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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 8 May 2021

Mental health services, charities cannot do everything, we need to help ourselves to help others

 I think I have said on a fair few sites on this website, that I think counseling and therapy are all about being encouraged and empowered. Counselors and therapists can suggest things but not tell you what to do. The reason for this is independence and so you can choose whether or not you go with what's suggested to you and then you cannot blame the services, charities, etc, or them if anything doesn't turn out to be right for you. What we need to remember, there was a time when people didn't have these services, charities, etc, and it was hard, not that I am saying these services, charities, etc are for everyone.  So much was unaware, people struggled and got on with it, must have been really hard. Hard to know how they got by,

Lockdown is slowly easing and slowly people are starting to be allowed to see one another a bit more than what they were. Of course, Mental health services, charities, etc are still there to help but as I said there was a time these services, charities, etc weren't there. 

I agree since lockdown and even before more and more people have been needing, trying to get help, etc but also try and think about the number of people who must have been needing help many years ago and couldn't get it like we can today.

 However like I said in a post two ago, the help that is possible doesn't work for everyone. Therefore, helping yourselves to help one another is another way of trying, even more so now the lockdown is slowly easing. I understand for whatever reason not everyone has access online but most people and most if they do, they don't know how to use everything on there. 

It is also, understandable people may not like telling someone their business, etc, which may be why many may not get help from services and charities, etc even though they have laws, etc to respect peoples' privacy, etc.  However, it is understandable that trust is a big thing, mainly when people don't know one another not all or not very well. In this day and age with so much crime hacking, etc, it's so hard to tell whose safe and who isn't. With the internet, there's so much risk of hacking, spam, scanning, etc. 

Most people on my Facebook groups must think I am completely my mind but I just try to look after everyone's safety and this because I have had disabled friendship groups in the past when members have private messaged members on the groups they don't know and I was getting complaints the amount of people list of my arm, so I came up with a rule for if they don't know people on the group ask the peoples' permission on the group first. 

Now yes I know, I need to be careful not to get lost in subjects as I am writing this post. You may have seen me write in a few posts advising people to ask people if they want to talk if you have concerns that they may be struggling with Mental health, which I know is not easy to tell, this site ay help. Do not force someone to talk if they chose not to.  https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/mental-health

We all know or should know that Mental health is well Mental - ill-health can happen at any age and start at any time and once it's there it's life term and hits anyone at any time. Years ago, it was never understood and there was no voice for Mental - ill health, people thought if you were sad, angerly, etc for no reason, you just had one on you because people didn't really know how to react. (A mood on you) in other words and still not take it seriously even if it carried on long enough so therefore if or when it came to suicides it's hard to know how that was dealt with because it's likely no one had no understanding of that either.  I was too young to be aware of all that. Although I had issues in my own life in school to my life I never know now how I lived through it and there was no help, and I couldn't explain to my Mum and family let alone anyone else.  At least it was how it was when I was a child and teenager. I wasn't alone, I thought I was but I think many people felt the same. 

In my mind, this is the reason why I think Mental health service, charities, Advocacy, and the same disability too are important to keep. I am not just saying for my needs but everyone who needs them because it's not just a struggle for the people who face them but for parents, families, etc too. I am pleased to know that there's counseling etc for children etc in school because there was never wasn't any services to help my Mum and family either but we need them for this generation and future ones too. The government needs to be spending money on the important things which are for people most in need. https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/nhs-voluntary-charity-services/charity-and-voluntary-services/get-help-from-mental-health-helplines/

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