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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 9 April 2021

About mental health websites

 Time to change is a campaign that tries to help those facing stigma and discrimination around mental health problems and conditions.

Samaritans are a phone that works 24. 7 with those facing mental health crises such as emotional issues they are based all around the Uk. 

The mental health foundation tries to research information around mental health, which is information for those facing specific mental health problems. 

Mental health charity Mind explains mental health conditions, causes, symptoms, treatment, support through crises, etc.

The NHS website gives advice and guidance about signs and symptoms of mental health and how to treat them and give people support. 

Rethink advice and information, who has, who thinks they have mental health, which is a website and support group. 

Scottish Association for Mental health. Personal stories about mental health to resources for people, friends, and family.  


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