Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Facebook group name change

 If you are a member of my group For disability & all problems and awareness every day. 

Due to the Covid lockdown easing, we are thinking of giving the group a slight change of name.

 Whether do or not depends on your feedback as well as ours.

 Free to say what you think. 

The group name will be if it happens. Disability, Mental health, And All Problems Support if it happens.

 Just to say it will be the same type of group, same purpose safe rules, just maybe a slightly different name, if any changes, we will try to do changes for the better. 

If a lot of you agree we will if a lot of you don't agree we won't if very few or no one says anything we will decide ourselves. 

If this happens it will the 31st May or the very start of June.

 For that reason, we understand that not everyone is in the group at the same time, which we don't accept everyone has other lives. 

However, if you see this message on this link and you people in the group, mainly if they are not likely to see this message because are not online or and on the group that often please make them aware that we will be possible may be changing group name depending on the feedback of what people on the groupthink and us deciding ourselves if no feedback or little. Also, if you know people who are not in the group but think they may benefit, who you may invite, and who may join us in the future.

For disability & all problems and awareness, every day is an awareness, support, Advocacy, mentoring, even counselling group but not professional for those who face disabilities, mental health and or all, other problems and those who are their life such as parents, families, carers, friends, partners, support workers, social workers, professionals etc, who are training, working study, trained qualified etc at all levels. It is an all in one group that involves these topics of life. 

1. Health – Anything to do with the health of people with disabilities and health problems.
2. Housing – Accessible housing for disabled people, disability aids, disabled access and etc in the home.
3. Careers – Education and Employment for Disabled People.
4. Talent – Hobbies, interests, arts, craft and etc which can either be in the home, socially, or and in a career.
5. Social issues – Friendship, dating, going places, counselling, emotional support and etc.
6. Disabled Access – For e.g; wheelchairs, car parks, disabled aids, getting around on transport out and +, etc.
7. Public Advocacy – Empowering and supporting people with disabilities and health problems to speak for their rights. For eg; (Person Centred Planning.)
8. Private Advocacy is mostly legal and illegal Advocacy such as hate crime, discriminating, benefit cuts, fit for work, not fit for work and etc.
9. (‘ Learning Disability and Mental Health Awareness’) - people with disabilities and health problems training and educating those people without disabilities and health problems who are interested in working in the field of learning disability and health problems.
10.All and more.

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