Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 9 May 2021

Trying to manage mental health and mental - ill health part 1

 No one's life is perfect and we all have things to improve on one way or the other, some things in we cannot always for whatever reason. Most of you may disagree but one major struggle in Mental - ill health, I am not sure for anyone else but for me is motivation. I have to say I have tried a lot over the years on and off over years and I will be honest nothing really works but I try not to let myself down and I try not to feel sorry for myself. I also know I cannot possibly be alone. I will be open and honest, even though this may cause me some home truths. Therefore you may say how can you try to help others if you struggle to help yourself, which is true. 

However, let's not try to misunderstand the balance of someone being intentionally lazy to someone really struggling day after to get motivated, even to get in bed, out of bed, to sleep a lot, no sleep, to not eating,  non - stop eating, losing weight, gaining weight, exercise, stop exercise, etc, the list goes on. It's like you get into a comfort zoom, then find it hard to get out of it whatever it may be.

 This another reason counselors and therapists, try to encourage, empower and give people choices. In some things, it may be what people choose but in other situations, people choose what they choose not for their own chooses necessary but what they feel they can and cannot do, whether or not they feel ready for something at that time or never sure if they will ever be ready, this could be lack of confidence self - esteem, etc.

 These suggestions maybe, not saying they are wrong but for some people may be easy said than done, which may be in the order of getting started, etc. Councilors and the thepest are not allowed to say raise their opinion and say what they think, they need to go along with what the person decides and doesn't decide.

 As a Counselor and or and Thepest never feel as if you letting someone down if what you suggest doesn't feel right for them. There's no right or wrong as I said in the last post your just trying to go along with the situation they are talking about. This doesn't mean you have no interest or passion in your career and you have not failed. If the person doesn't go along with things in the future or they never will, they don't that doesn't make you unquaifcated or untrained because you may say to another client, they may see it differently. What makes the job interesting and challenging everyone you face is different, it would be boring if we were all the same. 

 Okay, people may or may not make the right or wrong choices but sorry to sound harsh I agree because it encourages them to be independent, tries things, sees if it, helps them or make life worse for them, and empowers them to think about what to do about if something turns out to be wrong without pinning the blame on the service, which is why they don't tell them what to do, just to suggest things where they decide themselves whether they try or not.

Sorry to say again, that Covid 19, has possibly increased many cases of  Mental health because of people having to have changes to their, work, businesses, etc, or and even lose them. This may have an effect on how we even support disability, mental health, and other problems, etc.  Not to forget the effect it must have on parents, families, etc. Parents having to balance teaching their children and working themselves at home etc. Children have not been able to see their friends, etc, even with the internet concerns about safety, etc.  This could affect mental health for children, parents, and family, which is hugely concerning, with and without disabilities, mental health, and other problems. 

Even though I am not a parent common sense says however old you are and the older you get you mean as much to your parents as what you did the same as you did the day you were born. However' saying that as I said a post or two ago everyone comes from different backgrounds etc.

 Everyone deservices a voice and there was a time Mental health and mental - ill-health was very much misunderstood, it was all in our minds, we were always moody, etc. When really we all feel down from time to time, sad from time to time, angerly time to time, etc but if we face these feelings and emotional a lot. Never feel ashamed, guilty, or scared to tell someone, you gp, etc, whether it's you, someone you know one away or another, parent, child, family, friend, someone you work with, study with, etc, if you have any concerns someone may be struggling with Mental health please listen out and if they say anything that makes you think so try to ask them if they wish to talk, if they say yes listen, if they say no, let them know you here for them if or and when they want to talk. 

Advice on how not to talk to people who are struggling.

Never say it's all in the mind.

Never say, you're in a mood and you have one on you. Chances are if someone is feeling down, sad, angerly, moody a lot it is due to concern. I understand this is hard for others around them but don't force or chase the person to talk but let the person know you care for them and you hear to talk if or and when they wish to. I know it's not easy but making the person talk could make them even worse even though bottling things up is not good either. However' if this raises any concerns of their safety, yours or and others then these matters need rasicing to those who are trained and qualified before doing so let the person know what you are going to do and why. There's no easy way of dealing with this situation but if it concerns the safety, of the person, others, and or you, there may be no other way.  Anything you cannot manage alone call for help.https://www.rethink.org/  https://www.mind.org.uk/  https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/advice-for-life-situations-and-events/where-to-get-urgent-help-for-mental-health/

Never say if someone is feeling suicidal, if you were going to take your own life you wouldn't talk about it. 

Never say don't worry, don't panic or carm down, etc. Talk through the situation they may be worried about to see how you can help them solve the problems. If it's something you cannot manage find someone who can to help. 

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