being able to see people they know face to face, even though most people are keeping in touch with people online. Not everyone is online for whatever reason, could be because of safety, can't access the internet, etc. https://www.mind.org.uk/get-involved/mental-health-awareness-week/

Mental health isn't all black and white, many may tend to misunderstand us as negative people all the time, which not the case, however, we do struggle inside ourselves. A person can feel sad, down, angerly, etc with or without a reason.

 Why is without a reason, it is hard for anyone to understand even the person themselves. If you face someone facing this don't do anything you cannot cope with yourself. Ask them if they want to talk? 

If no accept their answer, if yes listen to them. Either way, if your in this person's company a lot and you have concerns they may be feeling how they are feeling more than a few days this can be concerning.

Let them know you're there for them to talk to if they wish to anytime. 

 Ask them how they are feeling but don't ask, what why etc unless they give you permission to do so, they may not have an answer, whichever way is concerning but not knowing why themselves is more concerning.

 As I said in a lot of my posts, the person must get their own rights and choices as much as possible, but if it's concerning their safety, others, or you, you need to make the person aware you need to get help and why. 

It may be that they may not like it while feeling the state of mind they are in. It is never easy because all you want to do is please the person but there's every chance when the person is better they will thank you for getting the help when they were unwell, the last thing you want is to put them in danger. With the state of mind, they are in they may not thank you at the time but they may thank you when they are better, therefore if needs be for your safety, maybe make you have someone you know with you if they are not there call them to be with you and say why they may send someone else you know to you if they cannot. 

If you have concerns the person may be in danger because they may not feel themselves.  If you have to leave if there is someone else around make them aware, in case the person could be in danger. 

Even if it's outside a pub, shop, etc make whoever is working inside there aware, that there could be someone in need of help but you cannot stay with them if needs be. 

Although I have called the title lookout for those you know, look out of for one another.

 One never knows if they are going to come across people they don't know, that they may have concerns that they may be struggling if you wish to try to help do, but be careful mainly with those you don't know and those that don't know you. https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/publications/supporting-someone-mental-health-problem https://www.supportline.org.uk/problems/suicide/  https://www.centreformentalhealth.org.uk/helplines-and-crisis-contacts


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