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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 16 May 2021

Helping you understand Mental health and Mental - ill health

 Even those of us who face Mental health and mental ill-health understand, it is not going to be everyones' interest of field but those of us who face it ourselves it's with us whether we like it or not and the same with our families too.

 However' I wrote these posts to help others that want to understand it and I can only write in the way I understand it from what I have faced. There is no right and wrong because everyone who does face Mental health and mental ill-health is likely to face it in different ways, even those with the same conditions but it can vary from person to person.

  Like I said like all topics, I have no intention of forcing those whose not interested to be interested but sorry I have said so much about it in the last month or and I don't mean to bor you all if I have but all the same, even though there's more awareness than there used to be, there's still a long way to go.

 As I said it's not everyones' interest, field, etc but it is a very important awareness and can be very serious if not aware because most people facing it either struggle to get their voices heard or and fear they wouldn't. All same I am not dragging  Health professionals down.

 I can only speak for myself as someone who faces Mental - ill-health, sorry I don't know what others who face Mental - ill-health would say but I would say health professional do an Amazing job in what they have learned and trained for whether they face Mental - ill health or not, but those who haven't, without dragging you down because you don't live it yourself, you never fully understand as it's not in your mind and body. 

Like I said I am no professional teacher, lecture, or tutor, I just give an insight into what I face and I hope helps you understand as much as possible. 

My insight on how to recognize, Mental - ill-health, really is not something you can as such unless the person facing it talks about it but that isn't always true, in some people it is hidden and in others, it is not meaning it is different for different people. However ' Mental health is an emotional well - is how we think, feel, behave and react even interact to life.

 It can be also a feeling inside however life is treating us, with or and without a reason, whether it's sadness, feeling anxiety, angerly, etc, even strangely when we feel happy, etc but the negative side is naturally concerning than the positive. It can affect of we cope with stress, even the choices we make, etc.

  However I understand that this is hard to understand, at times the choice we make are not always choices but most are, most things could be things we do and or don't feel confident to do at whatever time, which may do but not necessary right away or may not at all. Some things I admit may be a purpose choice others may be a lack of confidence, what is and what is not always an easy one. https://www.mentalhealth.gov/basics/what-is-mental-health

We can all feel sad, angerly, fed up, upset, etc probley with or without a reason one time or another, some cases it may pass in time but if these feelings go on a certain long length of time, it could cause concerns. In many cases, if you or and someone you know is doing either too much or and too little of things. This could be for example; sleeping a lot, sleeping little, eating a lot, eating little, etc. There may not be anything to worry about but it may be worth telling one's GP least to start with, then if it is concern they may give advice for you or and someone to get help from elsewhere, which could be counseling therapy, etc depending on what you or and someone else is facing. Like I said in many sites we cannot force people to talk or not to talk but my advice is don't let negative feelings be there longer than necessary, there is help there you can try for those who wish to. No one can force into anything don't want to do or cannot but if facing feeling down etc longer than necessary nine times out of ten it doesn't go on its own.  https://www.rethink.org/aboutus/what-we-do/advice-and-information-service/get-help-now/  https://mentalhealth-uk.org/  https://www.supportline.org.uk/problems/mental-health/   https://www.supportline.org.uk/problems/mental-health/ Sorry about the same website addresses they happen to be different site though. 

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